Reviews for Tables turned by Chiera
reina- Thu 27 Dec 2007
wow, this story is amazing. i'm glad that when they told each other there was't some cheesy, overplayed heartbreak and forgiveness scene. the way you portrayed it was very believable and true to real life. kudos to you, its a great story.
TruGemini- Thu 27 Dec 2007
Another great chapter. Please update soon.
Suicide- Mon 24 Sep 2007
Ahh, you've been sorely missed (and so has your story). Glad you're getting life in order again. I can't wait for the next development.
sesshyssexymistress- Sun 23 Sep 2007
omfg!!!!! you're back! I thought you left us forever! I saw that you updated and I was like le gasp!!! skkkkkkkkeeeeeeeettttttttt!!!!!! rofl!
I missed you tons...your writing always makes me happy and I missed it alot. I hope you don't disappear on us again very soon. nice chappi btw ^_^ sesshou likes herrrrrrr someone jus needs to uit him over the head and tell him to just accept it lol! I can't wait for teh next chapter.
till next chappi! Mika luffs youuuuuuu
I missed you tons...your writing always makes me happy and I missed it alot. I hope you don't disappear on us again very soon. nice chappi btw ^_^ sesshou likes herrrrrrr someone jus needs to uit him over the head and tell him to just accept it lol! I can't wait for teh next chapter.
till next chappi! Mika luffs youuuuuuu
naqaashi- Sat 01 Sep 2007
woot woot! tables turned turned out to be so different frm what i expected it to be.......but then, i shudnt be surprised...u've always been rather original.....anyway, keep up the good work....just a word of advice though......i only managed to get online a couple days back...after a long long hiatus.....and checked ur pro to c if u'd taken out any new fics...and saw this...well, ive read it, i like it...and if u dont update it very very very soon.....well...i've heard that in certain parts of the isnt unusual for writers to be kidnapped and chained to a desk..pen glued to they have to write...even if they dun want to....only this tym....i'll be glueing ur hands to the keyboard.....[:D]...i kno i kno...m a big bad bullying creature..but sorry.....i want chapter 9..and i want it NOW! lolzz...
beckyducky- Wed 01 Aug 2007
i think your fic is so good so far. It is really nice to have a fic where Sesshomaru is the one with some angst. However, Kagome also has her problems too. I absolutely adore this fic so much. please keep updating!! :]
orchid- Fri 04 May 2007
well the secret is out... what will kag do now... update soon...
Aki-kawa- Thu 03 May 2007
It's very lovely. I hope you get your next chapter up soon. I enjoy the way how you don't make Kagome and Sesshomaru instantly have this lust towards each other, then jump into bed. Keep up the good writing.
Yours Forever
Yours Forever
LynLin- Thu 03 May 2007
You're welcome!
Nice chapter, and I hope you update soon!
Nice chapter, and I hope you update soon!
Irihi-chan- Thu 03 May 2007
That's so ADORABLE!!!!
Can I ask WHO is Rin's mother tho? Could it be Kagome?????
Irihi-chan o^_^o
That's so ADORABLE!!!!
Can I ask WHO is Rin's mother tho? Could it be Kagome?????
Irihi-chan o^_^o
DarkAngel495- Wed 02 May 2007
i LoVe iT!! UpdaTe!! UpdaE!! wAA!!
I LoVe ThE fIreWorKs ParT!! I thInk
iTs SweeT!! THaNk YOu AnYwaY
FoR lEttInG mE tO reAd Ths
ExcelENt FiC oF YouRs!!!
i LoVe iT!! UpdaTe!! UpdaE!! wAA!!
I LoVe ThE fIreWorKs ParT!! I thInk
iTs SweeT!! THaNk YOu AnYwaY
FoR lEttInG mE tO reAd Ths
ExcelENt FiC oF YouRs!!!
sesshyssexymistress- Wed 02 May 2007
MOOSEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mika wuvy you toooo. lol.....seeee Chie! I told you I'd love it and I did. Really cute. hahaha My lord Sesshoumaru.....omg...I would never have thought that sesshou would say sumtin was creepin him out lol. heheeh Mika can't wait for teh slumber party! What will happen to them now sharing a house for a night again?! dun dun DUN! lol...I think I ate too much ice cream....anyhoo can't wait till your next chapter ^_^ Till next time! Mika loves ya bunches!
