Reviews for Sins in Dreaming by Freya Ishtar
Kami- Fri 16 May 2008
NOOOOOOO!!! I want to read more so badly! oh my goodness, please please PLEASE keep up the great work! i absolutely love it!
snowbird- Fri 25 Apr 2008
Yay!!! I'm so glad to see you've returned. I liked the update. I'm glad Kouga knows, but sorry he had to find it out this way. He'd best not do something stupid like trying to fight Sesshoumaru. It's pointless now anyway. She's mated. For which I am very happy. Don't you dare let those two mysterious creatures try and change things between Sesshoumaru and Kagome. I hope their love will be stronger than those creatures' magic if they try to undo anything between them. I like what's happening between them and want it to continue. I kind of like the idea of Inuyasha and Sango. For some reason, I like Sango paired with a youkai or hanyo in stories. I don't dislike Miroku, I just don't like them automatically paired together all the time. Do you have any plans to make Kagome pregnant? I'm crossing my fingers for a yes.
aya804- Tue 22 Apr 2008
this fanfiction is so good !! I love the way you still keep kagome and sesshoumaru in character, plus the lemons are delicious. please let me know when the next chapter comes up .
sakurachan_1- Mon 21 Apr 2008
this fic is getting better
and better every time
i read it
inuyasha and sango
oh my !!!
poor miroku
keep updating
this fic is getting better
and better every time
i read it
inuyasha and sango
oh my !!!
poor miroku
keep updating
Bittersweet Poetry- Sat 19 Apr 2008
Well ... Umm That Was Interesting ... Kouga Always Has To Interrupt The Love And Stuff!!! Poor Miroku He's Getting HIs Heart Broken!
Kat- Fri 18 Apr 2008
omg!!! kouga interupted smoochies.. bad kouga...
update soon can't wait to see what is going on here
update soon can't wait to see what is going on here
Jean- Fri 18 Apr 2008
Interesting developments.
Rinseternalsoul- Fri 18 Apr 2008
Damn! I'm lovin' that tree too! That was one hot lemon! And Inuyasha with Sango? huh? Didn't see that one coming. Great chapter! Thanks for the update.
Kagome-Chan- Fri 18 Apr 2008
Oh My Gosh!!!! Every1's Turning Horny!! (Laugh) I Mean, SANGO and INUYASHA?!?! What?!?! lol PLEASE Update As Soon As U Can!
mama-sama- Fri 18 Apr 2008
Oh, hell to the YEAH! I like the way you think! So we got ourselves a twisted cupid making everyone get freaky. Very original and very enjoyable to read! I will be looking forward to your next update.
I don't smoke, but I seriously wanted a cigarette after the "tree" lemon! winkwink nudgenudge!
I don't smoke, but I seriously wanted a cigarette after the "tree" lemon! winkwink nudgenudge!
orchid- Thu 17 Apr 2008
i love this... but please... PLEASE... i'm begging you... NO yash and sango.... i hate this pairing.... but it is your story.... however, please be kind and email me and let me know ahead of time so i can stop reading....... as you can see, i'm not a big fan on that pairing... i notice when some fic i have read and mind you... they are good fic, but once the pairing of yash and sango comes in then it is ruin for me... i guess i'm huge on sango and miroku... it just seems wrong that they do not end up together for some strange reason.... well that's me..... thanks.... don't forget to let me know alright... thanks again......
sesshomarusama33- Thu 17 Apr 2008
Wow this fanfic kept me on my toes. Such passion and romance that my head exploded! What could've caused Sango to go to Inuyasha like that?
piratequeen0405- Thu 17 Apr 2008
Ahh an update...and such a good one...the drama, the sex, all wonderful. Can't wait to see what happens between Sango and Inuyasha!
iloveprettysilverhair- Thu 17 Apr 2008
Woah, drama! Loved it ^_^ I was so happy to see an update for this! Thank you for the great read!
swasdiva- Thu 17 Apr 2008
I mean... WHOA.
SO did not see THAT coming! I expected the steamy, smexy smutt-fest between Sesshoumaru and Kagome, and Kouga's introduction jarred me for a second, but the pseudo Sango/Inuyasha tryst nearly bowled me over!!! Just... WHOA.
Great writing and GREAT twists! Both scenes were short-circuit-the-air-conditioning hott. You've got quite the way with just the right amount of detail and pacing. I think my toes curled a little!
So glad to see such an amazing update to this story!
I mean... WHOA.
SO did not see THAT coming! I expected the steamy, smexy smutt-fest between Sesshoumaru and Kagome, and Kouga's introduction jarred me for a second, but the pseudo Sango/Inuyasha tryst nearly bowled me over!!! Just... WHOA.
