Noacat- Mon 08 Oct 2007
Dude. Why haven't you updated this? It's awesome. For serious.
Vixen12089- Tue 28 Nov 2006
A very good fic so far. If it wasn't edited, then I didn't notice. I hope you update soon because I would REALLY like to know what happens next. So, please?!!
hellspixie18- Fri 17 Nov 2006
I'm loving your story so far. Love the humor in it so far... I really hope kagome doesn't find a man in her era (hint, hint) lol. update soon.
Nyx- Sun 12 Nov 2006
I will leave you your first review because I think you deserve it! I think that this has a lot of potential! Keep up the good work! If anybody sends you a bad review just ignore it, or try to get something positive out of it. Remember, they took the time to sit and write about how bad your story is. How stupid is that? Just say "If you don't like it, don't read it!" Whew, sorry about that I got carried away, but update soon!