Reviews for Pure Art by sesshou_lover
*A-Kay*- Thu 12 Jun 2008
Please oh please oh please don't give up on this story. I really really enjoy(ed) reading and re-reading and re-reading more of it, but I'm always stuck in limbo wondering if you're going to update it or not. So please please come back....
.... eventually *gives puppy eyes*
.... eventually *gives puppy eyes*
DarK Seduction101- Sun 30 Mar 2008
Update soooooooooooooon!!! And great writing.
Megan Consoer- Fri 09 Nov 2007
I really like this story alot. Can you please write aome more chapters?
orchid- Wed 22 Aug 2007
please update
*A-Kay*- Mon 20 Aug 2007
Please update soon. I really like this story and love the way it's going. Please, please, please, please update soon.
Nanami Hikari- Fri 20 Jul 2007
Once again, another masterpiece in the making. Please keep this one up! You can revise the chapters if you want but I really like the beginning of this story!
Your faithful reader,
Nanami Hikari
Your faithful reader,
Nanami Hikari
Megan Consoer- Fri 20 Jul 2007
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
anon- Fri 13 Jul 2007
this story is very original. i can't wait to read more. i don't think that anyone else has had kagome as anything other than and skinny beauty. i really like that this ones different.
tilayha- Tue 26 Jun 2007
oh i dont know...i think the kagura/naraku dealings could be worth a few chapters at least and well u know inuyasha is always good for more drama.......i hope u change ur mind and do more for this one.
Leafeknight7- Fri 22 Jun 2007
This is terribly cute. I've fallen in I can't wait to see the next piece. ^_^Ja ne!
chibilee- Fri 22 Jun 2007
wow...been awhile since i've read a fic! life's been keeping me busy. nice fic to get me back in the groove. i'm sure there are plenty of people feeling like kagome. too bad they all don't have a sesshoumaru in their life like kagome does. looking forward to the next chapter.
sesshys1-n-only- Thu 24 May 2007
i love the way its starting out but i would would love it more if u updated! lol update soon!
AnimeFanime18- Wed 16 May 2007
O..O Can I find out what the idea is? :D
Artemis- Wed 09 May 2007
I like how this started. It's very interesting, and a topic that I haven't come across before. ^_^
Fran- Fri 20 Apr 2007
I really hope you update not only this story but your others as well.
ladyAnju- Tue 17 Apr 2007
this is a very unique story its a lot different then the ones i have read before. i hope that you have not given up on this fanfic because i would really like to read the rest of it if you decide to put the rest of the story up.
appleme- Mon 09 Apr 2007
OMG! IT'S AMAZING i love it..
I was crying I don't know why but it felt awfully familiar...
I was crying I don't know why but it felt awfully familiar...
Mlmonty- Sun 25 Mar 2007
I love for you to get around updating this. It has promise
Xeila- Tue 06 Mar 2007
wow i love it. i love how sesshomaru didnt care that she was big. and i love how he didnt make a big deal that she lost the weight to him it didnt matter if she was big or not. ok im really liking this story
Noacat- Tue 27 Feb 2007
Sess' Sakura- Fri 19 Jan 2007
I love it is there going to be anymore because if there is I can't wait for the rest of it. Anyway great job and update soon.
caara- Wed 03 Jan 2007
why don't you write more of this? its a real shame to let it go to waste, ya know. i really hope u do and i kno every1 else does too. =)
Raa- Mon 18 Dec 2006
LOVE IT!!! Please, update soon!
Tana-san- Thu 07 Dec 2006
Very lovingly and tastefully done. I bow before you resectively. This toughed my heart, truly. I am a disabled woman and last year I went in and out of the hosptal week after week, never finding any reason that I was suddenly overwieght and constantly unable to breathe. My skin felt as if it couldn't stretch any further and a light touch sent me in tears. at the same time I discovered my gallbladder was dead and even though I had been vomiting any food or drink put in me, the weight stayed and increased. 250lbs and I began wishing God to take me Home with Him. They finally found that I had a damaged mitral valve in my heart causing blood to fill the chamber but not leave it. Death was eminate without surgery. Last Christmas on the 22nd I had surgery, only after I went through gall bladder surgery first so I could rebuild strength and then alot of dental surgery because your teeth can cause trouble after heart surgery if there are any problems. I am alive today and am down to 180 lbs and I feel as though God really did have good reason for allowing me to endure this. What I'm trying to say is that alot of overweight people may have an underlying problem they know nothing about. I never thought I had a heart problem. My doctor ran out of options and prayed, then told me to humor her and do more than just a stress rest. Thank God for a doctor who loved me enough to never give up on helping me. I still have my other disablities only now I can feel better about myself knowing I can live a little longer and not hate myself as much as I did. Sorry if I rambled on, but if I can help just one person out there who maybe had it happen to them, then I'd be fulfilling my promise to make amends at all the times I looked at overweight people and said something stupid. Even words spoken behind someone's back is hurtful and damaging to one's own spirit. Please continue this story.I know it will mean alot to many people even if they don't always review. Thank you.. I've read your other stories and you do a wonderful talent as I am always sure to tell those I truly believe are worthy.
Vulcana- Sun 03 Dec 2006
This is a really good start and I hope you continue. You have a good concept going here.
Andrea- Sat 02 Dec 2006
You are a wonderful writer. This story has amazing potential and I really look forward to reading more...keep up the good work.
DeJanea M. Steward- Sat 02 Dec 2006
I really enjoyed your fanfiction because I myself am overweight. It is also unique and different from everyone elses fanfiction
Jen- Sat 02 Dec 2006
I really like the story so far ... Your writing is very good. Looking forward to more ...
lonelygirl- Fri 01 Dec 2006
UPDATE!!!.......NOW!.......please? this is one of the best stories EVER! but then again i like all your stories. hurry and update it i'm sure i'm not the only one wanting more of this wonderful fic! 3
Noacat- Fri 01 Dec 2006
If there was a way for me to give a standing ovation for this story I would. Not only is it well written but it has a positive message. Thank you for writing this. Sincerely.
Risa- Fri 01 Dec 2006
Hey! This is a good beginning! I like this story.
slm_candle- Fri 01 Dec 2006
I loved it. I want more please.
Tuyet Menh- Fri 01 Dec 2006
AHHHH!!!! UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!! NOW Great story!!! I wanna know when Kags meet Inu!!! it'll be so funny to have him come back crying to her!!! PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Tuyet Menh
Tuyet Menh