Reviews for Fingering Moonbeams by EvilLilVixen
megan a.k.a squirrell- Thu 24 Apr 2008
this is an awsome story. please update soon. i understans that your busy, i am too. i'll be patient until your much welcomes return.
squirrell a.k.a megan- Sat 20 Oct 2007
mabey you should have something bad happen when raven comes back.
Raa- Thu 13 Sep 2007
Wow, I really like this story! Actually, I like basicly all of your stories(or those I have read)!! Well, I think I'd like to see more Raven/Stephen action!!! Lol, update soon!
mo- Sun 22 Jul 2007
I really love your story! its a joy to read, but im hoping that you didnt forget about it :(
Well either way, I love your story and i cant wait for the next chapter. keep up the great work!
Well either way, I love your story and i cant wait for the next chapter. keep up the great work!
Queen of the past- Wed 02 May 2007
OK so when is the next one going to come out?
Queen of the past- Thu 05 Apr 2007
I finally got caught up with all the stories I I was reading this was an awsome chapter although at 1st I was a little creeped out by the title. Wait that is a understate oh well it as still great
EvilSquirrellMB- Thu 22 Mar 2007
i love this fanfic. keep on writing! i can't wait to read the next chapter, or even the rest of the story. you should make ii a series.
Eternity of Tears- Thu 22 Mar 2007
ohh....i loved the bath scene, very cute! ^_^
well, great chapter, can't wait for te next! =D
well, great chapter, can't wait for te next! =D
kat- Thu 22 Mar 2007
it's 1230am i'm to lazy to sign in (although i did finally get off my behind and get a penname now i have to finish what i'm working on ;) )
anyway great update, you are aware you posted it twice right? anyway nice to hear from you again, that title of bath gave me dirty thoughts however i like what you did with it much better then what my mind did with it before reading it... update soon
anyway great update, you are aware you posted it twice right? anyway nice to hear from you again, that title of bath gave me dirty thoughts however i like what you did with it much better then what my mind did with it before reading it... update soon
SesshomaruCrazy- Thu 22 Mar 2007
I enjoyed reading this chapter... I like that things aren't being rushed with Sessh and kags... I like that he has a palyful side also in this chapter... I cant wait for the next chapter so please hurry and update...
Iam glad things are better with your roommate...
Take Care
Iam glad things are better with your roommate...
Take Care
Mert Kuroseirei- Tue 13 Mar 2007
Hey you just hang in there ok. My best friend who is like a sister to me also miscarried, so I know exactly what you're going thru. I can be patient...I guess... ^_^
kat- Sat 10 Mar 2007
reality takes precedence over fanfiction, hopefully your roommate is doing better
looking foward to reading your stories again when you are ready to write
looking foward to reading your stories again when you are ready to write
Faby- Sat 10 Mar 2007
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! this I say for your fanfiction and mostly about your friend! I hope you two are okay and the father too and it's not your falt!Okay, and you guys will get via this.
someone who cares,
Faviola V.
someone who cares,
Faviola V.
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Sat 10 Mar 2007
That's okay, we can all understand and right now that is the situation which must be taken care of. We can wait.
marcia- Sat 10 Mar 2007
I highly recomend a group designed for parents that have gone through miscarrages for your friend contact the local hospital if the dr didn't already give the info on it. Good luck to both of you
Cheyenne Moore- Fri 09 Mar 2007
I do love your story, tis very good. I hope your roommate gets through this time. I'm sure she will with a good friend like you. I'll keep you guys in my prayers.
sesshyluver17- Fri 09 Mar 2007
i'm sorry for your roomate and let her know that i pray for her. I hope you and she get through this, and I hope she feels better soon
good luck
good luck
anonnie mouse- Fri 09 Mar 2007
awwww. honey help your and she will be in my prayers.
Crys777- Fri 09 Mar 2007
hope your roomie is ok and hop to see you back soon. Praying for you both.
Crys777- Fri 09 Mar 2007
hope your roomie is ok and hop to see you back soon. Praying for you both.
chibilee- Fri 09 Mar 2007
totally understandable. my heart goes out to you and your roommate. i'm sure you both could use all the support at this time. hope all will be well for you both.
swtdrm01- Fri 09 Mar 2007
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I totally understand where she's coming from. My prayers are with her and the child. I miscarried as well so I know how difficult it is, but what helped me is that I truly believed that my baby was now in a wonderful place doing a very important job. Although my baby wasn't with me, my child was now an angel watching over children in need of a guardian angel, especially those who are truly lonely. I'm proud of my baby help keep another child safe and happy. I hope your friend can find some comfort in that as much as I did. As to your story, I hope that you do come back to continue with it 'cause it's a wonderful story that I wish I get the opportunity to read till the end. Take care and good luck.