Clara Taisho- Thu 26 Apr 2007
Nope, I won't be angry with because I know perfectly well the pain in the ass that called "writer block". I've had the honor to meet this fellow a few time, too. However, I love this story so I hope you could update soon. How about sess work up his courage and tell Kag the truth, they solve the problems and strengthen their bond?
demon13o- Tue 27 Mar 2007
awesome chapters sorry for not replying sooner i was away for a while and i had just looked up to check if you updated and you did, two chapters!! i was so happy and now i say you much update more oh and sorry to here about that writers block and i also hope you passed your exams!!
sesshyssexymistress- Mon 26 Mar 2007
just kidding! :D Mika loves you and the Dah wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much AND I'm too much addicted to this story like your others lol. I can't wait for your next chapter. I'll wait till the summer if thats how long it will take. I will be extreamly sad and I'll IM you like 10 times a day every day untill you update :D just so you know, I'm a pain in the ass so you might wanna get it out sooner than that lol I'm super excited to see how Sess tells her about him and see his expression when he finds out that karma is a biztch and she already knew. Till next chappi my dear chie!
just kidding! :D Mika loves you and the Dah wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much AND I'm too much addicted to this story like your others lol. I can't wait for your next chapter. I'll wait till the summer if thats how long it will take. I will be extreamly sad and I'll IM you like 10 times a day every day untill you update :D just so you know, I'm a pain in the ass so you might wanna get it out sooner than that lol I'm super excited to see how Sess tells her about him and see his expression when he finds out that karma is a biztch and she already knew. Till next chappi my dear chie!
MissTeak- Mon 26 Mar 2007
I simply adore this wonderful story! Usually, Sess/Kag fics in the corporate setting would involve Sess being the boss, but in this one, it is a refreshingly great twist to see him work under Kagome.
Great plot, great writing! Please update when you get the chance to write:)
Great plot, great writing! Please update when you get the chance to write:)
Ava 365- Mon 26 Mar 2007
Welcome back!!!! I love your fic. I'm glad Kagome finally realises who Hikari really is. Will Sesshomaru tell her the truth or will it be the other way around? How will the negotiation with those two idiots go? Will Kagome ashame them like they deserve and score some points before Sesshomaru-Hikari? I hope so XP!!!
Kaguya's Chaos- Mon 26 Mar 2007
OK, first I have to say i don't normally read these types of fics...I normally go for the Cannon Universe ones. But, after seeing your ratings and the number of words/chapters you have, I decided to read it anyway.
I must say this is one of the best fics I've read in months and I must applaude you for the outstanding way you've written it! There were a few grammatical errors, but it didn't detract anything from the plot. I love the way you write and I eagerly wait for your next update!!
I must say this is one of the best fics I've read in months and I must applaude you for the outstanding way you've written it! There were a few grammatical errors, but it didn't detract anything from the plot. I love the way you write and I eagerly wait for your next update!!
Kanela- Sun 25 Mar 2007
You're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!
Excelent, I was missing you and a good story ^^
Hope you update soon (and I know about final exams..I'm nearing them *shivers*...)
Take care!
Excelent, I was missing you and a good story ^^
Hope you update soon (and I know about final exams..I'm nearing them *shivers*...)
Take care!
Noacat- Sun 25 Mar 2007
Allow me to apologize for even doubting you. Because I so did. I was like, MAN, Kagome's dumb! How can she NOT know. I am a bad, stupid person. You may kick me now. This chapter was wonderful.
nostalgic-maiden- Sun 25 Mar 2007
lol i'm glad you finally updated! don't worry bout the month-long hiatus, i've been really bad about my kag/sess story too >." great chapter though, hope your writer's block is gone! =)
LynLin- Sat 24 Mar 2007
Waah you updated. I'm so glad. I hope you update soon again! This was a great chapter!
Valire18- Sat 03 Mar 2007
Hey don't stop this story is awesome. I enjoy the intense jail scene you created. Showing all his emotions on the inside, and Inuyasha's drunken discovery of his brother. You are a talent arthor.
Your good at details and drawing out a well plot. I'm waiting ofr the interaction between his father and Sesshomaru please continue writing.
Your good at details and drawing out a well plot. I'm waiting ofr the interaction between his father and Sesshomaru please continue writing.
ren- Thu 15 Feb 2007
Wow, Inuyasha figured it out...or he beat the info out of Miroku... yeah, that seems like the best answer. Anyways, this was a great chapter. Poor Kagome is in denial. PLEASE update soon. I wanna know what happens next.
MoonlightRose09- Wed 14 Feb 2007
love it love it love it! your such a amazing writer!
