MyIceprince(Sesshomaru)- Thu 10 Jul 2008
This is so cool! Sesshy swear he could easily win Kagome's heart back. He thought she was like the other hoes that wants his fame and a good position. Tsk tsk tsk...poor dog.
Please tell me how to reach that website. When i went to it, shit like, trees and adult fan clubs popped up. Well please continue on here.
Please tell me how to reach that website. When i went to it, shit like, trees and adult fan clubs popped up. Well please continue on here.
VicT-Chan- Sun 06 Jul 2008
How do I reach your fanfiction from that site? All that comes up is crap like furniture and videos. Can you please point me in the right direction I love your fanfic!
Thoma- Tue 01 Jul 2008
Thank you for letting us know!! Please keep us updated with any new info on your stories. I love reading them!
anonymous- Mon 30 Jun 2008
Hi there, just wanted to say the quad is an extremely good story! :) Could you add me onto ur updates list? Thanks, and hope the next chapter is up soon!
momo- Sun 29 Jun 2008
will you be posting on dokuga as welll?
Dark Seduction102- Sun 29 Jun 2008
great story you should put your story on
Joey- Sun 29 Jun 2008
So are you not going to post on as well?
Lady Amaya Ken- Sun 29 Jun 2008
please can you transfer this fic over to i really love this story and i'm DYING to know what happens!!1
daisie- Tue 24 Jun 2008
i was just reading your story the quad and saw the link you posted. when i checked it, there is only one story appearing under your name on adult fanfiction and it is Escape from fate. am i looking at the wrong place or didnt you upload the story yet? thanks for letting me know, i really like your story. :)
i was just reading your story the quad and saw the link you posted. when i checked it, there is only one story appearing under your name on adult fanfiction and it is Escape from fate. am i looking at the wrong place or didnt you upload the story yet? thanks for letting me know, i really like your story. :)
hinomoto- Sun 22 Jun 2008
oh please update soon! I think I'm dying without it!
Patricia- Sun 15 Jun 2008
omg i love your story! this is such a cliffy!!! i want to read the next chapter so bad its not even funny.
if your looking to upload your fics to a new site try Dokuga. i guess thats gonna be the new home for kagsess lovers. but aff is good to so please update!
if your looking to upload your fics to a new site try Dokuga. i guess thats gonna be the new home for kagsess lovers. but aff is good to so please update!
LilacFairy_108- Thu 29 May 2008
hi! I think your story is really awesome and i love the plot, it was very creative from the beginning. I read your author's note though and i was speculating why your going to transfer your stories over to when you can just transfer them to since that's where most people are putting their Kag/Sess fanfictions there?
Megan Consoer- Thu 29 May 2008
I really like this story a lot. Can you please write some more chapters?
krystina - Wed 28 May 2008
this story is amazing
i've been reading fanfics forever and theres is only like 2 i find
that are really good and they where the first kagome sesshomaru fanfiction i ever read and now i can say there is 3 i find really really really good please keep wrriting!
this story is amazing
i've been reading fanfics forever and theres is only like 2 i find
that are really good and they where the first kagome sesshomaru fanfiction i ever read and now i can say there is 3 i find really really really good please keep wrriting!
elizabeth e hogan- Wed 28 May 2008
how can i fine your story on the adult site
anonnie mouse- Wed 28 May 2008
you're not going to then?
AccidentalGoddess- Wed 28 May 2008
Another place you can post it, where a lot of the SS writers are going, is Thanks for letting us know where it find it, though. This is an increadibly interesting story.
DD- Wed 28 May 2008
I really love your story, and i've been following it since the beginning.
I know that you plan on finishing the story on adultfanfiction, but could you also consider posting on or
I know that you plan on finishing the story on adultfanfiction, but could you also consider posting on or
burgundyburning- Wed 28 May 2008
You should check out This website was started by demonlordlover and Miss Kagura and is a great haven dedicated to Kagome and Sesshoumaru. They are in partnership with SS to get amny of teh great authors, such as yourself, to move the stories without any loss of communciation between fans and authors.
Please consider this site. I know you won't be disappointed.
Please consider this site. I know you won't be disappointed.
tif - Wed 28 May 2008
can u post it here pls dokuga thanksss
Little_Wolfie- Wed 28 May 2008
heeeey! awsm fic you have her. sadly i cannot access =/ and therefore cannot read the other chapters. if it is not too much trouble could you please email them ? >!
jade- Wed 28 May 2008
can you post it at douga too
kathy- Tue 27 May 2008
thank you for letting us know do u know when they will close the site and why ?and wat other websites i can continue reading more fanfiction from kagome and sesshoumaru thank you and sorry for the bother
Momo- Tue 27 May 2008
I'm not able to access that site, is it possible your beta could post it on
Lady Amaya Ken- Tue 27 May 2008
please could you possibly post this on the Dokuga website as well? I really love this story.
JM- Sat 10 May 2008
Wow!!! The last chapter was so intense. I can't wait to read the next chapter. I'll be waiting for it.
Anyway, can you email me if this story has new chapters. I wanna keep reading it until the end.
Anyway, can you email me if this story has new chapters. I wanna keep reading it until the end.
VicT-Chan- Tue 08 Apr 2008
I love your story and I understand your need to become focused on your studies. I respect that and your creativity. Your on my favorites so I can't wait until your next update in May.
Theresa- Fri 04 Apr 2008
Sweet! I am so looking foreward to the next chapter. Would you mind adding me to your alert list? My email is the one shown here.
Jean- Thu 03 Apr 2008
I will wade in and say that it was consensual sex, although Sesshoumaru made sure he was rough, dominant, and punished her with the act itself. Kagome, although unable to speak, did not even try to stop what was happening. She did invite him to be intimate with her and was willing to go along with what she thought was rough play until she realized that he actually meant what he was saying. Then I believe she wanted to witness the remainder of the experience to see what would happen after. When you love somebody you leave yourself vulnerable to be hurt. The fact that she allowed such physical abuse I believe is because she could not quite believe that he would actually treat her in such a manner. So, in summary: abusive--yes, rape--no.
Sessygurl- Wed 02 Apr 2008
Let me first say, excellent job. Second, I think Inuyasha should make Sessy admit his felelings for Kagome and then put him through a test or their father should. He has prove himself to her. She did a selfless act by giving herself to him and rejecting the position. So he should do something if not more.
sokai- Wed 02 Apr 2008
Ok do all the good work you can and I will be waiting for the next chapter hopefully i wont go crazy and pulls my eyes out for wanting to know what happens next
al- Wed 02 Apr 2008
Just write the next chapter.A huge explanation to this gal,is not necessary.
I want to continue to read the story.
I want to continue to read the story.
emmaren- Wed 02 Apr 2008
I think that you need to classify this as more than a bad experience. You are right that it was not rape. However, it was still abuse (sexual abuse). I believe that is an aspect that needs to be addressed in the story.
Sesshoumaru's character see sex as a tool. Even if he had not done this to her, I don't see how he could really be able to make a serious mental and emotional connection to the physcal act. His character has also ensured that Kagome's character will have a hard time as seeing the physical act of sex as something more than a tool to be used by the dominant partner.
