Reviews for Nothing Left to Lose & Matchmaker & Fire and Ice by darkjewel
Lady Syren- Sat 26 Jan 2008
Probably the longest fic in the history of the site. You have my luck and admiration, because I don't know anybody else who can keep thier muses to concentrate on a story for that long. I'd have this as a novel if I had enough paper and ink. And still, for the love of Kami, I'm hoping this isn't forgotten, and will eventually be animated. History in the making.
Probably the longest fic in the history of the site. You have my luck and admiration, because I don't know anybody else who can keep thier muses to concentrate on a story for that long. I'd have this as a novel if I had enough paper and ink. And still, for the love of Kami, I'm hoping this isn't forgotten, and will eventually be animated. History in the making.
chassly- Mon 15 Oct 2007
i love your story so much! I've read it 6 times already and im still not tired of it yet. are you going to do the next part with yuriko, shippou, and kouga soon? if you are or have already posted it somewhere else, i cant wait to read it!^-^
Music Junkie- Sat 08 Sep 2007
Like oh my gosh. This story is right up there with "Tales of the House of the Moon" and "Sentential Mother". It just kept me coming back for more. I really loved the fact that your vocabulary was not subdued to a limited amount of words. I loved Sesshoumarus type of humor(which I think is the best kind) because it was dry and on the more dark and unnoticeable side. It was the kind that if you weren't paying attention or didn't have the brain capacity you wouldn't have caught it. The all out story was fantastic. I would have thought though at the end you would have made it so that they lived all the way to Kagomes time period and have her be reunited with her family again(but then I thought either you didn't think of that or you didn't want to do what people would expect or that just isn't the way you wanted the story to end). In any case this story blew my mind.
P.S. I am a beginner on this whole writing your own story thing. I was wondering after I am done with some school things will I be able to call on you for help if I may need it?
Your new fan
Music Junkie
P.S. I am a beginner on this whole writing your own story thing. I was wondering after I am done with some school things will I be able to call on you for help if I may need it?
Your new fan
Music Junkie
anonymussesshykagsfan- Sat 18 Aug 2007
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! i read your book in 6 days and i must tell you it was worth every moment, please please please please WRITE A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!
Magz- Mon 09 Jul 2007
I absolutely love your story!!!!!! Though I'm disappointed that it's over. I wonder what will happen in the future. This has got to be the best story I have read! I have a question though. Are Isamu and Akira gonna attack the West? After all, they're only harmless for the time being, right? Well, to shorten this review, I love your story!!!!
nightwalker- Wed 07 Feb 2007
Hi! Its me again. I just want to say........ITS OVER!!!!!!!!!!*breaks into sobs* But in all good news Yuriko gets her own story. *big smiles* I just love you so much Darkjewel-sama. you are THE BEST author ever. I mean that with all my heart and soul. I cant wait to read your next work.
Love ya, Nightwalker
Love ya, Nightwalker
Matimay- Tue 30 Jan 2007
The best story i have ever read. that is all that need to be said. though i am dissapointed that it has ended. or has it. *shows puppy face to darkjewel"
pinkish59- Sat 27 Jan 2007
What happens in the future when they meet kagome's mother?
gina- Thu 18 Jan 2007
amazing!!! awesome!!!! my absolute favorite fanfics of alll time!!!! =) i'm sad to see it go, but can't wait to read more form you !!! thanks for sharing!!! =)
nostalgic-maiden- Thu 18 Jan 2007
awesome chapter! aww, so sad, story's over. i'm looking forward to the next installment! =)
Jenny- Thu 18 Jan 2007
You mean you are going to continue this? :D *throws confetti in the air and celebrates* Weeeh! I'm gonna celebrate this by finishing one of my fanarts for this story. :D
Mir- Thu 18 Jan 2007
Congratulations on finishing this story! Kagome yelling death threats at Sesshomaru was quite humorous. I can't wait until your next Kag/Sess fic!
Faye- Thu 18 Jan 2007
*squeals with delight* That was the PERFECT endind!! Yukiro gets her own side story, HORRAY!!!! *gives darkjewel a cookie* Thank you SO much author-sama!
Vineyard- Wed 17 Jan 2007
hey.. would you consider writin more of seiji and mizuki? they my fave pair here!!! besides sesshoumaru and kagome.. ;))
gina- Mon 15 Jan 2007
yippie you are back!!!! i love this fanfic and am so glad you brought another chapter to life .. please a little more!!! =)
Faye- Mon 15 Jan 2007
But...what about Yukiro??!!! Everyone else got their happy ending!! *sniffs*
Please update soon because it just can't end like this! Yukiro has to get her happy ending too!!
Please update soon because it just can't end like this! Yukiro has to get her happy ending too!!
Vineyard- Mon 15 Jan 2007
aww man!! there same to be a bigger plot.. isamu involved... i don't trust akira tho.. she has not really proved to be a loyal vessal yet... Seji, Hideaki and Merkamou (sry is there's spelling errors) on the other hand... have somewhat my fullest trust!! keke... do update!! can't wait to see how the plot thickens ;))
Vineyard- Tue 09 Jan 2007
aw man... when will you update? this is the.. err third time i'm reading this all over again.. its just soo gooddd!!! pls pls update.. i really wanna see whats going to happen!
