Reviews for My Brother's Keeper by KogasAngel
-BloodyJack-- Tue 03 Jun 2008
u should really finish this fic it is really good and want to read PLEASE finish it soon
orchid- Thu 10 Apr 2008
just let you know, you are not forgotten... hope things are well up in maine.... please shoot me a email on your next update.... love your fics.... please update as soon as you can... thanks
Mo- Sun 16 Mar 2008
I really miss reading your story!
When are you going to update next? I would hate to see this story discontinued. :(
When are you going to update next? I would hate to see this story discontinued. :(
Sapphire- Sun 14 Oct 2007
I won't kill me. ... Ok. I'll TRY not to kill you. :) Besides, I bet your stories are worth waiting for! :D Just don't take too long!! I'll be waiting!
Ja ne.
Ja ne.
BeautifulDeception09- Mon 17 Sep 2007
Yay! Ur Coming Back!!! Update Soon!
rowdysgirl- Mon 17 Sep 2007
how dare you let your life come before your writing! lol. I will try to maintain myself with patience as you make us all wait and I promise I will try to keep the whining and nagging to a min. But hurry!
demonlordlover- Mon 17 Sep 2007
I hope everything has gone well with your move. I've been hanging in on the hope that you would come back to finish, but even if you never had, well...I could certainly exsist on what you've written so far!
Good luck on your new life, and I hope your muse holds!
Good luck on your new life, and I hope your muse holds!
Koroleva- Mon 17 Sep 2007
you should update soon i want to
mizu- Sun 16 Sep 2007
SHE LIVES!!!!! I am happy to hear you are resettling and all that good stuff. Well we hope to hear from you soon. Talk to you later bye.
al- Sun 16 Sep 2007
two words:chill out.
yeah,chill out.
Take time to find your place and write when you can.Take care of yourself,and all that jazz.
It's an interesting story,and I can wait to read more when it becomes available.
Good luck.
yeah,chill out.
Take time to find your place and write when you can.Take care of yourself,and all that jazz.
It's an interesting story,and I can wait to read more when it becomes available.
Good luck.
Sessygurl- Sun 16 Sep 2007
orchid- Thu 30 Aug 2007
update update please
Chaos_Queen77- Sun 19 Aug 2007
*cries* Please, post the next chapter... this is really good. *throws fit and pouts* I like this fic very much please continue it soon.
Tasha- Tue 07 Aug 2007
I'm dying to know the rest! Please keep writing!
orchid- Fri 27 Jul 2007
please update soon
Mo- Sun 22 Jul 2007
I love this story, but its been a while since you posted anything. I hope your move went okay, and hopefully we'll see another chapter soon! :)
Tanii- Sun 24 Jun 2007
ch5 review:
LOL! Niiiice. Inu Yasha's a dweeb.
LOL! Niiiice. Inu Yasha's a dweeb.
Tanii- Sun 24 Jun 2007
Ch4 review:
I love it I love it I love it
Now on to ch5!!!
I love it I love it I love it
Now on to ch5!!!
Tanii- Sat 23 Jun 2007
Chapter three review:
I love Sesshoumaru's vindictivness!
Lol its awesome!
sorry no long review this time I mus must must read on!
Good luck!
I love Sesshoumaru's vindictivness!
Lol its awesome!
sorry no long review this time I mus must must read on!
Good luck!
Tanii- Sat 23 Jun 2007
Chapter two review;
What is there to say besides:
It's awesome.
Keep up the great work!!!
What is there to say besides:
It's awesome.
Keep up the great work!!!
Tanii- Sat 23 Jun 2007
Okay I have a few things to say and I have only read the first chapter.
1. I'm quite ashamed to say that I, as a huge fan of your writing, have only just realised you were writting this story.
2. The way I found out, I was reading two brother hoods one girl.
3. I have just read your first chapter. I see simies. LOTS. and nooot just story line I was actualy amazed.
4. I love how awesomely detailed you are! I love how you don't use the same adjective over and over and I love your cross over charectors!
5. I have always admired your work!
6. keep up the great work
Also known as FaeEyes1229
Okay I have a few things to say and I have only read the first chapter.
1. I'm quite ashamed to say that I, as a huge fan of your writing, have only just realised you were writting this story.
2. The way I found out, I was reading two brother hoods one girl.
3. I have just read your first chapter. I see simies. LOTS. and nooot just story line I was actualy amazed.
4. I love how awesomely detailed you are! I love how you don't use the same adjective over and over and I love your cross over charectors!
5. I have always admired your work!
6. keep up the great work
Also known as FaeEyes1229
Inkasha Tashio- Sun 10 Jun 2007
Hey, plz updated soon, I'm in love with this fic!! My favorite two anime characters in the world are in this work of art, plz continue!!
blackrose8074- Fri 01 Jun 2007
i liked this story, it's diffrent!!! please put up more chapters!!!!!
Maimoshi- Wed 30 May 2007
Love the story and I can't wait for more.
I understand about the whole moving though.
And I wont be all -bash bash- for it like alot of people probally will eventually. (Hasn't read reviews so doesn't really know.)
And I wish you the best of luck. ^_^
I understand about the whole moving though.
And I wont be all -bash bash- for it like alot of people probally will eventually. (Hasn't read reviews so doesn't really know.)
And I wish you the best of luck. ^_^
Lady Symoné- Mon 23 Apr 2007
Wow! this is such a great story! You capture the stuggles of weight effortlessly! Continue to write and update soon!
rowdygirl- Mon 09 Apr 2007
Couldn't you write a few paragraphs between packing boxes? This is really a good story and I am enjoying it a lot. I look forward to May...I also look forward to warmer weather in Michigan, let's see which comes first: new chapters or warmer weather.
Tanya131- Sat 24 Mar 2007
please write more i realy like your story
Metis- Mon 12 Mar 2007
I really wish you'd put your 'Gift from the past' fic on this site it really SessKag? Thanks for updating it BTW!
datsexxichicaAmberX33- Mon 05 Mar 2007
Okayyyy now jus put another update on dis and like 3 more on its good to be kagome den i'll be good. Sooooo where you been for the last 5 and a half months?
sesshyluver17- Mon 05 Mar 2007
GOSH! This story is so awesome! Two out ofthree of my fav animes in one show! KILLER! The plot is so awesome, and unique. ANd I ahve to say... my fav part was after Sessh kissed Kags and Hiei told Suichi to 'Pau up,' I laughed so hard. But I love this story! PLZ PLZ PLZ update soon!
XXAnimeXX- Mon 05 Mar 2007
Excellent! LoL very amusing.
Black_Rose- Mon 05 Mar 2007
OOOOO, I wonder what happens next. I love this whole "the girl is mine" thing going on! Keep up the great work!
Irihi-chan- Mon 05 Mar 2007
This FF is hilarious! UPDAET PLEASE!!!!!!
This FF is hilarious! UPDAET PLEASE!!!!!!
Anonymous- Mon 05 Mar 2007
Welcome back.
Yikes, watch out for Yoko.
What will he do to get Kagome to give him another chance.
Does Sesshomaru enjoy the time he's spending with Kagome?
Please update ASAP
Yikes, watch out for Yoko.
What will he do to get Kagome to give him another chance.
Does Sesshomaru enjoy the time he's spending with Kagome?