But I agree with you, you technically did not write a non consenual scene. What you wrote is more frightening than rape, and far more difficult to over-come.
By the way this is not a flame, I enjoy your stories. I am really hoping that you explore the aspects of Kagome's recovery. I also want Sesshoumaru to have a chance at redemption. But that will only come if he understands his faults and failings.
Please update when you can.
Sesshoumaru's character see sex as a tool. Even if he had not done this to her, I don't see how he could really be able to make a serious mental and emotional connection to the physcal act. His character has also ensured that Kagome's character will have a hard time as seeing the physical act of sex as something more than a tool to be used by the dominant partner.
But I agree with you, you technically did not write a non consenual scene. What you wrote is more frightening than rape, and far more difficult to over-come.
By the way this is not a flame, I enjoy your stories. I am really hoping that you explore the aspects of Kagome's recovery. I also want Sesshoumaru to have a chance at redemption. But that will only come if he understands his faults and failings.
Please update when you can.
Dark_Twinkle- Wed 02 Apr 2008
I have to say something about the whole 'rape thing'.
Firstly, even though you may have not intended Sesshomaru to rape Kagome, but in the end, I actually thought it was.
Well it can definitely be CONSIDERED as rape, after Inuyasha had said it, i kind of thought, 'Yeah, i totally agree with Inuyasha'.
You wrote, "She told him yes, and then never told him no." That's because she COULDN'T say no.
Remember, "She tried to speak, but that was again denied as he clamped his hand down over her mouth."
So yeah, anyways the reason why i had to say something about this was because i think you can make your story more interesting if Kagome can use this weapon or 'crime' against Sesshomaru.
This will make it HARDER for Sesshomaru to win her back, you can use this as a way of creating friction between them, a barrier - and these are the best things in a good story.
The drama, the forces that are trying to prevent a happy ending and battle of emotions.
I know this thing was originalyl addressed to 'LadySafire', but i hope my input was good enough too.
Firstly, even though you may have not intended Sesshomaru to rape Kagome, but in the end, I actually thought it was.
Well it can definitely be CONSIDERED as rape, after Inuyasha had said it, i kind of thought, 'Yeah, i totally agree with Inuyasha'.
You wrote, "She told him yes, and then never told him no." That's because she COULDN'T say no.
Remember, "She tried to speak, but that was again denied as he clamped his hand down over her mouth."
So yeah, anyways the reason why i had to say something about this was because i think you can make your story more interesting if Kagome can use this weapon or 'crime' against Sesshomaru.
This will make it HARDER for Sesshomaru to win her back, you can use this as a way of creating friction between them, a barrier - and these are the best things in a good story.
The drama, the forces that are trying to prevent a happy ending and battle of emotions.
I know this thing was originalyl addressed to 'LadySafire', but i hope my input was good enough too.
Priestess Skye- Wed 02 Apr 2008
I have to agree with Lady Safire on this one. She was willing to a point, but a woman is allowed to be willing until the very last moment and if she says no, or even tells somebody to stop midway through sex and they don't, that's rape.
Kagome couldn't do that. You had Sess restrain her as he was becoming nasty and therefore didn't her a choice or an opportunity to say no. So it's not that she didn't say no, or she was acting like she wanted it before, it was that he took away her choice to say no. That's still rape.
Kagome couldn't do that. You had Sess restrain her as he was becoming nasty and therefore didn't her a choice or an opportunity to say no. So it's not that she didn't say no, or she was acting like she wanted it before, it was that he took away her choice to say no. That's still rape.
*A-Kay*- Wed 02 Apr 2008
Oh and I also forgot to leave a review during the time you asked this question. I know I'm late, but I just remembered about it. Can you add me to your mailing list for this story. My email address is Thanks
*A-Kay*- Wed 02 Apr 2008
No new update... hm. I swear when I read that A/N I just about pulled my hair out thinking: "NO NEW UPDATE UNTIL MAY!!!?"
But then I calmed down remembering that it was now April, so the wait won't be too bad. Ooh Alaska, sounds fun. Hope you have fun as well.
Rape: I tried not to really focus on what happened on that desk that night, but I would have to agree that it was indeed rape. I stayed somewhat quiet about it, brushing it off as if Sesshomaru was just having a "Dr. Jekyl - Mr. Hyde" moment, but since the question has come up I would have to agree that it was indeed rape. You made it so as to show Kagome was serious about taking her relationship into the next level, but she didn't know that he didn't know about what she did yet And in the fact that neither of them knew they kind of mixed up the signals of what the other was doing. She was doing it out of love - at least that's what she was trying to do. But he was doing it as if treating her like another whore he's come across. My thing is this was he not the one that kept saying that he was going to take her anyway? *shrugs* whatever - mind games much.
To me him telling her that told her that they would go further - and so she wanted to start taking the next step that night. I was actually hoping that she would talk to him about the withdrawal first. But when you set it up like this I figured oh she know's what she's doing. There's got to be a reason to this.
Why was it rape? I agree with LadyKy and Biteswhenprovoked as well. What started off as a Yes, take me I'm yours situations instantly became an I don't want this the minute he didn't let her touch him and instead holding her down and to top that off covering her mouth - so she couldn't speak at all. Kagome is acting like a victim and she's in denial.
Whatever you choose to do, I'm with you. I'm still reading, for if I wasn't I would have stopped right at the "rape" incident, but I'm curious as to what would happen. If you continue it this way I do have to hope and beg that you don't make it easy for Sesshomaru to get her back. Forgiving processes are hard situations to go through and/or write, trust me I know.
Good luck (*hugs*)
But then I calmed down remembering that it was now April, so the wait won't be too bad. Ooh Alaska, sounds fun. Hope you have fun as well.
Rape: I tried not to really focus on what happened on that desk that night, but I would have to agree that it was indeed rape. I stayed somewhat quiet about it, brushing it off as if Sesshomaru was just having a "Dr. Jekyl - Mr. Hyde" moment, but since the question has come up I would have to agree that it was indeed rape. You made it so as to show Kagome was serious about taking her relationship into the next level, but she didn't know that he didn't know about what she did yet And in the fact that neither of them knew they kind of mixed up the signals of what the other was doing. She was doing it out of love - at least that's what she was trying to do. But he was doing it as if treating her like another whore he's come across. My thing is this was he not the one that kept saying that he was going to take her anyway? *shrugs* whatever - mind games much.
To me him telling her that told her that they would go further - and so she wanted to start taking the next step that night. I was actually hoping that she would talk to him about the withdrawal first. But when you set it up like this I figured oh she know's what she's doing. There's got to be a reason to this.
Why was it rape? I agree with LadyKy and Biteswhenprovoked as well. What started off as a Yes, take me I'm yours situations instantly became an I don't want this the minute he didn't let her touch him and instead holding her down and to top that off covering her mouth - so she couldn't speak at all. Kagome is acting like a victim and she's in denial.