Jenny- Mon 08 Jan 2007
Wow... Simply wow. I remember reading this fic about a year ago or so, and you were only halfway through matchmaker, I think.
I got so stuck in this story that I read all 92 chapters so far in about a week. Most of my spare time has been spent reading this huge fic, but I don't regret it for a second! Your characters are awesome, and you keep Sesshoumaru in character all the way through, which is not an easy task.
I must say that Merkamou is one of my favorite OC's ever. And the lemons with him and Rin made me shiver all over.
I'm seriously considering drawing fanart of some of your characters, just because I can see them so clearly in my head, I just have to get it out on paper. Of course, I'll show you if you're interested.
I really hope you will continue and finish off this fic soon, and I hope that you will write about what happens as they are back in the modern era.
Thank you so much for writing this, and I will recommend your works on my website. :)
I got so stuck in this story that I read all 92 chapters so far in about a week. Most of my spare time has been spent reading this huge fic, but I don't regret it for a second! Your characters are awesome, and you keep Sesshoumaru in character all the way through, which is not an easy task.
I must say that Merkamou is one of my favorite OC's ever. And the lemons with him and Rin made me shiver all over.
I'm seriously considering drawing fanart of some of your characters, just because I can see them so clearly in my head, I just have to get it out on paper. Of course, I'll show you if you're interested.
I really hope you will continue and finish off this fic soon, and I hope that you will write about what happens as they are back in the modern era.
Thank you so much for writing this, and I will recommend your works on my website. :)
Nightwalker- Thu 04 Jan 2007
OMG! Can i just say first that i love you sooooooooooo much. this is the best friggin fic in the whole friggin world! i hane been working on it since june of 2006 and i'm just finishing. (i dont have the internet at home by the way.) oh and mating Mitzuki and seigi, great choice. and i so cryed at the part were katsuro was pushed into the barrier. but for the rest of it ive laughed my ass off. this fic rocks!!! this is pretty much what ive been living for. please update soon. oh and i really do like the match of yuriko and koga. but i would be fine with her and shippo too. well ill end this now.
ja ne.
p.s. please dont let it end.
ja ne.
p.s. please dont let it end.
amy- Thu 28 Dec 2006
please update! i've been waiting!!!! don't forget your fans!!!
Mallory- Fri 01 Dec 2006
I dont know how often you come on here anymore or how any of this works but I came across this story & I just finished reading chapter 92.
I just wanted to say I loved your story it was the best one I have ever read by far. I never was a fan of Kagome & Sess but I am now. I hope you keep on going with this story because I love reading it but if you dont I understand because it is so long.
& about the Koga and Yukiro.[Sorry if I spell the names wrong] I think they might go together but in a way they almost fit togeher too well.
& do you think you will ever have Inuyasha come back, or find a way for kagome to visit modern time again? I think that would be intresting but yea. I dont know.
Anyway this is really long so I will stop.
Keep up the good work =]
I just wanted to say I loved your story it was the best one I have ever read by far. I never was a fan of Kagome & Sess but I am now. I hope you keep on going with this story because I love reading it but if you dont I understand because it is so long.
& about the Koga and Yukiro.[Sorry if I spell the names wrong] I think they might go together but in a way they almost fit togeher too well.
& do you think you will ever have Inuyasha come back, or find a way for kagome to visit modern time again? I think that would be intresting but yea. I dont know.
Anyway this is really long so I will stop.
Keep up the good work =]
Alianne- Thu 30 Nov 2006
Hi! I just noticed that you have Kagome w/ brown eyes in the beggining, then later they're blue. And a lot of times you spell 'sparring', 'sparing'. So, thought you should know and, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO UPDATE? PLZ DO IT SOON! thankx
althea- Mon 27 Nov 2006
^^, u keep spelling branded as brained in chapter 7. the only reason i know this is b/c i've read the story 3X so can u please update i'm addicted its so amazing
MAMI- Wed 08 Nov 2006
nickel- Tue 07 Nov 2006
I may have said this before, but I really don't care. I love this fic!!
Miko53- Wed 01 Nov 2006
Aly- Wed 01 Nov 2006
Shit and Dammit!
There is no freaking WAY Kouga and Yuriko are a good match! Kouga just goes after every GDamn girl that kisses him on the cheek or mouth. Not to mention with Yuriko/Shippo, there is more of a challenge to the relationship, since they were friends from the start, not enemies from first sight, like Mizuki and Seiji. Oh, and Kouga is a bastard. Really. If I HAD to pair him, it would be with Ayame.
There is no freaking WAY Kouga and Yuriko are a good match! Kouga just goes after every GDamn girl that kisses him on the cheek or mouth. Not to mention with Yuriko/Shippo, there is more of a challenge to the relationship, since they were friends from the start, not enemies from first sight, like Mizuki and Seiji. Oh, and Kouga is a bastard. Really. If I HAD to pair him, it would be with Ayame.
Matimay- Wed 01 Nov 2006
Thank goodness you wrote another chapter! i thought i was going to have to wait another month! keep up the good work darkjewel, and maybe you con make another this story, Because you do mmake VERY good stories.
