Reviews for Split Emotions by inugoddesschild
Neko- Wed 19 Sep 2007
Mind if I call you Goddess? Good. Goddess, why the hell did you do that in chapter 20 of Split Emotions. Inu HAD to come in?! You are evil.....I LIKE YOU!!! kEEP IT UP!!!
Megan Consoer- Wed 21 Mar 2007
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
inumaru_rapture- Wed 14 Mar 2007
You want to know ALL I think? That's quite a lot... lol I won't indulge you in the thoughts that hold no value to your story though... I am enjoying the story, and It seems like it won't have a happy ending though... Please make it a happy ending? ^^;
Metis- Mon 12 Mar 2007
Lots of hugging and making up! YAY!
luna- Sun 11 Mar 2007
that was so... sweet especially that part between kags and rin wow.(tear drops) i really like this fic and i also hope you update soon.
Tsukiko786- Sun 11 Mar 2007 chapter!
Kimonno Rose- Thu 01 Mar 2007
I have a feeling that, knowing Koga, he will be pissed beyond all reason.
He will most likely want to kill Sesshoumaru until he finds out that Kagome is happy. I'm sure that after that he will cool down. He cares about Kagome and because of that he will let her be happy.
I can't wait until your next update.
Please update soon.
He will most likely want to kill Sesshoumaru until he finds out that Kagome is happy. I'm sure that after that he will cool down. He cares about Kagome and because of that he will let her be happy.
I can't wait until your next update.
Please update soon.
Metis- Thu 01 Mar 2007
I just hope Kagome won't get in the way of the resulting 'education'. (rolls eyes) And while I'm at it, I wish that I had a large wilderness area with lots of horses, dogs, and a few cats (a hubbie would be nice too). :)
janonie- Thu 01 Mar 2007
narku no o
Aldrea- Wed 28 Feb 2007
I like it. Please keep going when you can!
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Wed 28 Feb 2007
Sugoi! Human, but immortal, different but the same.
renee- Wed 28 Feb 2007
Hey this story is awsome. I think that shessomaru and kagome belong together. Can't wait to read the rest.
Sess' Sakura- Wed 28 Feb 2007
There could have been a little more detail but overall it was a great chapter. Anyway great job and update soon.
Metis- Wed 28 Feb 2007
I like it. This way, he'll see more her side and be more inclined to learn new ways and treat her as an equal. Plus, there's pure inu pups involved in the future. YAY! He's finally learning.
Sess' Sakura- Wed 28 Feb 2007
Personally I don't think that Sess over reacted, because he was worried for his mate. Anyway great job on these two chapters.
Megan Consoer- Tue 27 Feb 2007
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
shavostorm- Tue 27 Feb 2007
I love your story. It's different and is a good portrayal of the characters. and no Sesshy did not overreact, Him would have done that to Inuyasha for saying that shit, so go on. Please cont.
Metis- Tue 27 Feb 2007
I think it's all a big mess. And I still don't like his...well, FEUDALISTIC attitude towards mating. She should be a partner, not a slave.
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Tue 27 Feb 2007
He didn't it was just an accident, but! Kagome is not strong neough to withstand his unfocused attentions, he always has to be careful...
Unless their bond and the youkai in it transforms her into a yaoukai since her ningen blood is depletign and bleeding lterally out.
Unless their bond and the youkai in it transforms her into a yaoukai since her ningen blood is depletign and bleeding lterally out.
DemonQueen17- Tue 27 Feb 2007
This is a good story. Inuyasha has got to be the biggest idiot in this story. Don't get me wrong; he is one of my favorite characters, but he should realize everything is all the clay pot's fault. I have to say this, but Kikyo has got to go. I hope Kagome kills her off soon. Keep up the good work. ^_^
Sess' Sakura- Mon 26 Feb 2007
What! whoa maybe i missed something. Update soon, I want to know what happened.
Great job on chappie.
Great job on chappie.
angelofdeath13- Sun 25 Feb 2007
alright im likin tis story and hope that u will post another chp. oh and make sure that the next lemon u do is either in a cave, under a waterfall, or in a tree. im just pullin ouyt suggestions here, don'y b like the other stooges that do it only in the bed or hot springs. b more creative with a sex scene. trust me i've done alot of them to know. ( and no i am not a porn star or a porn addict) just in case u thought that. ciao! 4rom da blck chick$$$
Metis- Wed 21 Feb 2007
Sess better be careful. If he wants a slave so badly, she might just act like one. How will he enjoy a Kagome with no spirit?
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Mon 19 Feb 2007
Sometimes you repeated chapters in like the 'next' one. The last one had that error. Please update soon, I am curious in seeing how Inuyasha will react.
luna- Sun 18 Feb 2007
sess should publish a book on how to get girls for dummies cause with those lines. thats so origional too, the innocense part. anyways let me stop rambling, i really am enjoying your story hope you update soon.
sarinity- Sat 17 Feb 2007
i love it plz typ mor or i will cry
Metis- Sat 17 Feb 2007
'Yasha gets a clue. The eternal 13 yr old was getting stale fast. Maybe he'll actually learn from this.