Whatever you choose to do, I'm with you. I'm still reading, for if I wasn't I would have stopped right at the "rape" incident, but I'm curious as to what would happen. If you continue it this way I do have to hope and beg that you don't make it easy for Sesshomaru to get her back. Forgiving processes are hard situations to go through and/or write, trust me I know.
Good luck (*hugs*)
kasey- Wed 02 Apr 2008
i love this story, i think to alot of people it is rape because of how she dealt with it after, she has all the aftereffects of a rape victim, a date rape victim. but i actually look at it as more of a abused woman, she defends the one who did it,takes blame for it, accepts it, and blames herself for it aswell. the couseling idea is good but most abused women wont seek help until an intervention is held, or the abuser nearly kills them.or they simply reach the end of what they can take and snap.howeve in your story she leaves her abuser this is good, and you can work it into it. abused women truly love the abuser which is why they defend them.and you can be married and still raped by your spouse, i counseled women who have been, and they say because they never pushed them away, or said no it wasnt rape, but it was, i look forward to seeing how you deal with this and i wish you luck on your finals and a safe trip.alaska is beautiful country.
sins- Wed 02 Apr 2008
sigh .. so no update .. that was mean i saw The Quad and was like 0.0 YESSSS!!! an update and then my hopes and dreams were shattered.. but thats ok ill just have to wait for may !!! good luck on all your projects and presentations!!
tif- Wed 02 Apr 2008
poor kags huhuhuhu
rikku-dark- Wed 02 Apr 2008
It was rape. Kagome could'nt tell
him to stop cause you metioned
in the story that Sesshoumaru put his hand over Kagomes mouth so she could'nt talk. So if she wanted to stop him she could'nt. And the fact he just kept going even though she was in pain he did'nt give her time to adjust. That proves it was rape.
him to stop cause you metioned
in the story that Sesshoumaru put his hand over Kagomes mouth so she could'nt talk. So if she wanted to stop him she could'nt. And the fact he just kept going even though she was in pain he did'nt give her time to adjust. That proves it was rape.
rikku-dark- Wed 02 Apr 2008
It was rape. Kagome could'nt tell
him to stop cause you metioned
in the story that Sesshoumaru put his hand over Kagomes mouth so she could'nt talk. So if she wanted to stop him she could'nt. And the fact he just kept going even though she was in pain he did'nt give her time to adjust. That proves it was rape.
him to stop cause you metioned
in the story that Sesshoumaru put his hand over Kagomes mouth so she could'nt talk. So if she wanted to stop him she could'nt. And the fact he just kept going even though she was in pain he did'nt give her time to adjust. That proves it was rape.
Lady Symoné- Wed 02 Apr 2008
OMG, I think I love you right now (mind you, not in a creepy way.) I have been following this story for quite some time and I have to confess myself an avid reader of yours. But, imagine my shock when I'm reading your latest A/N and you mention my story! I can't even begin to describe how...simply marvelous that made me feel. It's 11:30 at night & I have school tomorrow, but I feel so light and airy you can hardly imagine. The point is, I would like to thank you from the deepest depths of my heart for your kind words and you have my gratitude, from one authoress to another.
And about the school - I find myself in the same predicament, but as well all know (unfortunately) school does come first. I know what you're going through, sister. What with the semester coming to a close and all, free time is like an extinct species. I want to just say that I support you, and please update as soon a you can! You rock my world!
And about the school - I find myself in the same predicament, but as well all know (unfortunately) school does come first. I know what you're going through, sister. What with the semester coming to a close and all, free time is like an extinct species. I want to just say that I support you, and please update as soon a you can! You rock my world!
Biteswhenprovoked- Wed 02 Apr 2008
I agree with Lady Ky.
A rapist plays mind games. they will try to make you believe that its your fault that you wanted it and they aren’t the bad guy.
By Kagome seeing him with a new girl every night she knew that he just screwed girls and threw them away, but yet he started walking her home and talking with her letting her know that he liked her, and then he screws her and basically throws her out of his office, since she doesn’t know that he doesn’t know that she gave up her chance to work with him it looks like he put it in her mind that he felt different about her only to treat her different after he fucked her.
And i agree she is acting like a rape victim. Some victims stand up for their rapist because if they admit that the guy raped them then they are admitting that they are raped, and there are a million reasons why they wouldn’t want to admit that, admitting it would be acknowledging that it happened, some feel ashamed that they were raped, fear that no one will believe them, fear that he could hurt her or someone in her family, some even try to convince themselves that it didn’t happen like if you tell yourself something over and over again you might convince yourself that its true.
Its also all point of view. If she truly doesn’t believe its rape then no one would be able to convince her, but by Inuyasha telling kagome and sesshomaru that sesshomaru raped her its going to be in their minds. (well if they were real people and not fictional characters that is)
Sorry if this is an unwanted review I just thought I would put my opinion in.
A rapist plays mind games. they will try to make you believe that its your fault that you wanted it and they aren’t the bad guy.
By Kagome seeing him with a new girl every night she knew that he just screwed girls and threw them away, but yet he started walking her home and talking with her letting her know that he liked her, and then he screws her and basically throws her out of his office, since she doesn’t know that he doesn’t know that she gave up her chance to work with him it looks like he put it in her mind that he felt different about her only to treat her different after he fucked her.
And i agree she is acting like a rape victim. Some victims stand up for their rapist because if they admit that the guy raped them then they are admitting that they are raped, and there are a million reasons why they wouldn’t want to admit that, admitting it would be acknowledging that it happened, some feel ashamed that they were raped, fear that no one will believe them, fear that he could hurt her or someone in her family, some even try to convince themselves that it didn’t happen like if you tell yourself something over and over again you might convince yourself that its true.
Its also all point of view. If she truly doesn’t believe its rape then no one would be able to convince her, but by Inuyasha telling kagome and sesshomaru that sesshomaru raped her its going to be in their minds. (well if they were real people and not fictional characters that is)
Sorry if this is an unwanted review I just thought I would put my opinion in.
Lady Ky- Wed 02 Apr 2008
I'm not sure about ladysafire, but I'll give my thoughts on this for you. while Kagome may have not said or given any communication that told him to stop, it wasn't what she had actually offered to him, yes she offered her body but also her heart, with that she left herself open to a rape worse or just as bad as physical, what Sesshomaru did was in a way emotional rape, the not allowing her to touch him gave him a control over her that a couple making love won't normally have unless they both were into the whole bondage thing.
honestly though even if she told him to stop would he have since he assumed that she was doing it for the job?
if you look at it like that, then yes it's rape, Kagome was looking to take their relationship to the next level since she has left the school, however; Sesshomaru didn't know anything about that and made assumptions that if you look at it for that point of view it can be seen as rape. I know rape both the physical and emotional kind, the reaction that Kagome had to that was one of a rape victim, the sticking up for him and telling people that he didn't rape her is a normal response of a victim to make them feel that they have done nothing wrong that the whole thing was just what they wanted.
if somewhere in your story that Kagome finally states that Sesshomaru did rape her then you have set up the bases for it so far. Even Sesshomaru is displaying the signs of regret, the reacting the 'rape' can be identified as two things, one is a reliving of a conquest most rapist tend to do this is some form or another, two a deep sign of guilt he clamed Kagome as a mate therefore his beast could be trying to make him feel the guilt of his rape of her.
