Reviews for The twisted humor of St. Nick by Sidhe
Fluffy's Lady- Mon 07 Apr 2008
this was absolutely perfect. lol. i loved it. absolutely loved it!!
PhoenixRising- Sun 02 Mar 2008
No matter how many times I read this I find myself laughing and blushing and just all around loving it. You are a wonderful author and I haven't found a story yet that you've written that I haven't been completely drawn into. Keep it up. You truly have the gift.
yukihime- Sat 12 Jan 2008
i loved it. ^^ great job.
Fluffystenshi- Mon 03 Sep 2007
Loved it.. and for a girl on a night she is way tooo horny.. it works :)
lex1621- Thu 02 Aug 2007
A truly incredible story and I can't wait to read your future works!
Kanazawa- Fri 27 Jul 2007
hahaha... oh the best laid plans...
Kanazawa- Fri 27 Jul 2007
OMG I love this story... I am reading it for...maybe the third time??
CobaltHeart- Thu 31 May 2007
(giggles) Well that was....indeed twisted. But it was aswsome. I would have never came up with that plot, ot have the guts to write and post it.
Xblack-inuX- Sun 06 May 2007
haha loved it ^-^
but!..... what ever happened to the silk shirt? ^-^
but!..... what ever happened to the silk shirt? ^-^
AL- Sat 21 Apr 2007
Please tell me that we'll get a sequal!!!!! LOVE IT!
ElegantPaws- Fri 16 Mar 2007
The Happy Hentai- Wed 14 Feb 2007
Ahem! Umm... I like tasteless badly written lemons. Ermm... (taps lip with finger thoughtfully.) Thank you. Heh heh.
Maru-KunKun- Sun 04 Feb 2007
so is this story done ??
-aside from that question, i liked this story. Ja-ne.XD
-aside from that question, i liked this story. Ja-ne.XD
WWW- Fri 02 Feb 2007
I love the story. So cute and Sesshoumaru is so sweet. Please write a sequel. I want to see more Kagome and Sess!
Jarakuheart- Sun 21 Jan 2007
I beleive that you should write a story called "the twisted humor of cupid" a sequal, if you will...^_^
Jirru- Wed 17 Jan 2007
Excellent! I loved it. I won't say it was my favorite pat, but I loved the epilogue too! Especially the double bow and arrow tattoo. =) Great job. Great lemons! Hehe...
MomoDesu- Wed 17 Jan 2007
I was a little skeptical at first, another Christmas themed story and all, but I love it! Awesome story, hun :)
Metis- Tue 16 Jan 2007
May Eros fall into a bear trap surrounded by irritated wolverines. I hate smug, interfering little godlings, good cause or no. Pheh! Let someone bet on THEIR lives and see how they like it! (shows teeth)
Netealia Lane Foxwood- Tue 16 Jan 2007
that was really good!
Kandi- Sun 14 Jan 2007
A true guilty pleasure, delightfully sexy and sinfully thick! Loved it!
Metis- Sat 13 Jan 2007
Partner in crime. You're making me blush. Just don't tell the police! I'm back online at home and cheering you on. Here's hoping they have lots of Inu puppies to double the population and drive InuYasha absolutely barmy! (evil laughter)
Kanazawa- Fri 12 Jan 2007
I thought the lemon was wonderfully well written. Kudos :)
Kanazawa- Fri 12 Jan 2007
ho ho ho! Delightful ^.^ I can't wait to read more
Kai- Fri 12 Jan 2007
hey love ur story! theres just one thing......Eros......dubble bow and arrow mark? u wouldn't happen to read Sherrilyn Kenyon do u? lol
phishbon3s- Fri 12 Jan 2007
Dear Kami woman! I don't know who to drool over more... Fluffy or Eros.
*sighs as stares off dazed*
I thoroughly enjoyed your fic! Congratulations and HAZZAH!
I made the grandiose mistake of reading this during my lunch time at work. After which, I was sporting a deep set blush and kinda dazed look. I was then accused (jokingly) of the following: Smoking reefer while traversing the insane stairs (the set of stairs that goes up 3 floors (and down to the scary basement), is poorly ventilated, just plain sucks to walk up.)... of getting some “afternoon delightâ€Â, ..... and chasing the hookers off the property. Bloody idiots.
My, that was a little off track.... Let us veer back onto the beaten path.
