Reviews for For the Good of Things by thehotty
Jane- Sun 30 Mar 2008
Yumm, excuse me? I just want to know if I am haulcitnating things, or that is not a new chapter. I like this story and it does have some points that I think are very over used but some of the twists make me keep reading. everyone seems in charactar most of the time, and when tthey are not they are only slightly ooc. Either way, you write well and i am n\almost neer confused. Another thing that i like is that i see few gramar and spelling errors. keep writing because i want to know what happens
c u l8r
c u l8r
Violetcarson- Sun 09 Mar 2008
Er, th, we have a bit of a problem. *whispers* You posted chapter 15 instead of chapter 19. Oops.
Sad as well. Now we have to wait even more before we learn of the fate of young Kyo! DANG!!!!
Sad as well. Now we have to wait even more before we learn of the fate of young Kyo! DANG!!!!
LordSesshomaruLover16- Sun 09 Mar 2008
great job please update soon loioking forward to finding out what happened to kyo this story is a wonderful story im looking forward to more of its brillants so please update as soon as you can your new fan LordSesshomaruLover16
arielle langley- Sat 08 Mar 2008
Im so happy that u finaly updated! Thank u so much n also great job ur doin with the story ! Just one little thing please dont make us wait too long for the next chp! Thank u so much though n keep up the good work!
Violetcarson- Thu 04 Oct 2007
Woot! Go 'Gome!! *claps* About time somebody hit him. SOmebody had better review besides me!!! Or I'll have to attack something. Painfully. Grrrrr!!!!!!!!
Apollo's Priestess- Sat 29 Sep 2007
Hey just started reading this story and let me tell u i think that it's awesome. it was so good that i have been reading for a couple of hours. it is now 6;30am! =) I hope that you continue it. I like the way that u make all the characters with personalities like 4rm our time. So the girls dont take any bull. This is a great story and u are a great writer, so please continue!
Kagome-Chan- Fri 28 Sep 2007
That Was a GR8 Chapter!!!! YAY BABIES!! I'm So0o0 Xited! Please Update By Monday Like U Said If U Can!!!! I Don't Think I Can Wait Much Longer!! :]
Ai Shi Teru,
Kagome-Chan ♪
Ai Shi Teru,
Kagome-Chan ♪
Violetcarson- Fri 28 Sep 2007
YAY!!!!!! *fireworks* I KNEW it!!!! Woot!!!!!!! Been a while hasn't it TH?
Kagome-Chan- Sat 22 Sep 2007
SUGOI!!!! I LOVED This CHapter!!!! Please Update Soon!!!!
sesshous_girl- Mon 13 Aug 2007
Hey love the chapters. i love how Hitten runs from his mate. I mean hello it's the twenty first century Girls can kick ass lol. Well hope to see more chapters.
Arsenic- Fri 10 Aug 2007
The last part of that chapter just makes me think that Kagome is pregnant...I'm not sure if that's what you were hinting at, but I'm guessing!!!! I hope you get a chance to update again soon, so that I can see if my guess was right or wrong!!
inukamisashi- Wed 08 Aug 2007
wonderful! keep it up! ^^
TONI- Wed 08 Aug 2007
OMG!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!
Violetcarson- Wed 08 Aug 2007
Oh!!!! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!!!!!!! OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I know, I know, I know!!!!!!!!! Haha!! That is so utterly evil of you!!! Muahahahahaha!!!!!!!
I'm glad you're back, I missed this fic.
I'm glad you're back, I missed this fic.
Sesshy's Rose- Wed 08 Aug 2007
I know how you feel. I currently have two jobs and am taking 15 hours of classes this fall. All I can do is wish you good luck and godspeed in updating this chapter!!!
Violetcarson- Tue 10 Jul 2007
So, I am extremely stupid, ain't I? I was just rereading the story, and when I was done, I decided to read the reviews. When lo and behold, I realized that I didn't review the last couple chappies!!! The Horror!!!! I grovel at your feet *grovel, grovel* and beg your forgiveness. We are worms!!!!! PLease don't eat me!!!!!
Anywho, about the chappies, they RULE!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! *happy dance* They're mated!!!!! Apple pies for everyone!!!! I loved the fluff, it ROX!!!!!
Anywho, about the chappies, they RULE!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! *happy dance* They're mated!!!!! Apple pies for everyone!!!! I loved the fluff, it ROX!!!!!
Jessie- Wed 27 Jun 2007
I'm in love with this charming story you have created keep up the good work.
Kagome-Chan- Mon 25 Jun 2007
I LOVE Your Story!!!! PLEASE Update As Soon As U Can!!
Peace, Luv, and stars,
Peace, Luv, and stars,
whiteinu1- Sun 24 Jun 2007
keep going ^_^
Black_Rose- Sat 23 Jun 2007
That's not true! I read your story on and I love it! I sent you a review was my first time reading the story...Keep up the excllent work...and I'll keep reading!
Violetcarson- Wed 30 May 2007
Yay!!! Cirus!!! Even a little mushiness at the end!!! All in all, a GREAT chappie!!!! I hope moving doesn;t distract you TOO mcuh! I'll hate it if we don't get another update until after you're completely settled in, but, if you must...