Angel- Tue 13 Feb 2007
man...this fic keeps getting good...i luv it...can't wait for the next
Le Tigre- Tue 13 Feb 2007
Uh, not to be a douche bag, but I would hope that someone of CEO caliber wouldn't be so easily duped. I mean, she knows what Sesshoumaru's markings look like. If she saw that much, any reasonable person would be able to put two and two together.
I mean, maybe if only a bit of his stripes were showing, then, okay, I'd give you that. It's not like you'd be able to see all that much. But to see all the markings together and not figure it out, that's beyond dense. That's down right retarded.
I'm sorry to be ragging on it and all, and I'm not trying to be mean or whatever. It just seems highly unbelievable to me as a college educated person. If someone had markings that were that identifiable, and I saw them, there's not amount of denial in the world that'd let me believe that he wasn't Sesshoumaru.
Just a suggestion, you might want to adjust it so it's a bit less obvious. Let her see just a single set of stripes, rather than the whole thing. It'd hike up the believability ten fold.
I mean, maybe if only a bit of his stripes were showing, then, okay, I'd give you that. It's not like you'd be able to see all that much. But to see all the markings together and not figure it out, that's beyond dense. That's down right retarded.
I'm sorry to be ragging on it and all, and I'm not trying to be mean or whatever. It just seems highly unbelievable to me as a college educated person. If someone had markings that were that identifiable, and I saw them, there's not amount of denial in the world that'd let me believe that he wasn't Sesshoumaru.
Just a suggestion, you might want to adjust it so it's a bit less obvious. Let her see just a single set of stripes, rather than the whole thing. It'd hike up the believability ten fold.
nostalgic-maiden- Tue 13 Feb 2007
uwah!!!! you finally updated =D=D i loved this chapter, it was great! please update SOON!!! =) i'll be waiting ;)
sesshyssexymistress- Tue 13 Feb 2007
oh snap! he is sooooooooooooo lucky kagy always doubts herself but Inu got him good lol! I was getting frustrated this chappi took forever > but it was worth the wait it was GREAT! woop! i cant wait for "the long talk" lol my week is complete now *sighs* i can rest in peace lol. untill next chappi, mika loves you both bunches!
Suicide- Tue 13 Feb 2007
The secret is out huh? I would've expected a little more progress in these two's relationship, buuut oh well.
Write more write more write more!!!!
Write more write more write more!!!!
swtdrm01- Tue 13 Feb 2007
I love the story and it's getting better and better with each chapter. I can't wait for the next one.
tif- Tue 13 Feb 2007
pls... updateee sooonnn thanksss
Smittee- Wed 31 Jan 2007
Congrates on your fanfiction so far. I love the idea of Kagome and Sesshomaru being so much alike, and trying ot figure each other out. Keep up the great work!
binab88- Sun 28 Jan 2007
oh man i wonder what is going to happen next please update soon
Ankoku-sama- Sat 27 Jan 2007
Amazing, you need to update soon please! =]
demon13o- Fri 26 Jan 2007
awesome chapter took me two class periods to read it but well worth it so please update soon kay!
Kanela- Thu 25 Jan 2007
Update!!! What is going to happen now that the world knows Sesshoumaru isn't in prison anymore!! Whaaaaa!!! I wanna knoooow!!
sesshyssexymistress- Wed 24 Jan 2007
wooooooooooooohooooooooo!!! In Kagura and Kouga's face bam! lol sry...that was good see i told u you will keep my interest ^^ and it will only get better from here :D i cant wait for next chappi. l8r gurly mika luffs u and the dah ^^ till next time
nostalgic-maiden- Wed 24 Jan 2007
yay! another great chapter! this one was really good lol. i love the drunk inuyasha. he's less dense when he's drunk, don't you think? lol please update soon!
LynLin- Tue 23 Jan 2007
Aww...I thought this chapter was going to satisfy me, but now I want more. DARN. hahhaha I hope you update soon!!!!! I'm loving it.
MoonlightRose09- Tue 23 Jan 2007
i would just like for you to know that i love your story! its so completely different from the rest where kagome is always the one working for sesshomaru.
sesshoumarus_bestfriend210- Sat 20 Jan 2007
and thats cool and funny how both sides asked sesshoumaru for
and yea i saw the reviews....its okay youc an say it...
I suck.
- -'''
well look forward to the next chapter...
and thats cool and funny how both sides asked sesshoumaru for
and yea i saw the reviews....its okay youc an say it...
I suck.
- -'''
well look forward to the next chapter...
LynLin- Thu 11 Jan 2007
waaaaaaaah I really like this story. I hope you update soon! Can you please give me an email next time you update? That way, I can read and review some more! I don't check this site that often, so I hope you can email me!
