Reviews for The Dream. The Car. The Race by Fae_Eyes1229
fallen_angel- Mon 17 Sep 2007
I can't believe I haven't come across this sooner. I'm lovin this fic, fast cars, hot guys, it's kick ass! Can't wait for the next chapter, and of course the lemony goodness! Do you think you could include the girls in a race? That would be so awesomeness! Oh, and what does Kags drive?
Lady Kiarara- Sun 06 May 2007
i must say the fast and th furious poped up in my head when you did the race scene. will you please tell me when you update. you have my complete interests and have me looking up the songs wich i really do like. i really like to know how this one turns out because it is awsome.
Emy- Sun 06 May 2007
I love it so far hope more come soon be looking for it
sesshyluver17- Thu 08 Feb 2007
man! this story is awesome! I love it! It's been so hard to find a street racing story about Sesshoumaru and Kagome instead of her and inu... *bleh* anyway, the story is really kewl, an dI love the girl's conversations and the way they connect. Reminds me of me and my friends... lol anyway really kewl story, hope ya update again soon
Sarah- Thu 08 Feb 2007
Wow! Awesome fucking story! You have got to write more before i go insane!
nikita- Mon 05 Feb 2007
well your just mean and should update pleaz
nikita- Mon 05 Feb 2007
well your just mean and should update pleaz
Forsaken Faith- Sat 25 Nov 2006
If that happened than why did they stop talking!?!?!?!?! WHY WOULD HE LEAVE HER!?!ARG! i am sooo pissed at him right now! OMFG! i want to just go up to him and slap him!!!!! Alas, he is not real. *sigh* Bastard. I love your story and can not wait to see what had made things the way they are. So much is hidden. Kick ass job!!! i love it! please please update soon.
Jessica- Sun 19 Nov 2006
Number one this is a good story... Number two I got a question... Are you from Texas? The thing that gave me the hint is HEB! LOL GOD BLESS TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Misutti- Mon 13 Nov 2006
Your the bestest fan fic writer ever!
Megan Consoer- Thu 24 Aug 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
sesshyssexymistress- Fri 16 Jun 2006
um.....this was a great chappi and all but what happened to the note kags got?....i dunno,,,well maybe it will be in next chapter but it was kinda weird how u left off talkin bout that note and then started wit a new one that sango got. it looked like u forgot bout that one wit maybe u have not and it will come up in later chappies i dunno ....oh well it is going great so far tho so keep it up ^_^
Sesshylover- Thu 15 Jun 2006
this is soo good plz update soon!
sesshyssexymistress- Wed 14 Jun 2006
u should really update this its pretty good so far. well till next time. mika luffs u ^_^
Me_yes it's just me- Tue 06 Jun 2006
Wow this is good I can't wait to read more great work. Why does Inuyasha have such a weird speech patern in your story...this is not a critisism....maybee I'm! err oki i'il shut up now..bye!