Reviews for Twilight by Lady_Azari
kagsbigfan- Sun 26 Nov 2006
Don't just sit there and not update. *ignore* Hey i'm talking to you! You better update or else..... something.
Megan Consoer- Tue 22 Aug 2006
I really ike this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
rhonda34- Wed 19 Jul 2006
please update soon i like the story
Kags21- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Hmm, I really like this update soon
Kags21- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Very cool I love it.
Shikon Godess- Wed 19 Jul 2006
i liked ur story alot pleaz update soon
Kuma- Tue 18 Jul 2006
good good good....i suppose kags will be fighting shrieky in later chapters eh?
sesshyssexymistress- Fri 02 Jun 2006
FINALY! tehehehe! ur doing great LA.gawd! sesshou can be such a pompas prick sometimes but i luff him anywayz. hope kags has the energy to put up with his overly big ego in future chapters lolz! well in my opinion Azari, u r just as good as roni at what u do. keep it up ^_^ ! mika luffs u!
Megan Consoer- Thu 01 Jun 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Amanda-chan- Wed 31 May 2006
hope to see more soon!
sesshyssexymistress- Sat 27 May 2006
well....ur doing good so pray u tho, do finish this one. i hate when i start reading a story ,patiently wait for the author to update, get cxaught up in it and then the just never update again. it is quite irritating. *sigh* i hope u really do update or i might tell sesshoumaru to attack u lolz! ah............well dont let me donw k. if u update i promis to! well laterz! Azari.
well....ur doing good so pray u tho, do finish this one. i hate when i start reading a story ,patiently wait for the author to update, get cxaught up in it and then the just never update again. it is quite irritating. *sigh* i hope u really do update or i might tell sesshoumaru to attack u lolz! ah............well dont let me donw k. if u update i promis to! well laterz! Azari.
Ametisti- Tue 23 May 2006
Hey, awesome story so far. And I know how you feel about people not reviewing...same thing happened to I just deleted the story. Anyhoo, don't get lazy on this one...I'll send my muses if I have to. The three of them are very...creative...when it comes to motivating people..Trust me, I know. Welp, keep writing and I'll review next chapter if you e-mail me when it's posted ^_^. Bye now...
djl- Tue 23 May 2006
alrighty then... not bad for the first chapter... hopefully more is written on this story... So Kagome is a leopard? So it is cats vs. dogs in this fanfic? Interesting. Anyway until next time
LuaHaunted- Tue 23 May 2006
Hey, nice idea for a story!
But, the only thing I don´t like is that Kagome is a Demon.... I think she should be human.... But that´s your choice...
I hope you keep writing, and trying to get better.... And finish this story!!!!
Anyway..... I like it, so...
But, the only thing I don´t like is that Kagome is a Demon.... I think she should be human.... But that´s your choice...
I hope you keep writing, and trying to get better.... And finish this story!!!!
Anyway..... I like it, so...
Megan Consoer- Tue 23 May 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?