that is my opinion, it is based off the tails of friends rape and my own.
honestly though even if she told him to stop would he have since he assumed that she was doing it for the job?
if you look at it like that, then yes it's rape, Kagome was looking to take their relationship to the next level since she has left the school, however; Sesshomaru didn't know anything about that and made assumptions that if you look at it for that point of view it can be seen as rape. I know rape both the physical and emotional kind, the reaction that Kagome had to that was one of a rape victim, the sticking up for him and telling people that he didn't rape her is a normal response of a victim to make them feel that they have done nothing wrong that the whole thing was just what they wanted.
if somewhere in your story that Kagome finally states that Sesshomaru did rape her then you have set up the bases for it so far. Even Sesshomaru is displaying the signs of regret, the reacting the 'rape' can be identified as two things, one is a reliving of a conquest most rapist tend to do this is some form or another, two a deep sign of guilt he clamed Kagome as a mate therefore his beast could be trying to make him feel the guilt of his rape of her.
that is my opinion, it is based off the tails of friends rape and my own.
joe- Mon 31 Mar 2008
i love this story!
one thing, at the end of the last ch., u put "scenes" but i think you meant "senses". i adore ur writing tho!
one thing, at the end of the last ch., u put "scenes" but i think you meant "senses". i adore ur writing tho!
Lady Amaya Ken- Sun 30 Mar 2008
PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!! I really like this story a lot and I'm dying to know what happens!!!!
Amadoni- Fri 28 Mar 2008
Wow, I've only read Fate, but I think that this one is good as well. Really like your writing style. Update either soon please. ;)
LadySafire- Fri 28 Mar 2008
Great story! Hope to see the next chapter soon.
I hope you aren't just going to have Kagome just leap back into Sesshomaru's arms. No matter what they both say what Sess did was rape. Both need therepy before they can consider a happy life together.
I can't wait to see where you go with this.
I hope you aren't just going to have Kagome just leap back into Sesshomaru's arms. No matter what they both say what Sess did was rape. Both need therepy before they can consider a happy life together.
I can't wait to see where you go with this.
V- Wed 26 Mar 2008
i would like to know when you update if you wouldn't mind.
i rather like this fic
i rather like this fic
Fuchsin- Sat 22 Mar 2008
Wheee!!! Get me on that there alert list for the next chapterrrr! Pwease? :3 3
Asia- Thu 20 Mar 2008
Dude. That is soooo unfair things were really heating up and you just left me hanging with freakin Koga walkin in sayin "Mate" well what the heck happens Ugh! this is just like all the other writers they freakin stop the story just when it gets good damit anyway I feel better now after blown off some steam : ) so pleaaase pleaaase update your story soon. Thanks -Asia : )
fantasysmellsbetter- Thu 20 Mar 2008
Omg i love this story!!!!!!!!
you have to wright more very soon!!!!!!!
I cant wait much longer until i EXPLODE!!!!
you have to wright more very soon!!!!!!!
I cant wait much longer until i EXPLODE!!!!
n8tivegurl- Tue 18 Mar 2008
Whoa, I bet all three of them are gonna have one heck of a fight on their hands huh. Will Inu-Papa be making an appearance concerning the whole "she's my mate" debacle?
Since Kagome is part of Inuyasha's pack and all what is going to happen? I mean since he stated the whole she's-my-pack-daughter-cuz-she-confided-in-me-like-a-daughter-would-her-father is Sesshoumaru gonna have to try and "court" Kagome? I can't wait for the next update...oh yeah I was also wondering if I could be added to the update list...if its not too much trouble. My email is Thanks!
Since Kagome is part of Inuyasha's pack and all what is going to happen? I mean since he stated the whole she's-my-pack-daughter-cuz-she-confided-in-me-like-a-daughter-would-her-father is Sesshoumaru gonna have to try and "court" Kagome? I can't wait for the next update...oh yeah I was also wondering if I could be added to the update list...if its not too much trouble. My email is Thanks!
Anonymous- Tue 18 Mar 2008
bum bum bun
How will Sesshomaru convince Kagome to be his assistant, especially if she's not a student to that University.
How will Inuyasha and Koga react to the news, other then shocked.
Wonder how their dad will feel about Sesshomaru having a mate.
Please update ASAP
How will Sesshomaru convince Kagome to be his assistant, especially if she's not a student to that University.
How will Inuyasha and Koga react to the news, other then shocked.
Wonder how their dad will feel about Sesshomaru having a mate.
Please update ASAP
lover- Mon 17 Mar 2008
qqqhhhhh plaese do not stop plase up date soon
al- Mon 17 Mar 2008
i like the story,and it would be nice to see a humbled sesshomaru.
hurry with the next exciting chapter.
i know i can wait.
it'll be worth it.
i like the story,and it would be nice to see a humbled sesshomaru.
hurry with the next exciting chapter.
i know i can wait.
it'll be worth it.
Fluffy's CaGe of Wonders- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Wow, that was intense...
serasvictoria666- Sun 16 Mar 2008
That was awesome! I glad that Sesshy now knows the truth. Now it's gonna be up to Kagome what will happen next. And I can't wait to read it! Oh, and I would love to have an email sent to me whenever you update. My email is Thank you.
arielle langley- Sun 16 Mar 2008
thank u so much for updatin n this story justt keeps gettin better n better i love it! Keep up the good work
Sandy- Sun 16 Mar 2008
its really good so hurry up with the updates. and if you would put me on your alert list
anonnie mouse- Sun 16 Mar 2008
I'm seriously lmao here!!!!
Is Kaggy gonna be pregger??? that would complicate things even more....and we should definately add Inuyasha and Sessy's dad into the mix......let their dad beat Sessy up!!! pwease????
please update soon!
Is Kaggy gonna be pregger??? that would complicate things even more....and we should definately add Inuyasha and Sessy's dad into the mix......let their dad beat Sessy up!!! pwease????
please update soon!
tir3dgurl- Sun 16 Mar 2008
OMFG this is such a good fanfic!!!! plez update as soon as possible n here is my email:, so plez add me on ur update list. but tell me where did u get the idea of Kags watching Sess have sex? was it ur experiences or a friends? it ok if u dont want to tell me but again amazing story so far! also with the big miss understanding problem in the chapters seven through nine was sooo good dat it made me cry!!! but it was in a good way , dont worry! and i think i lyk story one: Captures, better although the second story sounds ok with how kags will protect her friend but im not really into the whole rape sex stuff. so i lyk the first story better. i cant wait to read it! ^_^ :) ^.^ =)
Sango- Sun 16 Mar 2008
Please please please please please update.
I love this story.
I love this story.
al- Sun 16 Mar 2008
even though you did put up two copies of the same chapter,it was still a worth while read.
so don't worry;i enjoyed least she was able to move on,and he realized what an idiot he is.
good luck on the next chapter.
so don't worry;i enjoyed least she was able to move on,and he realized what an idiot he is.
good luck on the next chapter.
