Reviews for Over It... by SarahhhBoo
reina- Sat 21 Jul 2007
hahaha, omg, just picturing everyone glaring at sesshomaru is cracking me up!!! yay kagome! :)
Ana- Fri 20 Jul 2007
Hehehe, this is why I LOVE reading these fics!! You people are soo creative in thinking up of revenge plots against cheating males! Heheheh, Now the crowd Hates Sesshou ^_^ Poor guy, but he deserves it, along with every male that thinks they can put one over us females ^_^ Love the fic ^_^ WOMEN RULE!!
chick_with_innocents- Fri 20 Jul 2007
What were you THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!
IT"S ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!............
I LOVE IT!!!!! Finally a story where Sesho and Kagome don't end up together. lol. It's PRICELSS
What were you THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!
IT"S ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!............
I LOVE IT!!!!! Finally a story where Sesho and Kagome don't end up together. lol. It's PRICELSS