P.S. you know you want to! : )
P.S. you know you want to! : )
kat- Tue 31 Oct 2006
okay so kouga and yuriko very cute... can i vote they hook up? are you having a poll for that... cause if you are i like vote multiple times for that pairing and i just sounded like an obsessed fangirl
i so need a life
i so need a life
matimay- Mon 30 Oct 2006
awsome story! Its about time you started writing agian! but what about koga and ayame?
nickel- Sun 29 Oct 2006
Love ya!!!
Ophelia Undone- Sat 28 Oct 2006
“Meddlesome fathers that only want the best for their daughters.â€Â
yue- Fri 27 Oct 2006
lol. A somewhat happy ending. Kagome doing the ass kicking was funny. Thanks for updating. Its been a while since the last one. Ithis was a great chapter. I look forward to the next one.
Miko53- Fri 27 Oct 2006
Please cntinue to write this story.
It's really wonderful. I YAY! when I saw a new Chapter.
It's really wonderful. I YAY! when I saw a new Chapter.
Ophelia Undone- Thu 26 Oct 2006
Hot damn, a new chapter! And a brilliant one at that! I love the banter between Mizuki and Seiji. It does resemble Kagome and Sesshoumaru, and to a point, Rin and Merkamou. Ah, symmetry.
Miko53- Sat 21 Oct 2006
Darkjewel, Hope you're doing well and will continue this story. It's GREAT. Hope to see more chapters soon. Be well
mrs sesshy- Wed 04 Oct 2006
wow, now that our mizuki is now mated, i've been waiting for your update... please come out of writer's block like rinseternalsoul just did... bansai!
amy- Tue 26 Sep 2006
please update please update
pretty please....
pretty please....
kace- Wed 13 Sep 2006
omg i have been reading this story for....3 weeks maybe.. and it is not done!!! im so frustrated cuz i thought it was...i guess that's why it said incomplete huh? well when u r finished i must!!!! know
Cassandra- Wed 13 Sep 2006
this is such a good story, so hurry up and do the next chapter!
gina- Thu 31 Aug 2006
WOW !!! WOW !!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg!!!!! WOW!!!!!! that was sucha great chapter!!!!!!!! amazing!!!! =)
omg!!!!! WOW!!!!!! that was sucha great chapter!!!!!!!! amazing!!!! =)
isina17- Wed 30 Aug 2006
You Are ThE best!
This chapter is FANTASTIC!
Please update soon!
This chapter is FANTASTIC!
Please update soon!
Arryelle- Wed 30 Aug 2006
That was fucking aswome Iloved it I can't wait for more!!!!!
amy- Wed 30 Aug 2006
i can almost imagine kagome's shock...i hope you make her discovery of seiji and kichan's mating hilarious...update soon!
Just Unique- Wed 30 Aug 2006
(in my last review i meant "update" not "review") Well this chapter was really amazing!! I kwew something like this would happen between the two..they are just meant for each other!! Don't make us wait!! Update soon!!
Syren the scrab demon- Fri 25 Aug 2006
darkjewel, i say you are the current lord of the fanfic section. you. are. awsome! i have even used some of the funnier quotes in my signature! i would say that this will be a never ending story, don't you agree? this deserves to be published (minus the lemons of course)! in a scale of 1-10, i would give it 1500! the praise could go on!
amy- Thu 24 Aug 2006
yeepee an update! nice battle scenes there...i hope you prepared more fluff for sieji and ki-chan! will we waiting for your next installment!
clavira- Tue 22 Aug 2006
... yeah, well, that was one way to put it. (The "we have won" part, I mean)
I really liked this chapter - hopefully these two will come to an understanding soon ;)
I really liked this chapter - hopefully these two will come to an understanding soon ;)
Jaya- Mon 21 Aug 2006
That was fabulous, I can't wait for the next chapter. (Vicious Seiji and Mizuki are so cute! :D)
Just Unique- Sun 20 Aug 2006
Darkjewel please update soon!!! you really can`t leave us here!! We want to know what will happen between mizuki and seiji...they do show signs of affection, i recall things like this happening to sesshy and kagome... oh! i loved that part when kagome says "jackass" a hundred times to this healer (i don`t remember his name right now) i laughed my @s$
well i hope you review really soon
hugs & kisses
well i hope you review really soon
hugs & kisses
Kristie- Fri 18 Aug 2006
OMG these are such great stories and i really cant wait to see what happends next in Fire and Ice so please update it really soon and when you do please e-mail me so that i can read it thanks tootles.
Ren Taisho- Tue 08 Aug 2006
::crying:: darkjewel left us hanging come on darkjewel this is an awsome so tell me when the next chapter is up ok please tell when the next chapter is up please please please bye
appleme- Sun 06 Aug 2006
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! dat was omg!! hurry!
Kimberly Chen- Fri 04 Aug 2006
Plz update soon.
amy- Wed 02 Aug 2006
please update please update please update:)
Ren Taisho- Fri 28 Jul 2006
wow !! great chapters darkjewel loved it funny part where they can talk in their minds to each other ha ha soo funny tell when next chapters are up ok darkjewel thanks bye
Arryelle- Thu 27 Jul 2006
Awww and wow can't wait till you can update its awsome as usual.