Kagome-Chan- Sun 16 Mar 2008
I LUV the Twist About Kagome Staying w. Kouga!!!! Very Inventive!! Please Update As Soon As U Can!
lunaticneko- Sun 16 Mar 2008
oohh. hope kouga doesn't get creamed.
lilmoe31- Sun 16 Mar 2008
This is getting good. Update soon
elizabeth hogan- Sun 16 Mar 2008
please you have to update as soon possible you got my mind going crazy with whats going to happen next
iloveprettysilverhair- Sun 16 Mar 2008
Dun dun dun! Wow, tons happened in that chapter, it was awesome!
Lady Amaya Ken- Sun 16 Mar 2008
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! update, update, update!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! I gotta know what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trinity3000- Sat 15 Mar 2008
I am so glad you updated. I was waiting for him to find out that she withdrew from the job before he was with her. I just hope she really makes him work to get her back. Although I do not think what he did was rape, it was really horrible and showed what a cruel person he can be. He needs some anger management. I would like to receive updates for your stories. I know that I am reading at least 2 of them now, so please put me on your update list. My email is
april- Sat 15 Mar 2008
love your story. please add me to your mailing list . . . thanks :)
serenity- Sat 15 Mar 2008
please update soon i love this story and want to no what will happen to kagome when sesshomaru finds out she can't work for him
Chey- Sat 15 Mar 2008
this story is awesome i would like it greatly if i could be added to the mailing list.
april- Sat 15 Mar 2008
I really love this story and I'm always looking forward to a new chapter. Please keep writing and if you don't mind to put me in your mailing list. It would be great. Keep up the good work :)
animefan141- Sat 15 Mar 2008
hi id like to be added to when you let us know when a new chapter is out
my email is
this is a great story and i deffently cant wait for more. :)
my email is
this is a great story and i deffently cant wait for more. :)
stephanie- Sat 15 Mar 2008
i really love your story! although im a bit confused as to why sesshomaru said all that stuff and then raped her
stephanie- Sat 15 Mar 2008
i really love your story! although im a bit confused as to why sesshomaru said all that stuff and then raped her
can u put me on ure mailing list please?
can u put me on ure mailing list please?
stephanie- Sat 15 Mar 2008
i really love your story! although im a bit confused as to why sesshomaru said all that stuff and then raped her
jade- Sat 15 Mar 2008
can't wait till the next chapter, is she pregnant?
melony922- Sat 15 Mar 2008
i love this story and can not wait for you to post the next chapter! please dont leave us waiting too long! i am dying to know what sess does when he finds out about kags! oh and please add me to your alert list please and thank you!
sandy- Sat 15 Mar 2008
The Quad
love the story, please add me to mailing list.
love the story, please add me to mailing list.
Priss_Kimio- Sat 15 Mar 2008
Hi, I would like to be on the list :)
send it to Thanks
send it to Thanks
Kyla- Sat 15 Mar 2008
Can u add me to ur mailing list? Thanks! I like ur fics! They're awesome!
Vicious Grin- Sat 15 Mar 2008
I'd really love to be on the mailing list!
my email address is:
my email address is:
Natasha- Sat 15 Mar 2008
hi would like to be put on your mailing list my email address is:
T'Keyah- Thu 13 Mar 2008
I. Love. You.
I'm actually writing this review in school, and holy friggin' crap. The chapters so far are... wow. A definite turn-on. I keep minimizing the screen and looking away 'cause I'm so embarrassed by what Kagome and Sesshomaru are doing. *Squeal!* I love you! Marry me, please?!
I'm actually writing this review in school, and holy friggin' crap. The chapters so far are... wow. A definite turn-on. I keep minimizing the screen and looking away 'cause I'm so embarrassed by what Kagome and Sesshomaru are doing. *Squeal!* I love you! Marry me, please?!
Kyuthe- Thu 13 Mar 2008
I had never read this fic before because it never really registered on my radar. But damn if I don't wish this fic wans't blazing the first time I came across it! The Quad is an awesome piece. You've done a marvelous job of stringing my emotions along right there with the characters'.
Thank you for sharing~
I had never read this fic before because it never really registered on my radar. But damn if I don't wish this fic wans't blazing the first time I came across it! The Quad is an awesome piece. You've done a marvelous job of stringing my emotions along right there with the characters'.
Thank you for sharing~
Jenn- Thu 13 Mar 2008
Great story.. left in a good spot to bring the reader back to wanting more... i cant wait to see sesshomaru's face when he is told the truth adn what he will do to get her back.. I love your story.. keep up the good work.
toni- Thu 06 Mar 2008
I an't wait when Sesshy and his father hear about this!!!!
*A-Kay*- Thu 06 Mar 2008
For a minute there you lost me.
I was staring at the screen like "huh?"
I mean I was so confused as to why he all of a sudden turned into Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde on her. He was straight trippin. Lol. But I got it. He pretty much thinks she slept her way to the top. *sighs* Dummy. Had she not made it clear she didnt want it to seem like that? *shrugs* I might have to go back and reread, but Sess was an ass.
Hugs Inuyasha. He's such a good boy.
Poor Kagome, but to me it seems like she fell in love quick. Whatever, sometimes when we write stories that's what happens.
Anyway, enough of the long review, love the story and can't wait for your next update
I was staring at the screen like "huh?"
I mean I was so confused as to why he all of a sudden turned into Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde on her. He was straight trippin. Lol. But I got it. He pretty much thinks she slept her way to the top. *sighs* Dummy. Had she not made it clear she didnt want it to seem like that? *shrugs* I might have to go back and reread, but Sess was an ass.
Hugs Inuyasha. He's such a good boy.
Poor Kagome, but to me it seems like she fell in love quick. Whatever, sometimes when we write stories that's what happens.
Anyway, enough of the long review, love the story and can't wait for your next update
al- Thu 06 Mar 2008
good chapter.
it was worth waiting for to see what happened.
good luck with the next one.
it was worth waiting for to see what happened.
good luck with the next one.
EvanescentLight- Wed 05 Mar 2008
D: That was so sad... D: Update! I want to know if she re-enrolls!
Sango- Wed 05 Mar 2008
Please please update soon, can't w8 2 c Sessho's reaction when he realises the truth!
melony barton- Wed 05 Mar 2008
OMG that was so good! please dont keep us waiting so long for the next update! i can not wait to see what sess does when he sees kags knowing what he did!
fantasysmellsbetter- Wed 05 Mar 2008
omg!!!!! more more more more more more more more
plase!!! wright more soon!
i dont know how long i can wait!!!
gahhh its amazing!
plase!!! wright more soon!
i dont know how long i can wait!!!
gahhh its amazing!
n8tivegurl- Wed 05 Mar 2008
About time Kagome told someone. I was wondering if she would keep all that bottled up and suffer. So when will the others find out and what about Kaede? Will she continue working there or will the angry pup fire her once he finds out Kagome withdrew? Keep up the great work.
