Reviews for Honey, I'm Gay by Siax
Violetcarson- Mon 28 Apr 2008
Aw, poor Kaggie. At least she has Sess. Now I;m curious though, who was the woman in the dream?
It was a good chapter anyway, depressing, but good. Update soon!
It was a good chapter anyway, depressing, but good. Update soon!
IcePrincess001- Fri 25 Apr 2008
Hey good chapter. That would be weird if she got over Bankotsu that fast. I'm happy how this chapter turned out. And just to let you know I don't hate the story, I love it, its just really sad that he died. Oh and if its not too much to ask could you read some of my stories or one of them, whichever sparks your interest and tell me what you think. And again great chapter. Oh and I wonder, is the woman Kagura? Just guessing.
IcePrincess001- Fri 25 Apr 2008
Hey good chapter. That would be weird if she got over Bankotsu that fast. I'm happy how this chapter turned out. And just to let you know I don't hate the story, I love it, its just really sad that he died. Oh and if its not too much to ask could you read some of my stories or one of them, whichever sparks your interest and tell me what you think. And again great chapter. Oh and I wonder, is the woman Kagura? Just guessing.
IcePrincess001- Fri 25 Apr 2008
Hey good chapter. That would be weird if she got over Bankotsu that fast. I'm happy how this chapter turned out. And just to let you know I don't hate the story, I love it, its just really sad that he died. Oh and if its not too much to ask could you read some of my stories or one of them, whichever sparks your interest and tell me what you think. And again great chapter. Oh and I wonder, is the woman Kagura? Just guessing.
HollyS- Mon 21 Apr 2008
That made me bawl. I have been following this story which is unusual for me as I don't normally even open a story until it is better than ten chapters, but I have been hooked. I think a prequel would be a great idea. I also think it sucks that Rin didn't get to say goodbye to her daddy. I understand why, but I think it sucks.
Mmkay... sadness aside I think this is a mahvelous thing you are doing dahling and do keep it up, oh yes do.
Mmkay... sadness aside I think this is a mahvelous thing you are doing dahling and do keep it up, oh yes do.
bre- Mon 21 Apr 2008
no prequel
snowbird- Sat 19 Apr 2008
I am so very happy you returned to this story. Since April 07 I've kept an eye on it. Not one but two updates since I last checked and both tearjerkers. I used up several tissues. I think this is the best depiction of Bankotsu that I've read. I vote a big YES for a prequel. Just point me in the direction of the site you plan to use and I'll be in line to read. Poor Sesshoumaru's timing at a first date was bad for him to be thrown into the middle of a family tragedy but good for Kagome because of the moral support he can give She's going to need him in the weeks to come not only emotionally but his business advice. I've not forgotten Rin's dream. It was prophetic. I wonder if she or Kagome will remember the dream and take it seriously.
hope_midnight- Thu 17 Apr 2008
WoW, that was really good. are you going to continue with the story?
IcePrincess001- Tue 15 Apr 2008
OMG why did you kill Bankotsu. I get so attached to these stories that i cry. In a way I'm a bit strange I feel everything Kagome feels. That was so sad!!!! WHY!!!! Please please do the prequel to it. I'd love to read it and I love your story but why let Bankotsu die. That was so very sad. I still love the story but it was sad.
dreamer789- Mon 14 Apr 2008
oh my god.... NO!. why why why. its so sad. and YES i REALLY would LOVE it if you did the prequal!
ScarredInnocence- Sun 13 Apr 2008
OMG, that was so friggin sad... sniffle sniffle. I was crying... poor them... poor everyone. I luv your story though, i do not think i have read one like it anywhere... i have been waiting a while for you to update... and well...
Update Soon please~! 3
Update Soon please~! 3
RInchan92- Sat 12 Apr 2008
gosh I adore that fic soooooooo much and those new chapters had tears in my eyes and let me tell you I don't cry for much so take that as a huge compilment I can't wait for the update and keep it up because I think i'm in love an I would be heart broken if you stopped this fic.
OVER and OUT! ^_^
OVER and OUT! ^_^
Violetcarson- Sat 12 Apr 2008
Oh, that's just depressing! But well. I suppose if it's needed for the storyline...okay then. I loved their last conversation, it was touching, and sweet. At least she got to say a goobye. I really do think you should write a prequel, it would be really good!
elvira- Sat 12 Apr 2008
that was so sad!...
update soon please!
update soon please!
