Reviews for Miroku the match maker by sesshylover
Twin_Dark- Sun 07 Jan 2007
I like the plot and everything but your grammar and punctuation are a bit off. And the title of the story isn't really ... mixing with the whole story. If you don't know how to do the grammar and punctuation, you could always get a beta reader. But all in all, I really like the story. Good job and I hope you keep writing! =)
sesshsmate101- Tue 01 Aug 2006
lo! i really like it! and I LOVE miroku's behavior it's so funny!
Kuma- Tue 04 Jul 2006
CONTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUE now i have spoken and what i say goes muah muah muah hahah
michelle- Tue 04 Jul 2006
what the title/artist of this song? :)
Fox_Fairy_Maiden- Mon 19 Jun 2006
update soon...
KaminoKaze- Mon 19 Jun 2006
KAWAII!!! ano..... Ja NE!!
Kuma- Sun 18 Jun 2006
poor kags always getting caught b4 gettin sum lol
Kuma- Sat 17 Jun 2006
miroku needs to quit his job....-_- that was funny poor hiten
cherry- Sat 17 Jun 2006
that was Great!!!!!!! megan hitting hitan was funny too, lol.
Kuma- Sat 17 Jun 2006
i loved it..thank god there was no cliche perfect kiss now lets bone and get it over with it....u dont need a lemon...lemons are just fillers in my opinion
Air Goddess- Sat 17 Jun 2006
I found the story to be pretty good,
Of course there seemed to be a bit of uncertianty as to what was being written it was a refreshing read and with more research as to how Sesshemarou and Inu Yasha act towards oneanother I think sesshylover will become even better at story telling,
All in all I am very impressed with the with the story. Keep up the good work. :) :)
Of course there seemed to be a bit of uncertianty as to what was being written it was a refreshing read and with more research as to how Sesshemarou and Inu Yasha act towards oneanother I think sesshylover will become even better at story telling,
All in all I am very impressed with the with the story. Keep up the good work. :) :)
DemonGirl14- Fri 16 Jun 2006
you are welcome for the idea sesshylover! i know i'm awesome!
kinky_lover- Fri 16 Jun 2006
loving it! awesome personalities and styles. I LOVE hot topic! that gained u like 20 extra credit points with me. Love the bit about the story she wrote too ^_^
DemonGirl14- Fri 16 Jun 2006
hey sesshylover! i have an idea for your fic. the guy kikyo set kagome up with would be hojo. in this case he should be a rude jerk who tries to force kagome to sleep with him, but sesshomaru comes to help her out and she falls for him. and make miroku and sango get drunk and have sex or something like that. it would be funny! or a drunk sesshomaru! and he's stripping! hahaha i crack me up! lolz! this is a good fic! keep writing! love ya lots!
kuma- Fri 16 Jun 2006
hahahahahah batman i loved it anyways this is the easiest chapter to right.... THE PARTY.....anyways u treat this one like a sundae.....add one hot boner promising out fit for handome but annoying date set up for kags....a jealous sess who then messess with a girl..making a jealous kagome.....hit up the dance off....add nuts and then wall ahhh u got ur chapter
Kuma- Fri 16 Jun 2006
that sounds like my friends and I lol update soon (besides my friends and i bite)
Nicki- Wed 14 Jun 2006
lol! it's funny! so Kagome got a dirty mind eh? Guess she have been around with Miroku too much. hehe
anyways update soon!
PS! uhm woukd you inform me when you update?! XD it's kinda hard to know when since they don't have a "watchlist"
anyways update soon!
PS! uhm woukd you inform me when you update?! XD it's kinda hard to know when since they don't have a "watchlist"