Great writing and GREAT twists! Both scenes were short-circuit-the-air-conditioning hott. You've got quite the way with just the right amount of detail and pacing. I think my toes curled a little!
So glad to see such an amazing update to this story!
Leti- Fri 04 Apr 2008
I love this story please write more
Hikari hime- Wed 05 Mar 2008
Hi ^_^
Just to let you know how I appreciated reading your fic... It's lemony, well, indeed, but it's not dull and I can only grin as the plot thickens...
I hope Kagome and Sesshoumaru are going to stay in the kind of deep relationship they seem to have... I would be surprised if at least their feelings were an illusion or a spell...
I'm very curious to know how the story evolves... How can I know when you update?
dewa mata ;)
Just to let you know how I appreciated reading your fic... It's lemony, well, indeed, but it's not dull and I can only grin as the plot thickens...
I hope Kagome and Sesshoumaru are going to stay in the kind of deep relationship they seem to have... I would be surprised if at least their feelings were an illusion or a spell...
I'm very curious to know how the story evolves... How can I know when you update?
dewa mata ;)
Rinseternalsoul- Wed 27 Feb 2008
Man, that lemon was just as hot the second time that I read it as it was the first! I loved the next chapter too. They have accepted the fact that they have feelings for one another beyond mere lust. Unfortunately, Inuyasha isn't too big on the idea. Poor little Rin. He was being so mean to her. It was sweet how Shippo jumped to her defense. Nice job! Well written and highly entertaining. I look forward to another update.
lex1621- Sat 09 Feb 2008
I love how this is going and can't wait to find out what happens next!
MidnightStar- Mon 04 Feb 2008
Very interesting story. Good plot.....Keep writing:)!
sesshomarulover87- Mon 04 Feb 2008
Hey, I am loving the story and I am sorry that I did not update for the 1st chappie, but anyway. love the store.
TheMikoShivae- Sun 03 Feb 2008
o0o0o.. that WAS sinful! can't wait for more..
Demonlordlover- Sat 02 Feb 2008
This story has been nominated to the Dokuga Awards 1st Quarter! The Dokuga Awards is a yahoo group that honors Sesshoumaru and Kagome fanworks (fanfiction and fanart.) Voting is currently underway and will end on Feb. 10.
sweet pie 16- Mon 28 Jan 2008
Excellent lemons man!!!! Great job and thank you for checking spelling and grammer! It's not that hard!
nilee1- Sun 27 Jan 2008
Great story. Update ASAP please.
snowbird- Sat 19 Jan 2008
So far I like this story. I just discovered it and was entranced. I like how you let their emotions string them along slowly building. On rare plotlines do I like them to be humping in the first couple of chapters. Part of the enjoyment is the buildup like yours. You've really got me wondering about those 2 characters that initiated all this. They better not do something to take away their love. I believe it started out being influenced by magic but emotions are funny in that they tend to take over and create a life of their own. The magic that started something good for Sesshoumaru and Kagome seems to be doing the opposite to the rest. I wonder if you plan to work in a pregnant Kagome. I like an unplanned pregnant Kagome in stories. It opens the door to even more interesting ideas and emotions. You have got me really curious for more of your story. I've added it to my fav list.
Mlmonty- Thu 17 Jan 2008
My my this is interesting. Who are the guys watching Sess and Kag and what's going on with the group? I can't wait to see where you're going with this
2 Souls 1 Body Half-Girl- Mon 07 Jan 2008
Oh, wow! It feelz like it'z been way past 4evr since I've read such a tasty fic. How cool is that?! 2 Souls will most-def be keeping an eye out 4 updates on thiz groovy little fic.
*Til then, be good and stay chill, kay?
OVER & OUT from 2 Souls!!!
*Til then, be good and stay chill, kay?
OVER & OUT from 2 Souls!!!
kate- Sun 06 Jan 2008
Awesome story, I can't wait to see who has placed this spell and just what they are trying to do. Please update soon, this is an incredibly awesome story!
ChocolateCupCake09- Fri 04 Jan 2008
Love The Fluff! The Violence! And The Fracture! Update Soon!!!
Paitra- Wed 02 Jan 2008
Must i say how much i love it or beg u to write more!!!!!
kitkat- Wed 02 Jan 2008
magical!!! i love your story so far, so few people can do the whole lemons+plot=greatness!! Update as soon as you can!
Nanami Hikari- Wed 02 Jan 2008
I LOVE YOUR STORY! It's very well written and I can't wait for the next chapter to be posted!