Elisa- Sat 12 Apr 2008
It's so terrible that Bankotsu had to die. Drive by shootings really hit close to home everytime I hear about one. I really enjoyed reading the story though and I can't wait to read more to see where you are taking this. BTW, I would like it if you did decide to go into Bankotsu and Kagome's relationship in a prequel that would be awsome! lol update soon!! ^_^
tif- Sat 12 Apr 2008
meani how could u kill banks..nooo y couldnt u make them all live happily ever after poor banksss huhhuhuhuhuhu.. YES sure make a prequel huhuhuhu poor banksss
Kim- Fri 11 Apr 2008
I love the story. U are doing an amazing job at it.
megan- Fri 11 Apr 2008
i would love a prequel you write so beaiutifully I cried when he died. please continue the good work
elvira- Thu 10 Apr 2008
please!..update soon!....
Violetacarson- Thu 10 Apr 2008
Wow. That was insanely sad. You did really well on capturing her emotion here. Great chapter, if a bit depressing. Although, it does set the stage for a nice comfort/tragedy story. I think I see how you're going to be able to work it. And also, about the prequel, I say go for it! I'd love to hear exactly how their fascinating relationship really came from, although it'll probably make it even more depressing that he's going to die. Anywho, great job, and keep writing!!!
lex1621- Wed 09 Apr 2008
Oh, my gosh I can't believe you're killing him off. I love this story anyway and can't wait to see what happens next!
morgan145- Tue 08 Apr 2008
this was really good. i want to know wat happened next. i really hope you write more chapters and soon. you have me on the edge of my seat wanting to know wat will happen to everybody. so please write more. thanks!
dreamer789- Tue 08 Apr 2008
im really really hoping thay he doesnt die. that it was all a big misunderstanding, or kagome heals him with her miko powers or something, anything. it would be so incredibly depressing if he died. please update soon anxiously and saddened waiting for the next chapter
Concerned Reader- Tue 08 Apr 2008
AHHHH!!!!! No!!!! You can't just end it there!!! Please, for the love of all things good and loving!!! Write more!!!! *hands over pencil and paper* It can't end like that!!!!
iloveprettysilverhair- Tue 08 Apr 2008
Yay! I was excited to see an update for this! What drama, very well done!
Jasmine- Mon 07 Apr 2008
this is so sad please wrrite more
dreamer789- Tue 26 Feb 2008
no no no no no no no! please dont let him die PLEASE! oh my god. he cant die.! please update soon please. i cant wait to see what happens next
dreamer789- Tue 26 Feb 2008
no no no no no no no! please dont let him die PLEASE! oh my god. he cant die.! please update soon please. i cant wait to see what happens next
summerhaven- Mon 18 Feb 2008
omg. CLIFFHANGER! so evil! But your story is absolutely wonderful! Keep on going ^-^
chevonne- Tue 25 Dec 2007
so very good and dramatic. MORE PLEASE
raven- Tue 04 Dec 2007
i NEED the next ch. i like the way it coming along . its just great. but its not vary nice to leave us with cliff hangers. its mean
snowbird- Fri 09 Nov 2007
I love this story.You've done a wonderful job with the characters. Especially Bankotsu. His close relationship with Kag and his daughter is precious. I had a feeling something terrible was going to happen. You did mention once about Sess being a demon. I'm glad. I think it's better when the demon characters are left demon. That's part of their personality; To make them human just changes everything. He's the only one you've mentioned so far, though. You said nothing about Kouga, Inuyasha or Hiten when they were introduced into the story. When are you going to return and update this story? It's been since July. I hope you've not abandoned it. It would be such a shame.
iloveprettysilverhair- Fri 19 Oct 2007
I really like your story, I think you're doing a fabulous job! I can't wait to read more!
TaiYoukai- Wed 03 Oct 2007
Omigod!! BANKOUTSU!!! Noooo.....I wanna cry now.
Update soon
Update soon
sesshylover2010- Mon 03 Sep 2007
OMG OMG is he dead wht happened lol cant wait until the next chapter
nekochaos- Mon 27 Aug 2007
That ending was kinda sudden... I was enjoying this story up til that last part... It was going pretty well.
Lady Nya- Sat 25 Aug 2007
NO! Don't let Bankotsu die! Really enjoy your story. Update ASAP.
AoiKitsune- Fri 10 Aug 2007
gah how can u do dat?! y u have go get ppl shot T-T. damnit dis is a great story update asap. good luck w/ ur next ch. AoiKitsune
jenna- Wed 08 Aug 2007
please contiue i loved the firt chapters and would love if you would conitue
Lena- Fri 27 Jul 2007
This is a really good story. I like the way the plot flows, but why did you have to get Bankotsu shot? Your not trying to kill him already are you? And during the date to thats kinda mean. Anywho keep up the great work hope you update soon.
hotshorty- Fri 27 Jul 2007
it's good so far but it's sad that he was shot
Vicious Grin- Sat 21 Jul 2007
this is such a good story! i love what I'm reading so far. keep up the good work!