Loves Arry
Loves Arry
Diana- Wed 26 Jul 2006
ahh!!! so awesome, love you love the story!!!! i checked almost everyday for an update, i can hardly wait for the next one. ta ta for now!!
amy- Wed 26 Jul 2006
yeepee! finally an update! thank you..thank you! i am so glad you fried takanuo and i am so excited with upcoming chapters with mizuki and seiji...i really love your fic...update again soon!
Sara- Tue 25 Jul 2006
Soo glad to see you back!!! I am still loving this story. I go back to the beginning sometimes just to relive the hilarity that was the begining of Sesshomaru and Kagome. One question however, what does Jo-chan stand for?? I understand its a nick name, but does it have a meaning? thanks for the great story.
Arryelle- Fri 21 Jul 2006
Soo your not dead well you still have it in you that's awsome the kiss scene made me all tingling inside twas awsome I hope you update as soon as you can
Loves Arry
Loves Arry
amy- Wed 19 Jul 2006
please update!!!!! please please please
RenTaisho- Tue 18 Jul 2006
WTH what happened takanou or whatever his name is is going to try to break the bond thats a stupid thing he'll kill kagome and what is with leaving us cluelessly lost .CLIFFYS I HATE CLIFFYS
well finish the story darkjewel ok it is really good..!!!!! but the takanou guy is still obessing over her and is kinda has a few screws loose ok LOVE YOU DARKJEWEL!!!!
well finish the story darkjewel ok it is really good..!!!!! but the takanou guy is still obessing over her and is kinda has a few screws loose ok LOVE YOU DARKJEWEL!!!!
Ren Taisho- Mon 17 Jul 2006
Hi i am reading your story again ok oh and i still love it !! ^ -^ 3 by the way you kinda spelled miroku wrong sorry - but still a good story ok.
fluffysgirl-333- Fri 14 Jul 2006
update update update! please please please
amy- Sun 09 Jul 2006
yeyy! now we'll get some action right? i do hope sess would kick takanuo's ass into oblivion! haha! and what's happening to the other lovebirds ki-chan and seiji? and i'm glad jaken's still alive, sure he's a toad but he is such a good sitter for rin before, i do miss her in this third installation...update soon!!!
appleme- Fri 07 Jul 2006
NO!!!... how could u stop there.. ohmy oh my awesome!!
danajean- Thu 06 Jul 2006
i have been on my computer, non-stop, for about a week now. i read all 85 chapters and good heavens what chapters. but what a CLIFFHANGER!! takanou has kagome and sesshomaru is going crazy from separation, and every available boy and girl (youkai, hanyou or ningen) are on the brink of a potentially VERY interesting relationship. can't wait for next chapter. good heavens, im leaving out my pronouns im so preoccupied about what will happen. a 10, defintely.
pinkish59- Wed 05 Jul 2006
I love your fanfic. Do you have any recommended fanfics that are also long and worth to read?
Stacie- Wed 05 Jul 2006
hurry up already and get to the part where sessho rescues kagome! please....i love this story! its the best and i should know cause i have read all of them on this site already.....
Miko53- Wed 05 Jul 2006
I love this story please keep going. I can't wait for the ending. Happy I hope?
sheana- Wed 05 Jul 2006
im really enjoying your story. i started reading it about a week ago and havent been able to stop since. keep up the good work. update soon.
Dark Topaz- Tue 04 Jul 2006
can't wait for more
nickel- Tue 04 Jul 2006
luv ya!
Yenni- Tue 04 Jul 2006
i LOVE this story...i cant wait to get back from london and read what you'll update with -=giggles=- you better have updated by the 12th...multiple times in is summer after all....-=sigh=-
i LOVE this story...i cant wait to get back from london and read what you'll update with -=giggles=- you better have updated by the 12th...multiple times in is summer after all....-=sigh=-
g- Tue 04 Jul 2006
have i told you how much i really love these stories??? i love these stories!!!!!!! great chapter!!!! =)
Kanela- Tue 04 Jul 2006
Have I told you I love your stories? Please continue updating, I love your style and the whole plot! I nearly had a heart attack when I read Takanou had actually kidnapped Kagome. I think I made it clear to you hehehe ^^U Oh! And I love it when Sesshoumaru gets all protective and stuff, also when he gets jealous *nods*
Your fics are awesome! I'm one big fan of you! *throws roses to you* I am! And I love you!
I'll be waiting. ^____________^
Your fics are awesome! I'm one big fan of you! *throws roses to you* I am! And I love you!
I'll be waiting. ^____________^
Cochrann- Tue 04 Jul 2006
Wow, this is really heading somewhere interesting...I hope sesshy get's there soon!!
fiery love- Thu 29 Jun 2006
OMFG your stories are sooooo awsome i cant believe it your stories are fantastic i mean you make three different parts of the story into one big one i admire you but i am sad that the story is not complete WHY?! why did you post the story if it wasnt finished i mean i am here reading the story and the anxiety( - i dont think i spelled that right) is just soo intense i cant stand it So Pretty PLz darkjewel i beg you to finish the story plz plz plz plz plz plz plz I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH THOUGH DARKJEWEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BQZ- Fri 23 Jun 2006
(I really don't have an email, I got kicked off because I never loged in, lol, sad isn't it) I always knew that guy wasn't gone for good. Damn idots who try to save people who can't/ don't want to be saved. Is he being controled or is this just him being his dumb ass self? Why does he (or the thing/person controling him) want the lady of the east dead though? You have a lot of explaining to do!
gina- Thu 22 Jun 2006
amazing!!!!!! i absolutly love this story!!!!! =)
LuaHaunted- Thu 22 Jun 2006
I DID ask for him a few chapters ago!!!!!