Ja ne
Ja ne
Tarren- Sat 03 Mar 2007
Oooooo, I love your story. I hope you update again soon!
Faby- Sat 24 Feb 2007
When you have time please...make..
MORE!!!!! Okay and, HI and Bye
MORE!!!!! Okay and, HI and Bye
Addah- Wed 14 Feb 2007
c'mon, please update soon. i beg of u.
sesshsmate101- Mon 29 Jan 2007
oh wow! this is compltely amazing! I've been nto vampires lately and this has to be one of the best yet! plz plz update again soon!
Trice- Sun 28 Jan 2007
I just finished reading the 8 chapters that you have posted thus far and I am really enjoying this story. I have not been bored at all. This is a great story. I can't wait to see what happens next. Good luck on your finals.")
michelle- Thu 25 Jan 2007 i think the sexual tension between kagome and sesshomaru is so so so thick!my goodness!i couldn't cut it with a knife!shows how well you can describe girlfriend!
and oh god. i love love love vampires!AND i love sesshomaru!he makes such a sexy vampire!
i like stefan and raven already!sounds like a great vampire pair!somehow, some of the vampires remind me alot of some vampires in anita blake series.
P.S.: I LOVE anita blake too! do you like the series or read it before?
and oh god. i love love love vampires!AND i love sesshomaru!he makes such a sexy vampire!
i like stefan and raven already!sounds like a great vampire pair!somehow, some of the vampires remind me alot of some vampires in anita blake series.
P.S.: I LOVE anita blake too! do you like the series or read it before?
gouka chibi fujo- Tue 23 Jan 2007
love the story so far and love your name
blackrosewitch17- Tue 23 Jan 2007
hey i hope you write your next chapter really soon i can't wait to read it.
swtdrm01- Tue 23 Jan 2007
I really missed your story. I hope you will update soon. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
lehcar132- Tue 23 Jan 2007
It's strange but lately I've been looking for Vampire stories at all of the local Books-a-Million and such... imagine my suprise to find your story. It has my 2 favorite aspects... Vampires and Sesh. Thanks, I can't wait for the next chapter. I haven't had much luck locally but this makes up for it. : )
It's strange but lately I've been looking for Vampire stories at all of the local Books-a-Million and such... imagine my suprise to find your story. It has my 2 favorite aspects... Vampires and Sesh. Thanks, I can't wait for the next chapter. I haven't had much luck locally but this makes up for it. : )
lehcar132- Tue 23 Jan 2007
It's strange but lately I've been looking for Vampire stories at all of the local Books-a-Million and such... imagine my suprise to find your story. It has my 2 favorite aspects... Vampires and Sesh. Thanks, I can't wait for the next chapter. I haven't had much luck locally but this makes up for it. : )
It's strange but lately I've been looking for Vampire stories at all of the local Books-a-Million and such... imagine my suprise to find your story. It has my 2 favorite aspects... Vampires and Sesh. Thanks, I can't wait for the next chapter. I haven't had much luck locally but this makes up for it. : )
Addah- Sat 30 Dec 2006
Please, Please Pretty Please Update!
Inkasha Tashio- Tue 19 Dec 2006
I just keep sending reviews!! Anyway, awesome fic, i'm totally hooked, please update soon and have a happy holiday!!
Addah- Mon 04 Dec 2006
Please update soon. *puppy dog face*
Eternity of Tears- Wed 15 Nov 2006
YAY! Awesome chapter..had the right kind of everything! ^_^ Please update soon!!
swtdrm01- Tue 14 Nov 2006
Thank you for updating. I was thinking about this story. I hope to see the next chapter soon.
kat- Sun 12 Nov 2006
aren't professors evil? one of mine assigned a 25 page paper due during finals!!! i could hurt her for that one...
one a happier note you updated!!! woohoo!!! i'm so happy
one a happier note you updated!!! woohoo!!! i'm so happy
Nyx- Sun 12 Nov 2006
Ohhh... sexual tension, I like! I am glad you updated, I had almost forgotten all about this fic! That would be really sad because I really like it. Anyway, keep up the good work and I hope you get some free time soon so that you can update!
