Reviews for White Day Surprise by MorningStar
~'tiana loves ya boo~- Tue 29 Jan 2008
So sweet and the perfect sequel.
Good job.
Good job.
Chaos_Queen77- Wed 15 Aug 2007
Bravo1 That was great. i do hope to read more of you Sesshomaru and Kagome goodness soon!
elvira- Thu 21 Jun 2007
this was such a awsome story...keep up your writing!!!!
chick_with_innocents- Thu 21 Jun 2007
o my goodness. I absolutely loved your story. It's kind of sad that it's over, but it had a great ending.
Your a really great writer. I can't wait to read more of your stories.
Your a really great writer. I can't wait to read more of your stories.
Hally- Thu 21 Jun 2007
aww I almost cried haha I'm sad that its over you are very talented I hope to read more of your fics.... anyway I loved it!
emy- Tue 19 Jun 2007
wow hope you keep writing and did you get the preg. sean from a movie?? I think I herd it some where bofore. NO afence but it just mite be me.
chick_with_innocents- Tue 19 Jun 2007
is it '9 months'??
Camelia- Tue 19 Jun 2007
ahh...i think i know the movie:D...but i cant decide between 2 titles: "father of the bride 2" or "lethal weapon 3"...they both had pregnancy scenes near the end, and both very funny...
Anyway, it was a good laugh. I like this story very much :D
bye-bye for now! ^ _ ^
P.S.: another movie came to my mind but i cant remember the name...too many of them!:))
Anyway, it was a good laugh. I like this story very much :D
bye-bye for now! ^ _ ^
P.S.: another movie came to my mind but i cant remember the name...too many of them!:))
Camelia- Tue 19 Jun 2007
ahh...i think i know the movie:D...but i cant decide between 2 titles: "father of the bride 2" or "lethal weapon 3"...they both had pregnancy scenes near the end, and both very funny...
Anyway, it was a good laugh. I like this story very much :D
bye-bye for now! ^ _ ^
P.S.: another movie came to my mind but i cant remember the name...too many of them!:))
Anyway, it was a good laugh. I like this story very much :D
bye-bye for now! ^ _ ^
P.S.: another movie came to my mind but i cant remember the name...too many of them!:))
whiteinu1- Tue 19 Jun 2007
Keep going ^_^
elvira- Tue 19 Jun 2007
this is a great story!!keep up the good work...the last chapter was hella funny!!! was so funny i laughed and my sisters thought i had gone crazy...
Black_Rose- Tue 12 Jun 2007
::Reader finishes the last sentence and lets out a sigh of relief:: No cliffhangers...thank god...Keep up the good work! I can't wait for more!
hally- Tue 12 Jun 2007
sweet thanks i love your story!!
Koishii_Beloved- Mon 11 Jun 2007
Lol nice chapter!
I'm glad I was able to make you laugh as well. I enjoy doing so! ^-^
I'm glad I was able to make you laugh as well. I enjoy doing so! ^-^
hally- Mon 11 Jun 2007
i love this story im just cunfuzzled how does he have a father and stuff?? because i thought he wasnt very used to modern things like you said in the first one kinda its just been bugging me lol
Black_Rose- Mon 11 Jun 2007
I didn't even remember what I said; I had to go back and read it again. Okay, so I didn't shake my computer, but I did shout at the computer and pounded my fist on my desk...What?! I really like this story and that ending was just mean! But I totally understand due to the fact that I have done the same thing and have received similar reviews...
Anyways, keep up the awesomely fantastic work b/c I'm hooked!!!
Anyways, keep up the awesomely fantastic work b/c I'm hooked!!!
whiteinu1- Mon 11 Jun 2007
Keep going ^_^
whiteinu1- Mon 11 Jun 2007
Keep going ^_^
whiteinu1- Sun 10 Jun 2007
Keep going ^_^
whiteinu1- Sun 10 Jun 2007
Keep going ^_^
whiteinu1- Sun 10 Jun 2007
Keep going ^_^
Black_Rose- Sat 09 Jun 2007
Yes, that ending had me tied in knots, but this chapter made it all better! Keep up the good work!
Koishii_Beloved- Sat 09 Jun 2007
o.o wow...knowing sesshoumaru that was a really nice car...O.O i hope he has insurance.
Ok, enough of my silliness lol That was great! ^_^
Ok, enough of my silliness lol That was great! ^_^
oh Please- Sat 09 Jun 2007
Oh, the pure irony. She drives like a maniac, and they get there safely. He drives like a granny, and they get in a multi-car pile up with a jack-knifed tractor trailer. >snicker
Waiting with baited breath for the next installment.
Keep up the good work.
Waiting with baited breath for the next installment.
Keep up the good work.
Any9- Sat 09 Jun 2007
Thanks for your final assurance, I hope that the baby is also alive (otherwise Sesshoumaru is going to kill you).
Also I loved this chapter very much and I hope to see an update realy soon.
Also I loved this chapter very much and I hope to see an update realy soon.
Black_Rose- Sat 09 Jun 2007
You better update soon! ::Reader reaches out, grabs computer, and shakes the living hell out of it:: That was so mean!!! Please update soon!