Anyway...good job!!
Anyway...good job!!
sesshyssexymistress- Mon 08 Jan 2007
man....will koga ever learn? lol! to tell u the truth the beginin was kinda loosin my interest but once i got to chapter 2 i started gettin into it. ^^' im really picky. i like where this is goin tho u have once again captured my interest dear chiera hehehe i cant wait for teh next chapter lets see how 'Hikaru-kun' gets himself outa this :P
Forsaken Faith- Mon 08 Jan 2007
OH NO! Is kouga really dating kagome? Or does he just think he is? Oh the possibilities!!!!! What will happen now? And i can't believe sess's dad (i can't remember how to spell his name. -.-) I can't wait to read the next chapter! Oh and what's going to happen when Sess finds out that kagome is shippo's mom??????? OH i love the twists!! You have a talent for tieing everything together in such an unexpted way. I love it! It really is great. I wish i could do that. Buit tend to trail off. Hmmmm i need to work on that. I really like the detail you put into sess character. It is amazing. I just get such a clear picture of him. And also kagome......all the character actually. You do an awsome job on that. I'm sorry if i give you too many compliments......i usually am very picky and always have something to say that's a little negative....i just can't find anything against what you write....although you did put "kagome paid the river"....instead of driver. But i can't spell, so i can't say much. It was a simple spelling error that didn't distrupt anything. nothing big. :D I just love this story.I wonder which side sess is going to pick, Inuyashas...or his dad's? Who knows. I still stick to my guess that one of the board members is at fault for his jail time. Those evil bastards. sorry about that. :D Keep up your amazing and inspiring (at least to me) writing! I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Yukino- Sun 07 Jan 2007
Subarashii (wonderful).
Your fic is exceptionally written. Thank you for providing us enjoyable long chapters. I simply love your descriptions. Please continue to be inspired in writting this fic.
Your fic is exceptionally written. Thank you for providing us enjoyable long chapters. I simply love your descriptions. Please continue to be inspired in writting this fic.
demon13o- Sun 07 Jan 2007
awesome chapter!!
demon13o- Tue 02 Jan 2007
Kanela- Tue 26 Dec 2006
Go for it girl! I'm totally behind your back, cheering you. I love how your story is turning to be...kept it up, don't abandon it! One of the best AU fics I've read so far in my short life, haha.
Forsaken Faith- Mon 25 Dec 2006
Ha HA HA! I loved it!!!! It was awesome! Damn. I'm going to have to say poor sess. So she runs the company right? SHe hold the position sess was in before the got sent into prison? Dang, the irony of it all. i love it though. I'm gunna take a guess and say one of the board members is who set him up. One of them is the REAL culprit. I can't wait to see if i'm wrong or right. I usually am wrong. *mumbles about Authors and their mind games* Things are sometimes way to tricky. I didn't mean you stole my idea. I guess it came off as sounding that way. i just meant that i had a simalar idea, but yours is better. I couldn't make it right. I mean, i couldn't have it so Kagome was just higher than sess. It wouldn't be right to degrade him in such a way. So i let the idea go. I'm glad i did. I really love the way you write it. I love it when i can read another author's writting and be happy about the idea and feel that i have gotten something out of the story. If i had a similar idea, than it all the better. I can't wait to read more. Please update as soon as you have time. You are an amazing author. Never stop writting. ^.^
swtdrm01- Mon 25 Dec 2006
Happy Holidays! I loved the new chapter. I can already tell it's going to be very interesting from now on. I can't wait for the next chapter.
sesshoumarus_bestfriend210- Sun 24 Dec 2006
HAHA!!! damn kagome is good!!!!!!!!!
oh my god i can't wait for the next chapter!! UPDATE SOON!!
oh and can you do me a favor..?
can you go to my profile and check out my fanfiction," Mercenary Youkai"?
i updated it a week ago, but i dont think anyone saw it...can you please read it and tell me what you think? I would really apprectiate it! ^-^
oh my god i can't wait for the next chapter!! UPDATE SOON!!
oh and can you do me a favor..?
can you go to my profile and check out my fanfiction," Mercenary Youkai"?
i updated it a week ago, but i dont think anyone saw it...can you please read it and tell me what you think? I would really apprectiate it! ^-^
nostalgic-maiden- Sun 24 Dec 2006
yay, another good chapter! please keep updating=) and by the way, Merry Christmas =D
Sarah- Sun 24 Dec 2006
OMFG!!! i have to admit i was a bit curious as to where this was going in the first chapter...but i looooooove the idea!!!! i can't wait to see how you'll develop this story!
bluemoon_175- Sun 24 Dec 2006
I can't wait to read more so I hope you update as soon as you can, and keep up the great work.
demon13o- Fri 22 Dec 2006
awesome fic!!! i love it so far!!