Kat- Fri 20 Jul 2007
Very original! Can't say I've seen anything like it so far. Nice work.
I especially liked the little twist at the end of the chapter. Ohh my what's going to happen?
Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
kat ^.^
I especially liked the little twist at the end of the chapter. Ohh my what's going to happen?
Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
kat ^.^
mitch- Tue 17 Jul 2007
I love your story! It's so original,keep writing please!
(cause I want to know what happends next!)
(cause I want to know what happends next!)
Arris- Mon 16 Jul 2007
What a wonderful and enchanting story! I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Take it easy and get well soon. Good luck.
Kanazawa- Mon 16 Jul 2007
sooo Kags meets Sess through Sango and Inuyasha... interesting. I liked how you characterized Inuyasha-- it was refreshing that he didn't start off to be such a jerk...
although that might change, who knows?
although that might change, who knows?
Kanazawa- Mon 16 Jul 2007
yay! They found Rin and Sesshy!! I wonder if Sess is going to be in this group of Miroku's friends... or if Kags is going to meet him through something else.
P.S. I love Moulin Rouge!!
P.S. I love Moulin Rouge!!
Kanazawa- Mon 16 Jul 2007
wow great first chapter!! I must say I am definitely hooked... what suspense!
kate- Sun 15 Jul 2007
O my god! Gah, I can't believe Bankotsu got shot! Please don't let him die!! That would be so so sad! THis is an awesome story, please update soon!!
KEKE- Sun 15 Jul 2007
youknowyouloveme3- Fri 13 Jul 2007
OMG! i can't believe he got shot!! is he gonna live?????
you gotta keep on writing!!
lol. [:
you gotta keep on writing!!
lol. [:
Jay- Wed 11 Jul 2007
OMG!!!!!! NOOO!!! he got SHOT!!!!! dang....thats so sad :'( *cries* poor rin, WILL HE LIVE!!! what about this 'kiss' with Kag and sesshy-poo!!!!!! NOOOO!!! update please:)
zekkou- Wed 11 Jul 2007
Wow! Really good! I love the final product! Congrats on the recommendation!
Priestess Skye- Wed 11 Jul 2007
I just stumbled upon this fic and I must say, it's fantastic! I can't wait for more.
MB- Wed 11 Jul 2007
I simply love this fan fic, its warm, touching and makes me crack up. I do hope your cuts heal with out problems. I hope you feel better soon. Keep up the great work.
FangedBeasty- Sun 08 Jul 2007
Why of why did Bank get shot? I hope he lives he is one of my favorite characters. However, it is your story and sometimes you have to do sad things in a story to make it turn out the right way! I really hope that you don't kill him off though!
google- Sun 08 Jul 2007
zomg!! i just love this story already! rin is so shippou ever going to come in? well you have such a great story going on and i hope you keep writing and updating!
Violetcarson- Sat 07 Jul 2007
OMG!!!!!! Poor Pita Bread!!!! I hope he doesn't die!!!!! Although, it could definitely be used to enhance th story, ya know, have Sesshy there to comfort Kagome and Rin after their loss, blah blah blah. Just a thought. Keep writing!!!!
inukamisashi- Sat 07 Jul 2007
Shocks!!! OMG!!! Poor Bankotsu...Oh, can't wait what'll happen next! ^^ Nice story!
Katherine- Sat 07 Jul 2007
OMG OMG OMG HE'S BEEN SHOT!!!! AHHH DOES HE DIE? OoooOH Godd this is sooo good update soon PLEASE
Black_Rose- Sat 07 Jul 2007
OMFG! That last chapter totally got me! I really hope you updae soon; this story is amazing!!!!
Leafeknight7- Sat 07 Jul 2007
You killed Bankotsu...I loved I really like this! Please update it soon. ^_^Ja ne!
suisen- Sat 07 Jul 2007
That was mean, leaving us hanging like that. I hope you're planning on updating soon? Like tomorrow, soon.
suisen- Sat 07 Jul 2007
That was
mean, leaving us hanging like that. I hope you're planning on updating soon? Like tomorrow, soon.
mean, leaving us hanging like that. I hope you're planning on updating soon? Like tomorrow, soon.
suisen- Sat 07 Jul 2007
That wasmean, leaving us hanging like that. I hope you're planning on updating soon? Like tomorrow, soon.
chibi moon baby- Sat 07 Jul 2007
oh no! bankotsu! good chapter, update soon please!