Tana-san- Wed 06 Jun 2007
As good as this was...and I do mean only wish was for there to be MORE. *pants like a puppy* Please write some more? Jen
emy- Wed 06 Jun 2007
love it and hope more comes will be looking for you but ni rush take your time.
Li- Mon 04 Jun 2007
WEEEEE!!!! i luv it, i luv it, i luv it!! its soooo cute!! please, please, please update soon!!!! thank you and keep up the good work!!!
Kawaii_Kilala- Tue 29 May 2007
more lemons yes!? YES!!! YAY! i love lemons!!! lemons are the fruit of the wrold! there should be a song of lemons! LOL :-P
I'm glade he wants the two of them to become life mates...and theres something thats always bothered me about this long life thing...what will they do when they are SUPPOSE to die? like when kags reaches the age 112 or something, wont it seem wierd that she still looks like a 20 something year old? or will they move so no one knows, wait till everyone who kew them is dead, then move back again?
just a question! i cont wait for your next lemony up-date!!! soon please!!!
I'm glade he wants the two of them to become life mates...and theres something thats always bothered me about this long life thing...what will they do when they are SUPPOSE to die? like when kags reaches the age 112 or something, wont it seem wierd that she still looks like a 20 something year old? or will they move so no one knows, wait till everyone who kew them is dead, then move back again?
just a question! i cont wait for your next lemony up-date!!! soon please!!!
sesshous_girl- Tue 29 May 2007
Aw such a cute couple. Update son can't wait for more chapters. Love the story.
Any9- Sun 27 May 2007
I loved this chapter very much.
Please update as soon as you can.
Please update as soon as you can.
clean- Sat 26 May 2007
lemon scented... *smirk* so nice of you
Kawaii_Kilala- Sat 26 May 2007
thanky you very much for answering that question of mine!
I'm going to remind my husband...or tell him if he doesn't know about it yet! I simply can't wait! ~.^
I love how the celebrated finding out about her being pregnant, and im glade she 'put him in his place' if you will. I can't wait for you to up-date , so up-date soon! PLEASE!?
I'm going to remind my husband...or tell him if he doesn't know about it yet! I simply can't wait! ~.^
I love how the celebrated finding out about her being pregnant, and im glade she 'put him in his place' if you will. I can't wait for you to up-date , so up-date soon! PLEASE!?
Red-Smartiez- Mon 21 May 2007
I am LOVING this story like QWAZYY!!!! I hope the lemon starts in the next chapter!!!!!!
pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez continue n thank you!! ^_^
pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez continue n thank you!! ^_^
Any9- Mon 21 May 2007
That was gooood. But I need more!
(man I became a female version of Miroku!)
Anyway please update as soon as you can.
Thank you.
(man I became a female version of Miroku!)
Anyway please update as soon as you can.
Thank you.
kat- Mon 21 May 2007
evil cliffie update soon please and fix it
sesshous_girl- Mon 21 May 2007
LOL I love the chapter. LOL I was thinking something really really similar to that conversation to. LOL fit of joy, yeah i think anyone with a hentai mind would start to have some thoughts lol. Well I love the story keep up the good work and can't wait for a new chapter.
Kawaii_Kilala- Fri 18 May 2007
I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol, ok, im done danceing now! (no joke here people, im in my own last two months of pregnancy -and can't wait to get the loav out of the oven, so to speak!- and have been having very funny mood swings i've used many times on my husband, which he plans on getting redemtion for...tehe!) I hope that his punishment from kags will come soon....and i hope she realises that he didn't tell her even though he Knew about her being pregnant...
And, i can't possibly wait for your next chapter...i hope its the 'begining' of White Day...and i have to ask, is there such a holoday?
well, TTFN!
Lol, ok, im done danceing now! (no joke here people, im in my own last two months of pregnancy -and can't wait to get the loav out of the oven, so to speak!- and have been having very funny mood swings i've used many times on my husband, which he plans on getting redemtion for...tehe!) I hope that his punishment from kags will come soon....and i hope she realises that he didn't tell her even though he Knew about her being pregnant...
And, i can't possibly wait for your next chapter...i hope its the 'begining' of White Day...and i have to ask, is there such a holoday?
well, TTFN!
sesshous_girl- Fri 18 May 2007
LOL Yeah thats a story for Sesshous parents. love the chapter. Update asap.
Any9- Fri 18 May 2007
He he. She get it pretty good.
But now I am curious how is Sesshoumaru going to punish her. :)
Please update soon.
But now I am curious how is Sesshoumaru going to punish her. :)
Please update soon.
Tana-san- Wed 16 May 2007
I must be related to Sesshoumaru because I am as curious as all get out. Please satate my need to know? Jen
Any9- Wed 16 May 2007
He, he he she's pregnant, she's pregnant.
Please update so I can see how she is going to get it.
Please update so I can see how she is going to get it.
Koishii_Beloved- Wed 16 May 2007
I acutally surprised myself. I didn't know I DIDN'T read the first story before the sequel. I had the sudden urge to slap myself. But now I am caught up and wow. I'm liking this fanfic all ready. I hope you are able to update soon! Great Job! ^_^
sesshous_girl- Wed 16 May 2007
I think this is awesome so far and you should really put up a new chapter soon