Animeholic- Tue 19 Dec 2006
Nice start. Next chapter when you can
Teenage Angel- Tue 12 Dec 2006
wow, this was really good. i can't wait fo ru to about. also, about the beta reader, if ur still looking for one, i would love to read it stories. my name is also in the beta reader section and i've done work for amny other authors. well let me knoe if ur interested. thx alot. keep it up!
litlest_amazon- Tue 12 Dec 2006
I'm finding a lot of subject-verb agreement problems and it is severely distracting and takes away from the story.
janonie- Sun 10 Dec 2006
lllllllllllllloooooooooovvvvvvvvvvved it!!!!!!!!!!! more please thank you.
bluemoon_175- Sun 10 Dec 2006
This sounds like it's going to be a really good story, keep up the good work. Can't wait to read more, so I hope you update asap.
Megan Consoer- Mon 13 Nov 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
InuFairy_Hanyou- Wed 11 Oct 2006
Aie! You don't have no reviews for this sotrie yet?! Oh my gaw! I loved it! Shure it was a bit short for my tastes. But I absolutely loved it. *Squeals all frustrated like* I can't wait for the next chapter! You better update... Or I'll review under thousands of diffrent names untill you do. xD