Reviews for A Sin by Sesshomaru12262
hannah- Mon 14 Apr 2008
cool fic, hay wat program or site do u use to write ure fanfics?
I Love Sessomaru AKA FLUFFY- Mon 30 Apr 2007
This story Rocks but when the next chapter coming???
UnicornEva- Fri 27 Apr 2007
The start on this is very good.So keep up the good work.I just can't wait until the next chapter
Fallentenshi- Sun 14 Jan 2007
t think you should continue the story. Update soon!
Fluffy- Sat 13 Jan 2007
I liked the chapter. I can't wait till you update again.
Anonymous Flamer- Sat 13 Jan 2007
What..... what the hell is this?
Critic_At_Work- Sat 13 Jan 2007
Kelly Osbourne said that after listening to Christina Aguilara's album, she wanted to kill herself. Replace Kelly Osbourne with me, Christina with you, and the album with you story.
Keva- Sat 13 Jan 2007
I read your story because I was curious as to why your ratings were so low and I think I know what the problem is. It seems as if you are zooming through the story and not giving explanations to things that are key points to the story.
I like it and know that it has great potential, it just needs to slow down a bit so that we can understand why they are doing things they are doing and how they ended up where they are.
I hope you don't take this as a flame for I really hate flamers. Constructive criticism... yes. Flamers... no. I will be watching for the next chapter no matter how you go about writing it.
I like it and know that it has great potential, it just needs to slow down a bit so that we can understand why they are doing things they are doing and how they ended up where they are.
I hope you don't take this as a flame for I really hate flamers. Constructive criticism... yes. Flamers... no. I will be watching for the next chapter no matter how you go about writing it.
Karen- Sat 13 Jan 2007
hi my name is karen well duh anyways i dont really want to read this story because the summery doesnt get my attention anyways there is one story the title and the summery got my attention and its finding the key to my heart and I WANNA READ IT but everytime i click on it i get a directory and I DONT WANT THAT I WANT THE DAMN STORY lol anways if you could help me out i would love it thank you
MAJOR FLAMER- Fri 12 Jan 2007
Where's Sesshoumaru? What's the plotline about? Sorry but imma give u a 1 flat. but you deserve a big fat 0 tho. Try again next time? I like the summary tho. ^_^
Where's Sesshoumaru? What's the plotline about? Sorry but imma give u a 1 flat. but you deserve a big fat 0 tho. Try again next time? I like the summary tho. ^_^