Please update ASAP
hello- Mon 05 Mar 2007
Ok, I like how you're throwing in other characters from different animes, because it gives it a different vibe (though it is a little confusing since I've never seen those two animes, so I don't know the characters well, but it's ok); but it does give a real feel of college life. Only one request, that Kagome and Sesshomaru don't sleep with other people, only each other. Please!!!!!
Anyway, please don't take this the wrong way, but you do realize most of your stories have a similar characterization style or sometimes an almost similar plot. Example: Something to Talk About is almost identical to Winds of Change. He sleeps with her and gets her pregnant, believes a lie about her, treats her like crap, cheats on her, then reallizes his mistakes and tries, sometimes arrogantly, to win her back and does. I'm only saying this, so you don't keep repeating a pattern. Maybe it could help you to express your creative ideas(and you are creative) in a better way. I don't know if you like writing in a familiar way, because it's comfortable for you, but I think you can be even better (if you can find the time from your job, raising your kids, and everyday life in general). So, please don't take this as a flame, but a fan wanting a good author become great.
Oh, critique wise, please be careful of your overuse of the word pale in both your fics. Sometimes it's not used in the right context or a different word could be used to better describe the situation.
Anyway, please don't take this the wrong way, but you do realize most of your stories have a similar characterization style or sometimes an almost similar plot. Example: Something to Talk About is almost identical to Winds of Change. He sleeps with her and gets her pregnant, believes a lie about her, treats her like crap, cheats on her, then reallizes his mistakes and tries, sometimes arrogantly, to win her back and does. I'm only saying this, so you don't keep repeating a pattern. Maybe it could help you to express your creative ideas(and you are creative) in a better way. I don't know if you like writing in a familiar way, because it's comfortable for you, but I think you can be even better (if you can find the time from your job, raising your kids, and everyday life in general). So, please don't take this as a flame, but a fan wanting a good author become great.
Oh, critique wise, please be careful of your overuse of the word pale in both your fics. Sometimes it's not used in the right context or a different word could be used to better describe the situation.
Risa- Sun 04 Mar 2007
Hey welcome back! What a nice surprise.
Wonderful chapter. I smiled-a lot when Sesshoumaru invited himself. Smooth real smooth-like silk. LOL
The kiss was wonderful.
Felt kinda bad for Youko though, but oh well. He should have call her before he left to let her know he was on his way. The fool.
ja ne and thanks
Wonderful chapter. I smiled-a lot when Sesshoumaru invited himself. Smooth real smooth-like silk. LOL
The kiss was wonderful.
Felt kinda bad for Youko though, but oh well. He should have call her before he left to let her know he was on his way. The fool.
ja ne and thanks
SarahhhBoo- Sun 04 Mar 2007
OMG i lovve your story!!! it is amazing keep up the good work!
Aurora Nyte- Sun 04 Mar 2007
wonderful story!. Keep up the good work as I cannot wait to see what sorts of things you have in store for this tale.
Nefra- Sun 04 Mar 2007
Oh my! This chapter totally rocked. At first I thought Youko standing Kagome up was rather rude of him. But as I finished up the chapter I saw that it wasn't his fault. Now the only thing that gets me is this; was it done on purpose? I eagerly look forward to your next chapter. Hope to see it soon.
Ja ne!
Ja ne!
arzuue- Sun 04 Mar 2007
DAMN RIGHT WE DESERVED IT! lol. my outrage comes from my love of this story, and the fact that it hasnt been updated for soooooooo long.
=( Hopefully you will write for this for frequently. *sniff sniff*
=( Hopefully you will write for this for frequently. *sniff sniff*
kanchan- Sat 17 Feb 2007
Very nice. I love it!
Does it still go on? I am looking forward to it!
I especially like the idea, because my sister wants to go through a similar diet and because the story talks to everyone who isn't satisfied with something and wants to make a change (not only concerning physical things).
Does it still go on? I am looking forward to it!
I especially like the idea, because my sister wants to go through a similar diet and because the story talks to everyone who isn't satisfied with something and wants to make a change (not only concerning physical things).
The Sexy Beast Known as Amber!- Sun 21 Jan 2007
You should REALLY update. You need to. Badly..... well i gots to go bye yall!
orchid- Mon 15 Jan 2007
update update please pretty please
sesshou's gurl- Sun 07 Jan 2007
I lovvvveee it. Up date really soon.
michelle- Tue 19 Dec 2006
oh man!sesshomaru went too far with that pathetic fat loser comment!if i were kagome, i would literally shove a stick up his ass and kick him to ferakin' alaska!
by the way. great story once again!i was surprised that you decided to make sango well...a bitch...but oh well!and oh am i glad kagome turned out to be gorgeous after her makeover...shows pple NOT to insult women who are fat..
i've a friend who's overweight and when people comment that she's a fat loser, i feel like smashing their faces!i hate those kinda pple!
oops...seems i've gone too far with my ranting...anyway, good going once again!waiting for the next update with bated breath!
by the way. great story once again!i was surprised that you decided to make sango well...a bitch...but oh well!and oh am i glad kagome turned out to be gorgeous after her makeover...shows pple NOT to insult women who are fat..
i've a friend who's overweight and when people comment that she's a fat loser, i feel like smashing their faces!i hate those kinda pple!
oops...seems i've gone too far with my ranting...anyway, good going once again!waiting for the next update with bated breath!
kuma- Sun 10 Dec 2006
something is bound to happen i can feel it...update soon
Angelfighter- Wed 29 Nov 2006
I think this is a great idea. I don't think that making Kagome fat is bad. quite the oposite. I am just learning for an exam, this being the reason why I couldn't read and write reviews to you. I simply didn't have time for reading and writing for what I am sorry, because that is one of the funs I hated to give up, though just for some time. I found a little an so I decided to write you. I am sorry to hear about your troubles in your life. I as well has had a hard time.
To being fat. You read it everywhere. The actors are losing weight, weitghin from 40 to 50 Kg ( 88 to 110 pounds) It depends of course on the high of that person, but it can be considered definitely too little. I have a very grood friend of mine. To mention that she can eat whatever she wants isn't necessary, is it? She had the fortune to earn a fast metabolism. She is occassionally modelling. One of the designers told her that she should lose at least 5 kg to work for him. She weight 114 pounds by the high of 174 cm and her BMI was 17,5. I do not have to mention that his request was ill. Not everyone has the foftune as you wrote in you fanfic. Some people have trouble to lose weight. I don't mind how he looks like. His caracter is more important than everything else.
To you, I can't believe that you have been "fat". I think you are alright. Whatever. True friends would never give more credence to your looks than to your character. Never mind.
I just decided to drop in and found some time, though my exams are next week. I just needed a distraction to rest a little from learning. I hope I can catch up with somehting to speak about and this one ff is nice as well. I like your approach...
Besides, I am not a modell either and should lose at least 13 kg ( 28 ponds) To become one....My mothers words at that as I mentioned it as a joke of course: Are you insane? She may be right. How many young girls are victims to anorexia. As a medicine student, I know the consequences and I had chance to see the results of not eating on my own family. I won't go further, but to tell the last, I lost one loved person this autumn and wasn't able to do something, so I can understan the anguish of mothers who must watch their children die due to this illness.
Well, that would be all for now. Will read and review more after the sixth December. I promise. I did not forget about you! How could I ne?
I think this is a great idea. I don't think that making Kagome fat is bad. quite the oposite. I am just learning for an exam, this being the reason why I couldn't read and write reviews to you. I simply didn't have time for reading and writing for what I am sorry, because that is one of the funs I hated to give up, though just for some time. I found a little an so I decided to write you. I am sorry to hear about your troubles in your life. I as well has had a hard time.
