zen- Mon 12 Mar 2007
Please update! I love this story!!!
(I read it back then too)
(I read it back then too)
sesshyluver17- Fri 02 Mar 2007
AWW! That was the most awesome story! With the most amazing twist! I loved the idea and the uniquness! I loved this story so much!
Arsenic- Thu 23 Nov 2006
That was a touching story! I really liked it and didn't want to stop reading it once I started!
Its_my_turn_2_fly- Fri 27 Oct 2006
omg this made me cry at sum parts...wow u surpirised me like at every chapter lol good job! neways love it lots good story!
judzea- Fri 27 Oct 2006
I really liked your story but must admit I was kind of disappointed about the ending. I like happy endings but this ending seemed to be lacking something. Anyway, great job regardless of how it ended. Keep up the good work and I will look for more of your stories in the future.
Sariel- Tue 24 Oct 2006
This was such a great story! I enjoyed every min of it. The ending seemed a little rushed though. either way i loved it.
Shanalir- Tue 24 Oct 2006
Love the ending! It's a really great story.
Maru-kunkun- Mon 23 Oct 2006
that was a good ending. XD he didn't mention the fact that he had to do it for the merge, but that made it seem like he wasn't going to give her excusses. and i liked that XD. muuch liked. sad that it ended, but it was a good ending.
Ja-ne. Bye-byez. XD
Ja-ne. Bye-byez. XD
bluemoon_175- Mon 23 Oct 2006
This was a really good story, keep up the good work. You should really think about doing a sequal, I know it'll be really good. But do what you will. :^)
slm_candle- Mon 23 Oct 2006
I loved it okay ending very anticlimatical. oh well it was still very good.
Techno- Mon 23 Oct 2006
I love it but the ending of this story is so dejavu...why is that
Noacat- Mon 23 Oct 2006
Why is it that in almost every story Sesshoumaru treats Kagome like crap, regrets it...says he's sorry and then she just forgives him in a snap...just like that?!!
If someone had humliated me that way, watched passively when someone hurt me. Saying he was sorry SO wouldn't cut it.
Then again...I'm kind of a bitch. So maybe if you're nice you let things go more easily.
Alls I'm saying is. Sesshoumaru SO got off light.
Btw...good story. You got me all riled.
If someone had humliated me that way, watched passively when someone hurt me. Saying he was sorry SO wouldn't cut it.
Then again...I'm kind of a bitch. So maybe if you're nice you let things go more easily.
Alls I'm saying is. Sesshoumaru SO got off light.
Btw...good story. You got me all riled.
MidnightStar- Sun 22 Oct 2006
Great story and plot. Looking forward to your next update!!:)
felicia- Sun 22 Oct 2006
i like uur story lots and the way uu rite.. cant wait till u post dha next chappie!!
ohiowriter- Sat 21 Oct 2006
Thank you for fixing it so fast! It makes more since now (I'd pieced it together, but it is always nicer to have it layed out for you) . I can't wait for more.
shioriimaru- Sat 21 Oct 2006
Great chapter! I'm curious whether Kagome will take Sesshoumaru directly back. I think he deserves a litte punishment because he left her for his business hehehe.
Maru-kunkun- Fri 20 Oct 2006
oohh this is such a good story !! much love XD !! update sooooon !!
Irish Black Rosie- Fri 20 Oct 2006
3 ^__^
This story is really good! I lovers it! I can't wait for the next chapter!
3 ^__^
This story is really good! I lovers it! I can't wait for the next chapter!
ohiowriter- Fri 20 Oct 2006
Um... I don't know if you did it on purpose or not, but the first chapter and the last chaper are the same. I'd like to read more, too!
liz- Fri 20 Oct 2006
i like it it was a nice litte story but you might what to fix chapter 1
Shanalir- Fri 20 Oct 2006
Great new chapter! I hope Kagome makes him suffer a little for putting his company ahead of his love. Even if it's only for a few seconds.
slm_candle- Fri 20 Oct 2006
wow that's just plain crazy i must admit i thought you had like a typo on the last chapter sorry for blowing up i was just plain shocked. but i really liked this chapter
swtdrm01- Fri 20 Oct 2006
I didn't just like it, I loved it. Thank you for updating.
Techno- Thu 19 Oct 2006
I was just thinking of how much I wanted you ro update and I go and check the fanfic thingy and there IT IS!!! :DDD
Update soon love da story
Update soon love da story
RhiannonoftheMoon- Wed 18 Oct 2006
Unexpected, yes! I'm not a big AU person, but the premise intrigued me. Now, I am eagerly awaiting your next update (and I appreciate that you update quickly, unlike my tardy ass)!
zen- Wed 18 Oct 2006
Hey, you should update... Because that is just way tooo wrong to have a cliffie there.. Of course its your fic, its just Don't drop this fic at the cliffie PLZ
Luv it
Luv it
Serena- Wed 18 Oct 2006
ooooooooo keep them coming. this is getting good
25ruby- Wed 18 Oct 2006
………………….. ~speechless~…………………..
(not so speechless after all)
JaNe ^_^
(not so speechless after all)
JaNe ^_^
slm_candle- Wed 18 Oct 2006
OMG KAGURA Thats what you put kagura wtf are you thinking.
shioriimaru- Wed 18 Oct 2006
wow, that was really an unexpected turn, you should see my face now lol.
I can't believe that, plz you have to update soon. Great story!
I can't believe that, plz you have to update soon. Great story!