OMFG!!! Expression from the lord of the fluff!!! Its a miracle!!!! Slap me thrice and hand me to me momma!! lol, if anyone hasn't yet, they NEED TO WATCH PIRATES 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMFG!!! Expression from the lord of the fluff!!! Its a miracle!!!! Slap me thrice and hand me to me momma!! lol, if anyone hasn't yet, they NEED TO WATCH PIRATES 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Li Hua- Mon 28 May 2007
oh its so cute. i love this fanfic so far so please updata asap.
furthermore, have fun moving.
furthermore, have fun moving.
sesshous_girl- Mon 28 May 2007
Love the chapter and how Sesshy is really starting to care about Kagome. Glad Sango is in the story. She and Kagome Keep things interesting. Well besides Fluffy and Kags do interesting things. LOL. Anyways can't wait for more chapters.
sesshous_girl- Sun 27 May 2007
Love your story and can't wait for next chapter. Poor Sesshy has to hide his feelings oh well Him and Kagome will be together soon. Can't wait to see what's coming up in the wedding. BTW Will Sango be in this story? Miroku probably misses her. Or part of her LOL.
sesshous_girl- Sun 27 May 2007
OMG! I love your story. I put very few authors on my fav author list and your one of them. I love the little scenes you put at the beginning and end of your stories. LOL If Miroku and Sesshy hid the 'magic powder' from me I'd hit 'em with a baseball bat to. LOL Well hope to see more chapters soon and I love your work.
sesshous_girl- Sun 27 May 2007
OMG! I love your story. I put very few authors on my fav author list and your one of them. I love the little scenes you put at the beginning and end of your stories. LOL If Miroku and Sesshy hid the 'magic powder' from me I'd hit 'em with a baseball bat to. LOL Well hope to see more chapters soon and I love your work.
Violetcarson- Sun 27 May 2007
Yay!!!! Thank you soooooo much!!!! You rule too!!!! I love it when authors acknowledge their reviewers, thanks for being so nice!
I really liked this chapter, I can't wait for the next! What a totally
EVIL vliffie to spring! I LIKE it!!!!!Muahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
I really liked this chapter, I can't wait for the next! What a totally
EVIL vliffie to spring! I LIKE it!!!!!Muahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
zenfluence- Sat 26 May 2007
heh, the comment from nwarku is funny... Update before I learn fluent frence please. That gives you at least one year XD
Mlmonty- Sat 26 May 2007
poor kagome the girl never gets a break in this fic
Violetcarson- Sat 26 May 2007
Yay!!!! Sesshy got to beat the shit out of Nraku!!! Totally awesome!!!!!! Keep it coming, me likey!!!!!!
Violetcarson- Fri 25 May 2007
Oh Great! I'll be off to go send you my email. Yay!!!!
Violetcarson- Fri 25 May 2007
*snort, cough, hiccup* that *giggle giggle* was pretty damn *sneeze* funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Betterthankikyo466- Fri 25 May 2007
very good keep up the good work
SandK- Thu 24 May 2007
Update as soon as you can.
Violetcarson- Thu 24 May 2007
lol. Have I mentioned how much I adore the conversatioons between characters you add? They're frickin HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*re-reads thing about reviews* WHAT?!?!?! Only FIVE REVIEWS!!!!!!! Curses be upon those who don't review!!! C'mon people, its not like it costs anything!!!! Review, because if thehotty cancels this fic for lack of reviews, I will hunt you down and GUT YOU LIKE A FISH!!!!!!!!!!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This means YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Unless of couse, you're the author, in which case I will say that THIS FIC ROX!!!!!!
*re-reads thing about reviews* WHAT?!?!?! Only FIVE REVIEWS!!!!!!! Curses be upon those who don't review!!! C'mon people, its not like it costs anything!!!! Review, because if thehotty cancels this fic for lack of reviews, I will hunt you down and GUT YOU LIKE A FISH!!!!!!!!!!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This means YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Unless of couse, you're the author, in which case I will say that THIS FIC ROX!!!!!!
sesshous_girl- Thu 24 May 2007
Love the chappy can't wait for more.
sesshous_girl- Mon 21 May 2007
I love the story. Hope to see more chapters asap. Hope you keep up the good work. And hope Naraku dies! LOL I know I'm evil.
Mlmonty- Mon 21 May 2007
Man Sess is taking his sweet time getting into this fic. Though it is interestig that she's been dreaming of him. Does he dream of her too? that would be cool
Violetcarson- Mon 21 May 2007
Yay! Another update so soon!!!! Me HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! Now, upload another chapter, or I'll steal your bears and replace them with ravenous BUNNIES!!!!! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Violetcarson- Sun 20 May 2007
That was sweet! I like it and I hope Sesshy is right and you do update tomorrow!!!!!!
EternalLove_495- Sun 20 May 2007
i love it, i really love it, please update more? thanks?^^
i love it, i really love it, please update more? thanks?^^
mortefille- Sat 19 May 2007
I like the story and it's story line thus far. My only complaint would be that it kind of is moving too fast. Like kagome is set to marry naraku and that's kool(not really 'cause we all hate him) and then all of a sudden inuyasha's family going to rescue her. I just thought that you went to quickly there. But besides that great story please update soon can't wait till the honey moon. ^.^
SandK- Sat 19 May 2007
It's soooo cute....Naraku is a jerk and a bastard...Can't wait till Sesshoumaru saves Kags... Plz Update soon...