Ender_kb- Wed 02 Jan 2008
Wow. This is the most in character Sesshoumaru I have ever read. You did a wonderful job. Kagome seems a little more clutzy than usual, but that may be due to this mysterious spell that is overtaking everyone. Can't wait to read the next chapters. Your lemons are very tasteful.
tilayha- Fri 28 Dec 2007
once again dearest freya, u have been able to entrap my senses. the underlying sense of doom for the group and the addition of the two mysterious beings has me on pins and needles! I cannot wait for the next chapter. tilayha
Little Girlie- Wed 26 Dec 2007
I wonder how Inuyasha will react if he founds out the two have mated already.I'll be eagerly awaiting for your next update.
Little Girlie- Wed 26 Dec 2007
I wonder how Inuyasha will react if he founds out the two have mated already.I'll be eagerly awaiting for your next update.
Arryelle- Wed 26 Dec 2007
So very nice can't wait for more your lemons are short but realllllllly freakin hot just wow. I love the plot keep it going this story is f'ing AMAZING!
Loves Arry
Loves Arry
Kagome-Chan- Thu 20 Dec 2007
Oh No!!!! I Wonder What's Wrong w. the Group? (I'm Currently Writing This At School BTW) Please Update Soon!! I Can't Wait 4 the Next Chapter!
Kagome-Chan ♪
Kagome-Chan ♪
Sleepy Tuna Fish- Wed 19 Dec 2007
8) Yummy stuff
IvyStone- Wed 19 Dec 2007
I have one very big compliment coming your way, though I don't know if you'll consider it such. You are keeping me guessing. Very few plots do that and you are. Thank you. Normally I hate surprises, but any plot that keeps me guessing until the end is well worth the frustration. Such delicious, beautiful, wonderful frustration!
piratequeen- Wed 19 Dec 2007
Another great chapter; so glad to see an update! Love the dynamics between Kagome and Sesshoumaru
Kagome-Chan- Sat 01 Dec 2007
OMG! It Finally Happened!!!! I Wonder Whats Going 2 Happen When They Wake Up....? PLEASE Update Soon!!
Kagome-Chan ♪
Kagome-Chan ♪
kotainuchan- Fri 30 Nov 2007
humm plot twist at the end?
Jean- Thu 29 Nov 2007
Consummation at last!
TONI- Thu 29 Nov 2007
Sunset Miko- Thu 29 Nov 2007
Okay, I totally iked the other chapters but this one was awesome! Great detail. Very passionate. And long, oh so wonderfully long. Can't wait for the next chapter!
swasdiva- Thu 29 Nov 2007
Well, it's obvious you were in Hell for a week to write a lemon so HOTT!!!!!!! The visit was well worth it,because, DAYUM!!!!! Oddly enough, I noticed throughout that not only was that lemon ex-ceed-ingly passionate, but your grammar was spot on as well. Random, eh? All in all, it was another fabulously written chapter, both in form I loved it to infinity.
iloveprettysilverhair- Thu 29 Nov 2007
Awesome! You kept them in character so well; I am very jealous. Keep up the fabulous work; I can't wait to read more!
v1cky84- Thu 29 Nov 2007
OMG...that was sooo hot... Thank you for finally updating. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
piratequeen- Thu 29 Nov 2007
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! That was so hot. If I were a smoker, I'd go have a cigarette.
Kanazawa- Sat 24 Nov 2007
wow! I love how you balance romance with action!! Well done! I can't wait to find out what is going on!
Kanazawa- Sat 24 Nov 2007
lovely first chapter!! I love the idea!! It is very interesting that Sess and Kags share the same dream! I can't wait to read more.
Maru-KunKun- Fri 23 Nov 2007
nahhh !!!! holy crap! update !!!! PLEASE ...
lauraa- Mon 19 Nov 2007
cant wait to see the next chapter!
cant wait to see the next chapter!
Mrs_Sesshomaru- Thu 15 Nov 2007
OMG! Did you really stop at the GOOD part?! *falls off edge of chair* That was not nice. Okay so how often do you update? Hurry, hurry!
Megan Consoer- Thu 15 Nov 2007
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Maddi- Wed 14 Nov 2007
AHHHH! WRITE MORE!!! That was wonderful! I love the tenderness and caring Sesshoumaru has in the last chapter; for me, it really causes the fanfic to conplete its depth. The story is believable, and oh so good! Please, please, please UPDATE!
tilayha- Tue 13 Nov 2007
very interesting......Dear Freya the mischief in your imagination is delightful! i can not wait to find out just what is causing these dreams. the road to that end is going to be a most enjoyable adventure!
kotainuchan- Tue 13 Nov 2007
Ahhhhh whhhy??? Everyday the site says you've updated....but you haven't, and then I get disappointed (which I hate). Soooo basically what I'm trying to tell you is please update...for real.
