Reviews for Boondocks by PublicDisaster
Noacat- Sun 27 May 2007
OMIGOD! This story is so under-loved. *huggs story tightly* You must update, really! Normally, I'm not a fan of first person narratives, as they tend to be limited but this is done so nicely. Almost like you're reading his personal journal. I love it.
Plus, the spelling! THE GRAMMAR! I might just die loving this story so much. *cheers to give you inspiration* I am your personal fan-fic cheerleader. Think of me whilst you write, jumping up and down on your shoulder, shouting encouraging slogans and spelling things while I shake my pom-poms! Okay, don't think of that... it's a little disturbing... Sorry 'bout that. I get a little over-excited at times. It's the sugar.
Plus, the spelling! THE GRAMMAR! I might just die loving this story so much. *cheers to give you inspiration* I am your personal fan-fic cheerleader. Think of me whilst you write, jumping up and down on your shoulder, shouting encouraging slogans and spelling things while I shake my pom-poms! Okay, don't think of that... it's a little disturbing... Sorry 'bout that. I get a little over-excited at times. It's the sugar.
I'mPyroAngelBritches- Fri 11 May 2007
kool story update soon plz