Reviews for I Lost You Once I WONT Lose You Again by sesshyluver17
Megan Consoer- Wed 30 Apr 2008
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Vanessa- Fri 15 Jun 2007
Very touching...I feel bad for Kagome and Sesshoumaru. However, I am very curious about the demon-human war. Update soon and good work.
Kagomes_Inner_beast- Fri 15 Jun 2007
Man this is my first time reading the story cause I've never actually seen it hehe... well anyways its awesome and I'm anxously awaiting the next chapter!! Ja Ne
chicke- Fri 15 Jun 2007
This SUCKS HOW COULD YOU!! just as i was getting into it too it had to end!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!! or i will cry!!
blue_ thunder_ dragon- Tue 24 Apr 2007
make a new chapter soon plz
Rhonda- Wed 18 Apr 2007
I am really enjoying this story and can't wait to see how you take her back, and how she and Sess finally get together... Write more soon... It is really good.
inumaru_rapture- Thu 22 Mar 2007
omg your little comments are hilarious!! I'm so excited to see where you take this story from here!!! Update soon!
hime jun hi- Wed 31 Jan 2007
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz SAVE them ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah........ and plz have seshy and Kag get together................... permenetally......................
Silk_Worm- Wed 31 Jan 2007
great chapter! I'm so glad that you updated so soon and Kagome's going back to the past too! the chapters when she got sent back to the future forever were depressing...I rather much prefer her in the past....and a past Sesshomaru too....anyway enough of my rambling....
please update soon!
great chapter! I'm so glad that you updated so soon and Kagome's going back to the past too! the chapters when she got sent back to the future forever were depressing...I rather much prefer her in the past....and a past Sesshomaru too....anyway enough of my rambling....
please update soon!
Silk_Worm- Wed 31 Jan 2007
great chapter! I'm so glad that you updated so soon and Kagome's going back to the past too! the chapters when she got sent back to the future forever were depressing...I rather much prefer her in the past....and a past Sesshomaru too....anyway enough of my rambling....
please update soon!
great chapter! I'm so glad that you updated so soon and Kagome's going back to the past too! the chapters when she got sent back to the future forever were depressing...I rather much prefer her in the past....and a past Sesshomaru too....anyway enough of my rambling....
please update soon!
Lina- Wed 31 Jan 2007
^^ zomg! i love it! hurry hurry and finish the next chappy
alexandra- Wed 31 Jan 2007
great story, i stumbled upon it and it looks like a great story to come.
hope everyone meets up in the future.
hope everyone meets up in the future.
Silk_Worm- Tue 30 Jan 2007
hi- I finally got time to review....sheesh i've been so busy with school and updating my own 9 fics....yes nine....but I love your story so much! I can't wait till you update!! tell you have a fanfic account?? cause I do and then I can read your stories there....I give you an 11/10 girl!!! *grin*
-Take care and keep up the good work!!!
-Take care and keep up the good work!!!
demon13o- Wed 27 Dec 2006
awesome chapter!!!
Inu_Twins- Wed 01 Nov 2006
Awwww, poor Rin...I want 2 hug her and I want 2 no wat is going 2 happen 2 Kagome so Update soon!! I will try my best 2 uplooad ASAP ^.^
Smile PPL!!!!
Smile PPL!!!!
Angel of the Fallen- Wed 01 Nov 2006
i love ur story plz update soon
orchid- Fri 22 Sep 2006
update update update please
helikesitheymikey!- Tue 05 Sep 2006
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU NEED TO UPDATE ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And is it mating season time in the future??
PlEaSe UpDaTe SoOn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And is it mating season time in the future??
PlEaSe UpDaTe SoOn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Silk_Worm- Fri 25 Aug 2006
beautifully written! I'm glad I came across it...update soon!!!! please!!!I have to know waht's gonna happen!!!
Reaper- Sun 06 Aug 2006
that was beautiful i luv ur story very much and want u 2 update asap or else keith shall join the other souls in the underworld muwahahahaha
Eternal Serenity ~ Raging Maden- Sat 05 Aug 2006
this is an awsome fic. plz update soon that too makes the world go round.
Unseen Watcher- Sat 05 Aug 2006
Gut them. Please.
Avari Phoeix Sebrof- Fri 04 Aug 2006
(Don't mind spelling errors!)
I like it so far. It's creative and the flash backs don't interupt the acctual story. I love the plot it's creative and acctually kinda new. At least it's not a repeat plot like alot of stories out there keep the chapters coming!
