Reviews for All Things Hidden by tilayha
Lunar Nightmare- Mon 14 Apr 2008
I really enjoyed your fic and I believe that I have become addicted to it. This is one of those fics that has the hentainess and humor that keeps me reading. I have added it to my favorites list. I do hope that you will update as soon as possible.
hitoribotchi_no_yoru- Fri 29 Feb 2008
mk so i've loved ur story so far!!!! I know i haven't reviewd b4 but im a terribly lazy and procrastinating person. however, i occasionally can get my lazy butt in gear. i will try to go back and leave reviews and rest assured i WILL reccommend this to my friends!!! Love the dominion, it very sexy and i was happy to find a good story like that where Kagome has that kind of power over him as dominion. so yea, love it!! keep up the amazing work. :D
wawa- Tue 26 Feb 2008
I love your story!!! I am an avid reader of fanfiction. I normally don't reveiw unless a story is really good and your story is fantastic!!! Keep up the good work. I look forward to your next update.
Arryelle- Tue 26 Feb 2008
Amazing as always crazy ass Kikyou needs to chill LOL talk about a big time Hypochondriac!
If she just cheated which doesn't sound like the first time what's the big deal? lol oh well can't wait for my sess/kag scene this chappie filled some gaps so thank you. I love Abi to I want more Abi with Bank hehe I take online classes to and they are mad hard to keep up in so good luck! UWUC (update when you can)
Loves Arry
If she just cheated which doesn't sound like the first time what's the big deal? lol oh well can't wait for my sess/kag scene this chappie filled some gaps so thank you. I love Abi to I want more Abi with Bank hehe I take online classes to and they are mad hard to keep up in so good luck! UWUC (update when you can)
Loves Arry
rebecca- Mon 25 Feb 2008
this story is really good cant wait till the next chap.
rebecca- Mon 25 Feb 2008
This story is really good cant wait till the next chap.
Megan Consoer- Thu 07 Feb 2008
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Bookreader9999- Sat 02 Feb 2008
I love the story. But, in case you didn't catch it, chapter 9 double posted.
sweetest angel- Fri 01 Feb 2008
*lol* I love your end on this chapter...Miroku knocked out cold by accident for once! *grin*
Great chapter by the way. You kept me on the edge of my chair, waiting to have a glips of what is happening now for our couple but not such chance *sigh*
But stil really good chapter! I can't wait to read the next. Please please update soon!!!
Great chapter by the way. You kept me on the edge of my chair, waiting to have a glips of what is happening now for our couple but not such chance *sigh*
But stil really good chapter! I can't wait to read the next. Please please update soon!!!
Lady Syren- Mon 21 Jan 2008
All I read was just two sentences, and all I can say is...
YOU SICK, SICK GOD OF MY DREAMS! It's so freaking smutty I laughed! A twisted mind such as yours is a really bad thing to lose!
Holy freaking shite. I'd vote this best lemon. I can't even form coherent words anymore! You rock, and stay away from nuns! We need a filthy brain such as yours!
All I read was just two sentences, and all I can say is...
YOU SICK, SICK GOD OF MY DREAMS! It's so freaking smutty I laughed! A twisted mind such as yours is a really bad thing to lose!
Holy freaking shite. I'd vote this best lemon. I can't even form coherent words anymore! You rock, and stay away from nuns! We need a filthy brain such as yours!
Arryelle aka Sex Goddess- Sun 20 Jan 2008
Holy crap your amazing! your story is pure smex and has PLOT so I felt like a kid in a candy shop after finding your story I'm hooked. Your the only one that reviewed my story The Sex Fiend...Kagome!? so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that and sadly I must tell you due to the lack of reviews I don't think I'll be updating it anytime soon. But b/c you read and took the time to review I was curious about you and read your story and I'm freaking happy I did. Truly an amazing job well done Tilayha!
EP is also one of my fav writers and if you have her revieweing and saying your story is great I knew you had to be awesome too and turns out you were! Keep up the great work UWUC (Update when you can)
Loves Arry
ps. The lemon was too hot for words but I hope you still plan on having the photo shoot and the secret pericing that really made me curious I wanna know what it is hehe Thanks for the update!