Fox_Fairy_Maiden- Sun 15 Oct 2006
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was sooooooooo into reading the story that when I finished what you wrote I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Update soon...
Caja- Fri 06 Oct 2006
I like this very very much. I have no experience with writing so I can't give you an useful review just my appreciation for a good read.
Hehehe - but I must add something that does not fit well with the story. Raven's real name :P If she's romanian the name must go XD No romanian ever has or will have such a name , especially a 17th century one. I belive you placed her there because of the origin of the Dracula story which is a good thing :)
Bottom line I like this a lot , especially the way it combines a lot mithological creatures , legends and magic without sounding as farfetched as most stories like this look.
Forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes I might have made - as I said I am no writer ( not by far).
Thanks for this and update soon!
Hehehe - but I must add something that does not fit well with the story. Raven's real name :P If she's romanian the name must go XD No romanian ever has or will have such a name , especially a 17th century one. I belive you placed her there because of the origin of the Dracula story which is a good thing :)
Bottom line I like this a lot , especially the way it combines a lot mithological creatures , legends and magic without sounding as farfetched as most stories like this look.
Forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes I might have made - as I said I am no writer ( not by far).
Thanks for this and update soon!
Maru-kunkun- Fri 06 Oct 2006
I am really loving this story. I liked how you set everything up. Its a very hooking storyline, and I hope you update soon.
Ja-ne. XD
Ja-ne. XD
Eternityoftears- Thu 05 Oct 2006
Frist off, thank you for emailing me the update!
Secondly, this chapter = amazing!!
I loved it. Great way to weave in Raven's backround.
Ohh, please update soon though, i want to see kagome and Sesshoumaru interaction! =)
Secondly, this chapter = amazing!!
I loved it. Great way to weave in Raven's backround.
Ohh, please update soon though, i want to see kagome and Sesshoumaru interaction! =)
inuyoukai8- Thu 05 Oct 2006
This is great! Don't worry about testy muses, they inevitably get over it :)
kat- Thu 05 Oct 2006
i just noticed you gave raven two masters xerxes and kane... sort of changing her story mid chapters... was that supposed to happen and i'm just confused or is that a mistake?
blackrosewitch17- Thu 05 Oct 2006
hey man i love this fic it keep on getting better and better and i can't stand waiting for the next chapter i'm really exicted for the next one.
Pats- Thu 05 Oct 2006
Wow, sooo good, you've to update soon, really soon, like tomorrow, ? Getting serious I find your fic outstanding in all the requirements, originality, flow, characterizations and grammar, you’ve an ability to transmit complex feelings and emotions in such an easy way it’s just a treat to the reader, I hope you don’t put it on hold or worst leave it in a drawer, I think I have covered the basics, great job!!
SesshomaruCrazy- Wed 04 Oct 2006
This story rocks.. I am glad you updated.. I hope kagome can do something to help him with his curse.. It would be nice to see Sesshomaru's dad get together with the other vampire (raven i think is her name) they sound like there is an attraction.. LOL..
Well hurry and update agian.. This is an interesting story to read..
take Care
Well hurry and update agian.. This is an interesting story to read..
take Care
kat- Wed 04 Oct 2006
you almost made me spit out my pancakes onto my laptop (yes i ate breakfast food for dinner) kagome and her wicked temper, isn't that a bit of an understatement?
someone suggested raven and sugumi? i could see it, it could be interesting but it would have to be done right... i'd bring xerxes into the picture in order to make them realize their feelings or some such thing... btw xerxes any realation to the persian king who tried to conquer the ancient greeks?
someone suggested raven and sugumi? i could see it, it could be interesting but it would have to be done right... i'd bring xerxes into the picture in order to make them realize their feelings or some such thing... btw xerxes any realation to the persian king who tried to conquer the ancient greeks?
Crys777- Wed 04 Oct 2006
Sorry if I sounded kind-of demanding, but it had bin so long. This last chap was great but I would like to see more Sse/ Kag alone time. Sseshomaru's beast has to try to court her dosn't it?
Keep on going Sseshomaru rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep on going Sseshomaru rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crys777- Wed 27 Sep 2006
I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! The story is fantastic and well I can't describ how much I want to read more. But ,why have you stoped? [ :{ Pleas I really want chapter 7 and more. P.S. This Sesshomaru rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!
demonqueen- Tue 19 Sep 2006
Interesting story! Will Kagome's powers somehow help turn Sesshomaru back to just being a demonlord. Or will Sesshomaru turn her into a vampire. I sense some interest in the vampiress called Raven. Is Sugumi maybe interested in her? Anyway, great story.
