Toxic Heart- Tue 10 Jun 2008
ahhhh! i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and myouga is a flea demon. not a fly :] keep writing! your great at it!
and myouga is a flea demon. not a fly :] keep writing! your great at it!
DarkKira- Sat 28 Jul 2007
love it! a little confusing but other than that i love it.
elvira- Wed 04 Jul 2007
what the hell is wrong with her?...what made her hate them so much?...more chapets please!!!!
Faby- Fri 10 Nov 2006
I went to your site PLEASE MAKE MORE!!!!!! Yer an excellent writer*-*
Daniella- Wed 18 Oct 2006
I dunno. I'm bored. Whoopee...she's a demon. Big fuckign wow with the way she's been acting. I find it cruel o fher to betray her friend and Inuyasha. Why can't they just leave the group alone at least, why does she have to betray her friends? There is no drama, just a sense of soemthing off beat. Or someone singing off key. Whatever, I just don't like it. This does not mean that you are a bad writer. In fact you're just fine. But the plot offends. It could be my morals or sense of righteousness but Kagome's behavior makes me sick. BUT TO ALL PEOPLE WHO LIKE A WICKED PLOT: DO READ YOU'LL LIKE IT!!!
Daniella- Wed 18 Oct 2006
I dunno. I'm bored. Whoopee...she's a demon. Big fuckign wow with the way she's been acting. I find it cruel o fher to betray her friend and Inuyasha. Why can't they just leave the group alone at least, why does she have to betray her friends? There is no drama, just a sense of soemthing off beat. Or someone singing off key. Whatever, I just don't like it. This does not mean that you are a bad writer. In fact you're just fine. But the plot offends. It could be my morals or sense of righteousness but Kagome's behavior makes me sick. BUT TO ALL PEOPLE WHO LIKE A WICKED PLOT: DO READ YOU'LL LIKE IT!!!
Mord-Sith Cara- Mon 09 Oct 2006
I couldn't get through the first chapter. Maybe if you went back and reposted it with paragraphs instead of one long one? I don't know if you know this, but every time someone speaks in writing, it starts a new paragraph (that might help with separating it into paragraphs). That way, it becomes easier to keep track of what's going on in the fanfic. Hope you take this kindly, it is only advice.