Sessygurl- Mon 12 Nov 2007
This is definately one of my top picks right now. Keep up the great work.
Katz579- Mon 12 Nov 2007
wow OMG update you heve to please *cris*
oh please i LOVE this story it's so cool ^^
oh please i LOVE this story it's so cool ^^
VicT-Chan- Mon 12 Nov 2007
I love your fic. I can't wait till your next chapter!!!
kimiko- Mon 12 Nov 2007
omg I love your fanfic so much!
It's awsome and I couldn't stop from reading
I hope that you update soon
please and thank you!
It's awsome and I couldn't stop from reading
I hope that you update soon
please and thank you!
Inu~Lover- Sun 11 Nov 2007
OMG I absolutely love this story!!! Can't wait for the next installment!
angelicmemories- Sun 11 Nov 2007
im enjoying this story soo much I LOVE it..... i believe the next chapter will prove to be interesting... can't wait till you until ... (literally its taking every bit of patience I have and I'm not a patient person)
Erica- Sun 11 Nov 2007
Love the story and cant wait to know what happen next. Please update soon.
tiana- Sat 10 Nov 2007
tiana- Sat 10 Nov 2007
Chaos-Queen77- Fri 09 Nov 2007
HEHEHE!!! This was an excelent chpapter. i can not wait to read the next one. As far as error's or typo's i was more focused on the action so.... yeah. Any ways i can't wait for the next chapter.
kotainuchan- Fri 09 Nov 2007
Kagome-Chan- Fri 09 Nov 2007
Woa!!!! I REALLY Like Your Story!! What Will They Do?!?! Silly Sesshomaru....Just Can't Seem 2 Understand Can He? And Yet He Mocks Her 4 Being a 'Stupid Human' (Snorts) lol Please Update As Soon As U Can!
Kagome-Chan ♪
Kagome-Chan ♪
iloveprettysilverhair- Thu 08 Nov 2007
Great chapter! I love reading this story, keep up the great work!
Jean- Thu 08 Nov 2007
Ah, you left us at a really tense part. Will he or won't he?
v1cky84- Thu 08 Nov 2007
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT.....arrrggghhhh...that was such a cliffhanger. Please please please update soon.
shikon goddess- Thu 08 Nov 2007
I love it. They betta start doin the nasty cause it seem that that is the only way that they would figure out that they are really attracted to each other.
raven- Thu 01 Nov 2007
hay finish the dame story. its really good . please hurry asnd wight the next few chapters and when will they kiss?
KazeGaki- Thu 01 Nov 2007
OOOoooo~~!! I really look forward to the next chapter so update soon!!
Alandrias- Tue 30 Oct 2007
BeautifulDeception09- Tue 30 Oct 2007
Lol ... Poor Sesshomaru! Update Soon!
Sleepy Tuna Fish- Tue 30 Oct 2007
Yummy! More please!
iloveprettysilverhair- Tue 30 Oct 2007
Yay! Great chapter! I can't wait to read more, keep up the awesome work!
Jean- Tue 30 Oct 2007
OMG that's funny.
studdedmisfit- Tue 30 Oct 2007
AHHHH so amazing. best story ever you have to keep updateing !!! X0
studdedmisfit- Tue 30 Oct 2007
AHHHH so amazing. best story ever you have to keep updateing !!! X0
ebony- Tue 30 Oct 2007
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice story u got here
kotainuchan- Sat 27 Oct 2007
can't wait for the next chapter!
lilmoe31- Sat 27 Oct 2007
I have to say that even though I truly loved this story. Your other story is the one I am on pins and needle waiting for an update from. Please don't get me wrong, I Iove both your fics but the whole Sesshoumaru being a crime lord is just Delicious. Please Please update on that fic soon. I am huge fan of your writing and I hope you can pull something together soon, I know it will be great.
lilmoe31- Sat 27 Oct 2007
YES YES YES, oh wow that was hot, thanks for updating. I really liked this chapter.
Kim Swinton- Sat 27 Oct 2007
I seriously never thought about Sesshomaru and Kagome, but reading this story has made me look at them both differently. It was so intense and well written, I hope you will continue on with the story line. I would love to know what happens next!
Kim Swinton- Sat 27 Oct 2007
I seriously never thought about Sesshomaru and Kagome, but reading this story has made me look at them both differently. It was so intense and well written, I hope you will continue on with the story line. I would love to know what happens next!
