Reviews for Grow up by Killing Perfection
trihn- Tue 17 Jul 2007
well, i like it!
BeautifulDeception- Sat 14 Jul 2007
Good Story Me Likey! Update Soon!
black moon inu- Fri 13 Jul 2007
That what he gets for ditching his brother. LOL though I would have ditched him to. poor inu nobody cares. Well hope you post more soon.
hugs and puppies
hugs and puppies
Gothic Lust- Sat 03 Feb 2007
thats it... what .... no.. update !!!!
Tanya131- Sat 03 Feb 2007
it sounds good can you write more pleace
DarkAngel495- Sat 03 Feb 2007
hEy lEt Me Guess aBout The aRrow
KagoMe ShooT iT rIght? WelL
aNyWays PLeaSe upDaTe fAsTer!!
KagoMe ShooT iT rIght? WelL
aNyWays PLeaSe upDaTe fAsTer!!
black moon inu- Sat 03 Feb 2007
I'm sorry to say that my fav line from the first chap was" Mr......Puff Puff." I cracked up I thought I was going to pee my pants. The second chap. wasn't as funny but still good. post soon. If you could give me a heads up when you do thank you.
Define-Naughty- Fri 02 Feb 2007
Ok not being mean, but a horse can't slow down to a gallop because a gallop is full speed for a horse. from slowest to fastest is walk, trot, canter, gallop. Sorry but I own horses and I am sort of a freak when it comes to things like that. Other then that I love it!!
Darkness- Mon 22 Jan 2007
please update pretty please bores here, so please
Darkness- Tue 28 Nov 2006
Woow Killing i'll call you that god if i could write as good as you i'd be rich good fic love it write more soon