Ha! You never answered that review..... But I just knew he wouldn´t disappear, and when he said he would eventually save her, in this chapter I was sure it was him... But it was still surprising, and lots of fun! These stories could and should go on forever.... Have you thoguht abou making your own series of anime, or manga?
Thanks for the great chapter!
I DID ask for him a few chapters ago!!!!!
Ha! You never answered that review..... But I just knew he wouldn´t disappear, and when he said he would eventually save her, in this chapter I was sure it was him... But it was still surprising, and lots of fun! These stories could and should go on forever.... Have you thoguht abou making your own series of anime, or manga?
Thanks for the great chapter!
Kanela- Thu 22 Jun 2006
OMG!!!!!!! TAKANOU!! I totally fucking forgot about him!! Oh! *breathes deep* Umm...sorry 'bout the outburst... I've been following your story since you were two chapters long in Fire&Ice, and lemme tell ya somethin': Your story (I mean ahem stories) are Completely Amazing, an autentic piece of worth-must-read fiction. *nods*
And I knew you were showing Tanakou up someday, I just KNEW it! While I was reading NLtL, I made a mental note to not forget about him...and I did! Damn! Note to self: Stop taking mental notes, they are of no help for me....wait...did I just made another one? Ugh! Me and my absent-mind/ness.... ah! *sweatdrops* gomen about that too....
Please keep updating, I love your fanfic, and the one who's making your drawings (OMG, Seiji-kun is adorable!! And Mizuki-chan! Merkamou! but Seiji-kun is just...uff!), and you of course because you bring so much amusement to my life with your imagination and writing style.
See ya!
And I knew you were showing Tanakou up someday, I just KNEW it! While I was reading NLtL, I made a mental note to not forget about him...and I did! Damn! Note to self: Stop taking mental notes, they are of no help for me....wait...did I just made another one? Ugh! Me and my absent-mind/ness.... ah! *sweatdrops* gomen about that too....
Please keep updating, I love your fanfic, and the one who's making your drawings (OMG, Seiji-kun is adorable!! And Mizuki-chan! Merkamou! but Seiji-kun is just...uff!), and you of course because you bring so much amusement to my life with your imagination and writing style.
See ya!
mrs sesshy- Thu 22 Jun 2006
lovely! a lot of going ons, mizuki's with seiji, kagome's captured, sess-sama's indisposed and the lords/ ladies are united...pls. update soon...i'd like to kick takanou or burn his other arm!
Something-or-other- Thu 22 Jun 2006
Well, I have to say I'm deeply ashamed of myself. I have been reading your story from the very beginning and I have not even reviewed since now. I am deeply sorry for not doing so, I always figured you would have gotten good reviews and ratings. Well, you know what they say about assuming....
Anyways, I have loved your story and thought you have done absolutely great with this piece of work. I don't know why your ratings have went up and down, but I can assure you anyone who had given you a low rating and bad review were either jealous or downright crazy.
I personally give you your props for writing such a great story and I hope you remember us reviewers that have told you we love your story and hope you continue it to the end.
Please do not quit your story just because of jealous people and bad rates. Not everyone who loves your story reviews and rates, so please keep that in mind and whip up the next chapter. :)
Anyways, I have loved your story and thought you have done absolutely great with this piece of work. I don't know why your ratings have went up and down, but I can assure you anyone who had given you a low rating and bad review were either jealous or downright crazy.
I personally give you your props for writing such a great story and I hope you remember us reviewers that have told you we love your story and hope you continue it to the end.
Please do not quit your story just because of jealous people and bad rates. Not everyone who loves your story reviews and rates, so please keep that in mind and whip up the next chapter. :)
Diana- Thu 22 Jun 2006
Yet another exciting chapter! and you brought Takanou back! a very clever twist! love the story! ta ta for now!
amy- Thu 22 Jun 2006
whoa!! what a surprise! takanuo came back...grr! i hope sess would really kick his ass!!! and the action of this chapter is great!! keep on writing! don't be so evil okey? update asap!
clavira- Wed 21 Jun 2006
OMG!!! now, that was unexpected. hope you update soon
Sess' Sakura- Wed 21 Jun 2006
Oh please update soon. I can't wait until the next chapter. I hope Sess tear Tan apart.