I like it so far. It's creative and the flash backs don't interupt the acctual story. I love the plot it's creative and acctually kinda new. At least it's not a repeat plot like alot of stories out there keep the chapters coming!
hey- Fri 04 Aug 2006
update update UPDATE!!! plz update soo. i really like it and hope that you continue to write it.
Trapped_Butterfly- Fri 04 Aug 2006
OOOO the suspence is killing me!
*drops dead*
im ok!
*drops dead*
im ok!
Debra_loves_sesshomaru- Fri 04 Aug 2006
LOVE IT! >. You simply must update.
Kurisutaru- Fri 04 Aug 2006
I liked how you ended the last chapter it makes the readers wonder wants going to happen next anyways update soon
demon13o- Wed 02 Aug 2006
nice fic ^^
lily1121- Wed 02 Aug 2006
i love your story please update soon. can you email me when you update.
lily1121- Wed 02 Aug 2006
i love your story please update soon. can you email me when you update.
lily1121- Wed 02 Aug 2006
i love your story please update soon
Kurisutaru- Wed 02 Aug 2006
This is a really good story please update soon
Inu_Twins- Tue 01 Aug 2006
no fair!!! U need 2 Update soon!!! U yell at me because of cliffies but what about U huh? Look who points the finger now ha haa...sry i didn't mean to sound cruel or rude!!! but plz Update ASAP!!!!
Solaira- Tue 01 Aug 2006
Nicely done chapter. I think Sesshomaru will do fine when he tell's Shippo about his mom being gone, I also thought he did the right thing be taking him off for a private talk. btw I just love it when Kagome SIT's InuYasha, it just makes me smile lol.
Entity of Sorrows- Sat 15 Jul 2006
Badabababa...I'm lovin it!
Sorry, but I do lurve this story, it's one of my favorites. Your doing a soperb job! Keep up the good work my firend!
Sorry, but I do lurve this story, it's one of my favorites. Your doing a soperb job! Keep up the good work my firend!
kagsbigfan- Fri 14 Jul 2006
That was so sad but how did Kagome become a demon? update soon!
Michelle- Thu 13 Jul 2006
Just a few things. There are some misspellings in the first two chapters alone. The word alone being one of them. You are also spelling Kirara's name wrong.
The biggest thing of all. Not many people know this, or if they do they decide to ignore it. SesshouMaru does not have a tail in his human form. It is his mane. That is clear when he first appears in the series, and transforms into his demon form. It is also in the InuYasha art book. It moves from is right shoulder to his left when he transforms into demon form.
It is your story and clearly your choice in the matter, but when I see people who are obviously trying to write a fan fiction using things clearly from the anime(ie the spelling of everyone's names, the u in SesshouMaru and Shippou are left off in the english versions) I think that I should tell them this little bit of factual info.
I think that your plot is okay so far. I've only read the first two chapters. I do think that Kagome turning into a demon is getting to be a little overdone. I've only actually read one fic set in a canon universe where it has worked.
That's just my personal opinion. I would suggest being a little more careful with the space bar when writing and to recheck the spelling of your chapters so far.
The biggest thing of all. Not many people know this, or if they do they decide to ignore it. SesshouMaru does not have a tail in his human form. It is his mane. That is clear when he first appears in the series, and transforms into his demon form. It is also in the InuYasha art book. It moves from is right shoulder to his left when he transforms into demon form.
It is your story and clearly your choice in the matter, but when I see people who are obviously trying to write a fan fiction using things clearly from the anime(ie the spelling of everyone's names, the u in SesshouMaru and Shippou are left off in the english versions) I think that I should tell them this little bit of factual info.
I think that your plot is okay so far. I've only read the first two chapters. I do think that Kagome turning into a demon is getting to be a little overdone. I've only actually read one fic set in a canon universe where it has worked.
That's just my personal opinion. I would suggest being a little more careful with the space bar when writing and to recheck the spelling of your chapters so far.
Any-Yasha- Mon 10 Jul 2006
love it. please continue. i support you all the way. this chapter and from what i'm reading the rest of this story is awesome. don't give up and your newest fan is supporting you all the way.
Serena- Mon 10 Jul 2006
Very good fic. I can't wait until you update next ^.^
ren- Mon 10 Jul 2006
OMFG you have got to update it i cant believe that kagome turned into a inuyoukai god that is soo cool ok well anyways finish ok i love it soo much k bye