EP is also one of my fav writers and if you have her revieweing and saying your story is great I knew you had to be awesome too and turns out you were! Keep up the great work UWUC (Update when you can)
Loves Arry
ps. The lemon was too hot for words but I hope you still plan on having the photo shoot and the secret pericing that really made me curious I wanna know what it is hehe Thanks for the update!
Megan Consoer- Thu 17 Jan 2008
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
OnyxIvyStone- Wed 16 Jan 2008
I just finished reading the whole of your beautiful story in the span of three hours... Washing myself in imagery and language that was so intensely lovely, I can't really express it properly. I'll give you a better review later once I have collected my thoughts in an organized fashion... It was just beautiful. Thank you.
sweetest angel- Wed 16 Jan 2008
Wow amazing chapter! *grin* Really glad that you update after soooo long. please please update really soon, I can't wait to read more
trihn- Wed 16 Jan 2008
what a chapter. so glad you still update
ElegantPaws- Wed 16 Jan 2008
Great job! A most enjoyable read. Keep up the wonderful work. Brava!
Sweet_Dark_Silence- Wed 16 Jan 2008
*Drools uncontollably*
*Heat waves engulf the world*
Double D@mn!!
*Makes plans to hop a rocket to Pluto*
Great update btw, it was most excellent!
*Heat waves engulf the world*
Double D@mn!!
*Makes plans to hop a rocket to Pluto*
Great update btw, it was most excellent!
bloodwitch- Sat 05 Jan 2008
I so love this story. I can't wait for you to update it. please do that soon.
trihn- Mon 31 Dec 2007
so long and no update. so sad
ElegantPaws- Thu 15 Nov 2007
Woman SEVEN is your best chapter in my estimation...and yes, do leave your hair alone. It was thoroughly enjoyable, engrossing and quite...(sniffs with meaning) you have any problems writing sex NOT! LOL...Honestly, just a complete joy to read...and my pleasure....keep going woman. You got to see about a helmet to protect your hair.
Penelope Dream weaver- Wed 14 Nov 2007
This is definatly the most interesting story I have read in a while I do have to admit I like it alot, and honestly I cant think of anything else to say except that the sceens in the cave made me all hot and bothered. any way keep up the good work and update soon
trihn- Tue 13 Nov 2007
yay! you updated!
Sleepy Tuna Fish- Mon 12 Nov 2007
I feel like you got the band of seven's persona's mixed up in this chapter. As well, you need to recheck for spelling and grammar. Your sex scenes are pretty good though 8)
Ana- Mon 12 Nov 2007
So, lemme get this straight, Sess can't eliminate Naraku within the laws if all the council members are not present? Oh boy, I can see where the problem will begin if and when Naraku escapes. I do hope you get to update soon! Ja ne!!
Megan Consoer- Thu 08 Nov 2007
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Sweet_Dark_Silence- Thu 01 Nov 2007
Why won't you update?! Please hurry!
trihn- Tue 18 Sep 2007
goodness, this is such a fun fic!
Dragonwitchnsi- Wed 12 Sep 2007
luv it, and where is the next chapter?
Questions to ask an artist
1) What events in you life helped leed you to becoming an artis and doing the style that you do?
2) For Miroku ask him to explain how color plays an effect on his work. Does it help define a center point of focus or leed you through the painting or create a certain effect and such
3) Sango are the pictures set up or taken in real life? In other words does she hire people to pose for the pictures or just have an eye for life memorizing moments?
4) Hojo, how does the material play a part in the sculpture? Does it really matter or do you just say 'Hey, I think I am going to do this piece in clay'? And if it does what to fell that each material brings to your piece?
5)Do you have any artist that are your ideals or have taken inspiration from? If so, who are they and why?
Basicly ask about background information anf the history of the art work like what the surface definition is and maybe the inner meaning to it. Art is not just two or three layers, it is infinite. Have them describe what the significance is to them and the effect it has on them and maybe what other people might think about it. If you need help just give me an email. I grew up doing sculpture and painting and my sister is a photographer so I know a lot about art. Hope to see that update soon. Choa
Questions to ask an artist
1) What events in you life helped leed you to becoming an artis and doing the style that you do?
2) For Miroku ask him to explain how color plays an effect on his work. Does it help define a center point of focus or leed you through the painting or create a certain effect and such
3) Sango are the pictures set up or taken in real life? In other words does she hire people to pose for the pictures or just have an eye for life memorizing moments?