Fluffy's Ai- Tue 20 Jun 2006
I, like many others, believe your story is GREAT! it's one of the best stories I've read and if someone rated your story with 1's or 2's it must have been someone with the intention of hurting you and your story...some people are just childish and want to cause problems for others. Don't let this get you down because you have enough people behind you and your story for support ^.^ just keep us happy with more updates XD take care and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! =P
gina- Tue 20 Jun 2006
ok!!! first... im sooo sorry for waiting till now to say anything.. wow.!!! i love this story.. it's amazing. the ,people the relationships, the humor, the thrills, the chills!!!!!! outstanding!!! i aboustly love it!!! you are a great writer and should consider it for a career choce!!! thanks so much for sharing your gift!!! =)
clavira- Tue 20 Jun 2006
... Sesshoumaru is sooo going to be pissed - I'm looking forward to see what's gonna happen once the taiyoukai finds out his mate has been kidnapped...
update soon!
update soon!
amy- Mon 19 Jun 2006
yeah! i agree with hell with those who don't like this fic..this is definitely the most exciting one that i have ever read..complete with new characters, romance, funny moments and action! continue to write dj were rooting for you!!!
abyss demon- Mon 19 Jun 2006
Baka reviewers. This has kept me riveted for ages! Kagome out cold? Doesn't that spell trouble for Sesshoumaru? Are they gonna be separated? *bites corner of blanket* the suspense is killing me!
phxazkyote- Mon 19 Jun 2006
To hell with the peoples who don't know a good story when they see one.,. Damn Miko.. Always getting in trouble. Can't take our eyes off her for a moment. Write more!
amy- Mon 19 Jun 2006
great chapter! i really love it when seiji slammed his own father to protect ki-chan...and the romence between cho and katsuro is soooo cute!!! keep on writing!!!!
amy- Mon 19 Jun 2006
great chapter! i really love it when seiji slammed his own father to protect ki-chan...and the romence between cho and katsuro is soooo cute!!! keep on writing!!!!
Arryelle- Fri 16 Jun 2006
Very nice I hope you update soon tiny bit of confusion when ppl talk but that was cuz It was all your chracters together stunning job at pulling it off.
Loves Arry
Loves Arry
phxazkyote- Thu 15 Jun 2006
Splendidly awesome. Keep them coming. Stupid over protective dog. You'd think he'd learn after 200 years huh? but nnnooooooo!!
rayneleeishina- Thu 15 Jun 2006
Hello, I love this fanfiction. Everytime I finish a chapter I get sad when it doesn't have the "Next Chapter" icon, and everytime you update I feel excitement rush through me. I love how Sesshomaru is, and exspeccially when he gets angry for when guys touch Kagome, it so funny. I think the way you porttray the characters to have there sense of humor and just the way they act is so very accurate even when it's usually not the way you act.
And I agree with some of these people, I bet you could use this and make the secong series of Inuyasha, I can really visualize everything.
I laugh so much when I read your story my mom usually thinks i'm nuts, and I also cry which makes everyone wonder...but I really think this could be the second series of Inuyasha on T.V. because it really fits with the show, and would make a lot of Sesshomaru/Kagome fans happy!
A fan,
And I agree with some of these people, I bet you could use this and make the secong series of Inuyasha, I can really visualize everything.
I laugh so much when I read your story my mom usually thinks i'm nuts, and I also cry which makes everyone wonder...but I really think this could be the second series of Inuyasha on T.V. because it really fits with the show, and would make a lot of Sesshomaru/Kagome fans happy!
A fan,
rayneleeishina- Thu 15 Jun 2006
Hello, I love this fanfiction. Everytime I finish a chapter I get sad when it doesn't have the "Next Chapter" icon, and everytime you update I feel excitement rush through me. I love how Sesshomaru is, and exspeccially when he gets angry for when guys touch Kagome, it so funny. I think the way you porttray the characters to have there sense of humor and just the way they act is so very accurate even when it's usually not the way you act.
And I agree with some of these people, I bet you could use this and make the secong series of Inuyasha, I can really visualize everything.
I laugh so much when I read your story my mom usually thinks i'm nuts, and I also cry which makes everyone wonder...but I really think this could be the second series of Inuyasha on T.V. because it really fits with the show, and would make a lot of Sesshomaru/Kagome fans happy!
A fan,
And I agree with some of these people, I bet you could use this and make the secong series of Inuyasha, I can really visualize everything.
I laugh so much when I read your story my mom usually thinks i'm nuts, and I also cry which makes everyone wonder...but I really think this could be the second series of Inuyasha on T.V. because it really fits with the show, and would make a lot of Sesshomaru/Kagome fans happy!
A fan,
Rayneleeishina99- Thu 15 Jun 2006
Hello, I love this fanfiction. Everytime I finish a chapter I get sad when it doesn't have the "Next Chapter" icon, and everytime you update I feel excitement rush through me. I love how Sesshomaru is, and exspeccially when he gets angry for when guys touch Kagome, it so funny. I think the way you porttray the characters to have there sense of humor and just the way they act is so very accurate even when it's usually not the way you act.
And I agree with some of these people, I bet you could use this and make the secong series of Inuyasha, I can really visualize everything.
I laugh so much when I read your story my mom usually thinks i'm nuts, and I also cry which makes everyone wonder...but I really think this could be the second series of Inuyasha on T.V. because it really fits with the show, and would make a lot of Sesshomaru/Kagome fans happy!
A fan,
And I agree with some of these people, I bet you could use this and make the secong series of Inuyasha, I can really visualize everything.
I laugh so much when I read your story my mom usually thinks i'm nuts, and I also cry which makes everyone wonder...but I really think this could be the second series of Inuyasha on T.V. because it really fits with the show, and would make a lot of Sesshomaru/Kagome fans happy!