TruGemini- Wed 05 Mar 2008
Ok, please don't have us wait too long. This is killing me.
carebearluvr14- Wed 05 Mar 2008
i luvvvvv this fanfic its my fav.!
plzzz update as soon as possible
thnx.! :)
plzzz update as soon as possible
thnx.! :)
serasvictoria666- Wed 05 Mar 2008
Wow, that was a quick update. Thanks!
I definitely like this chapter. I'm so excited just thinking about what will happen next. Take care! ^-^
I definitely like this chapter. I'm so excited just thinking about what will happen next. Take care! ^-^
iloveprettysilverhair- Wed 05 Mar 2008
I'm happy that you found a beta, I would have offered but damn if I don't have a lot on my plate right now! Great chapter, it's so tense to watch as things progress! I can't wait for the next update!
Queen of the past- Tue 04 Mar 2008
Great story I love the way you are portraing inuysha. Not so sure about the whole Sesshomaru thing though. Keep writting and please update soon.
trinity3000- Tue 04 Mar 2008
I like this story, but I was hoping that Sessh would find out that she dropped out of the race for the job this chapter. That is what I am waiting for, and I have no patience.
localsamurai- Tue 04 Mar 2008
Yea an update. Sess is an ass. Hope Kaede tells Sesshoumaru soon. Next chapter maybe?
Vicious Grin- Tue 04 Mar 2008
awe. Inuyashas not an asshole in this fic. I'm glad :]
I still want to kick Sesshoumaru in the nuts, though.
update soon!
I still want to kick Sesshoumaru in the nuts, though.
update soon!
me579- Tue 04 Mar 2008
tell ur betta 2 hurry up!i need another chap!!!!!and my computer is acting funn latley so if u dont get this......mie bad!!!!!!!!!^_^
Laina- Tue 04 Mar 2008
al- Tue 04 Mar 2008
no problem.
serasvictoria666- Mon 03 Mar 2008
This story is amazing! I couldn't stop reading after the first chapter! I really hope you find a beta soon cause I can't wait for your next update.
sins- Mon 03 Mar 2008
.. ok i'v been patient ... its been almost a month since i last read a chapter of the quad..'sept for today to see if you updated and i did not know.... and i am BEGGING you to put out a new chapter!!! PLEASE ..... its just not fair when your really in to a story and have to wait a prolonged amount of time for the next bit... kinda like the twilight books ... sooo good but such a long wait!!! .. anyways please update soon!!!
al- Sun 02 Mar 2008
Tied things nicely is meant for ending a chapter.....and this was far from ending it...a cliffhanger,and it's been almost 3 weeks since anything new.
Please,don't forget this story.
You've got a good storytelling mind.And express it so well.
Good luck.
Please,don't forget this story.
You've got a good storytelling mind.And express it so well.
Good luck.
be_a_good_boy_sess- Thu 21 Feb 2008
WTF?! That was not what I was expecting in this chapter. HOWEVER, I appreciate the change in pace. I also needed a break from the gushy romance stories which you gave. Thank you so much for ending the chapter the way you did, you tied things up nicely. I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter
melony922- Sat 16 Feb 2008
please please update soon!! i cannot wait to read what happens next!!!
shrinemaiden05- Fri 15 Feb 2008
WoW, i cant wait for the next chapter...
Sessygurl- Thu 14 Feb 2008
I cannot believe Sess. I wanna know how hge's gonna make this one up to Kagome. I think it's gonna be a while befoire he gets some again.
melony922- Wed 13 Feb 2008
OMG this story is so good! Its so original and i love that, good stories like your's are hard to come by! please dont keep us waiting too long for that next update, i can not wait to see what sessy does when he realizes he was an idiot!
misstomato- Wed 13 Feb 2008
cliff hanger! please update asap :D
cliff hanger! please update asap :D
TruGemini- Wed 13 Feb 2008
Will he find out the truth next? He was truly being an ass. Typical Sess.
al- Wed 13 Feb 2008
oh,and what a cliff!
I can't wait to read the rest.
Please hurry,but not so to make mistakes.
You're doing well.
I can't wait to read the rest.
Please hurry,but not so to make mistakes.
You're doing well.
Vicious Grin- Wed 13 Feb 2008
castrate him!!!
Arielle langley- Wed 13 Feb 2008
THis story is so goooood! But its been awhile thanks for updatin keep up the good work
Arielle langley- Wed 13 Feb 2008
THis story is so goooood! But its been awhile thanks for updatin keep up the good work
Pincess Dani- Tue 12 Feb 2008
Please update soon! This last chapter was very well written. I felt my eyes starting to tear at the cruel words spoken to Kagome. I can't wait to find out what happen's next.
Lady Kubira- Tue 12 Feb 2008
No! It cant end there! How could you do that? Please hurry and post your next chapter soon!
shikon goddess- Tue 12 Feb 2008
Its so sad but if she leaves early and he doesnt get her he desrves it for being an ass.
kayla- Tue 12 Feb 2008
this story is soo freakin awsomeee
please updaate sooon :]
please updaate sooon :]
sins- Tue 12 Feb 2008
you must update ASAP you hear me !!!!!! you cant do this to a girl.... clifhangers are so unfair!!!!!
Mel- Tue 12 Feb 2008
I don't think i have felt such a range of emotion in such a short span of time in a LONG first I was shocked, then upset, then the time this chapter was over I was just stunned. Only a great writer can take her readers on the ride as the characters and really feel what they are going through...Kudos to you...Now to let Sessho find out what a mistake he has made...sigh...I can only imagine the Angst we are going to feel in the next few chapters....I look forward to them...
sesshou's gurl- Tue 12 Feb 2008
Up date tommorow!!! I love this story. Ja ne.
sesshou's gurl- Tue 12 Feb 2008
Up date tommorow!!! I love this story. Ja ne.
n8tivegurl- Tue 12 Feb 2008
HA! Serves him right that chowder head. But poor Kagome I hope Kikyo & Sango get her to open up so they can help her. But poor Kaede, I hope she doesn't get fired. That would suck.
reptilelover- Tue 12 Feb 2008
Well, looks like Sess really can’t distinguish between personal and business after all. I mean, what if Kagome took his words that he is able to distinguish the two at face value and hadn’t withdrawn her application, and then he went around and treated her like dirt for placing her trust in him. That would have been wicked as well. Now, I certainly hope you won’t make her forgive him easily or quickly. When somebody does things like that, one just doesn’t get back together with them soon (if ever) no matter how sexy they are.
Can’t wait for the next chapter (*hint* hurry up * hint*) as I really wonder how you’ll resolve this one without making Kagome pathetic. (Just so you don’t take this in the wrong way, I really like your story so far; I just wouldn’t like it to be ruined by pathetic Kagome, as I like it when she is portrayed as strong and feisty like you did at the beginning of your story).
AccidentalGoddess- Tue 12 Feb 2008
Wow, that was a twist I didn't expect. I can't wait until he finds out she dropped way before that date. It's going to be so beautiful when he realizes just what he's done...ah, the beauty of angst...
reptilelover- Tue 12 Feb 2008
Well, looks like Sess really can’t distinguish between personal and business after all. I mean, what if Kagome took his words that he is able to distinguish the two at face value and hadn’t withdrawn her application, and then he went around and treated her like dirt for placing her trust in him. That would have been wicked as well. Now, I certainly hope you won’t make her forgive him easily or quickly. When somebody does things like that, one just doesn’t get back together with them soon (if ever) no matter how sexy they are.