4) Hojo, how does the material play a part in the sculpture? Does it really matter or do you just say 'Hey, I think I am going to do this piece in clay'? And if it does what to fell that each material brings to your piece?
5)Do you have any artist that are your ideals or have taken inspiration from? If so, who are they and why?
Basicly ask about background information anf the history of the art work like what the surface definition is and maybe the inner meaning to it. Art is not just two or three layers, it is infinite. Have them describe what the significance is to them and the effect it has on them and maybe what other people might think about it. If you need help just give me an email. I grew up doing sculpture and painting and my sister is a photographer so I know a lot about art. Hope to see that update soon. Choa
cocoke5- Wed 12 Sep 2007
ElegantPaws- Tue 11 Sep 2007
*soft smile*
You encompassed my favourite things here. A strong forthright Kagome, a sensual perve Sesshoumaru...
Naraku taking it for the team...
and an interesting story line...well done.
Only I see it has been covered copiously.
"When did your muse take you?" Obviously this will be rephrased. Every artist has a moment, the one that IMPELLS them to is the mark...the telling...the reason they create...sometimes akin to madness if not fulfilled.
You encompassed my favourite things here. A strong forthright Kagome, a sensual perve Sesshoumaru...
Naraku taking it for the team...
and an interesting story line...well done.
Only I see it has been covered copiously.
"When did your muse take you?" Obviously this will be rephrased. Every artist has a moment, the one that IMPELLS them to is the mark...the telling...the reason they create...sometimes akin to madness if not fulfilled.
Swift- Tue 11 Sep 2007
this story is pure magik.
Ana- Tue 11 Sep 2007
Oooohhhh, sweet! I loved the scenes with Kagome and Naraku! I was practically waking up the whole household with my laugh! I wanna know what "surprise" she has in store for him though ^_^
Good or bad? Hmmmm....
Hope you introduce another steamy chapter soon, Ja!!
Good or bad? Hmmmm....
Hope you introduce another steamy chapter soon, Ja!!
Chaos_Queen77- Tue 11 Sep 2007
more please *sticks lower lip out and pouts.*
Little Girlie- Mon 10 Sep 2007
I'm seriously hooked with your story.And I really like when Kagome busted Naraku's nose,that's classic.I am looking forward when the lovers will finally meet face to face (w/out the mask of course).Pls update soon.
QUESTIONS for all three:
1) How does it feel to have an exhibit & sponsored by S.Tashou himself?
2) What do you think that makes you standout among other artist & lucky enough to caught Mr.Tashou's attention?
3) For Miroku- what's the inspiration behind "Innocence always Dies" & who's the woman in the painting?
QUESTIONS for all three:
1) How does it feel to have an exhibit & sponsored by S.Tashou himself?
2) What do you think that makes you standout among other artist & lucky enough to caught Mr.Tashou's attention?
3) For Miroku- what's the inspiration behind "Innocence always Dies" & who's the woman in the painting?
Little Girlie- Mon 10 Sep 2007
I'm seriously hooked with your story.And I really like when Kagome busted Naraku's nose,that's classic.I am looking forward when the lovers will finally meet face to face (w/out the mask of course).Pls update soon.
QUESTIONS for all three:
1) How does it feel to have an exhibit & sponsored by S.Tashou himself?
2) What do you think that makes you standout among other artist & lucky enough to caught Mr.Tashou's attention?
3) For Miroku- what's the inspiration behind "Innocence always Dies" & who's the woman in the painting?
QUESTIONS for all three:
1) How does it feel to have an exhibit & sponsored by S.Tashou himself?
2) What do you think that makes you standout among other artist & lucky enough to caught Mr.Tashou's attention?
3) For Miroku- what's the inspiration behind "Innocence always Dies" & who's the woman in the painting?
sesshysbabygurl- Mon 10 Sep 2007
Loved the new chapter. glad your feeling better i would have to cry if you didnt finish this story. i cant wait to find out what she wanted peirced. Mabey ask them what made them want to be artists or something like that, hope you get a chap out soon im dieing here lol. good luck.
mizu- Mon 10 Sep 2007
well that was a really excellent chapter there. I loved it, and i love this story. so yeah you wanted some questions well how about some then.
Q1. To Any of the three or all three.