Your virgin trek into the zesty meringue-ness of a well written lemon was a total succulent success!
*sighs as stares off dazed*
I thoroughly enjoyed your fic! Congratulations and HAZZAH!
I made the grandiose mistake of reading this during my lunch time at work. After which, I was sporting a deep set blush and kinda dazed look. I was then accused (jokingly) of the following: Smoking reefer while traversing the insane stairs (the set of stairs that goes up 3 floors (and down to the scary basement), is poorly ventilated, just plain sucks to walk up.)... of getting some “afternoon delightâ€Â, ..... and chasing the hookers off the property. Bloody idiots.
My, that was a little off track.... Let us veer back onto the beaten path.
Your virgin trek into the zesty meringue-ness of a well written lemon was a total succulent success!
black moon inu- Fri 12 Jan 2007
naughty naughty If ready things like this is bad then I'm deffidently on the naughty list. Your writing was so sssssssssoooooooo good. I could dare anyone to read this story and not get a little hot. I wish my X-mas's would end up like that then I really wouldn't be able to wait for it to come. though i have to say and don't take it wrong but you must have either a very good imagination or a very very satisfing sp? life. Wish we all could have a merry X-mas like kagome had! XD
ChaosWingDragon- Thu 11 Jan 2007
Holy crap! I wish I could say awesome in 15 different languages just so that could type them all to you. This story was perfect. Hot tamale love scenes, Inu bashing, and our very own Sexinator. I definitely like that better than Terminator, ne? I have to say that you have no idea how much it means to me that you said thank you. Heck, just having my name pop up in one of my favorite stories makes my month. On a side note, YOU READ SHERRILYN KENYON TOO? Isn’t she totally a wonderful author? Now sadly, I must depart to the world or dreams. Too much time spent re-reading spectacular pieces of writing tends to tire one out. The dedicated,
Miara- Thu 11 Jan 2007
It's a cute story and all, but: What did Inuyasha do? Seriously. I read it twice, and there's plotting - undescribed - and him being blamed - for something undescribed - but no actual clue as to what he did. Did he hire cupid? Drug the food? Spray Kagome with pheremones? Do a lust dance out in the backyard under the last full mooon? What was the plan? It's well written and fun apart from that, but the whole time I was reading it, I kept wondering "but what was the plan, and how did Kagome's power spike make it misfire?"
itachiiyoubastard- Thu 11 Jan 2007
I'm so sad that it's over..
But more than happy that you'll continue.. That is, if you don't want to get assassinated!!
*insert evil smirk here*
I'm joking.. ^_^ But continue to be such an excellent author/authoress and you'll always have a fan in me!
I'm so sad that it's over..
But more than happy that you'll continue.. That is, if you don't want to get assassinated!!
*insert evil smirk here*
I'm joking.. ^_^ But continue to be such an excellent author/authoress and you'll always have a fan in me!
Tori- Thu 11 Jan 2007
So hot and so good, could you write another one hmmm? I mean this was sooo good i loved it.
Demonlordlover- Thu 11 Jan 2007
You know, in the world of lemons there's a whole lot of variation on positions, lenght *wink, wink*, pairings, etc...
HOWEVER, one thing usually stays the same. They're all so serious! The BURNING passions, TURGID rods, AVARIOUS appetites...and all that.
Well, that's all well and good. I've got a few favs that are just like that. But, what is a rare find for me is something like this. I don't know if it was your intention, but this story was entertaining, steamy, and FUN. The lemon scenes were great, but the thoughts of the characters, the little addendums that lightened the mood from what could have been a cold experience brought about by hormones make this a special tidbit.
I read your other story and think this is your 'style' as it were. To infuse a bit of light hearted humor into the plot and characterizations. Which, in a world that takes itself much too seriosuly, is a welcome addition.
Thanks for the efforts you put out to share your imagination.
HOWEVER, one thing usually stays the same. They're all so serious! The BURNING passions, TURGID rods, AVARIOUS appetites...and all that.
Well, that's all well and good. I've got a few favs that are just like that. But, what is a rare find for me is something like this. I don't know if it was your intention, but this story was entertaining, steamy, and FUN. The lemon scenes were great, but the thoughts of the characters, the little addendums that lightened the mood from what could have been a cold experience brought about by hormones make this a special tidbit.