Lady Thesta- Thu 14 Sep 2006
Wheeeee!!! A very good chapter!! I don't know why, but I love your portrail of Sesshomaru! It's diffrent from how other people portray him. I really like it! Please update soon!!
Kjinuyasha- Mon 04 Sep 2006
Well done... nicely written... and well thought out... I like it... and I anticipate your next update!!!! Hey it rhymes!!! LOL
Luv ya,
Luv ya,
Ari- Mon 04 Sep 2006
this update list is awesome!!
of course, only because the story is awesome. Finnaly, a vampire story that works and gets updated
this update list is awesome!!
of course, only because the story is awesome. Finnaly, a vampire story that works and gets updated
Kat- Mon 04 Sep 2006
woohoo new chapter... i'm becoming really hooked on this story... normally i don't like the whole sessho is a vamp thing but so far it's working for me... update soon please
Catofhope- Mon 04 Sep 2006
Cat: need to read more chappys *faves out mumbleing about blue monkeys taking her homework =.=;*
BCat: *beating the S***** out of a poor pillow to get over the fact that the chappy is over*
muse: *drooling on floor*
Catmum: well done u have all 3 of them quite and sadated now i can take them too the doc for there cheak up *drugs Muse Cat and Bcat out of room*
BCat: *beating the S***** out of a poor pillow to get over the fact that the chappy is over*
muse: *drooling on floor*
Catmum: well done u have all 3 of them quite and sadated now i can take them too the doc for there cheak up *drugs Muse Cat and Bcat out of room*
AnimeGoddess16- Mon 04 Sep 2006
I'm Loving the Hell out of this Fanfic.
Please update soon.
^_^ @ngel 16
Please update soon.
^_^ @ngel 16
megean- Mon 04 Sep 2006
YAY ok im happy! ill leave you alone!
Liza- Sun 03 Sep 2006
I liked ur story a lot i cant wait to know what will happend. Please update soon!
Ja ne!!!
I liked ur story a lot i cant wait to know what will happend. Please update soon!
Ja ne!!!
Eternityoftears- Sun 03 Sep 2006
It might not have been as long as the last one but it was still long ewnough! ^_^
I enjoyed it.
And kagome's reaction was very realstic, very good. =)
so yeah, great chapter and I can't wait for the next update! ^_^
I enjoyed it.
And kagome's reaction was very realstic, very good. =)
so yeah, great chapter and I can't wait for the next update! ^_^
swtdrm01- Sun 03 Sep 2006
I love it! You definitely know how to keep us in suspense, but please don't be evil and update soon. ^-^
Ireth Arnatuile- Sun 03 Sep 2006
Hey, wonderful story =) Very original idea. I love your portrayal of Sesshoumaru.
I just have a question: Is Raven a foreigner? She's the only one with a Western name in the story.
I just have a question: Is Raven a foreigner? She's the only one with a Western name in the story.
megean- Sun 03 Sep 2006
i love this story, id love to see an update sometime! anyways keep it up!~ laters!
kira tenshi- Sun 03 Sep 2006
I would like to know what happens to Kagome in your story Fingering Moondbeams. And do hope that you update it. Again. So I hope that this review, will motivate you along that path.
H202- Sun 03 Sep 2006
oooooohhhh pwease update soon
Fallen Angel Of Dreams- Sat 02 Sep 2006
could you send me a e-mail when you Updated ple and keep up the awesome work ^-^
kat- Sat 02 Sep 2006
that was so mean here i am expecting the next chapter... AND I GET A CLIFF HANGER AND AN AUTHORS NOTE!!! I'VE BEEN JIPPED!!! JIPPED I TELL YOU!!!
don't make me wait till next week please? pretty please???
don't make me wait till next week please? pretty please???
inuyoukai8- Sat 02 Sep 2006
please let me know when you update,. I love this story
Kat- Sat 02 Sep 2006
I totally LOVE your story! Please update soon!
Eternityoftears- Sat 02 Sep 2006
This is simply amazing.
I love it.
I love reading about vampires and magic, that's why I was especailly elated when you mentioned "Heir to the Shadows" by Anne Bishop. I read the whole Black Jewels Trilogy series multiple times. ^_^
But anyways, love your story and I would like to alos be on an emial updateing list if possible.