Where did they get their inspiration? More specifically for the pieces that Kagome liked in particular.
Q2. Anyone of them.
What is it like being the first humans to be show cased by Sesshoumaru
Q3. All three
What advice would you give to any aspiring artists
Q4. Any of the three
Did something happen in life to inspire some of their dark pieces of work?
Q5. Funny Question for Miroku, (not really for interview, but i have to add this.)
What is the deal with his hentai ways, and will he ever stop?
there you go hope these helped. Thanks for updating, now update again really soon.
Q1. To Any of the three or all three.
Where did they get their inspiration? More specifically for the pieces that Kagome liked in particular.
Q2. Anyone of them.
What is it like being the first humans to be show cased by Sesshoumaru
Q3. All three
What advice would you give to any aspiring artists
Q4. Any of the three
Did something happen in life to inspire some of their dark pieces of work?
Q5. Funny Question for Miroku, (not really for interview, but i have to add this.)
What is the deal with his hentai ways, and will he ever stop?
there you go hope these helped. Thanks for updating, now update again really soon.
Sweet_Dark_Silence- Sun 09 Sep 2007
Ask where they find their inspiration from.
Great chap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great chap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jaded_Butterfly- Sun 09 Sep 2007
First off, I REALLY LOVE this fic. I so original and keeps me guessing every time. And an interview question could be "where do they get their inspiration from?"
Tanya131- Sun 09 Sep 2007
please oh please write more
fifi- Sun 09 Sep 2007
You could have her ask as a question .......................I have no idea actually what i want to say is that you rock for having a story where kagome is dominant. Your my hero now i hope you can be quick about please T_T *bows*
Physical Graffiti- Sun 09 Sep 2007
Love this story! I just can't get enough of the steamy goodness! I am soooo glad your better it makes everybody happy to have you back feeding us juicey bits of this story chapter by chapter!
Jenn- Sun 09 Sep 2007
I like where you're going with this story as the plot has gripped me since day one. Hmm, an interview question could be what kind of inspiration do they use for their pieces.
Thanks for the story, look forward to the next installment.
Thanks for the story, look forward to the next installment.
*A-Kay*- Sun 09 Sep 2007
Loved it!
Loved IT!
LOVED IT a thousand times more!
Please update real real real real soon. Please!
Loved IT!
LOVED IT a thousand times more!
Please update real real real real soon. Please!
Amoraluv- Sun 09 Sep 2007
I'm really enjoying this story, its just that you seriously need a beta. You have grammar issues galore and it distracts from the story. Other then that your creativity with the story and the way you characterize the the characters is amazing. Keep up the good work.
Cal&ClJ- Wed 05 Sep 2007
IIIIEEEE...omg omg yes yes yes omg
you havent given up on the story *does a little dances*
thank you thank you so much you have no idea how much this story means to my boyfriend and me we cant wait to read what happens next...
we're practicly chomping at the bit
we really want kagome to have some kind of cool power (so some more hot and steamy chapyies) but her haveing a run in with naruku is even better....*whines* I just cant wait to find out what you do with the kagome as the modle for the songo and them....*sighs*
you havent given up on the story *does a little dances*
thank you thank you so much you have no idea how much this story means to my boyfriend and me we cant wait to read what happens next...
we're practicly chomping at the bit
we really want kagome to have some kind of cool power (so some more hot and steamy chapyies) but her haveing a run in with naruku is even better....*whines* I just cant wait to find out what you do with the kagome as the modle for the songo and them....*sighs*
Tanya131- Wed 05 Sep 2007
please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please.......write more this is getting really good and excitting....i would like to know what happeneds to those two love birds.
Vinnievoodoo84- Thu 16 Aug 2007
I really enjoy this story please continue soon
MorningStar- Tue 14 Aug 2007
awww... sesshy poo! i think i got a lil misty eyed there. until the 'she completes me' line... then my brain started rambling... saying that it hopes sesshy doesn't start jumping up and down on oprah's couch shouting "i love this woman!"
yeah, my mind went THERE. evil tom cruise *shudder* anyway, another wonderfully done chapter. i will be anxiously awaiting more.
^_^ happy tuesday!
yeah, my mind went THERE. evil tom cruise *shudder* anyway, another wonderfully done chapter. i will be anxiously awaiting more.