I read your other story and think this is your 'style' as it were. To infuse a bit of light hearted humor into the plot and characterizations. Which, in a world that takes itself much too seriosuly, is a welcome addition.
Thanks for the efforts you put out to share your imagination.
Rinseternalsoul- Tue 09 Jan 2007
Thanks for the sexy short story. I loved it! Poor Kagome probably couldn't walk for a week after that! Go Sesshomaru!
autumngold- Tue 09 Jan 2007
I love this story!! Especially how Sesshomaru waited for Kagome, or should I say his beast waited for Kagome, despite his best efforts!! What a great holiday tale!! Can't wait for more!!
amy- Tue 09 Jan 2007
nice one! looking forward for the epilogue!
Twilight Garden- Mon 08 Jan 2007
This was a great story I really enjoyed it and hope to read more of your stories.
itachiiyoubastard- Mon 08 Jan 2007
Sesshoumaru actually showed gratitude towards Inuyasha.. BY KISSING HIM??!! O.o
You are the greatest author/authoress ever!! Not only was this the greatest short story ever commissioned, it was also believeable as to how "Inuyasha" in the "Alternate Universe" would be were Kagome and Sesshoumaru were to end up together.
Update on "Through The Mirror" soon and continue to write such astounding and captivating stories!
Sesshoumaru actually showed gratitude towards Inuyasha.. BY KISSING HIM??!! O.o
You are the greatest author/authoress ever!! Not only was this the greatest short story ever commissioned, it was also believeable as to how "Inuyasha" in the "Alternate Universe" would be were Kagome and Sesshoumaru were to end up together.
Update on "Through The Mirror" soon and continue to write such astounding and captivating stories!
Sesshoumaru's Fiend- Mon 08 Jan 2007
Wow! This story is really great...and lemony!!...
great job and effort!! i'm sad to see it end!!
please post the epilogue as soon as you can!!
great job and effort!! i'm sad to see it end!!
please post the epilogue as soon as you can!!
clavira- Mon 08 Jan 2007
well, even though i found your story amusing and generally i liked it very much - why the h**l do authors post stuff like you did? there is no need to inform us that the epilogue will come up soon, you wrote that in the last chapter you posted. no need to get my hopes for another chapter up when all you did was to repeat youself.
sorry for being a bit miffed, but that was the 3. time that happened to me today when checking the stories i read (and waiting for updates...)
anyway. hope to see the epilogue soon.
sorry for being a bit miffed, but that was the 3. time that happened to me today when checking the stories i read (and waiting for updates...)
anyway. hope to see the epilogue soon.
Siruka- Sun 07 Jan 2007
Update soon...PLZ.
alissa- Sat 06 Jan 2007
please keep writing because i love the story and i think it is sooo funny. Poor kagome well not really! lol!
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Thu 04 Jan 2007
I found that the lemon did in fact have taste! Thanks for writing, and update soon. I like how straong and dominant Sesshoumaru was. It makes all the hotter.
wickid fun, and hell no way I would complain if Sesshy took me out of the blue!
wickid fun, and hell no way I would complain if Sesshy took me out of the blue!
itachiiyoubastard- Thu 04 Jan 2007
Are you serious?!?!
Are you serious?!?!
Trice- Thu 04 Jan 2007
I like, I like, can't wait to read even more. You have us hooked now!
Seli- Wed 03 Jan 2007
*dances around in girly little circles* Lemony goodness makes this Seli very happy. Very good, methinks you are preparing to stick something this sinful in 'Through The Mirror', no? You really should rename it 'The Twisted Humor of Sidhe' I love the story so far. Sinfuly delicious. Just a few spelling mistakes, mostly homophones. Take for instance 'father'. I think that was the spelling you chapter..3 perchance. I think further or farther..most likely the ladder is what needed to be there. Meh, whatever though. Keep on trucking! And update 'Through the Mirror' again already damnit!! xD
kat- Tue 02 Jan 2007
hmm... interesting story update soon please
kagsbigfan- Tue 02 Jan 2007
I like the way how they do it. Awesome! Are they gonna come out in the next chapter and let the hell begin? What if Kagome's pregnant? Update soon!
Twilight Garden- Tue 02 Jan 2007
Just love this story and this chapter was just great Please update soon.
itachiiyoubastard- Tue 02 Jan 2007
Jane- Sun 24 Dec 2006
Are you kidding??? That was the greatest lemon i think i have ever read!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! So good.... AWESOME story LATER!!!!
d- Sat 23 Dec 2006
funny and good r u going to write more?