AnimeFanime18- Sat 07 Jul 2007
O_O BANKOTSU GOT SHOT?! Is he going to be okay? Is he going to die? Because if he's going to die, then I'm going to be so depressed because he's such a good father to Rin! D: Well, your story. I'm still anxious to find out what happens though! :D
chibi-nova- Sat 07 Jul 2007
GAW! evil EVIL cliffy bwah....but i have to give you props the story is good but y ban-kun??!! ~happy Writing~
Sesshomaru12262- Sat 07 Jul 2007
I loved the twist in the end because I first thought it would be a stranger instead of Rin's Father. Is he going to live?
tif- Sat 07 Jul 2007
ey dont be mean and kill banks!!! pls...
mickiressa- Sat 07 Jul 2007
I felt like I was watching a movie it's so good and please for the love of me please do not kill Bankotsu they need him, I need him. I love your story and I will wait patiently until the next chapter.
Faye- Sat 07 Jul 2007
O noes! I hope he isn't dead!! And things were just getting nice a hot between sesshoumaru and kagome! Please update soon
al- Sat 07 Jul 2007
don't kill bank!
but if you must,alright.
just my humble opinion.
good luck with the next chapter.
but if you must,alright.
just my humble opinion.
good luck with the next chapter.
gina- Sat 07 Jul 2007
omg!!! i did not see that coming i am blahing now.. that was so amazing and sad .. and funny and everything in one.. i can't wait for more!!!!
TONI- Sat 07 Jul 2007
BeautifulDeception- Fri 06 Jul 2007
OMG Bakotsu Is Hurt No!!!!! He Cant Die I Like Him! I Realli Did ... Well I Cant Wait To See What The Next Chapter Is Going To Be About?! Update Soon Please!
nicole- Fri 06 Jul 2007
It' s so good. I love your story.
PLease update soon
PLease update soon
nicole- Fri 06 Jul 2007
It' s so good. I love your story.
PLease update soon
PLease update soon
nicole- Fri 06 Jul 2007
It' s so good. I love your story.
PLease update soon
PLease update soon
sola- Fri 06 Jul 2007
Very....different. Cute names for Kags and Bankotsu, lol.
Kanela- Fri 06 Jul 2007
Oh...I'm loving it. Yeah, definitely...
Keep it up!
Keep it up!
toni- Fri 06 Jul 2007
hey! i loving it so far! wonder if Bankso. will get jealous of Sesshou attention with rin and kagome..
Faye- Fri 06 Jul 2007
Horray! Kagome is good at embarrassing herself in front of Sesshoumaru though! Please update soooon!
Sesshomaru12262- Fri 06 Jul 2007
I love it please update another chapter by today. Don't Stop Writing!!!!!
chibi moon baby- Fri 06 Jul 2007
this is such a fantastic story! it is well written and i have enjoyed reading it so far. update soon please!
chibi moon baby- Fri 06 Jul 2007
this is such a fantastic story! it is well written and i have enjoyed reading it so far. update soon please!
mamoun- Fri 06 Jul 2007
It' s so good. I love your story.
PLease update soon
PLease update soon
BeautifulDeception- Fri 06 Jul 2007
Lol ... Me Likey ... This Is A Really Good Story I Mean It Really Is! I Cant Wait To See Whats Going To Happen Next ... Update Soon!
faye- Thu 05 Jul 2007
pretty good! I can't wait to see how Sesshoumaru's character develops! Update soon!
Violetcarson- Thu 05 Jul 2007
So far, it rocks!!!! Keep it up!!!! And I hope that once it gets into a relationship between SessxKag that there is a LOT of fluff!!!! Fluff RULES!!!!!!!!!! Keep writing!!
gina- Thu 05 Jul 2007
AWESOME!!!!!! i love it!!! very original.
i absolutly love it. you have a great gift for story telling. and i can not wat for more.. thanks so much for sharing. =)
i absolutly love it. you have a great gift for story telling. and i can not wat for more.. thanks so much for sharing. =)
Raicheal- Thu 05 Jul 2007
I hope you continue with it; it is very good. Thank you!
swasdiva- Thu 05 Jul 2007
Interesting AU choice! I like the first person've got it moving at a strong pace and the characterizations are fresh and engaging. Can't wait to read more!
toni- Thu 05 Jul 2007
this story is good so far... i like it