^_^ happy tuesday!
lover- Mon 13 Aug 2007
wow i can not what please update soon
Cassie- Mon 13 Aug 2007
Man I love thsi story I really wish Ii were Kagome and love the torture scenes but if I were Kagome I would have gave his a little more of the riding just to tease him really good, and I'm glad to find out that now Sesshomaru really know who she really is and she doesn't have to hide behind the mask, which I liked that too.... keep up the good work and can't wait to read the next chapter.
neoyoukai21- Mon 13 Aug 2007
I love your story!!! please update soon and keep up the great work. have a good one!
ElegantPaws- Mon 13 Aug 2007
You are doing a great job, keep it up, the story is as it unfolds acquiring depth. First off, I love the subject matter (Artistic Theme) and it is right up my alley. Well done, the chapter was worth the wait.
So about Naraku....dooooooooo tell.
See...see, and you were giving yourself such a hard time. Perish the thought *wink*. Night
So about Naraku....dooooooooo tell.
See...see, and you were giving yourself such a hard time. Perish the thought *wink*. Night
Physical Graffiti- Mon 13 Aug 2007
I am so happy you chose to update! I wss waiting to see when it would happen and then wah-bam, I was super glad. And don't worry about your spelling errors, nothing was bad so as to confuse readers. Please continue writing and we readers will rally to your call!
Kiaya- Mon 13 Aug 2007
i love ur story. it is incredible. sex and plot. good combination.
but i think that u should make the chapters longer, it will help keep readers interested for longer. it has a realy catchy beginning and u have done a good job of keeping the reader caught.
keep it up, i cant wait to see how the story plays out.
love ya, Kiaya.
but i think that u should make the chapters longer, it will help keep readers interested for longer. it has a realy catchy beginning and u have done a good job of keeping the reader caught.
keep it up, i cant wait to see how the story plays out.
love ya, Kiaya.
whiteinu1- Mon 13 Aug 2007
Keep going ^_^
Zyren- Mon 13 Aug 2007
thats soooo sweet! YOU MADE ME WAIT!!! MEANIE!!! but i still love it, so update soon, and whoever is messing with you over misspellings are obviously assholes! dont let it bother you!
Ja Ne!
thats soooo sweet! YOU MADE ME WAIT!!! MEANIE!!! but i still love it, so update soon, and whoever is messing with you over misspellings are obviously assholes! dont let it bother you!
Ja Ne!
karla- Mon 13 Aug 2007
AWWWE!!!!! that was so erotically sweet!! please update soon! I cannot wait to see what becomes of dominion and her puppy!!!!!
*A-Kay*- Sun 12 Aug 2007
So beautiful. You do have a few typos here and there, but it's nothing big. Just deaf isn't spelled def.
Anywayz! Great chap, great story. I can't believe you stopped right there. I want to read more! LOL. Well update AS SOOOOOON AS YOU CAN! Please. I can't wait to see what happens at the art show thingie and how his request pans out... and what's the deal with Naraku?
Anywayz! Great chap, great story. I can't believe you stopped right there. I want to read more! LOL. Well update AS SOOOOOON AS YOU CAN! Please. I can't wait to see what happens at the art show thingie and how his request pans out... and what's the deal with Naraku?
Trice- Sun 12 Aug 2007
I have really enjoyed reading your story, I am just really bad at reviewing. I must say the little note Sess gave Kagome was so on point. Reading a note like that, I would tols him to come take me I am yours. I can't wait to read how all of this plays out. I know the process will be very entertaining.
Amoraluv- Sun 12 Aug 2007
I really luv this story. It has its errors here and there but after you get thru the first chapter its pretty good
Chaos_Queen77- Sun 12 Aug 2007
Wow that was so sweet, Sesshomaru was a bit cuddly that normal but it was so cute! Post again soon please it was very good.
Swift_Paw- Thu 09 Aug 2007
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
Swift_Paw- Thu 09 Aug 2007
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
Swift_Paw- Thu 09 Aug 2007
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
Swift_Paw- Thu 09 Aug 2007
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
Swift_Paw- Thu 09 Aug 2007
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
Swift_Paw- Thu 09 Aug 2007
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
Swift_Paw- Thu 09 Aug 2007
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
please hurry please *whimper whimper whine* me want me want more
lady dragon heart- Mon 06 Aug 2007
When will you update?