Faby- Sat 23 Dec 2006
to say was fantic,excellent,...NO it was flawless and or PERFECT!!!! '_' :) ;) :P :D LoVe It!!!!!
-_- Bye
to say was fantic,excellent,...NO it was flawless and or PERFECT!!!! '_' :) ;) :P :D LoVe It!!!!!
-_- Bye
~aznangel~- Sat 23 Dec 2006
opera_ghost- Sat 23 Dec 2006
I must say...bravo!
And encore!!! ;)
I absolutely love this story. Very original and very fun to read. Can't really think of any critiques right now. Still trying to calm down from that last chapter!
Your now faithful reader,
And encore!!! ;)
I absolutely love this story. Very original and very fun to read. Can't really think of any critiques right now. Still trying to calm down from that last chapter!
Your now faithful reader,
Cochrann- Fri 22 Dec 2006 wasn't badly written porn...honestly I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter and look forward to more.
Mimiru- Fri 22 Dec 2006
Oh My God! What an AWSOME story I love it! please pleease continue, the LEmon was good even if it was a bit twisted lol but that's what makes it good!
Mimiru- Fri 22 Dec 2006
Oh My God! What an AWSOME story I love it! please pleease continue, the LEmon was good even if it was a bit twisted lol but that's what makes it good!
Momo- Fri 22 Dec 2006
I WANT YOU BACK HUN! You were wonderful and you did your best. Stop degrading yourself and have a Merry Christmas&Happy New Year :)
Sesshomarei- Fri 22 Dec 2006
:D love it.. and you better be coming back to finish this *begs*
nohbodi- Fri 22 Dec 2006
that was good.
i think i need some alone time with the showerhead. XD
i can't believe you don't think you write good lemons! that was awesome! (it had me all hot and bothered!)
and i think my favorite thing was the transition you made with sesshoumaru, how he got more masculine.
i hope you keep writing! i'll be looking for your stuff!
that was good.
i think i need some alone time with the showerhead. XD
i can't believe you don't think you write good lemons! that was awesome! (it had me all hot and bothered!)
and i think my favorite thing was the transition you made with sesshoumaru, how he got more masculine.
i hope you keep writing! i'll be looking for your stuff!
DemonGirl14- Fri 22 Dec 2006
OMG!!!! That was freaking awesome! Please oh please write more and update!!! Please!!! I love this fic soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MUCH!!!! It is so awesome!!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Irish Black Rosie- Fri 22 Dec 2006
Of course we want you to come back! That was really cute! :D And morbid, in the good night time telly kinda way. ^_^ Teehee.
Can't wait for more of Through The Mirror, you should perhaps continue this too, if you get the insperation that is. ^~
Good job! Can't wait for more!
Can't wait for more of Through The Mirror, you should perhaps continue this too, if you get the insperation that is. ^~
Good job! Can't wait for more!
Metis- Fri 22 Dec 2006
Welcome back. I still hope she gives him a hard time when he gets his sanity back.
Vaneles- Fri 22 Dec 2006
This makes me laugh. ^_^ It's adorable in it's own lemony way. And it wasn't a bad lemon. I'm pretty sure mine are worse. So I congradulate you on your fic and I will await your next update. Ja ne
Deborah L.- Fri 22 Dec 2006
Yes, you must continue. . .I can't wait to read what will happen next. Good story, update as soon as you can!
elsy- Fri 22 Dec 2006
I think the lemon weas a little sientific but good at the same time!!!1
Merry christas everyone !!!!!!! Update soon.
Merry christas everyone !!!!!!! Update soon.
Siruka- Fri 22 Dec 2006
First I find the story hilarious, and I love the way your taking it. Second I think you did do a good jobe just so you know, and I would prefer for you to update as soon as you are able to. Please...and good luck with it.
bluemoon_175- Fri 22 Dec 2006
I must say this is a really fantastic story, and to keep up the really good work. I would love to read more so I hope you UPDATE ASAP PLEASE.
sesshou_lover- Fri 22 Dec 2006
It was very good. Better than I think you thought it would be. I at least thoroughly enjoyed it.