Tricia- Wed 18 Oct 2006
Would I be correct if i guessed that it was Naraku much like that he did in the series?
Lady Sesshomaru- Wed 18 Oct 2006
KA.....KAGURA?!?! Not funny..... She will still be with Kagome in the end, right?
swtdrm01- Tue 17 Oct 2006
You are right. I was not expecting that one, but I'm guessing it wasn't a mistake, but more like he is being blackmailed or something. Please update soon.
Techno- Tue 17 Oct 2006
Sesshoumaru's Fiend- Tue 17 Oct 2006
u r an evil...EVIl person with that evil...EVIL cliffy!
*starts throwing random objects at Marulover*
*chases after Marulove with a pointy shoe*
Update soon...PLEASE
u r an evil...EVIl person with that evil...EVIL cliffy!
*starts throwing random objects at Marulover*
*chases after Marulove with a pointy shoe*
Update soon...PLEASE
kanaya- Sun 15 Oct 2006
luvd. it ^-^
Lunaticneko- Sat 14 Oct 2006
wow that's so sad. ANd Really good. I can't wait to see what happens...who will find her in the bathroom? (I_I)
Sariel- Sat 14 Oct 2006
I love this story. Please update soon and if you have a mail list please put me on it!
helikesitheymikey!- Sat 14 Oct 2006
SESS"S GONNA BE SO MAD AT KAGURA! you would think that that stupid wind witch would know that he has a nurse=she'll smell like him! DUH!
I REALLY LIKE THIS STORY AND I WANT TO SEE SESSHOMARU AND KAGOME TOGETHER MEGA SOON PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many more chapters are left?
I REALLY LIKE THIS STORY AND I WANT TO SEE SESSHOMARU AND KAGOME TOGETHER MEGA SOON PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many more chapters are left?
slm_candle- Fri 13 Oct 2006
I loved it so what is imperfect with kaggie girl cant be much.
FAL- Fri 13 Oct 2006
OMG! OMG! Plz Update I want 2 no wat happens
swtdrm01- Fri 13 Oct 2006
I loved the chapter. I hope you update very, very soon. I can't wait to find out what happens next. How will Sesshoumaru react?
Serena- Fri 13 Oct 2006
Very good! I want to know what is wrong with Kagomes face, please update soon!^_^
zen- Fri 13 Oct 2006
Aurgh, the curiosity is killing me! Please hurry with that update (yet take your time, I'm just impatient) But please don't wait too long.
v a l e r i e e e !- Thu 12 Oct 2006
UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! lol..anyways i really like this fic and that's saying a hell of a lot considering how picky i am lol...anyways question: how old is sesshoumaru if he has been working in that company for 20 years wouldn't that make him 40-something??? =S
helikesitheymikey!- Thu 12 Oct 2006
helikesitheymikey!- Thu 12 Oct 2006
*william tell music* rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreview rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreview review review
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreview rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreview review review
That's alot of reviews!
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreview rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreview review review
That's alot of reviews!
nhjade1- Wed 11 Oct 2006
I see that you are going to draw out what is wrong with her. you know that's just mean. I can't wait to see if he get's his sight back. Or of he'sgoing to stay that way. I love it and I can't wait to read more.
Tally Mark- Wed 11 Oct 2006
Y'know, I haven't read a 'blindness' fic in some time because they tend to be somewhat cliche/repetative. So I am really, really glad I gave this one a shot! It's really different and well-written, and I love how you portray the characters (and do I see actual character development in progress? Hurray!). And its driving me crazy trying to figure out whats wrong with Kagome; I'm guessing some kind of disfiguring mark like a scar or a burn, but I dunno. Anyway, loving this so far, please put up that chapter? ^_^
swtdrm01- Wed 11 Oct 2006
Yes please update soon! I love the story. I'm still trying to pin point what is different about her or more specifically, her face.
Patty- Tue 10 Oct 2006
Nice, I thought I had it figurate out, the kagome situation being she is ugly but when Inu yasha said she was attractive I was thrown of the trail again, and by the gods now I’ve no idea where you’re going with it, please post your next chapter ^_^ !
Noacat- Tue 10 Oct 2006
Damn you, teasing author. Damn you. (And I mean that as nicely as you could mean something like that....^_~)
Damn you, teasing author. Damn you. (And I mean that as nicely as you could mean something like that....^_~)
lunaticneko- Mon 09 Oct 2006
love your fic. Can't wait to see what happens
Maru-kunkun- Sat 07 Oct 2006
ohhh, this is something totally new to me. and im liking it so far. really good. XD. update sooon.
MIdnightStar- Thu 05 Oct 2006
Very good story. Keep it up and looking forward to your next chapter.
jem89- Wed 04 Oct 2006
I love this story! What is wrong with Kagome that she got picked on? Please update soon : )
tenchi mizu- Wed 04 Oct 2006
is she blind too?? or is it something else if so what is it???
summer- Wed 04 Oct 2006
Hey, great story. No one has never done something like this. Keep updating
jem89- Wed 04 Oct 2006
I love this story and can't wait for more. Please update soon : )
TECHNO- Wed 04 Oct 2006
i love your story
thedah- Tue 03 Oct 2006
sounds very interesting. :P And it's from one of my favourite plot ideas! Poor sesshy.. :(
bluemoon_175- Tue 03 Oct 2006
Please you must write more, I have never been more excited to wait for an update. Plus this story is keeping me on my toes, I hope you keep up the job well done. Also this story sounds fantastic, so PLEASE UPDATE as SOON as you can.