Chaos_Queen77- Mon 06 Aug 2007
This is truely a wicker story i love it. I hope that you post the next chapter soon.
elvira- Mon 06 Aug 2007
take your time...
Koroleva- Mon 06 Aug 2007
i loved it this fic is sooooo awsome!!!! i can't wait until they mate the waittings killing me though.. update soon plz!!!
Sidhe- Sun 05 Aug 2007
We will be here as long as it takes you to update....good stories will always keep the readers enthralled!
Ebony m.- Wed 01 Aug 2007
im sorry but wow is this suppost to be a dirty porn?
Amoraluv- Tue 31 Jul 2007
work on the mispells and it will be hot
work on the mispells and it will be hot
MorningStar- Tue 31 Jul 2007
whoo! *fans self* i really like when Sesshomaru gets grabby.
hehe, thanks for letting me know it was up, i've been kinda banging my head trying to get my muses to wake up. i think it's stories like this one that have them mumbling lemons to me in my sleep.
not that i'm complaining... lord knows i love this story, it's great to see something out of the norm and you're a good writer.
I'll be sitting patiently waiting. ::glomp::
thanks again for the heads up!
hehe, thanks for letting me know it was up, i've been kinda banging my head trying to get my muses to wake up. i think it's stories like this one that have them mumbling lemons to me in my sleep.
not that i'm complaining... lord knows i love this story, it's great to see something out of the norm and you're a good writer.
I'll be sitting patiently waiting. ::glomp::
thanks again for the heads up!
renusuru- Mon 30 Jul 2007
fan freaking tastick who new kagome had it in her
toni- Mon 30 Jul 2007
ElegantPaws- Mon 30 Jul 2007
Chapter Four's finale had heat. Well done, why ever did you feel you would need help. You did well *big smile*....
All in all, a very interesting chapter.
Brava dear girl!
All in all, a very interesting chapter.
Brava dear girl!
Ana- Mon 30 Jul 2007
Hot damn! This is puts a new twist to SM relationships ^_^ Please update sooN! Please!?! Thanks!!
lex1621- Mon 30 Jul 2007
This was an awesome chapter and I can't wait to find out whats next!
elvira- Mon 30 Jul 2007
wow..poor sesshomaru...but this is awsome!!..more chapters please!!
Zyren- Mon 30 Jul 2007
....oh my oh my....a submissive Sesshoumaru...a dominatrix Kagome, who would have thought such a combination could be so utterly tantilizing. I LOVE IT!
i admit, as i read the first chapter my mind was screaming 'what the f@*%?' and yet i couldnt stop myself from going on to the next chapter and praying to Kami that my internet did not chose this moment to lose connection. I am completely and totally addicted to this fic! You are a brilliant writer, perfectly captivating Sesshoumaru's delicious punishment in detail worthy of salivating over that is enough to make me want to chain up my boyfriend and play dominatrix for a night.
I sincerely hope that you continue with the next update quickly so that i may once again indulge in this sinfully delightful treat!
i admit, as i read the first chapter my mind was screaming 'what the f@*%?' and yet i couldnt stop myself from going on to the next chapter and praying to Kami that my internet did not chose this moment to lose connection. I am completely and totally addicted to this fic! You are a brilliant writer, perfectly captivating Sesshoumaru's delicious punishment in detail worthy of salivating over that is enough to make me want to chain up my boyfriend and play dominatrix for a night.
I sincerely hope that you continue with the next update quickly so that i may once again indulge in this sinfully delightful treat!
Nicholas- Sun 29 Jul 2007
An interesting peice if I do say so myself.
MorningStar- Sun 29 Jul 2007
i just reread it... still enjoy it greatly.
so... when can we get some more? *big grins*
(like i'm one to talk...) hope you have an enjoyable sunday!
so... when can we get some more? *big grins*
(like i'm one to talk...) hope you have an enjoyable sunday!
Physical Graffiti- Sat 28 Jul 2007
Love the way that Kagome is in control and that Sesshoumaru doesn't have to be always in control. This is a good story since Sesshoumaru can still be top dog when Kagome is not around. Update! We need more of your stories!
Any-Yasha- Thu 26 Jul 2007
this story is awesome. i love how kagome is all like dominant and powerful in this story. usually people display her as a weak and simple minded fool. love this story.please continue.