A fan,
AccidentalGoddess- Wed 14 Jun 2006
My my, but you do make complicated, interesting, and thoroughly wonderful fics. And they're always so funny and intertaining! I love your OC's. Oh, and by the way (whispering...not yelling) with the way that Kouga is spelled in hirigana (japanese-japanese writing...just in case) there are actually two symbols making the 'o' sound in the middle so in Romanji (Romanized-japanese...seriously, I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm just a nerd) it's spelled with an 'ou'. Kouga. Perhaps now you can beat people who yell at you with that friggin extra vowel, just for effect. Grin!
amy- Wed 14 Jun 2006
i can almost see the was so funny. keep up the good work...update again soon!
amy- Wed 07 Jun 2006
great!!! i can't wait for the next installment! keep writing!
Kyo-Chan-Lover- Sun 04 Jun 2006
Magnificent chapter. I loved it so much1 Please update soon!
EmpyrealFantasy- Sun 04 Jun 2006
I adore your stories, I get so thrilled whenever I see you've updated! ^__^ I hope you keep going all the way up to modern times, are a wonderful writer, and you only improve as you go! Kudos hun! ^__^
Arryelle- Tue 30 May 2006
Ahhh so nice I love this soo much well update soon I cannot wait
milagros- Sat 27 May 2006
i love your story looking foward to the completion
gina- Fri 26 May 2006
awesome once again
WiccanMethuselah- Fri 26 May 2006
Holy Moley!!! What a chapter ... I can see why you took some extra time with it! And it was certainly time WELL SPENT (at least, in my humble estimation!). The lead-in to Mizuki running into Seiji was so well-written that I completely forgot that Mizuki was hanyou, and thus prone to a "ningen night." I spent a restless couple of minutes, while reading, trying to figure out what she and Katsuro might have planned that I missed, until it dawned on me that she was going to run into Seiji as a ningen. GREAT job!
I also really liked the byplay between Mizuki and Seiji about the status of their "relationship" and the prospects for their 'match.' You held true to the prevailing view of youkai and their 'emotionless' nature, while bowing to the fact that, as a 'ningen for a night,' Mizuki would have far less control over her emotions. This was extremely well-written, well thought out, and merely whetted my appetite for MORE! Thanks so much for a most enjoyable read for a Friday morning!!
I also really liked the byplay between Mizuki and Seiji about the status of their "relationship" and the prospects for their 'match.' You held true to the prevailing view of youkai and their 'emotionless' nature, while bowing to the fact that, as a 'ningen for a night,' Mizuki would have far less control over her emotions. This was extremely well-written, well thought out, and merely whetted my appetite for MORE! Thanks so much for a most enjoyable read for a Friday morning!!
amy- Fri 26 May 2006
i like the ki-chan and seiji exchange..i hope it would still be a love match though even with all their pros and cons talk...hey, when will yuriko show up? also, whatever happened to jaken? did he come back to the west now that rin is gone?
nickel- Fri 26 May 2006
Cochrann- Thu 25 May 2006
That was a fun chapter to read...I liked Mizuki and Seiji's conversation.
nb- Wed 24 May 2006
raven- Tue 23 May 2006
that was excellent, I love to read about Kags kicking butt. I was wondering did any of her kids inherit any miko powers??? It would be kind of cool if they.
amy- Tue 23 May 2006
now that's more like it!!!! haha! keep on writing!
BlondBitch(You don't need to have brains to come u- Tue 23 May 2006
amy- Mon 22 May 2006
i feel so sorry for ki-chan...but i do hope she makes a great comeback...and i wouldn't mind if kagome would burn seiji a little :)...keep on writing!!!
Cochrann- Thu 18 May 2006
I love your version of Sesshoumaru...he is so funny while still being very true to his character. All your characters are wonderful and I loved how Seji and Katsuro got along.
gina- Thu 18 May 2006
awesome!!!!! i love it more and more!!!
amy- Thu 18 May 2006
this is sooo funny! can't wait for your next update! keep on writing!!!
Missy- Wed 17 May 2006
I just loves all three stories! The plot and flow of these stories are great! Please do not stop writing this, I just love reading long stories. Please update as soon as you can!
get better soon!
get better soon!
Missy- Wed 17 May 2006
I just loves all three stories! The plot and flow of these stories are great! Please do not stop writing this, I just love reading long stories. Please update as soon as you can!
get better soon!
get better soon!
kanela-sama- Wed 17 May 2006
OMG!!!!! Your stories are SO VERY WELL THOUGHT, AND DONE, AND WRITTEN....Oh! I love you!....
.....ahem..... I'm sorry about that outburst. It's just that finding an interesting, well written story has been hard for me since Resmiranda finished Tales of the House of the Moon... ;_;
And you could really start your anime serie!, heck, you could OWN Inuyasha's series!! It looks like you created the characters, you make them appear so...natural. And Sesshou/Kags relationship is amazing! the way you put it... It's SOOOO the way it could be....
By the way I miss Rin...I cried when I found out she was dying young....poor Merkamou.
Keep on the good job! And watch out for evil meany horsies, they are bad for your health! (as if you did not know that already...)
My best wishes from Cancun, Mexico!!
Hugs, Kanela.
.....ahem..... I'm sorry about that outburst. It's just that finding an interesting, well written story has been hard for me since Resmiranda finished Tales of the House of the Moon... ;_;
And you could really start your anime serie!, heck, you could OWN Inuyasha's series!! It looks like you created the characters, you make them appear so...natural. And Sesshou/Kags relationship is amazing! the way you put it... It's SOOOO the way it could be....
