Reviews for Delutional Abandon by Kanela
Kay- Tue 11 Mar 2008
That about sums up my feelings towards this piece. xD; It's... Wow. I love how nicely it flows. It's got this, like, poetic element to it which is really interesting to read; because I've seen poetry as a story, tell a story, or help create one, but I've never seen a story, an actual story, have the flow of a poem. It's like a really unconventional poem and I love it. I also liked that it was short, sweet, and to the point, without feeling rushed.
All in all 10/10. 3s for joo.
That about sums up my feelings towards this piece. xD; It's... Wow. I love how nicely it flows. It's got this, like, poetic element to it which is really interesting to read; because I've seen poetry as a story, tell a story, or help create one, but I've never seen a story, an actual story, have the flow of a poem. It's like a really unconventional poem and I love it. I also liked that it was short, sweet, and to the point, without feeling rushed.
All in all 10/10. 3s for joo.
Sokai- Thu 01 Nov 2007
beautiful, brings hope and joy.
Burglar- Wed 31 Jan 2007
Perdon por poner tantos, es que no salia nada y ya despues lei que se habian enviado!!!
Burglar- Wed 31 Jan 2007
The first part was really sad, I felt sorry for them, but the re encounter of the second part gave to your story a happy ending!!!
A Sinner's Wish- Tue 26 Dec 2006
I love your syle in story writing. Your very talanted!!
Destiny- Sat 29 Jul 2006
i loved it. i mean. wow. perfect bits and pieces with a unique way of combining words. i'll be your devoted fan. i promise!! =]
Sada- Sat 29 Jul 2006
You so fucking owe me. (J/K) I still think it's one of the best poetry... things I've ever read. So, you know what I think. It's beautiful.