Reis- Tue 19 Dec 2006
a male on the make
That is my FAVORITE line....EVER.
I seriously love all your fics thus far. ::claps:: Keep up the great work 3
That is my FAVORITE line....EVER.
I seriously love all your fics thus far. ::claps:: Keep up the great work 3
Tally Mark- Tue 19 Dec 2006
Oh. Oh. Oh. I love this, this is a fantastic setup. I love the way you write, you've got a knack for making a girl melt. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next!
sesshou_lover- Sun 17 Dec 2006
Uh oh, some certain someone's are in big trouble. It is looking very good so far. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Addah- Sun 17 Dec 2006
Please Update Soon. The Suspense Is Killing Me.
chaoswingdragon- Sun 17 Dec 2006
Ok, it’s official- I FREAKING LOVE YOU!! I’ve read every one of your stories and each one has been original to the extreme. Throw in some hilarious banter and one VERY sexy demon lord and well, I just how to bow to your greatness. *worships at your feet* Seeing as its 4 a.m., I could say that sleep deprivation has cause this reaction but because I’m addicted to Through The Mirror, I believe its just your godly talent which has gotten me hooked. I can’t wait for updates on any of your fictions. Much love,
CottonCandyIceCream- Sun 17 Dec 2006
Ha that was awsome, up date soon
Kat- Sun 17 Dec 2006
GREAT STORY! Can't wait to read more about those 2 lovebirds!
Krystle- Sat 16 Dec 2006
Oh! Lovely ^_^ Update soon please
Metis- Sat 16 Dec 2006
Hah! I hate meddlers. I hope they're hung from the roof as extra holiday ornaments. And I hope that Kagome can handle the situation well.
alissa- Sat 16 Dec 2006
i love it! keep going please!
alissa- Sat 16 Dec 2006
i love it!
Kags21- Sat 16 Dec 2006
Please hurry and update
TriniyLayne- Sat 16 Dec 2006
ROTFL!!! :O)
this is just too cute... can't wait to
this is just too cute... can't wait to
amoraluv- Sat 16 Dec 2006
I luv ur stories. Just confused abit on what the boys did to make either Sesshy grab Kagome in a beastial red haze or for her to hit her power spike? Can't wait for more.
necoconeco_1- Sat 16 Dec 2006
XD wow! this is great so far! i'm already seeing a wonderful lemon...
i love how you made sesshoumaru "transform" from beautiful, but shrimpy boy into a "chocolate-orgasmicly" hott piece of man meat. your writing style and originality is astounding so far. i'm really looking forward to reading the next chapters!!!
i love how you made sesshoumaru "transform" from beautiful, but shrimpy boy into a "chocolate-orgasmicly" hott piece of man meat. your writing style and originality is astounding so far. i'm really looking forward to reading the next chapters!!!
odango- Sat 16 Dec 2006
::LMAO:: please upfate soon love the story
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Sat 16 Dec 2006
jestergirl- Sat 16 Dec 2006
OMFG please update soon this is really good, and i hate having to wait lol
Sesshomarei- Fri 15 Dec 2006
love it keep going! :D
SesshomaruCrazy- Fri 15 Dec 2006
This is a cute story.. I enjoyed reading it... Hum who will win.. What a fun fight,, i woud'nt mind having it with Sessh..
Well any ways its a cute story and can't wait for the next chapter so hurry and update plz..
take Care
Well any ways its a cute story and can't wait for the next chapter so hurry and update plz..
take Care
Sleeping In- Fri 15 Dec 2006
that was really frickin' funny.
you have to update soon. i'm willing to use bribery if i have to.
you have to update soon. i'm willing to use bribery if i have to.
itachiiyoubastard- Fri 15 Dec 2006
UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kris- Fri 15 Dec 2006
this is really really good. can't wait for an update
clavira- Fri 15 Dec 2006
hehe... that sounds like fun! update!!!
Demonlordlover- Fri 15 Dec 2006
Love it. I really enjoy the holiday bent to it too. The image of Sesshomaru 'mounting' Kagome is priceless. I came home hoping there'd be something to make me laugh and here it was. Now I can look forward to some steamy scenes in the cioming chapters.
Deborah L.- Fri 15 Dec 2006
Good fic! Very humorous! (Sorry, my spelling stinks) I hope that you update this soon? Before Christmas, maybe? I can't wait for the next chapter.