Suicide- Fri 26 Oct 2007
LOL! "Inuyasha, you bastard!" So funny. I'm loving the tension, but it can be taken up a notch or two. Great job and keep it up.
v1cky84- Fri 26 Oct 2007
Thank you so much for updating. The story is getting more and more interesting. +I can't wait to read the next chapter.
lex1621- Sat 20 Oct 2007
This is an awesome fic! Please let me know when your next update will be! Could you also tell me where you get your copy of the manga fic?
Katie33h- Fri 19 Oct 2007
Oh super good. I loved Rin calling Inuyasha a bastard. I hate when rin is all super sweet ... because really .. she isnt. Theres one where she tells jaken to shut up. anyway good job. i enjoyed it and cant wait to see where it goes. You did a good job of jioning the groups
Peace out!
Peace out!
Gothic Sakura- Fri 19 Oct 2007
that is weird . . . maybe you've channeled more of Rumiko-san than you thought. ;)
Can't wait to see what happens when they wake up from one of 'those' dreams and actually see eachother!
Can't wait to see what happens when they wake up from one of 'those' dreams and actually see eachother!
Gothic Sakura- Fri 19 Oct 2007
VERY nice way to start a fic. You have my attention!
Arryelle- Fri 19 Oct 2007
Getting better and better. I love this fic can't wait till she has a dream with him present boy will that'll be hot!!! update soon
loves Arry
loves Arry
Brianna Royce- Fri 19 Oct 2007
I love the way this story is going, please, keep up the good work!
Jean- Fri 19 Oct 2007
Interesting. I liked Kagome's thought process about how Inuyasha would never have hurt Kikyou, even by accident. That was a well thought out argument.
Kyuthe- Fri 19 Oct 2007
This is still in its baby stages, but You most definently have my attention!
v1cky84- Thu 18 Oct 2007
Thank you for updating. Love reading this new chapter. I can't wait to read what's started all this. Please update soon.
Sarah- Thu 18 Oct 2007
Just a suggestion. Don't tell people that there are spoilers when writing a fanfiction. Since so much of the story is made up anyway, readers won't know that there is a spoiler unless you tell them.
Anyway, I haven't read this new chapter yet so... off I go. Bye!
Anyway, I haven't read this new chapter yet so... off I go. Bye!
Red-Smartiez- Thu 18 Oct 2007
I liked this chapter a lot! We see some plot and Kagome and Sesshomaru are trying not to talk to each other, afriad of hwat might happen.
NICE!! ^_^
Keep it up!!
NICE!! ^_^
Keep it up!!
Bloodcherry- Thu 18 Oct 2007
Nice start! XD I really liked it, especially how Sessh reacted to the fact that Inuyasha hurt Kagome. Anyway, I hope you can update soon!
Ja ne,
Ja ne,
Eternal Obsession- Thu 18 Oct 2007
Love your story. It's really well written and really interesting. Update soon. Oh, and if possible can you email me when you do so. If not I'll check every day for an update of my favorite story.
Eternal Obsession- Thu 18 Oct 2007
Love you story. It's really well written and really interesting. Update soon. Oh, and if possible can you email me when you do so. If not I'll check every day for an update of my favorite story.
Kross- Wed 17 Oct 2007
Really hot opening. Keep up the good work.
Nya- Wed 17 Oct 2007
I love it please, please udate soon!
v1cky84- Wed 17 Oct 2007
It's a great first chapter. I can't wait to read the next one. Please update soon...
lolo- Wed 17 Oct 2007
great first chapter def looking forward to reading more!
twilightluver95- Tue 16 Oct 2007
omg!!plz update
Faye- Tue 16 Oct 2007
pretty good! I'm glad you seem to be caught up with the latest manga chapters! yay
Arryelle- Tue 16 Oct 2007
I love it can't for more and I love your penname by the way
Red-Smartiez- Tue 16 Oct 2007
I like it very much!! ^_^
I love the title, and the whole story outlive is awesome!!
Keep it up! ^_^
I love the title, and the whole story outlive is awesome!!
Keep it up! ^_^
Katherine- Tue 16 Oct 2007
That was great! Update soon please
Moon Mage Goddess- Tue 16 Oct 2007
I simply adore this story! It is original, and very well written! I also love that the first chapter is rather lenghty - I admire that. Not many make the fist chapters so interesting.
I simply adore this story! It is original, and very well written! I also love that the first chapter is rather lenghty - I admire that. Not many make the fist chapters so interesting.