By the way I miss Rin...I cried when I found out she was dying young....poor Merkamou.
Keep on the good job! And watch out for evil meany horsies, they are bad for your health! (as if you did not know that already...)
My best wishes from Cancun, Mexico!!
Hugs, Kanela.
Diana- Tue 16 May 2006
Aqwesome, i'm so loving it!!
gina- Tue 16 May 2006
the more i read the more i love this story!!! =) i realy love the charecter interaction!!! brilliant!! =)
amy- Tue 16 May 2006
haha! now we're going to have some fun..kagome's family is so crazy that's why its so lovable...keep on writing!
clavira- Tue 16 May 2006
*grins* now we're talking - finally he's here! I hope you update soon!
isina17- Tue 16 May 2006
This stoey is fantastic..and the personality you have created for your characters are joust perfect... I love every thing you write.. and I hope you feel better!
Besitos Z.Z.
Besitos Z.Z.
Kyo-Chan-Lover- Tue 16 May 2006
I really like this story! But why isn't there any Sess/Kag scences besides the only in chapter 70? Isn't this suppose to be a Sess/Kag fic?
Diana- Mon 15 May 2006
hi hi hi!! i love your stories and i'm so glad you decided to continue with this, it's come a long way since nothing left to lose i love how you ended Matchmaker with Rin's happy ending, i miss her already. anyway, yeah love the story! bye bye for now!
amy- Fri 12 May 2006
i hope mizuki would kick this seiji guy's ass..haha! and i hope katsuro, shippo and yuriko would make his life miserable...that would make for a lot of laughs
keep on writing!!!
keep on writing!!!
Cochrann- Fri 12 May 2006
That last scene between Sesshoumaru and Kagome was soooo cute...I apsolutely loved the fluf.
WiccanMethuselah- Thu 11 May 2006
Oh, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I'm so glad you'll be continuing this fic ... but I really didn't threaten your life, did I? Pouting, I do; rarely murder. At any rate, I am ecstatic that you will be continuing the adventures of your exquisitely crafted cast of characters. This last chapter, too, met expectations admirably; in detail, speed AND plot enrichment. Please, dear darkjewel, continue on with an unfettered conscience, as there will be plenty of people who will read and RAVE ... er, I mean, REVIEW! ;) ~~Wiccan~~
Enchanting Breeze- Tue 09 May 2006
I love reading this story! Don't ever stop writing! Keep up the great job and can't wait to read the next chapter! See you soon.
Arryelle- Tue 09 May 2006
It is very good so far no angst I'm loving that lol well update soon
I love You you write so well
I love You you write so well
WiccanMethuselah- Tue 09 May 2006
P.S. Review was sent before 7:00 am ... hence "please" ending up looking like "plese!"
WiccanMethuselah- Tue 09 May 2006
Noooo!!! You CAN'T stop writing this fic now!! C'mon, a mere 68 chapters? Please don't let naysayers dissuade you - I'm sure there are more than enough Mizuki/Katsuro fans out there who want MORE! There's time enough to think about the length AFTER you work your way through all the adventures you can come up with for all of these engaging, endearing, sometimes frustrating characters ... after all, you can always go back through later and repost them as separate fics in a series, right?
Just plese, please keep this one going. It is far too entertaining, well-written, well-edited (?) and intriguing to even consider stopping here. In comparison with many of the things being written and posted, this is one of the JEWELS that made me keep coming back to Single Spark. Thank you so much for another wonderful chapter. The only problem with writing like yours is that I devour it like candy ... and still want more! :) ~~Wiccan~~
Just plese, please keep this one going. It is far too entertaining, well-written, well-edited (?) and intriguing to even consider stopping here. In comparison with many of the things being written and posted, this is one of the JEWELS that made me keep coming back to Single Spark. Thank you so much for another wonderful chapter. The only problem with writing like yours is that I devour it like candy ... and still want more! :) ~~Wiccan~~
Cochrann- Mon 08 May 2006
I think Fire and Ice has a lot of pottential and I thouroughly enjoy reading your stories - your characters are very real and quite funny too. I can't wait to see what happens with Mizuki and Katsuro and the rest of the gang!
amy- Mon 08 May 2006
wow! 3 stories! i really love your fics! and please don't even think about stopping..keep on writing!
misuti-chan- Mon 08 May 2006
I just love your stories. The angle you are going at is vibrant with your inspiration! Keep up the characterizations, as you are one of the best at it, and thanks for a truely wonderful fic (or three)
isina17- Sun 07 May 2006
I'm so happy that this new story is out! I simply LOVED "Nothing Left to Lose" and "Matchmaker".
Update soon!
Update soon!
isina17- Sun 07 May 2006
I'm so happy that this new story is out! I simply LOVED "Nothing Left to Lose" and "Matchmaker".
Update soon!
Update soon!
Miranda- Sun 07 May 2006
A third installment! Can't wait for the hiliarity that will happen!
It's amazing how you can write so quickly.
It's amazing how you can write so quickly.
mrs sesshy- Sun 07 May 2006
i love the new "season" i'll be waiting for your updates daily. this story has been a favorite since you started the series. should i presume that rin's already gone? oh well...pls update soon