To being fat. You read it everywhere. The actors are losing weight, weitghin from 40 to 50 Kg ( 88 to 110 pounds) It depends of course on the high of that person, but it can be considered definitely too little. I have a very grood friend of mine. To mention that she can eat whatever she wants isn't necessary, is it? She had the fortune to earn a fast metabolism. She is occassionally modelling. One of the designers told her that she should lose at least 5 kg to work for him. She weight 114 pounds by the high of 174 cm and her BMI was 17,5. I do not have to mention that his request was ill. Not everyone has the foftune as you wrote in you fanfic. Some people have trouble to lose weight. I don't mind how he looks like. His caracter is more important than everything else.
To you, I can't believe that you have been "fat". I think you are alright. Whatever. True friends would never give more credence to your looks than to your character. Never mind.
I just decided to drop in and found some time, though my exams are next week. I just needed a distraction to rest a little from learning. I hope I can catch up with somehting to speak about and this one ff is nice as well. I like your approach...
Besides, I am not a modell either and should lose at least 13 kg ( 28 ponds) To become one....My mothers words at that as I mentioned it as a joke of course: Are you insane? She may be right. How many young girls are victims to anorexia. As a medicine student, I know the consequences and I had chance to see the results of not eating on my own family. I won't go further, but to tell the last, I lost one loved person this autumn and wasn't able to do something, so I can understan the anguish of mothers who must watch their children die due to this illness.
Well, that would be all for now. Will read and review more after the sixth December. I promise. I did not forget about you! How could I ne?
christten- Sat 11 Nov 2006
this waz sucha good chapter n i hope yu finish dem i juss started readin yur fics again n yu already have me obsessed plz finish thankz
wavegurl- Mon 06 Nov 2006
please please update
wavegurl- Mon 06 Nov 2006
please please update
convicted killer- Thu 02 Nov 2006
dude, you had me confused at first, and wondering 'whoa. how'd hotohori get in there?? and keiko??' hehe. but i kinda realized that yu yu hakusho and fushigi yuugi were also in the story..
:D hehe.. well. great story. hah! serves them right for teasing kagome!!! hihi. i'll just wait for your next chapter then. :D
:D hehe.. well. great story. hah! serves them right for teasing kagome!!! hihi. i'll just wait for your next chapter then. :D
tori- Thu 26 Oct 2006
I love your story! please update soon
Aries- Tue 17 Oct 2006
Oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update for all that is holy and right I must know what happens next!
Forsaken Faith- Mon 16 Oct 2006
Wait wait wait! Does he feel anything for her? Shessy i mean. Cause i doesn't sound like it at all. Does her hold at least some? Oh please say yes. i don't think i could live if he didn;t. Kick ass story! I loverly it. _ FF
InuFairy_Hanyou- Sun 08 Oct 2006
Aie!!!! You leave me in the most inconvinent positions! I either wanna strangle you for leaving it off at that exact point, or to urge you on like a whole cheerleading squad or something. x.x;'' I love the story, and can't wait until the next chapter is up, Update soon!
Rinseternalsoul- Fri 06 Oct 2006
Grrr! Personally, instead of slapping his hateful ass, Kagome should have balled up her fist and knocked that bastard out! That was so damn mean. I don't think I could have forgiven so easily, but that IS Kagome's nature. She is forgiving. Great chapter, Sis!
jade- Tue 03 Oct 2006
don't let sess get her so quickly...let him work for her
Risa- Tue 03 Oct 2006
Very exciting chapter! I hope Yui get to apologize to Kagome. I couldn't believe what Sess said to Kagome. Now the date-I can't wait until the next one! I can't wait!
Kirai- Tue 03 Oct 2006
OMG, I love this fic. I don't care that it is out of character. Who cares about that? The story line is awesome and the characters make me want to read more just so i can yell at the monitor about what a jackass Bankotsu is acting like. lol. I am now a faithful reader!!!!
Anonymous- Tue 03 Oct 2006
How will Kagome react, when/if she finds out about Sesshomaru's plans?
Will Yui try to contact Kagome personnally to apolgize to her. If so what will happen?
Kagome knows that Youko is a lady's man, but what about Sesshomaru?
How could either of them prove to Kagome there's more to them then what the rumors.
Does Kagome know about Sesshomaru's past (like she does Inuayshas.)?
Does Youko suspect Sesshomaru is up to something?
How will Youko's date Kagome turn out, hopefully better then the party.
Please update ASAP.
If Yui appoligzes to Kagome, will Kagome excepts?
Will the two be friends?
Will Yui try to contact Kagome personnally to apolgize to her. If so what will happen?
Kagome knows that Youko is a lady's man, but what about Sesshomaru?
How could either of them prove to Kagome there's more to them then what the rumors.
Does Kagome know about Sesshomaru's past (like she does Inuayshas.)?
Does Youko suspect Sesshomaru is up to something?
How will Youko's date Kagome turn out, hopefully better then the party.
Please update ASAP.
If Yui appoligzes to Kagome, will Kagome excepts?
Will the two be friends?
Nana- Mon 02 Oct 2006
I'm a big BIG Sesshoumaru x Kagome fan, but I wouldn't blame you if you made this into a Youko x Kagome fic instead. It's blasphemous of me to say so, but right now I think Youko is hotter than Sesshoumaru and he looks better with Kagome.
I blame that other fic of yours, The Jewel of my Heart. >_ It has done the impossible - made me like a pairing better than SessKag!
I blame that other fic of yours, The Jewel of my Heart. >_ It has done the impossible - made me like a pairing better than SessKag!
Nana- Mon 02 Oct 2006
I'm a big BIG Sesshoumaru x Kagome fan, but I wouldn't blame you if you made this into a Youko x Kagome fic instead. It's blasphemous of me to say so, but right now I think Youko is hotter than Sesshoumaru and he looks better with Kagome.
I blame that other fic of yours, The Jewel of my Heart. >_ It has done the impossible - made me like a pairing better than SessKag!
I blame that other fic of yours, The Jewel of my Heart. >_ It has done the impossible - made me like a pairing better than SessKag!
kagsesskyo- Mon 02 Oct 2006
I love your fanfic!!!!! Please update soon, I want to know what happens on Kagome's date! And when are Kagome and Sesshomaru going to get datting?
Mrs_Sesshomaru- Mon 02 Oct 2006
Okay Kags, what the hell? You don't slap the shit outta somebody then APPOLOGIZE! *slaps forehead* Don't you anything about men? No, no, no! You stay pissed then make his ass appologize some more for angering you to that point. And he had the balls to humilliate you! He said he was sorry while you were alone in the hallway... but he called you fat & stuff in front of EVERYBODY! Bull-fucking-shit Sesshy! Great Kami above KA, nobody gets me more mad & riled up at that taiyoukai like you! I'm over here mean-mugging my Sesshy keychain like, "You fucking jerk!" I need to lay down... *LOL* Great job, update soon!
Laini- Mon 02 Oct 2006
AWWWW omg..see he does care for her dammit! lol. *squee* I feel so squishy inside now lmao. Now,what is Youko planning anyway? hmmmm,hmmm! very interesting indeed. Sesshy get ur ass in there NOW!! lol. Loved the update,cant wait to read more.^_^
REDWOLF- Mon 02 Oct 2006
The only problem with this story is after you read one chapter you just keep wanting more! I can't wait to see what happens, I just hope Sesshoumaru doesn't use Kagome, I really dislike men like that!
