Reviews for Men in Distress by EvilLilVixen
Arsenic- Wed 15 Aug 2007
It was a great story, and I deffinitely liked Kagome because of the fact that I'm a Dr. Pepper addict as well, but it seemed like the story was more centered around Sango and Inuyasha than Kagome and Sesshoumaru...I don't know, maybe it's just me!!! Great story none the less!!!
Chibes- Mon 12 Mar 2007
congrats on 1st completed fic...I had to admit I was chuckling though out the thing...(sidekick names fido--dog wonder and um that's all I got I guess they could fight over it)
DarkAngel495- Sat 10 Mar 2007
CongraTs! it's A One of A BeautiFul
FanFic i'vE ReAd! Mind iF you Make
anoThEr OnE? Oh And tHis Time ItS
aBouT KagOme HavInG A
GanGsTer Or Her BiEng A PaRt Of
FanFic i'vE ReAd! Mind iF you Make
anoThEr OnE? Oh And tHis Time ItS
aBouT KagOme HavInG A
GanGsTer Or Her BiEng A PaRt Of
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Sat 10 Mar 2007
Perfect ending! I loved it.
it was funny, dramatic, and cool.
it was funny, dramatic, and cool.
sesshyluver17- Sat 10 Mar 2007
that had to be the most awesomest (my word... 7.7) story ever! I totally and absolutley fell in love with it! Compltely amazing!!! I'd love to see another like this!
swtdrm01- Fri 09 Mar 2007
I loved your story. You did a great job and I hope I get to read more of your stories.
Koishii_Beloved- Mon 05 Mar 2007
I enjoy reading this fanfic. I cant wait for the next!
ashley_kun- Fri 02 Mar 2007
black moon inu- Fri 02 Mar 2007
Hurry it up and write more already I've finished ch 2 were's 3. Well get it up soon I'm lov'n this story and I want to know how it goes.
hugs and puppies
hugs and puppies
ren- Fri 02 Mar 2007
This is a lot of fun. I wanna see Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha as the 'damsel in distress.' Go Kagome and Sango! This fic kinda reminds me of My Super Ex-girlfriend. They're both crazy stories. I hope to read more!
Amara sama- Thu 01 Mar 2007
SQWEEEEEE! I loved it! Great chapter! Boy are the guys gonna be surprised lol! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next!
Jenna- Thu 01 Mar 2007
Ohh...this fanfic is something new. I really like it so far, keep up the great work and update again soon :]
Frozen Rose- Thu 01 Mar 2007
WRITE MORE AND MORE AND MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sicilia- Wed 28 Feb 2007
Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!1 specially “Some damn nice leather outfits.†InuYasha mumbled. “I think that ice chick is frostier than you!†he guffawed at his own joke. His brother rolled his eyes in response.
hhaha that rocks Leather outfit, black boots, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha in handcuffs (me drools) oooppps did I said that outloud??? hahhaa
hhaha that rocks Leather outfit, black boots, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha in handcuffs (me drools) oooppps did I said that outloud??? hahhaa
Sicilia- Wed 28 Feb 2007
Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!1 specially “Some damn nice leather outfits.†InuYasha mumbled. “I think that ice chick is frostier than you!†he guffawed at his own joke. His brother rolled his eyes in response.
hhaha that rocks Leather outfit, black boots, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha in handcuffs (me drools) oooppps did I said that outloud??? hahhaa
hhaha that rocks Leather outfit, black boots, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha in handcuffs (me drools) oooppps did I said that outloud??? hahhaa
Sicilia- Wed 28 Feb 2007
I am writing this first message before I read the story. the overview sounds great Men in distress sounds like a great topic. now I'll read and write another review:)
Sicilia- Wed 28 Feb 2007
I am writing this first message before I read the story. the overview sounds great Men in distress sounds like a great topic. now I'll read and write another review:)
Addah- Wed 28 Feb 2007
please continue this is great and i hope sumthin cums 2 u for fingering moonbeams.
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Wed 28 Feb 2007
Wonderful! Sesshy is just perfect for Kagome! And Inuyasha i sobviously falling for Sango-and they are perfect for each other. Brash and strong. While Sess and Kagome possess a certain elegance and beauty, a grace shall we say? That the others are bereft of. Update soon, and I shall know because I added you to my favorites! ^_^
Btw, I think I would like a piece of that creamy chocolate pie...if it also includes a naked Sesshy!
Btw, I think I would like a piece of that creamy chocolate pie...if it also includes a naked Sesshy!
alatera- Wed 28 Feb 2007
Loving it! Even down to the small details with the soda,lol. Can't wait to the next chapter. Keep up the awesome work.
swtdrm01- Wed 28 Feb 2007
I love the story, but then again I love the work you do. I certainly love the whole idea and I can't wait to read the rest of the story. Please don't make us wait too long.