Reviews for Call of the Sleeping Heart by ShadowsWeaver1
Kat- Thu 17 Apr 2008
more... please... pretty please... pretty pretty please... with sugar on top?
TheMikoShivae- Sat 15 Mar 2008
i love this.. i hope you get your muse for this one back
Brainshake- Sat 12 Jan 2008
I can't believe you, Shadow. :) You have written so many stories, and all of them have such unique plots and are so well written. I can't believe you don't do this for a living!
Since you have so many other stories in the making, I don't feel like forcing you to continue this one, but I think it has potential, and I would be more than pleased if you decided to continue it. :)
Since you have so many other stories in the making, I don't feel like forcing you to continue this one, but I think it has potential, and I would be more than pleased if you decided to continue it. :)
SesshomarusShortie- Thu 20 Dec 2007
This is a great story.You really need to continue it. I'm wondering what would happen next! I think maybe you should put a kiss in there somewhere and he think it was a mistake,until he startes realizing his feelings or something like that.But, its just a thought.Please reply.SesshomarusShortie
snowbird- Thu 20 Sep 2007
YES, YES, YESSSSSS!!!! You MUST continue this story. I absolutely love it. It is so haunting and captivating. Finally, the mighty Sess has to depend on help from someone else and not only that, but a human. Kag also has to depend on him. I like that it's not a one way dependence. Please, devote more time to this story? Please, pretty please?
snowbird- Sun 16 Sep 2007
I love it, I love it. It's so original. I've not come across this plot in any other story. You MUST continue, please. Don't leave it just hanging at the end like that. The story doesn't have to be a long one, just give it closure. Preferably a happy one, of course.
lex1621- Sat 04 Aug 2007
I really hope you continue with this story!
Dark Phoenix- Thu 02 Aug 2007
I love it!~ Your stories are so original without being off the wall like some fics. You are able to take their personalties and put them in any stories you want and not change them. In every story of yours I have read I can actually see them as they are in the anime. Keep up the great work. I am a HUGE fan ^-^;;
rowdysgirl- Wed 25 Jul 2007
oh no, that won't do. don't get me caught up in a story and then tell me that you're only going to add to it when you feel like it if at all! Oh Hell No!
You sit your round little author's butt down at your computer and write another chapter - right now! Don't you be telling me that you don't feel like it. That's not fair to your readers {me}!
You sit your round little author's butt down at your computer and write another chapter - right now! Don't you be telling me that you don't feel like it. That's not fair to your readers {me}!
snowbird- Tue 24 Jul 2007
Oh, please---this short story is begging to be extended, to be finished. It was kind of left hanging without a clear ending. It so heartwrending and haunting from their souls. It deserves to be told in more detail. Also, it's a new plotline I've not seen anyone use before. There aren't too many originals left out there. Anyway, please, PLEASE, consider turning it into a story.
Alyana- Tue 24 Jul 2007
Yet another marvelous story from ShadowsWeaver1!
I really, really like this! It's so beautiful--and I like how you write from their perspectives! It's sometimes hard to write first person--you really have to be into the story, which is probably why you can't update regularly (in addition to life factors). Well, update as soon as you can!
I really, really like this! It's so beautiful--and I like how you write from their perspectives! It's sometimes hard to write first person--you really have to be into the story, which is probably why you can't update regularly (in addition to life factors). Well, update as soon as you can!
reina- Mon 23 Jul 2007
this is very lovely, you've done a great job. continue when you can.
S.S.Hikage- Mon 23 Jul 2007
I love your new story! Do update as soon as possible, I will be grateful.
Thanks and Keep up the good work,
Thanks and Keep up the good work,
google- Mon 23 Jul 2007
iloveit. :D please continue...whenever you feel like it i guess...just dont forget it. :D
Solaira- Sun 22 Jul 2007
Excellent update. I am glad that you have decided to continue this magnificent fic. I love the feel of this fic, it really grabs ahold of you and doen't let go. I will be looking forward to your next update, no matter how long I have to wait.
Nikki- Tue 17 Jul 2007
I love the Sesshoumaru POV. You did really good. I hope that you will do more of his POV. I also so hope that you would continue the story. I think you did really well. One question. Why would Sess mom have him hook up with a human since it was because of a human that her mate is dead?
Phoenix Wolf- Sun 06 May 2007
I would really like to see you continue with this story. It has quite the potential to be a tear jerker like Rememberance, but also the possibility of become funny, romantic, antaganistic. Basically, it is one hell of a great start to another great story!
I hope to hear more from you with this story.