Metis- Sat 17 Feb 2007
He deserves what's coming to him. If he can't get a clue they it'll have to be shoved down his throat. I respect Kagome's decision, and Sess for allowing her to make it. Now 'Yasha's gonna for all of the wrong ones he's made.
Kimmy-chan- Fri 16 Feb 2007
OMG!!!! Holy crap! Hurry up and update. This is getting really good. I just hope Inuyasha doesn't die... yet. *evil smile* I want Kagome to kill him because Inu will say that Kags betrayed him. And he soooo needs to die for his action with Kikyo.
Rea- Thu 15 Feb 2007
This is a good story. It improved greatly from the first few chapters. There's still a few spelling and grammer problems but not so much so. Only names and the like...but I am enjoying this alot. I can't wait to see what happens to Inuyasha. I always liked him but he's being a punk. I hope he "gets got"...
... or at least comes to his senses BEFORE he "gets got".
...Is SOMEBODY gonna "get got?"
... or at least comes to his senses BEFORE he "gets got".
...Is SOMEBODY gonna "get got?"
Metis- Thu 15 Feb 2007
The body betrays and only looks for stimulation. It is meant to be controlled, like his youkai. He should know that. Only when the mind and body are in agreement should someone make a move. I am glad she refused him. He's too presumtuous.
silver- Wed 14 Feb 2007
very good. i like the detail. and the story line and plot. you dont turn kagome and sesshoumaru into different people. their prsonalitys are the same. good work.
forever yours
forever yours
ElegantPaws- Wed 14 Feb 2007
Smile ...BRAVA!
Tsukiko786- Wed 14 Feb 2007
Oh my gosh! Please continue! This fic is addicting!
Metis- Tue 13 Feb 2007
Oh, and where's her say in this?
ElegantPaws- Mon 12 Feb 2007
Good stuff, keep it coming
angela- Mon 12 Feb 2007
Metis- Fri 09 Feb 2007
I hope she leads him a merry chase and SHE decides to grant him the favor of being his mate. All of his presumtuousness just Begs to be countered!
Metis- Fri 09 Feb 2007
Wow. She's brave. And trusting enough in his honor near her family.
Metis- Fri 09 Feb 2007
He always did have little a little trouble with little things like 'logic'. heh.
sesshomarulover87- Fri 09 Feb 2007
I loved it and I want you to review asap. keep up the good ideas and the wonderful writing.
Vaneles- Thu 08 Feb 2007
update soon!!! ja ne!
bow-down-b4-my-fluffyness- Wed 07 Feb 2007 must continue...please...i have become your fan. oh yes it kept me wanting to continue reading so if you were to stop i think i would die. anywho toodles
brinni- Wed 07 Feb 2007
i cant believe that inuyasha did that !!! tobad. kagome and sesshy make a hatcouple anyway. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reina- Wed 07 Feb 2007
ahahaha, I loved that last line, it was freaking hilarious!!! I always hate it when Inuyasha calls people bastards, cuz he's one too!! Thanks for the comdeic relief ^_^
Katie- Tue 06 Feb 2007
Yea!! Go Kagome!!! Its good that she gave him the deffintion of bastard he would have never known. Keep up the good story I really like it and update soon.
luna- Tue 06 Feb 2007
DAMN! that was harsh but yet it was so cool and it was called for. i think that your writing is great and that you should continue. i hope you update soon
kuma- Mon 05 Feb 2007
i like it update soon
Define-Naughty- Mon 05 Feb 2007
PLz let it be Sesshomaru Plz let it be Sesshomaru (crosses fingers) Plzzz!!!
hime jun hi- Sun 04 Feb 2007
More plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sesshou's gurl- Sun 04 Feb 2007
Update soon. That cahpter was a little vague so try to make the next one more interesting.
hime jun hi- Sun 04 Feb 2007
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! Now.......... if only he would fall in love with her........
Metis- Sat 03 Feb 2007
I hope she actually HAS a shirt on when she's talking to him. heh. Go Sango! There's so many fics where they stay with 'Yasha and apologize for 'not realizing how difficult the decision was for him to make'. (mimes gagging) Well, Sess is there and I hope he can train her. Thanks for updating!
hime jun hi- Sat 03 Feb 2007
And let the fur fly............. and sesshy and kagome see the light in eachother................ plz e-mail me when you update k?
emackenz- Sat 03 Feb 2007
I appreciate the new take on Kagome turn demon, very exciting and I can't wait to see what happens next. The spelling and grammer in the initial chapters left a lot to be desired, but greatly improved in the last two. Thanks I'll be looking out for an update.
I appreciate the new take on Kagome turn demon, very exciting and I can't wait to see what happens next. The spelling and grammer in the initial chapters left a lot to be desired, but greatly improved in the last two. Thanks I'll be looking out for an update.
Silk_Worm- Fri 02 Feb 2007
nice start for a fic. Poor Kagome always getting upset over Inuyasha and Kikyo.
Update soon-
nice start for a fic. Poor Kagome always getting upset over Inuyasha and Kikyo.
Update soon-