Shikon Goddess- Mon 02 Oct 2006
that was great
Eternal Spark- Mon 02 Oct 2006
Smiles happily! =)
Smiles happily! =)
Aurora Potter- Sun 01 Oct 2006
*claps* wonderful
Kyo-Chan-Lover- Sun 01 Oct 2006
Awesome chapter. Sesshomaru is such a pretender. But all will end up well I'm sure. Again, great chapter. You are truly and artist! :)
Noacat- Sun 01 Oct 2006
Oh hell no. If some guy said to me what Sesshoumaru said to Kagome. It'd take more than a simple apology. I want to kick him. HARD. Or stuff that paper he gave her up his nose sideways.
Side note. Good job with this, because I'm seriously steamed at a character and I think that's pretty much the biggest compliment a writer can get.
Side note. Good job with this, because I'm seriously steamed at a character and I think that's pretty much the biggest compliment a writer can get.
Twilight Garden- Sun 01 Oct 2006
This updste so made me laugh when she slapped Sesshoumaru. He deserved it but it was great. update soon.
Kheylia- Sat 30 Sep 2006
I'm in love with this story and I cannot wait until you update. Please hurry!
Dancing Wind- Fri 22 Sep 2006
I'm a die hard SessxKag fan and your stories are unbeleivably perfect.I love the fact that Sess retains what I can only call his 'Sesshoumaru-ness' in your fics.
This one is pretty unique in a lotta ways-something that can't be said for half the SessxKag fics floating round now.
Is there any form of story alert available with A Single Spark??I'd really like to get notified when you post the next WILL do that soon,won't you????
Pretty please???with bucket loads of sugar ---no scratch that----chocolate chip cookies on top???
I'm a die hard SessxKag fan and your stories are unbeleivably perfect.I love the fact that Sess retains what I can only call his 'Sesshoumaru-ness' in your fics.
This one is pretty unique in a lotta ways-something that can't be said for half the SessxKag fics floating round now.
Is there any form of story alert available with A Single Spark??I'd really like to get notified when you post the next WILL do that soon,won't you????
Pretty please???with bucket loads of sugar ---no scratch that----chocolate chip cookies on top???
InuFairy_Hanyou- Thu 14 Sep 2006
Lol. This story is so good, as is all of your work. I can not wait for more, update as soon as you can!
Anonymous- Fri 01 Sep 2006
What or should we say Who is Kagome dreaming about?
How will she react, when she wakes up?
Poor Inuyasha being kicked out of his room, but why?
How will Kagome react when she finds out that both Sesshomaru and Yoko have this old grudge against each other or is it one sided?
Since Kagome is well-known model, I'm sure Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's parents seen Kagome's new look.
Wonder what they think?
DO they know that Kagome moved out, would they even care why she moved out?
Please update ASAP.
This is really great.
Please if you can send me some kind of Notice that you updated any of your fanfics.
How will she react, when she wakes up?
Poor Inuyasha being kicked out of his room, but why?
How will Kagome react when she finds out that both Sesshomaru and Yoko have this old grudge against each other or is it one sided?
Since Kagome is well-known model, I'm sure Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's parents seen Kagome's new look.
Wonder what they think?
DO they know that Kagome moved out, would they even care why she moved out?
Please update ASAP.
This is really great.
Please if you can send me some kind of Notice that you updated any of your fanfics.
Angelwings- Sat 26 Aug 2006
Juhu I´m so happy for the new Chapter ^^ I Love your Fics so much and hope you keep up the good work ^^ ( I was so happy that you finished the Fic :A Question About Honor ^^ ) So I hope you update soon ^^
A-Kay- Tue 22 Aug 2006
Very good. Update soon.
KogasGirl- Tue 22 Aug 2006
Please update as soon as possible!
orchid- Mon 21 Aug 2006
yay... new chap... love all your stories.... keep up the good work...
Kyo-Chan-Lover- Mon 21 Aug 2006
Alright! Nice chapter. You are so good at writing verbal fights! Anyway can't wait to read more.
al- Mon 21 Aug 2006
i like this story.
what more can i say?
good luck and take your time.
what more can i say?
good luck and take your time.
Rinseternalsoul- Mon 21 Aug 2006
The Queen of Mean is back! You have a wonderful talent for 'cat fights'. It's a gift. lol! I wanted to slap Yui myself before Kagome finally put her in her place. No one does A/U like you, my friend. Sesshomaru is certainly playing dirty. Which is pretty typical of him really. I do believe, however, that his plan is going to backfire eventually. I look forward to every chapter of it. Great job, but I would expect no less from my Hentai Sis!
Michelle- Sun 20 Aug 2006
Wonderful chapter, loved it! Can't wait for the next one, and, btw, I think right now in the story, Youko is WAY better for Kagome than Sesshoumaru, he seems like a prick who is out for vengence! Hope thats what you were going for...
Flightoffancy- Sun 30 Jul 2006
I am ashamed to say that I passed this over several times to catch up on all your other stories. I just didn't think a "fat" Kagome would be that interesting but I was way wrong.I should have known better. This story was coming from the talented writer that gave us our Scottish Inus.
This was very impressive and thoughtfully done. Having gone through the same trauma (and it is traumatic) of being overweight and learning how to take care of myself, I could connect on several different levels.
THe cruelty of most people is sometimes breathtaking. I am very glad I broke down and gave this story a chance and I will never pass up one of your stories again.
Can't wait for the update. Til next time, Deb.
This was very impressive and thoughtfully done. Having gone through the same trauma (and it is traumatic) of being overweight and learning how to take care of myself, I could connect on several different levels.
THe cruelty of most people is sometimes breathtaking. I am very glad I broke down and gave this story a chance and I will never pass up one of your stories again.
Can't wait for the update. Til next time, Deb.
Sess+Kagome=Lemons- Sun 16 Jul 2006
Please update! Pretty Please!!!!
Laini- Fri 14 Jul 2006
Wow,i love Kagomes attitude in this fic! She got so much revenge lol.Youko and Sess are so frickin hot too.How is Kagome gonna choose?(hm since this is IS a Sess/Kag fic,i wonder who? LOL) That would be hard for me,lol.Love the story,update soon,cant wait to read more of it! ^_^
Kiba- Thu 13 Jul 2006
I haven't been able to read the entire thing as of yet, KA, but I have managed to read the first two chapters and I really like it so far. I like how you have Kagome played out, since its very interesting to see her not as skinny as she usually would be. Since we all know that people come in different shapes and sizes and Kagome might not have been skinny as hell in real life. I, myself, can relate to this, since I've been heavy most of my life and I'm just now starting to get back into shape, and its very interesting to have Kagome go through it.
Also, I like that you have YYH in the story as well. Its rather entertaining to see the way you have them added into the story.
I do hope to read more after I get done with this completely, but please take your time since you're going through different events that need your attention in your life. I'm sure everyone will understand.
Also, I like that you have YYH in the story as well. Its rather entertaining to see the way you have them added into the story.
I do hope to read more after I get done with this completely, but please take your time since you're going through different events that need your attention in your life. I'm sure everyone will understand.
moonicebluue- Thu 13 Jul 2006
hey about the divorce i hope that your ok.