Can’t wait for the next chapter (*hint* hurry up * hint*) as I really wonder how you’ll resolve this one without making Kagome pathetic. (Just so you don’t take this in the wrong way, I really like your story so far; I just wouldn’t like it to be ruined by pathetic Kagome, as I like it when she is portrayed as strong and feisty like you did at the beginning of your story).
Can’t wait for the next chapter (*hint* hurry up * hint*) as I really wonder how you’ll resolve this one without making Kagome pathetic. (Just so you don’t take this in the wrong way, I really like your story so far; I just wouldn’t like it to be ruined by pathetic Kagome, as I like it when she is portrayed as strong and feisty like you did at the beginning of your story).
iloveprettysilverhair- Tue 12 Feb 2008
OMG! What a awful and wonderful cliffhanger! I can't tell you how much I want you to update like now, but I'll be patient. Great chapter, oh the drama! Keep up the fantastic work!
DitcherBUM- Tue 12 Feb 2008
Oh how I hope you don't have it take years to figure out he screwed up big time. Have Keade tell him what happened and then have him realize he's is BIG TROUBLE.
Katrina- Tue 12 Feb 2008
Man...this story get better and better even though it would be interesting for exp like if kagome was still feeling sad and hurt just wanted to die but then a stranger appears offering a new life for her making her into a vampire which she says yes......I think it would be interesting if the story turn out something like that but hey your story is good I hope that you'll do another one cause I like reading romance stuff about vampires and werewolves
Twisty- Tue 12 Feb 2008
OMG!!!!!! You have got to update soon this story is so good.......I cannot wait to read how Sesshoumaru is going to react.
Lady Ky- Tue 12 Feb 2008
oh man Sesshomaru is so going to want to kill himself when he finds out what he did. I wanted to cry for Kagome that was just so mean of him to just assume something like that. now the big question is will he find out he more then huge mistake before Kagome leaves? and how in the world would he make it up to her? oh Kami I hope she didn't get pregnant since no protection was used. update soon please I'm just dieing to know!!!!!!
TONI- Tue 12 Feb 2008
WhisperingDreams089- Sun 10 Feb 2008
Loving the story and keep it going!!!
sweetest angel- Sun 27 Jan 2008
Great chapter! Hey, did Sesshomaru know that she wasn't postuled for the job with him anymore? Hm. Well, it's becoming interesting. *grin* I can't wait for the next chapter. please please update soon!!!!
iloveprettysilverhair- Sun 27 Jan 2008
Yay! I was so happy to see a new chapter! Always a pleasure to read this story, thank you for writing it! Keep up the great work!
Yume- Fri 18 Jan 2008
Hello, I love this story. Hope you post the next chapter soon. So far this is the second fanfic by you that I've read and I really love them both. Sorry if this is alittle lame. This is the first review i've ever really did.
Sesshy's Rose- Tue 15 Jan 2008
I love where this story is going...I would be more than happy to beta for you!
n8tivegurl- Tue 15 Jan 2008
Hey JosieKnox. I'm really interested to see where your fic goes. I see you need a beta reader before you continue. Have you checked out the beta readers page? I'm sure if you ask one of them they may be able to help. Hope to see something soon. n8tivegurl
al- Fri 11 Jan 2008
it just requires another read thru.
so far,i did that,and i got it.
she wants the relationship,but she doesn't want to look like a gold digger,or she doesn't want things to look bad for her if things don't work,and not being his student,in her eyes,would help ,or maybe so she thinks.
but so far,i like this.please write another chapter as soon as you can.
take care and good luck.
so far,i did that,and i got it.
she wants the relationship,but she doesn't want to look like a gold digger,or she doesn't want things to look bad for her if things don't work,and not being his student,in her eyes,would help ,or maybe so she thinks.
but so far,i like this.please write another chapter as soon as you can.
take care and good luck.
rowdysgirl- Thu 10 Jan 2008
Josie, don't worry about Chapter 6, just write it down as rough as it has to be. Sometimes if you just get it on paper, or the computer, it will then work itself out. Or you can beat the crap out of it. That won't make the story any better, but you'll sure feel good. I look forward to seeing Chapter 6 cuz you write a good story. ;>
twiknham- Wed 09 Jan 2008
Take your time. I'd much rather wait for a well-written chapter than have you throw one out there to appease your audience. I know how stubborn stories can be. I went a year without writing a single word on Moving Forward. Any fellow writer will tell you that it's best to keep writing, even if you throw it away. But any good writer will tell you not to post what you've written until you're comfortable with it. Hang in there. The story will come. This is a good story and I look forward to updates when they happen.
Claudia- Tue 20 Nov 2007
So-let me get this straight. Kagome is transfering to another Uni because she wants a relationship with Sesshoumaru? But they barely know each other. Or is she moving because she doesn't like how things were going. I'm really confused. Maybe I have to keep on reading for me to understand the story. Great job thought. I like Sesshoumaru but not his conquests. =). I just hope Kagome knows what she's getting herself involve with. I wouldn't like to see her suffer. But suffering is one of the ways we learn from or errors, right? that's what my family thinks. Lol. Great job once again. Update soon. I wonder what Sesshoumaru's reactions going to be when he receives Kagome's letter. I can't wait. Update soon. Please.
SessyGurl- Tue 13 Nov 2007
Love, love, love this fic. However, Im kinda afraid of how Sess will react to her leaving. Hmmm?
Sandy- Sat 10 Nov 2007
i liked it . i liked how u portrayed the cheracters. is there any way u could contact me when you update?
Megan Consoer- Thu 08 Nov 2007
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
marquisha- Wed 07 Nov 2007
so glasd that u update i wonder what sesshoumaru will do when he finds out about kagome i bet he will get really mad please please updsate soon
marquisha- Wed 07 Nov 2007
so glasd that u update i wonder what sesshoumaru will do when he finds out about kagome i bet he will get really mad please please updsate soon
anonnie mouse- Wed 07 Nov 2007
good girl, Kaggy!!!!
Sess's gonna be pissed but Kag won't care....then again Sess won't care WHY she did what she just did......I wonder if Sess will have to hunt Kags down....
Sess's gonna be pissed but Kag won't care....then again Sess won't care WHY she did what she just did......I wonder if Sess will have to hunt Kags down....
EntityofSorrows- Wed 07 Nov 2007
This is unique and pretty funny. I like the imagery and the portrayal of the characters, no matter how *cough* perverted they may be. Keep up the awesome work.
sesshysbabygurl- Wed 07 Nov 2007
I love this chapter, definitly a spicey chap. Can't wait for the next. Hope to see an update soon.*HINT HINT*
TrulyOutrageous- Wed 07 Nov 2007
aww. I agree with Kagome that it would be too risky for her to be his assistant, but to transfer? It's not like there is another college around the block that she can go to. right?
iloveprettysilverhair- Wed 07 Nov 2007
This story is hot! You are doing a great job, keep it up!