I hope to hear more from you with this story.
lindajrjt- Sat 05 May 2007
This is quite different from your other stories. It is mysterious; but not scary. It is sad; but in a way beautiful. I would say you did an excellent job of writing from both viewpoints!
judzea- Sat 24 Mar 2007
Well now, obviously you seem as though you do not want to continue this story, so I will not ask you to update any time soon :{
However, I will give you my opinion on the story. I found it to be very fascinating and nicely written in the first person voice. It's to bad that you do not want to continue it. *sniffles* :{
Regardless, you are still one of my favourite writers. Execellent job ;}
However, I will give you my opinion on the story. I found it to be very fascinating and nicely written in the first person voice. It's to bad that you do not want to continue it. *sniffles* :{
Regardless, you are still one of my favourite writers. Execellent job ;}
tamara melton- Sat 03 Mar 2007
hey its me again lol anyway just woundering weither u'll be doing this story?
all i can say *gets on my nees and begs* plz plz i hope u do i love the way this story is going let me know if u do thanks.
as always ur faithful reader^_^
all i can say *gets on my nees and begs* plz plz i hope u do i love the way this story is going let me know if u do thanks.
as always ur faithful reader^_^
Sola- Sun 04 Feb 2007
Very few authoress's can write with Sess's point of view and remian true to his nature. Good job! I do hope you pic this one up some day and continue.
ness2g5- Sun 14 Jan 2007
Are you ever gonna continue this???
Reis- Wed 03 Jan 2007
;-; I hope you'll continue this some time in the future, there is so much potential here. Cuz Sesshoumaru is still going to be having those dreams whether he likes it or not. And Sessmom won't reverse her spell, because she is...unkind. Or maybe there is no counter spell for her spell so she can't even if she wants to o.O; or maybe she just finds it hilarious because she is.....unkind.... I think she would be amused. I don't know why...
Anyway, I love your work.
Anyway, I love your work.
Jenna- Sat 09 Dec 2006
woah. this is a really cool fanfic. i love it so far. i wonder if sesshomaru is suffering from his loneliness...hmm...i'll have to wait to find out :]
Sesshomarei- Tue 05 Dec 2006
i love it.. esp where you switch perspectives from Kagome to Sesshomaru between chapters. I used to write fictions myself although mine were all beatle based, hehe i have yet to buck up the nerve to do any inuyasha based fics hehe :D you do plan on finishing this on i hope :)
Mitsuki- Sun 26 Nov 2006
Great Story! Please write more ShadowsWeaver1! I think you are doing fine if not perfect in writing in Sesshomaru's point of view! Once again, PLEASE UPDATE!
Ambersolle- Tue 14 Nov 2006
This is actually a unique and interesting idea. Now, it's leaving me wondering also why he is in such pain and how he will ever come to terms that only a [human] can take it away. Knowing how he hates humans, I'd be interested to see.
SleepingChickenNugget- Mon 23 Oct 2006
You are SO AWESOME! I love you and your writing. Escellent job on Sesshou's POV by the way. I could never even come close to achieving the perfect flow you have. I really hope that, even though you haven't updated for awhile, that doesn't mean you're never going to. One quick question: Is Sesshoumaru's mother alive? and another one: is Sesshou going to visit her if she is? Because if she is and if he is, then that opens up a whole new box of questions that I can't even begin to find an answer to without you continuing the story! So yeah. Please update before I go insane!
hellspixie18- Sat 14 Oct 2006
another lovely story from you that I can't wait to read more. I think you did a very good job getting into sess's head. lord knows he's a pain in the butt. lol. update soon
Calix of Heaven- Thu 05 Oct 2006
Finish it. It is a good story. I think you did a fine job on the Sess point of view.
Calix of Heaven- Thu 05 Oct 2006
Finish it. It is a good story. I think you did a fine job on the Sess point of view.
Insomniak- Sun 24 Sep 2006
I really like this...because I'm not sure that I have seen anything like it before. I hope you continue soon...
kat- Wed 20 Sep 2006
are you going to do more of this one once you finish my experiment? cause i have to say this one is really really good. it's so fascinating and just fun and well there should be more, so please do more... please please.... with a cherry on top?
Dawn D.- Wed 23 Aug 2006
You really can't leave it there! This is a great story in the making. I just adore your "dreamscape" writting. I'd love to see more of this, after you finish "My Experiment" of course ;)
clavira- Mon 21 Aug 2006
Well, I really like this new fic you started - is it going to be a "two-shot" or are you going to continue it? (It'd prefer you to continue it, I'm curious how this could develope - will he 'resist' the call just to spite his mother or will he give in and be happy?)
The part where you wrote Sesshoumarus POV was great, I think you managed to describe what he... well, would have thought and you didn't make him very OOC suddenly just because it would be easier for you to write this fic.
Am I making any sense? It's 00.08 and I'm tired. Update soon - both of your fics, I like them.
The part where you wrote Sesshoumarus POV was great, I think you managed to describe what he... well, would have thought and you didn't make him very OOC suddenly just because it would be easier for you to write this fic.
Am I making any sense? It's 00.08 and I'm tired. Update soon - both of your fics, I like them.
daydreamer extream- Mon 21 Aug 2006
I love it i think you should continue it. But not rush it. It has alot of potential