Me and my sisters hope that you can start working on something to talk about. plz plz plz
Plz plz plz plz start working on something to to talk about i love that story PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I need more. thank you
Me and my sisters hope that you can start working on something to talk about. plz plz plz
Plz plz plz plz start working on something to to talk about i love that story PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I need more. thank you
Hunter- Thu 06 Jul 2006
this is such a good story so far, it leaves you wondering whats going to happen next. Can't wait until the next chapter!
Sakura-chan- Thu 06 Jul 2006
oh, tell me when you next update... please? this is really good!!!
Shaneec- Tue 20 Jun 2006
so far this story is one of the best ones i have heard and its not cuz i'm a big gurl myself but becuz i really like and this should teach who ever reads it that should always be kind to others cuz you never know when they'll change for the better this story really is big motivation for me to show people what I can do if i put my mind to it please finish this story if not any other reason but for me I myself need you to
alyssa l.- Mon 19 Jun 2006
Your story is so great. i love your characterization on Kagome. It's great that you made it as though all of them think that she is the hottest girl they have ever seen!. Keep up the good work, it's a great story. I hope to see more of it in the near future. -AHL
kuma- Sat 17 Jun 2006
i can feel with what kagome is going through even my friends kidd me about my weight
saidee- Sat 17 Jun 2006
this is a gr8 fic i've been w8ing 4 u 2 upd8 it but u havnt. y i luv this 1 i try 2 reed all yor fics. pleeze upd8
Eternal Spark- Sat 17 Jun 2006
Please! More! Story!!
From Eternal Spark, Eagerly Waiting More! Great Work so Far! It's an Amazing Story
From Eternal Spark, Eagerly Waiting More! Great Work so Far! It's an Amazing Story
SGMIL- Thu 08 Jun 2006
JESUS! i have absolutely fallen in LOVE with this fanfic! please..please update soon! if not, i would just DIE!
Desolate- Tue 06 Jun 2006
Hey awesome story I love it. The first chapter lacked detail and you seemed to rush through it, not that it was nessacarrilly bad, just that it needs to flow some more. But everything is perfect, the only unrealistic thing is that THEE Sesshomaru is in a feternity with people he would call his 'brother'
khandi- Mon 05 Jun 2006
_Charlotte_Sometimes_- Mon 05 Jun 2006
I really like this story it is a good way of getting them together. please update soon
midget- Sun 04 Jun 2006
Dude, there is something wrong with the page before. THERE IS NO 'NEXT CHAPTER' BUTTON!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm desperate to know what's gonna happen next. This fic is so awesome I love it. I can't beleive Kagome actually kissed the youko guy in the shoots though! I hope she kicks him where it hurts. And fluffy! I'm gonna enjoy this fic baby! At the start when it said Kagome was heavy I was thinking she was pregnant or something! But yeah, I've actually never read a fic like this before, it's really really nice to read. Okay Can't wait till you update, thanks for creating such a kick ass fic! LOVE YOU!
Spuggles- Tue 30 May 2006
Hey, it's been a while! How goes? Anyway... *get's down on one knee and grasps your hand*....*takes a deep breath and looks into your eyes*...Please update soon! ^-^
nataku- Wed 24 May 2006
Hurray, a new chapter. Way to go.
nataku- Wed 24 May 2006
Hurray, a new chapter. Way to go.
babygirl- Tue 23 May 2006
great story. I can't wait for more. I do love all of your stories. I hope that you update again soon. And i love the fact that you made it a crossover. Hope to see ya soon.
Chibes- Tue 23 May 2006
Okay I can handle Oc'ness but question you may have already mentioned it but are they humans or their 'normal selves'?
InuFairy_Hanyou- Mon 22 May 2006
Ahhh I love it!!!
I can not wait for the next chapter and more. Its awsome the way you have this story laid out and stuff. Update soon!
I can not wait for the next chapter and more. Its awsome the way you have this story laid out and stuff. Update soon!
Aleta6- Sun 21 May 2006
Your stories are awesome. My twofavorite one is "If you not the one" and Winds of Change" I have question about "Something to Talk About", Will Kagome get her memory back?
Rakuen- Sun 21 May 2006
heh... YAYY~~~~ seriously... i love this storyy~~~ great jobb~!
update soon!
update soon!
Rinseternalsoul- Sat 20 May 2006
And the plot thickens! Sesshomaru is being very sneaky. It will be interesting to see what he has planned. Great chapter! I love this new story. You are the queen of devious revenge plots! I can tell that this fic is going to be full of sharp tongues and vicious backstabbing. It's what you do best (besides those extra juicy lemons! LOL!). Until next time~
Henati Sis
Henati Sis
Megan Consoer- Sat 20 May 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Ericka- Sat 20 May 2006
The first good Sango bashing i've seen! I absolutely love this story! As a heavy girl, it made me happy to see someone take the time to write a decent story about Kagome being heavy. Some of the similarites of her fake friends behavior struck a chord in me. An though i've never experinced something as intense a Kagome, i still know how it feels. I love how Kagome comes back with a whole new attitude and a modeling contract. By any chance, is their gonna be a Bankotsu b earting in the near future? Cuz he really has it coming. Honestly, I Love kag/sess, but if it were up to me(as Kagome) I would go for youko. And your story, Some thing To Talk about, is Kagome gonna be able to take over her firm again? Or will she end up not remembering her son at all? Please update soon, and i think it's great that you are so positive about your divorce.
YASHA_YURI_79- Sat 20 May 2006
Deborah L.- Sat 20 May 2006
Sango bashing at its best! You seem to be bashing Sango in almost every story you've got going -- why is that? Not that I'm complaining, but it is just such a unique approach that it intrigues me. So is Sess going to use Kag to get back at Youko? And will the Kik/Nar/Inu triangle play into this story? One final question: Could you tell me which YuYu characters you will be using? as I missed a few of the later episodes on adult swim, and therefore missed names. If you could tell me who they are, I'd appreciate it ( Can't wait for the next chapter! Oh, btw, on "Something to Talk About", does Kag remember her kid, or not?
Jasmin- Sat 20 May 2006
UPDATE UPDATE!!!! Love the story. Ya gotta keepa. lol. Always wanted to say that.
WriterLady1031- Sat 20 May 2006
This is awesome. I LOVE this story and all of your stories in fact. I like how you've mixed in the various characters because it makes it really interesting. Definitely keep going with this one! ^_^
Risa- Fri 19 May 2006
Okay, you've got to update and sooooon...PRETTY PLEASE.
Risa- Fri 19 May 2006
Man that was good. I love it. Keep it coming.
amy- Fri 19 May 2006
i hope its sesshomaru who looses his cool...
update again soon!
update again soon!
Risa- Fri 19 May 2006
Great job! I love when Kagome is the underdog and fights back. She is awesome.
Risa- Fri 19 May 2006
Good start. I like it. I'm glad Kagome took action and discovered who her friends are. I love Kouga and Inuyasha's loyalty towards their friendship of Kagome. Looking forward to reading chapter two.
Kyo-Chan-Lover- Fri 19 May 2006
YAAA!! you updated ! That was a really good chappie!
jamie- Fri 19 May 2006
hi, I have been reading your stories for a year or two now - and I must say I love them! My favorite was If your not the one, but this is a close second.
A thing about all the fraternity memebers is that there are so many of them that it gets confusing on who's who.
And so far the storyline is looking pretty predictable, but I enjoy it nevertheless. Thank you for updating and writing.
A thing about all the fraternity memebers is that there are so many of them that it gets confusing on who's who.
