Reviews for Secrets of the Shinju (Part II): Tortured Soul by Kilala81
FluffyFox- Mon 19 Feb 2007
Sesshoumaru starts learning doesn't he? Anyway, very good part 2!
Danielle DaCosta- Sun 22 Oct 2006
THAT WAS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!(pardon my french)
water block- Tue 08 Aug 2006
FInally! I'm really loving Miroku and Kohaku right now-they were actually able to get through to Sesshomaru!
Poor Kagome-I really REALLY hope they are able to save her before naraku rapes her.
Great chapter!
Poor Kagome-I really REALLY hope they are able to save her before naraku rapes her.
Great chapter!
water block- Tue 08 Aug 2006
WOOT! The cavalry is on it's way. I'm afraid to read what naraku's going to do to poor Kagome now.
Please hurry, guys! Gotta save her!
Please hurry, guys! Gotta save her!
water block- Tue 08 Aug 2006
Well, semi-good things are happening. It was so cool, how she figured out she can pass physical objects through her dreams. (I hope Kilala goes with Kohaku. I know it sounds like I'm super pre-occupied with Kilala, but I've always been that way. Little details and stuff characters seemingly look over have always bothered me, and my mind won't let it go until something's done about it in the story.)
Great chapter . Damn naraku.
Great chapter . Damn naraku.
water block- Tue 08 Aug 2006
There has to be a way to escape that mark! Poor Kagome-as I read this torture and submission stuff, I start to feel depressed and dirty. I'm sad now, and hope something nice comes soon. (like Sesshomaru all white knight and what not)
water block- Tue 08 Aug 2006
That was sad! I can't wait for Sesshomaru to get going and help Kagome.
water block- Tue 08 Aug 2006
Love chapter 5 and 6-the reviewer thing just wasn't working right.
It was great how you saved Kohaku (So happy that that's done, at least in this story.)
Poor Kagome-sad to see her being used, bruiesed and manipulated just because she has something to care for. Hey! She should make a protective thing for Kilala, too! (I don't know out of what, but it would simplify things alot.)
Great chatper! Thanks for writing so much.
It was great how you saved Kohaku (So happy that that's done, at least in this story.)
Poor Kagome-sad to see her being used, bruiesed and manipulated just because she has something to care for. Hey! She should make a protective thing for Kilala, too! (I don't know out of what, but it would simplify things alot.)
Great chatper! Thanks for writing so much.
Water Block- Sun 06 Aug 2006
That was great-Naraku is being uber creepy, and I can't wait until Sesshy gets off his lazy, pompous ass and starts with the rescuing.
That was great-Naraku is being uber creepy, and I can't wait until Sesshy gets off his lazy, pompous ass and starts with the rescuing.
Water Block- Sun 06 Aug 2006
Ohh-creepy. Liking Kagome's will power very much
Water Block- Sun 06 Aug 2006
Poor Everyone! Horrifying nightmares-I can't wait until they destroy Hitomi.
Water Block- Sun 06 Aug 2006
Oh-so sad! I'm glad that Sesshomaru is starting to think of Kagome with at least some guilt. POor Kilala!
Great chapter.
Great chapter.
RavenSilverKat- Sun 23 Jul 2006
0.0 ............. I didn't expext that one to end so soon. You are truly a Master of the Cliffhanger art. *bows* I wish I didn't have to go to bed so that I could finish the other two parts tonight! Er, I this morning. Stupid midnight=new day. It's so screwed up. One would think the day would start at 1, the first number, rather than 12. Whoever thought this idea up wasn't very smart. Sorry. I'll stop ranting now even though I have much more to rant about. I'm doing it again. Damm! I can't win!
biscuit- Fri 12 May 2006
Better and Better!