Kagome Is Mine- Tue 22 Jul 2008
i feel ur pain
sesshoumaru is like nicotine , a danferous addiction
sesshoumaru is like nicotine , a danferous addiction
black moon inu- Sun 21 Jan 2007
The sins I would commit...oh but I wouldn't dream of saying them out loud. Me and I bet a whole lot of other girls have the same problem (even if they don't admit it). ~sighs~ sesshoumaru ~sighs~ the hearts you break.
ShadowsWeaver1- Sat 13 Jan 2007
That was about as beautiful as a death wish could ever be. *sigh* but how true. I think...I might be speechless...truly a rare occurance.
but, as much as i hate to do this...it just doesn't seem right to have such a beautiful poem marred by anything...'Why now to you contain your strength'...typo on 'to' in place of 'do'...really, it's nothing, and i know how much of an annoyance it is for people to point out your silly little slips...but like I said...I think this should not be marred by something so rediculously simple
Still, wonderful work. It is such a treat to find poetry that is actually moving on this site. Keep it up!
but, as much as i hate to do this...it just doesn't seem right to have such a beautiful poem marred by anything...'Why now to you contain your strength'...typo on 'to' in place of 'do'...really, it's nothing, and i know how much of an annoyance it is for people to point out your silly little slips...but like I said...I think this should not be marred by something so rediculously simple
Still, wonderful work. It is such a treat to find poetry that is actually moving on this site. Keep it up!
Trinity- Sat 13 Jan 2007
Trust me you're not the only one out there. I am just as creepily obbsessed as you. ^^; What I wouldn't do to have him touch me, even if it was to lay a blow.
Lady Azari- Sat 13 Jan 2007
yes i what sin i would not do
kathy- Sat 13 Jan 2007
wow.. hardcore.. lol. i like it its really good..