And so far the storyline is looking pretty predictable, but I enjoy it nevertheless. Thank you for updating and writing.
Elli Mac- Fri 19 May 2006
Wow! Just like always you did a great job Pleasr update soon Love Ya!
jestergirl- Fri 19 May 2006
i love this story and can't wait tell you update. please do it doon.
Mrs_Sesshomaru- Fri 19 May 2006
More, more, more!! What's going to happen at the party? What's Sango gonna do to Kagome because she thinks it's all Kags fault Miroku dumped her? AH suspense! Ummm... on another note, when is "Something" gonna be continued? I'm still drooling over that one, ya know. Now I'm hooked on this one too! You rule!
A-Kay- Tue 16 May 2006
I love your story. Please update soon! I love how you portrayed Kagome in this story. It's something new.
Ezzy- Sun 14 May 2006
I was curious about Hotohori and Tamahome so I downloaded epis 1-26 of Fushigi Yuugi...I have to say, I am addicted to both of them! They are gorgeous and hell, I even watched 12 episodes in one day! You chose a wonderful group of characters for this story and I must say, this chapter was great! I cant wait to see what you have planned next for kags and what sesshy may be planning. I hope we get to see more of kagome shunning Sango and Kikyou because they damn well deserve it!
Excellent job!
Excellent job!
orchid- Sun 14 May 2006
you know what i want... updates updates updates please. thanks
orchid- Sun 14 May 2006
you know what i want... updates updates updates please. thanks
Velvetina- Fri 12 May 2006
hey there, I'm new to this site and instantly got directed to your stuff. I have spent the last couple of days just reading your your work is amazing!! Just fantastic and I believe that this fic looks to be just as good =D
Angelwings- Fri 12 May 2006
Hi ^^ I Love this new Fic of yours. I Can´t wait to read more, so please update soon. I`m a big Fan of your Fics and like to ask a favor : Can you please update A Quetion about Hnor ? I Love this Fic the most and waited so long for a new Chapter so please update soon.
Your loyal Fan
P.S: I´m from Germany, so please take it easy on me when I make mistakes in my writhing ^^
Your loyal Fan
P.S: I´m from Germany, so please take it easy on me when I make mistakes in my writhing ^^
ioke- Fri 12 May 2006
im so absolutely loving every bit of your story!! i cant wait to read your next chapter! update soon!
*~Little-Feather~*- Thu 11 May 2006
I absolutely love this story, in all my years of reading fanfiction I have never come across a fic where there was a heavy Kagome. I, myself, am a heavy and slowly losing the weight and I understand how hard it is.
Awesome work! And the sexual tension in the last chapter was just so yummy!!
Update A. S. A. P.
Awesome work! And the sexual tension in the last chapter was just so yummy!!
Update A. S. A. P.
Chibes- Thu 11 May 2006
Are people really that mean and petty? I'm overweight and I know I'm sensitive about it but not wanting to be seen together and all that jazz never had to endure fat jokes outside of my mom. I'm glad though that she isn't taking the crap from the others but InuYasha and Kouga defended her they really don't deserve to be part of her vendetta and is Sess really going to be this cruel iin your story to play with matters of the heart because he didn't get a dinky award...I know most of what I've written isn't exactly the nicest things but I am a fan of your work though I feel sometimes you make Kagome too submisive in her relationships with Sess.
WhiteRose-Kurama- Wed 10 May 2006
Wow! This has been an amazing fic so far. It's been more intense then i thought it would be. So keep up the good work:P
BTW i wonder what Kags will do when she finds out that she's being used by Sess to get revenge on Youko? plz hurry w/ the next chappie:P
BTW i wonder what Kags will do when she finds out that she's being used by Sess to get revenge on Youko? plz hurry w/ the next chappie:P
Hallucinating Dreams- Wed 10 May 2006
This is quite the fanfiction you have written. The summary of Kagome's life while she was dieting was first-rate; you didn't drag the process out with tiny details the way other authors would have. I look forward to another chapter. Also, do you keep this fanfiction posted on I looked for it there, but I couldn't find it.
Jasmin- Wed 10 May 2006
YOU MUST UPDATE THIS STORY. PLEASE... I remeber i saw this story when you first posted it but i really didn't have the chance to read it and now i do and i LOVE it!!!!!!! Update soon. Ja ne ^_^
sleepy tuna fish- Wed 10 May 2006
... You're absolutely brilliant!
Lady Care- Wed 10 May 2006
Really great chapter!!!! I love the bad boy thing keep up the good work. I cant wait to see what happens next.
Lady Care
Lady Care
raven0777- Wed 10 May 2006
Ahhh!!!that was great. It was so compelling. I had a hunch that Youko would appear in your story. Please update soon.
Biteswhenprovoked- Wed 10 May 2006
i really like this fic. i dont think i have ever read anything like it. are they all humans?
Demented_dragonQueen- Wed 10 May 2006
I love this story sooooo much! It's really good. I caan't wait to read the next chapter! ^_^
Kelly- Tue 09 May 2006
I really like where you are taking your plot. I totally love the idea of Sesshoumaru having to work to get Kagome! ~_^ This story is just such a fun read!!! Thanks another great chapter babe!
Nefra- Tue 09 May 2006
Oh hell yeah! A leaner Kagome and an attitude to match. I absolutely love it! I also noticed in the last chapters (I went back and re-read them to make sure) that Sesshoumaru indeed never did say anything directly about Kagome's weight. A story like this is definitely inspiring. I can't wait to see what Sesshoumaru does to Youko. *big evil grin* That in itself is gonna have me sitting here biting my nails in anticipation...good thing they're acrylic. LOL! Hope you update soon.
Ja ne!
Ja ne!
Kyo-Chan=Lover- Tue 09 May 2006
HAHAHA!!!! That was soo funny! Is Sesshomaru jealous? HEHEHEHEHE!
Update ASAP!
Update ASAP!
akume- Tue 09 May 2006
Shesh! Someone open the windows. There was way to much testosterone in that room. Anyway, that was a great chapter. I can only imagine what Sesshoumaru's going to do to mess with Youko's heart. And it's nothing good. Well, I can't wait for the next installment. So, until next time. Ja ne.
cherry- Tue 09 May 2006
that was great. kagome is great
Ashdesmond- Tue 09 May 2006
Awesome! I can't wait for you to write more. These kind of stories make me want to write more for my stories. :)
Can't wait to read more!
Can't wait to read more!
Anonymous- Tue 09 May 2006
Sesshomaru's plan is to get back at Youko, but without knowing it, he would also end up hurting Kagome.
How will the girls react when they find out they went to the photo shot without them.
Please update ASAP.
How will the girls react when they find out they went to the photo shot without them.
Please update ASAP.
nataku- Tue 09 May 2006
Good chappie. Way to make Sesshoumaru devious.
Decente Renko- Tue 09 May 2006
This story is so wonderful. It's original and creative, and well written, just like all of your stories. And I am very much enjoying your updating pace, though I understand that it will not last. Good luck with your divorce and best wishes for your life. I will continue to read as you continue to write. Thank you for such wonderful work!
