Reviews for Life Out There by silver_hollows
Violetcarson- Fri 20 Jul 2007
Aww!! That was so awesome!! A Great sequel!!
Ladieyasha10- Fri 20 Jul 2007
That was excellent! I sincerely enjoyed it though I do wonder why Sesshoumaru came for her. Oh well that doesnt really matter. Maybe he was just lonely, who cares they ended up together and the story was really sweet.
One_who_NOFFS_u- Fri 13 Jul 2007
OMG I loved it! It was soooo adorable and made me go 'Awwww' *proceeds to puke*...geez, lol. Naw but it was great. I loved how you went through his entire life, showing how his mother was always there for him. It was very inspiring! Noff u the most my dearest!!!
Raceen_Ecstasy- Sat 07 Jul 2007
That was the sweetest thing in the world. The tears were almost pouring out my eyes!
Violetcarson- Thu 05 Jul 2007
OMG!!!! That was such a cool one-shot!! I loved the way Kagome only called Kai 'kid', it was really sweet. Overall, a damn god oneshot!!!
judzea- Thu 05 Jul 2007
Very interesting and somewhat different. I liked it and wished that Kags had taken him with her when she left the first time, oh well...
nice story.
Great job :)
nice story.
Great job :)