Reviews for Battle Cry by Mira_Jade
Unseen Watcher- Tue 18 Jul 2006
Saving the Youkai is a great idea. Humans need them, as does the world.
koijewel- Wed 12 Jul 2006
lOOKING FORWARD TO MORE! You switch tenses alot but other wise it is a great story. Update soon!
Kanela- Tue 11 Jul 2006 Uff...Could SOON? Those two chapters stole my breath, and while I was reading Chap. 2 I felt, really FELT, sorry for Kagome.
I can only wonder what would come out later...
Excellent fic... Uff...Could SOON? Those two chapters stole my breath, and while I was reading Chap. 2 I felt, really FELT, sorry for Kagome.
I can only wonder what would come out later...
Excellent fic...
kari konoko- Tue 11 Jul 2006
i like this story it is very well written but while she's thinking of the past some of er thoughts are confused with flashback, maybe if u could space it out some more, mark it or some thing? i dunno really. but just saying.
good job and plz update as soon as possible
kari konoko mononoke
good job and plz update as soon as possible
kari konoko mononoke
xoulblade- Tue 11 Jul 2006
I am enjoying this story so far, please update soon!!
german_nemesis- Wed 05 Jul 2006
more, more, more
very intruiging
very intruiging
Fluffy-kins- Tue 04 Jul 2006
AH? I am so confused... Update please! ^.^ (I'm sure it'll all come out, no?)
swasdiva- Tue 04 Jul 2006
Very interesting beginning. I can't tell if it's AU or not, but the imagery was astounding. I like how you employed strong, almost blunt wordchoice. You had no trouble depicting the fierceness and trauma of battle. I'm eager to read more of this story. Continue soon!
Fluffy's Ai- Tue 04 Jul 2006
Wow!! it's soo cool!'ve got me wrapped up in your story now so please update soon! thanx
Somebodynothere- Tue 04 Jul 2006
I am curious to see what happens next.Please continue!