~Decente Renko
~Decente Renko
kagome_taisho- Tue 09 May 2006
KYAAA!!! I forgot to say this in the first chapter because I was busy flooding you with hearts, but I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the mix of FY and YYH characters in it. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! =D *hearts some more* And I always rate 10 for your fanfics, I noticed that. XD
vanessa- Tue 09 May 2006
I very much love this story, but then I pretty much enjoy all of your fanfics. I really don't have any critisim, just don't let Kags get too soft on her tormentors. I hope you updsate as soon as possible, but I get that your busy. Good luck with the divorce thing.
kagome_taisho- Tue 09 May 2006
A new one from you!!! I'm so happy! *showers hearts all over you*
I don't know why anyone would've been upset with your portrayal of Kagome in Wings of Change. That fanfic's one of my most favorites ever! It's chalk full of emotional ups and downs and I loved it! I'm already loving this one after only one chapter, too. ^_^
I've never read of Kagome being on the heavy side before. I can't wait for the ugly duckling transformation. Those people need to eat their words! *shakes fists at them*
Keep up the good work! =D
I don't know why anyone would've been upset with your portrayal of Kagome in Wings of Change. That fanfic's one of my most favorites ever! It's chalk full of emotional ups and downs and I loved it! I'm already loving this one after only one chapter, too. ^_^
I've never read of Kagome being on the heavy side before. I can't wait for the ugly duckling transformation. Those people need to eat their words! *shakes fists at them*
Keep up the good work! =D
amy- Tue 09 May 2006
nice chappie! now i see that sess is going to use kags but would fall flat on his face for her, right? can't wait for the next installment!!! update again soon...
dark_miko66- Tue 09 May 2006
Yay another update! I love it!! I actually haven't seen YYH, so I hope that that won't be a problem.
Sess+Kag=Lemons- Tue 09 May 2006
After I read the second chapter I was like, 'I hope she puts in Kurama and they like each other in the begining. That would be really cool!' And you did!! Thats sooo awsome!!! Please update soon!!
Ray_hearts_fluffy- Tue 09 May 2006
Wow! This is a really good story so far, keep writing!
Mrs_Sesshomaru- Tue 09 May 2006
Opps, forgot to sign in... anyway next: Crap! I was hoping to see more "detail" with the poses, enough to make every guy there just stomp out the studio mad as all get out. More, more, MORE! Great job.
Chapter Four, Please? ^_^- Tue 09 May 2006
I was just wondering... Will Tasuki and Chichiri from FY be in this fic? I sure hope so. I love them!
Anyway, good chapter! I can't wait for the next one, hence the name of my review! I can't wait for Keiko and Miaka to arrive! The action is going to be sooooooo high in there when they do arrive! I simply cannot wait, so... Update?! ^_~
Have a nice day! And week, while I'm at it! ^_^
Shadow Girl
Anyway, good chapter! I can't wait for the next one, hence the name of my review! I can't wait for Keiko and Miaka to arrive! The action is going to be sooooooo high in there when they do arrive! I simply cannot wait, so... Update?! ^_~
Have a nice day! And week, while I'm at it! ^_^
Shadow Girl
ioke- Tue 09 May 2006
awesome chapter!! i cant wait to read your next chapter!
sesshomarulover87- Tue 09 May 2006
that was so wicked. i love both chapters and that was very sad.
spdsgirl- Tue 09 May 2006
Great Story! Your perspective on Kag's was great! You got her emoutions across to the reader and they were right on the money! I will be back to read the next chapter!
Lillie- Tue 09 May 2006
I really didn't want to bring it up, as these things make people feel bad, but I couldn't help but feel that you'd feel even worse if no one seemed to care, so I'm just saying that I understand what you're going through, because I just went through something with my boyfriend, and it still hurts like hell... and we were only dating! I'd say I'm sorry about your divorce, but that'd be lying, well, kinda. My feelings are that I'd be happy for you, if the divorce will make you happy, but if not, I totally understand your feelings...
P.S Sorry if I tend to blabber and stray off-topic...
P.S Sorry if I tend to blabber and stray off-topic...
Lillie- Tue 09 May 2006
I love this new story!!!! Wow... Still though, I hope that she patches things up with Hotohori, Tamahome, Miroku, Inuyasha, Kouga, Kikyo, and Sango... But of course, if that happens, it's definitely not going to be simple, is it?
Still loving your writing,
Still loving your writing,
Dainelle- Tue 09 May 2006
you've done it agian you've created another masterpiece keep it up i look foward to the next chapter!!!!!!!!!
alao I have an idea that might interest you email me back!
alao I have an idea that might interest you email me back!
sesshou_lover- Tue 09 May 2006
FInally someone who understands the plight of the heavy woman. Good for Kagome, show those assholes who's boss.
allison- Tue 09 May 2006
love it.i really do.take your time,and be well.keep writing!
very good humour.
very good humour.
Inukamisashi- Tue 09 May 2006
raven- Tue 09 May 2006
Wow..that was so great. So, given that Kags at this moment hates Sesshy and friends who else will be courting her while they make peace??? I vote for Youko Kurama since you are doing cross overs. So, far I love your story. I think Kags portrayal is excellent and completely relatable. Please update soon.
Shake Dog Shake- Tue 09 May 2006
UPDATE UPDATE soon please.
love it just love it. great story so far.
love it just love it. great story so far.
SilverPhoenix21- Tue 09 May 2006
Great story so far! Can't wait to read the next chapter. I can definitely relate to Kagome in this story.
Amber- Tue 09 May 2006
I love the story.
Keep Kagome bitchy.
It makes me happy.
Keep Kagome bitchy.
It makes me happy.
Biteswhenprovoke- Tue 09 May 2006
wow i really like this story. i think its cool how she is treating them like they treated her when she was fat...what is FL?
Valire- Tue 09 May 2006
I dislike people like that making fun of someone with visible problems. I hope she doesn't think twice about them, when she leaves. If they were going to tell her to move out and dump her because of a stupid thing like weight. Then they aren't really her friends. I hope you don't throw her into Sesshomaru's arms to easily because he was no better going along with the idea. I'm very disappointed with the characters. I hope you update really soon when i get this intense about a story i have to see it all the way out can't wait for more
nataku- Mon 08 May 2006
Ahh..Don't let Kagome stay bitter at INuyasha and Kouga for too long. Just because they never stood up for her doesn't mean they're not her friends, They just don't have backbones. It is a problem with many men. Update soon!
Anonymous- Mon 08 May 2006
Has Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's father seen Kagome before her "change"?
If he liked Kagome, wonder how he felt about his boys making fun of her.
The two friends Kagome made while at Kaede's, did Koenma pay the air fair?
I'm sure Koenma is very happy to have Kagome as one of his models, he's probably making money off of her.
If Kagome goes to the mall, I'm sure she would be mobbed by fans who wants her autograph.
Wonder if Kagome will get some kind of special treatment when she's at restuarants?
If Sesshomaru/Inuyasha father was paying the rent at their Inuyasha's place, was their some kind of agreement that Kagome and Koga had to agree to?
Please update ASAP.
Sorry to hear about your devorice.
If he liked Kagome, wonder how he felt about his boys making fun of her.
The two friends Kagome made while at Kaede's, did Koenma pay the air fair?
I'm sure Koenma is very happy to have Kagome as one of his models, he's probably making money off of her.
If Kagome goes to the mall, I'm sure she would be mobbed by fans who wants her autograph.
Wonder if Kagome will get some kind of special treatment when she's at restuarants?
If Sesshomaru/Inuyasha father was paying the rent at their Inuyasha's place, was their some kind of agreement that Kagome and Koga had to agree to?
Please update ASAP.
Sorry to hear about your devorice.
