Reviews for Animal Affections by Xaverie
tayluhh- Mon 09 Jun 2008
actually, i like the sesshoumaru that you've created. Other stories i've read had him not using conjunctions, talking pale, and having no emotions ever ever ever! So, plainly, i like the sense of realty you put in story. Despite a few grammatical errors, this is turning into a fine fan fiction. :)
you HAVE to email me once you get the next chapter in. (i dont come to this site every damn day.)
you're doing great
taylerr smiles
actually, i like the sesshoumaru that you've created. Other stories i've read had him not using conjunctions, talking pale, and having no emotions ever ever ever! So, plainly, i like the sense of realty you put in story. Despite a few grammatical errors, this is turning into a fine fan fiction. :)
you HAVE to email me once you get the next chapter in. (i dont come to this site every damn day.)
you're doing great
taylerr smiles
Nikki- Wed 23 Jan 2008
Ur story is really good. Plz continue soon.
Addah- Fri 09 Mar 2007
please continue, this is a really good fic.
SilentKunoichi- Sat 27 May 2006
PAMS(Please add more soon)