Inusbabe- Mon 23 Jul 2007
Looking forward to the next chapter. My Harry Potter book came in the mail Saturday and I finished Sunday night.
ElegantPaws- Sun 22 Jul 2007
Tilayha, I like it. I truly do, it promises to be a new telling, please continue, you have this reader's interest. I love when the characters are taken out of the theoretical norm and allowed to bloom. Doing a fine job of it. Keep going girl. Keep goin...intrigued. Also, let's be selfish loving the setting. Fond of artistic endeavours me lol. I like it.
marufan- Sat 21 Jul 2007
good story i enjoyed it
whiteinu1- Sat 21 Jul 2007
keep going ^_^
elvira- Fri 20 Jul 2007
wow..this is awsome!! 3 years that they have chapters please!!
MorningStar- Sun 15 Jul 2007
i like how you did that... sorta tarrantino'd it. start at the middle, then go back to the beginning...
of course Icy-Hot would love pain! it's what he's good at giving but no one ever gets close enough to hurt him. We all know he'd be a freak in the boudoir.
P.s.: love the mask thing. now i'll just be sitting in the corner waiting for more.
happy sunday!
of course Icy-Hot would love pain! it's what he's good at giving but no one ever gets close enough to hurt him. We all know he'd be a freak in the boudoir.
P.s.: love the mask thing. now i'll just be sitting in the corner waiting for more.
happy sunday!
I Love Sesshomaru Aka FLUFFY - Sama- Sun 15 Jul 2007
PLease continue as soon as you can this is really good :)
Kawaii_Kilala- Sun 15 Jul 2007
Wow! so sexy and nice! and it explains why she's still a virgin too! I really like this story, and can't wait for you to up-date again...
if, in the first chapter, he liked it when she strocked his anus and under his sack, then does that mean that she has 'fucked' his anus? I've heard of this being done by woman to their submisive partners, my friend is...kinky....and she enjoys creaping me out with the details, though im usualy only fauking and am really interested in trying somethings out with my husband....
in later chapters will you have even more fun stuff and interesting things in them? Hmm?lol, well, its 1:23AM, I've got to go feed my little 'angel'...
Up-date soon please!
if, in the first chapter, he liked it when she strocked his anus and under his sack, then does that mean that she has 'fucked' his anus? I've heard of this being done by woman to their submisive partners, my friend is...kinky....and she enjoys creaping me out with the details, though im usualy only fauking and am really interested in trying somethings out with my husband....
in later chapters will you have even more fun stuff and interesting things in them? Hmm?lol, well, its 1:23AM, I've got to go feed my little 'angel'...
Up-date soon please!
luna- Sun 15 Jul 2007
I made my friend read this with me and he told me that that was something i would soo do, i think its maily because i wish that just for one day i wish to be a dominatix, and trust me it is fun to slap and whip guys around and i know this cuz for the halloween that past that was my disguise and i got to whip people soo yeah...right so the point of my ranting is to tell you that i really like the story soo keep it up
naru- Sun 15 Jul 2007
This is an interesting story, update soon.
ElegantPaws- Sat 14 Jul 2007
I like it! I really like it! Keep going! Night know I really do. Please keep going. You cannot see it but I am beaming at you. Yep I do. Entirely new voice.
whiteinu1- Sat 14 Jul 2007
keep going ^_^
elvira- Sat 14 Jul 2007
so thats how they met? chapters please
bluemoon_175- Thu 12 Jul 2007
That was really good and I can't wait to read more so I hope you try and update asap, and keep up the job well done.
MorningStar- Wed 11 Jul 2007
well... and here i thought i had read everything. that was actually kinda hot.
i agree with you about the formatting though.
but great googly mooglies... i can't wait for your next chapter
i agree with you about the formatting though.
but great googly mooglies... i can't wait for your next chapter
neptune- Wed 11 Jul 2007
that was so hot...please do some more chps.
elvira- Tue 10 Jul 2007
this was wow...i never knew some one could make him beg!!!this is awsome!!!...way is she evil?..or she just acts like that?..more chapters please!!
Slm_candle- Tue 10 Jul 2007
WOW That was sooooooooo erotic and I loved it so do the world of bondage a favor and update with a new and even better chappie PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ thx.