YoshikoK.- Mon 08 May 2006
oh please please please update this soon!
Kyo-Chan-Lover- Mon 08 May 2006
OH MY GOSH!!!! That was an incredibly good start! Please update soon! This fic is so different from others! I never expected it to be this good! PLEASE update soon!!!
akume- Mon 08 May 2006
Sweet! I love the new Kagome. Especially since you didn't make her out to be a total b***h. Anyway, thanks again.
angy- Mon 08 May 2006
great great can't wait for more
please updated soon
please updated soon
Ankoku-sama- Mon 08 May 2006
Absolutely great, I just wonder how Sesshoumaru is going to get involved with this .. hmmm ... ^_^;
Update soon please!
Update soon please!
me my self and i- Mon 08 May 2006
Sess+Kag=Lemons- Mon 08 May 2006
I love this!!!! It's sooo awsome!!!! Please update again soon!!!!
Mrs_Sesshomaru- Mon 08 May 2006
OMG, OMG!! 2 chaps in one day!! Squeee! Good job Kags! Piss on those losers!! Sorry to hear about your troubles KA. I called Miroku to see if he wanted to stop by & cheer you up. You know he's very good at *cough* comforting *cough* maidens in their time of need. He agreed, but Sango snatched the phone & proceeded to beat him senseless with it. *shrug* Oh well, I tried. I left a message for Kouga so he should be calling you back soon. Great story! Hmmm... is it possible to get another chap just as fast as chap 2? I can dream, can't I?
Lady Care- Mon 08 May 2006
Wow!- Mon 08 May 2006
That's EXACTLY what I was expecting her to say! She didn't disappoint me, that's for sure. I can't wait to read the next chapter! Update as soon as you can! I'm happy to see that you are back and I just hope that you're doing well, even with your divorce... If it is a touchy subject, just tell me and I won't mention it again, okay?
Anyway, good work here. I can't wait to see the rest, soooooooo... update! ^_~
Shadow Girl
Anyway, good work here. I can't wait to see the rest, soooooooo... update! ^_~
Shadow Girl
Kelly- Mon 08 May 2006
Oh thanks for another cool chapter hon! I love this story! I think most people can relate to having something in their life that effected them like Kagome's weight did her. I think it was a really smart move that you made to have Kagome take her demons ~_~ head on. I love how you write Kagome as the smart and cool girl that she is!! You are doing a killer job babe!!! Good luck with everything!~_^
Elli Mac- Mon 08 May 2006
OMG! This chapter was off the wall please keep writing I most know what is going to happend next.
Ezzy- Mon 08 May 2006
I dont think that there has EVER been a single chapter that has effected me like this on. I am so serious, this absolutely made my day and I am embarrased to say it but my hands are a bit shaky! This was absolutely wonderful and I LOVE how you did kags in this!! Oh gosh, I just so cant wait to read more.
You are doing an amazing job and I can not wait to read more. Take your time, but I'll still bouncin' in my seat as I wait.
Most Excellent work!
You are doing an amazing job and I can not wait to read more. Take your time, but I'll still bouncin' in my seat as I wait.
Most Excellent work!
orchid- Mon 08 May 2006
another one out... damn, you are awesome... i am forever your fan.. everything you write i love... you are the best... keep up the good work... hope to see another chap soon...; thanks
amy- Mon 08 May 2006
yeyyy! it's good she found other friends!!! yeah make them all squirm and very sorry. update again soon
Vivienne- Mon 08 May 2006
That was an awesome chapter! ^^
I liked how Kagome came back and gave them a an attitude to her 'so-called' friends.
I would have done the same. ^^ Update soon. I 3 your stories.
I liked how Kagome came back and gave them a an attitude to her 'so-called' friends.
I would have done the same. ^^ Update soon. I 3 your stories.
rakuen- Mon 08 May 2006
yay~~ new fic~!!! haha i'm very excited and its only the first chapter~! haha can't wait till you update next~
the plot sounds really interesting... so yeah update as soon as you can!
the plot sounds really interesting... so yeah update as soon as you can!
Mrs_Sesshomaru- Mon 08 May 2006
Marvelous, simply marvelous! Poor Kags. I hope she comes back like "TA-DOW look at me now, bitches! Fuck you all, rot in hell... except you Sesshy." But he was mean too but somehow I just can't stay mad at him *shrug*.
nataku- Mon 08 May 2006
I liked. Update soon. It's a very original story.
Ankoku-sama- Mon 08 May 2006
I like it! It's different from all the others, which is good .. very good.
Please update soon!
Please update soon!
Yeah! Another Story!- Mon 08 May 2006
I can't wait for the next chapter. When I first read the chapter, I was thinking, Wow! This story is so good. And then I took a look at the author... and it was you! When I found out, I thought it was no suprise and just decided to send you a review to encourage you to write faster *Puppy eyes*... Soooo, go ahead and write! *Grins widly*
Have a nice day!
Shadow Girl
Have a nice day!
Shadow Girl
Nefra- Mon 08 May 2006
You always come up with some of the very best ideas. I've actually played around with the idea of an overweight Kagome but never did anything with it. I may still but not for quite a while yet. I love the whole concept. A request? Give Kagome a bit of attitude towards her 'friends' when she comes back. Anyone who'd ever done that to me would be lucky if they saw daylight again. LOL! Good luck and update. I will sit and wait patiently. Ja ne!
Nicole- Mon 08 May 2006
Ouch. this is really new. Im a big fan of your writting and think this will be good. i just hope you dont get flamed. good luck
IM cheering for you
IM cheering for you
amy- Mon 08 May 2006
i hope you've got another set of friends for kagome because i just can't see her being with 'friends' who betrayed her...although i like inuyasha being nice for a change...keep on writing! i'm waiting for your updates on 'something..'and 'a question...'
ioke- Mon 08 May 2006
awesome story!! i cant wait to read your next chapter!! update really soon!
akume- Mon 08 May 2006
Wow! This is certanly different. Then again you always come up with ingenious storylines that are way original. Anyway, thanks again and please do update soon.
Rowan- Mon 08 May 2006
Update soon I want to read about the looks on their faces when she shows up a knock out! Can you tell I have a vengful streak?Ja^-^
Princess. Tiger Momo- Mon 08 May 2006
oooo! I like this! especially noe that Hotohori is in it too! -drool- hehehe, does that mean Tamahome is also going to appear?? I love this already and I hope we can see another chapter soon =)
hrc- Sun 07 May 2006
Kelly- Sun 07 May 2006
Very cool! ~_^ I like the plot and can't wait to see where you take it!!
Tina M.- Sun 07 May 2006
I love it already and it's just the first chapter!!!! I hope you update soon.
Sunshine87- Sun 07 May 2006
Hi! i really enjoyed you first chapter to this fanfic. Keep it up ^_^ and just a suggestion, could you make it so that when kagome comes back that she doesn't befriend Sango and Kikyo, i mean they easly betrayed her showing that they weren't true friends in the first place. Just a suggestion. Anywho, update soon please.
sesshys_jaded_samuri- Sun 07 May 2006
I for one, like it when people portray Kagome as less that makes her seem all the more HUMAN....anywya, I like how this started off. I can't wait to see what you are going to do with it, though no matter which direction you take it, I'm sure it will be added to my list of favorites.
Hanyoukagome962- Sun 07 May 2006
a start to another awsome story i see i can tell this will be just as good as all your other fics so update soon