Suicide- Fri 26 Oct 2007
Interesting developments so far, some predictable, some not. It seemed almost odd how easily she accepted Sesshoumaru's advances despite how 'innocent' her friends considered her. However, the virginity story did give us insight on how she isn't as pure as we thought. I'm interested in how their relationship will develop. Great job.
The two possible stories sound very interesting. I must say, however, I'm more interested in the 2nd fic's development and resolution. Dark fics aren't my particular favorites, but it's always good to change genres once in a while. I have a feeling it might be quite angsty and depressing, but I am hopeful that it might have a positive resolution. If not... then perhaps the first fic would be better?
The two possible stories sound very interesting. I must say, however, I'm more interested in the 2nd fic's development and resolution. Dark fics aren't my particular favorites, but it's always good to change genres once in a while. I have a feeling it might be quite angsty and depressing, but I am hopeful that it might have a positive resolution. If not... then perhaps the first fic would be better?
tone death- Fri 26 Oct 2007
i really love this story. pervy Sesshomaru is great!
i like the sound of captured
i like the sound of captured
lilmoe31- Fri 26 Oct 2007
This is getting hot, I can't wait to see how she acts while working for the sexy demon. While hoping beyond hope trying to keep her composer.
naru- Wed 24 Oct 2007
That was a really good beginning. Update soon and keep up the good work.
*A-Kay*- Wed 24 Oct 2007
OOh wow! Your story is so interesting! Please oh please update real soon. I'm gonna go read your other story now.
kouga88- Wed 24 Oct 2007
the 2nd story sounds interesting it has my vote!
SessyGurl- Wed 24 Oct 2007
I love this fic. Its great! I cant not wait for more it is definately in my top five favs. please write more.
marquisha- Wed 24 Oct 2007
i so glad that u update the story i just was waiting and u update and i'm so so so glad that u update and i votek for story #2
marquisha- Wed 24 Oct 2007
i so glad that u update the story i just was waiting and u update and i'm so so so glad that u update and i votek for story #2
number1fanofSTRAWBERRIES- Wed 24 Oct 2007
This is an awesome fic! As for the votes, I like story number 2 best. I'm into that kinda stuff.
Moon Mage Goddess- Wed 24 Oct 2007
I can't wait for more!
*fans myself*
What I wouldn't do to be Kags right now!
You are a wonderful writer - I can not wait for more!
I can't wait for more!
*fans myself*
What I wouldn't do to be Kags right now!
You are a wonderful writer - I can not wait for more!
Arielle langley- Wed 24 Oct 2007
K i would have to say story #2 definetely! I love stories like that. But i love it. This story is so good! Please keep up the good wrk. Thanx
TikiDoll- Wed 24 Oct 2007
i like story 1 better it seems a bit less depressing
Kurokajin- Wed 24 Oct 2007
I enjoyed this chapter. Can't wait for the next chapter and to see what else you have in store.
I would also like to vote for Story 2 Untitled. I hope it gets more votes. I really enjoy dark fics and want to read it ASAP! ;) Thanks for the chapter, can't wait to see which story wins!!
I would also like to vote for Story 2 Untitled. I hope it gets more votes. I really enjoy dark fics and want to read it ASAP! ;) Thanks for the chapter, can't wait to see which story wins!!
alissa- Wed 24 Oct 2007
i really love what you've wrote so far and i hope you update soon!
oh and i vote for Captured and even if untitled comes up first i'll read that one too....but still im really excited captured ;D
oh and i vote for Captured and even if untitled comes up first i'll read that one too....but still im really excited captured ;D
jasmine- Wed 24 Oct 2007
please write more
s- Wed 24 Oct 2007
I enjoy your writing. You have much room to improve.
Though, I find that Kagome and Sesshoumaru are moving way too fast. With the way you had first portrayed Kagome, I would have expected her to be on her guard until obtaining the assistant job, then having Sesshoumaru break down her barriers.
Though, I find that Kagome and Sesshoumaru are moving way too fast. With the way you had first portrayed Kagome, I would have expected her to be on her guard until obtaining the assistant job, then having Sesshoumaru break down her barriers.
Taylor- Wed 24 Oct 2007
it was nice write some more.
Sarah- Wed 24 Oct 2007
I would like story #1 best.
AW555- Wed 24 Oct 2007
Great update! As usual ^.^ and because I'm sick and sometimes demented I think Story 3 2 sounds interesting ^.^
Amoraluv- Tue 23 Oct 2007
I'm feeling Captured a little more then the other.
fanfiction fan- Tue 23 Oct 2007
story 2
Sesshy's Rose- Tue 23 Oct 2007
Hey, love the story...quite a concept. I think you should go with the second idea...the untitled one, but I'm glad you're wrapping up some of your other writing first! keep up the good work! :)
yamiyo tenshi- Mon 22 Oct 2007
Raceen_Ecstasy- Wed 17 Oct 2007
That is so sexy and cute! One of the more better fanfictions I've ever read. Good grammar and the dialogue has me hooked.
AW555- Sun 14 Oct 2007
I love it XD it's hilarious! Keep up the good work!
jasmine- Sat 13 Oct 2007
please write more
sleepy tuna fish- Wed 10 Oct 2007
:o! Good, but short! Make more! Now. Please?
sesshysbabygurl- Wed 10 Oct 2007
loved it plz continue.SOON!!!!!!!!!!
Kurokajin- Wed 10 Oct 2007
I can't wait for the next chapter. This is starting to get interesting! I wonder what plans you have for Kagome and Sesshomaru, and what twists to expect for this story.
sharilynn- Wed 10 Oct 2007
freky lol please keep writing,i really like it and how you made real good mouth motions and everthing please keep up the good work.
Chaos_Queen77- Wed 10 Oct 2007
That was great i can't wait until the next chapter. His personality in this chapter reminds me of a vampire. Dark in a very revealing way! If you know what i mean...
TONI- Tue 09 Oct 2007
Amoraluv- Tue 09 Oct 2007
sounds good, don't forget about ur spell checker thou.
sesshysbabygurl- Mon 08 Oct 2007
Loved it, can't wait to read the update, plz update soon.
Sleepy Tuna Fish- Mon 08 Oct 2007
captaintori88- Mon 08 Oct 2007
I really enjoyed your story. It sounds interesting, I can't wait to read what you have planned next.
Noacat- Mon 08 Oct 2007
...You need to update this. Seriously. You also need to update "Deception". Because your stories are like a drug, and I am very much addicted.
skikon goddess- Mon 08 Oct 2007
nice story cant wait to see what else u will come up with
Sirinya- Mon 08 Oct 2007
OMG! I'm soooo hooked! More so then Deception! You have to update soon! I wanna see how Kagome will react when they meet. They are gonna meet right? lol
Sexcii Babii- Sun 07 Oct 2007
MoonGoddess- Sun 07 Oct 2007
Good start, can't wait to seewhat happens next.