Please and thank you!
CAn't wait for the next update.
I love it.
I love reading about vampires and magic, that's why I was especailly elated when you mentioned "Heir to the Shadows" by Anne Bishop. I read the whole Black Jewels Trilogy series multiple times. ^_^
But anyways, love your story and I would like to alos be on an emial updateing list if possible.
Please and thank you!
CAn't wait for the next update.
Pearl- Sat 02 Sep 2006
I really like the story so far. But I think you should have put that little message at the end of your next chapter. but hey that's just me.
eila- Sat 02 Sep 2006
I would like to be notified of your updates for this story as well. >. I have fallen in love with your story. This somehow reminds me of Vampire Knight lol... o.o how i do not know but yea... any way heh I look foward to your next update
swtdrm01- Sat 02 Sep 2006
Of course I would like to be notified. I hope your muse helps you out soon because I really loved your story.
Nyx- Sat 02 Sep 2006
I must admit I was a bit skeptical about this story at first, but you made me a believer! What a great story! Keep up the good work, and I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Xieyen- Sat 02 Sep 2006
Cliffiesare BAD!! Please update soon i'm really looking forward to this....TY ^^
Lady Jessica sesshomaru's mate- Fri 01 Sep 2006
plz update and email me when you do plzzzzzzz. this story fucking
Ari- Fri 01 Sep 2006
do you have an update list?
Cuddles 4 Sesshomaru- Thu 31 Aug 2006
Ok this is the first story i have read that is by u but I LOVE IT
I think that the story is great jut how it is i really doesnt need any tweaking I like how Inu yasha is an arogant ass and doesnt take any shit but oh well
I think that the story is great jut how it is i really doesnt need any tweaking I like how Inu yasha is an arogant ass and doesnt take any shit but oh well
WhiteUsagi- Thu 31 Aug 2006
AWESOME!!!! i cant wait to see... er... read what happens next! i really got into the story. your an awesome writer...Please continue
mangadreams- Wed 30 Aug 2006
luv your story!!
swtdrm01- Wed 30 Aug 2006
I love it!
blackrosewitch- Wed 30 Aug 2006
hey i love the fic can you please write another chapter real soon.
ry5y- Wed 30 Aug 2006
your a genius!! keep updating.
Shinju- Wed 30 Aug 2006
I've been waiting a while. I can't wait for the next chapter.
sakurathesilverkitsune- Wed 30 Aug 2006
It's about time! imissed this story sooo much that i was wondering if you had forgooten all about it.! *tears*
shikon godess- Wed 30 Aug 2006
i love it hope u update soon
Angelwings- Wed 30 Aug 2006
Jo I Love it ^^ Please update soon ^^
valerie- Wed 30 Aug 2006
Please dont stop writing this fic it is soo good i love it i cant wait to find out what happens!
Hals- Tue 22 Aug 2006
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I love this story! It' very well written!
Arsenic- Fri 14 Jul 2006
I love stories that include vampires and the Inu gang, but they are very few, so when I found this story I was over joyed!! It's a great story and I hope that you update again soon!!
demonqueen- Sat 08 Jul 2006
Like the story so far! Please update soon! Does Sesshomaru's father think that Kagome can break the curse apon his oldest son and return him to being just a demon.
underwater963- Thu 06 Jul 2006
Please update soon!
krystal bryant- Wed 24 May 2006
you have to get this fanfiction up to date i'm dying to know what happens next so please don't keep me waiting.
krystal bryant- Wed 24 May 2006
you have to get this fanfiction up to date i'm dying to know what happens next so please don't keep me waiting.
Entity of Sorrows- Wed 24 May 2006
Oh the suspense! The CLLFFY! Please update soon, or I will drink your blood!!! BWAHAHAHAHA*cough,cough*...
Yeah...just update when you can okay. Ja!
Yeah...just update when you can okay. Ja!
Ashley- Sat 20 May 2006
NOO it was getting good too *Cries* update soon!
artemis- Thu 18 May 2006
update soon please....!!
me- Fri 12 May 2006
AWSOME!! you totally need to update. (i kind of cheated i rated 10 for all three chaps.) hehe
corrupted_miko- Thu 11 May 2006
hiya, i read both of your stories i loved them. i'm going to review the other one too, i hope you continue them i can't wait to see what happens, esp at the vet. and does fluffy move in after sango moves out, lol i'll just wait and find out. later days