Forsaken Faith- Wed 20 Dec 2006
YOU DIDN'T! Arg! You DID! I was going to start up a story with Kagome being above sess...but you kind of already did that...kind of. lol. Not really, but at first i thought you did. And i was all angry because everytime i think i have a new idea, i read someone elses fic and find it there. It sucks. But i wouldn't have been angry with you at all for the fact that you are a far greater author than I and could do the idea more justice. Although....that isn't your idea at all. i must say that i am ver impressed with this plot line. It is brand new and very wonderful. I love it. When i read the first chapter i was concerned about the prision idea, but it seems to be working out wonderfuly. I can not wait to read the rest of this story. Please update soon. This is an awesome story.
sesshoumarus_bestfriend210- Sun 17 Dec 2006
thats it?! ME WANT MORE!!!
more more more more...*continues on*
Mi: sigh....there she goes again.... sigh....
thats it?! ME WANT MORE!!!
more more more more...*continues on*
Mi: sigh....there she goes again.... sigh....
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Sat 16 Dec 2006
I see where this is going. So this will not be exactly the same "YOU ICY DEMOND LORD!! YOU...!" and "Insolent ningen, you are idsgraceful" tibit since she admires him and he has matured. i wonder how they will interact, thatis very difficult since neither are trusting and kind. Both have been hardened by life. I can't wait to read about their meeting.
nostalgic-maiden- Fri 15 Dec 2006
yay! another good chapter =) plz keep updating!
Twilight Garden- Sat 09 Dec 2006
This was an awesome start to the story and I hope that you update. I want to see Sesshoumaru rise up and kick ass against the ones that framed him.
sesshoumarus_bestfriend210- Thu 07 Dec 2006
O.O was....sesshomaru....just ....R@PED!!!??
Mi: ...*open mouth...insert foot*
Sess: *gagging* ...wut in....KAMI?!?!
wow i can't wait for the nest chapter plz!!!!! plz plz PLZ update soon!!! i look forw-----
*is being choked by sess*
Sess: i was R@PED!!!! GOD WHY!!!!!
*lets jess go and whimpers* *sniffle*...i feel so violated...
Jess: a...cough...aheh....well still looking forward to it! *runs from an angry sesshomaru* O.O EEEEK!!!
Mi: ...*open mouth...insert foot*
Sess: *gagging* ...wut in....KAMI?!?!
wow i can't wait for the nest chapter plz!!!!! plz plz PLZ update soon!!! i look forw-----
*is being choked by sess*
Sess: i was R@PED!!!! GOD WHY!!!!!
*lets jess go and whimpers* *sniffle*...i feel so violated...
Jess: a...cough...aheh....well still looking forward to it! *runs from an angry sesshomaru* O.O EEEEK!!!
nostalgic-maiden- Thu 07 Dec 2006
hey, cool fic! i'm liking it, but i do feel sorry for poor sesshoumaru T_T XD plz keep updating!
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Wed 06 Dec 2006
Wow. This is way deep. You are defintely an excellent writer. Please update soon, this is nit your typical Sess and Kag fic. I like it. There is a reason to hsi coldness, a hidden fire. And for the first time the world is not given to him.
please update soon!
please update soon!
Sesshoumaru's Fiend and Demonic Nightmare- Sun 03 Dec 2006
omg that was so great!
well written too!!..
good idea..very original...
i really like it...
please update as soon as you can!!
well written too!!..
good idea..very original...
i really like it...
please update as soon as you can!!
SesshomaruCrazy- Sun 03 Dec 2006
Well this was interesting reading.. Sesshomaru in prison.. LOL.. Good story i liked the chapter.. Hope you have more for the next one..
Plz hurry and update can't wait to see what happens and how he plans on getting back on top.. I hope he knocks his father's company into the ground and have them see what its like to have nothing.. LOL.. Iam a mean one.. But revenge is bitter sweet..
Hurry and update soon plz...
Take care
Plz hurry and update can't wait to see what happens and how he plans on getting back on top.. I hope he knocks his father's company into the ground and have them see what its like to have nothing.. LOL.. Iam a mean one.. But revenge is bitter sweet..
Hurry and update soon plz...
Take care