Reviews for Unexpected Allies Part III: Trial of the Century by Striking Falcon
Shadow Goddess65- Sat 22 Dec 2007
Wow!!! I have been fallowing your story for like a few years now and I must say you have written an exsolent story. For give me for some my errors , spellings just not my strong point. But ya I love your story. I don't think you shoould do another one. It would be too much and you ended this tri very well. So ya. Love it and maybe I'll rate your other ones.
Shadow Goddess65
(P.S your the first one I have written a review to and I say this because I'm very picky when I review others. I only review the really good ones.)
Shadow Goddess65
(P.S your the first one I have written a review to and I say this because I'm very picky when I review others. I only review the really good ones.)
emotionally insecure- Mon 02 Jul 2007
you, you, you *screams uncontrolably throwing things around room* you are so friggin dead when i find you ya stupid remote! oh, sorry issues with a messy bedroom, um yeah you r a really good writer, you made me cry like twenty times throughout the story and I'm not a big cryer it takes alot of shit ta make me cry, I only cry when it's a stress cry or everything keeps building inside until someone does something and I snap. Any ways please please please write a sequal, it would be highly apreciated.
Queen of the Past- Thu 26 Apr 2007
I loved this whole thing story I at number one two days ago and have not been able to put it down. ( the proof this can be seen in my grades)
It was great and I hope to see a sequel .Keep up the good work.
It was great and I hope to see a sequel .Keep up the good work.
Nydanna- Wed 21 Mar 2007
Okay, I'm officially addicted to your stories. =P It's way past my bed time, and yet I'm still sitting here, unable to stop reading. I know I'll regret it in the morning, but oh well...must keep reading!
Samantha_Shelby- Mon 15 Jan 2007
Cool! I loved the ending!
Jenna- Sat 23 Dec 2006
Yes!! I was able to read all three before my vacation!! Hahahaha....task completed. All three stories were wonderful. Thank you for writing them...they certainly kept me on my toes :D
good luck with your future stories as well...I'll be reading all of them soon
good luck with your future stories as well...I'll be reading all of them soon
Kaeldra Rhiannon- Sat 18 Nov 2006
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, that fic was so cute. I *LOVE* the whole fable you made with Narasa. It was so awesome. ^^ Fabulous ideas and superb storytelling. The ending chapters seemed ever so slightly rushed, but OOHHHHH how I loved it anyway. :)
Kaeldra Rhiannon- Sat 18 Nov 2006
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, that fic was so cute. I *LOVE* the whole fable you made with Narasa. It was so awesome. ^^ Fabulous ideas and superb storytelling. The ending chapters seemed ever so slightly rushed, but OOHHHHH how I loved it anyway. :)
felicia- Sat 18 Nov 2006
nice story!! i really enjoyed readin it!! hope uu complete more of uur fantastic stories soon!!
nice story!! i really enjoyed readin it!! hope uu complete more of uur fantastic stories soon!!
Kia- Sat 07 Oct 2006
first of all I want you to know that I love this fic, its in my all time faves (quite a short list considering all I read). Anyways, I came back and read the trilogy and this time around I found three errors (sometimes reading too much pays off, this is not one of those occasions)
-the last chapter of the third part says the story is finished but the status is still incomplete (@.@ confused)
-you never told us what the "oncoming threat" was (sequel someday??)
-and in the chapter you make Kagome say 'Wow, stadium seating. Who would have thought the idea was so old?' and that is 500 years ago. The oldest stadium I can think of is the coliseum and that one was around about… 2000 years ago? So the idea IS that old
Dont get offended by anything I say. I’m just really bored and miss your updates a lot and I really need to start reading your I:MA story
Ne, see you around?
-the last chapter of the third part says the story is finished but the status is still incomplete (@.@ confused)
-you never told us what the "oncoming threat" was (sequel someday??)
-and in the chapter you make Kagome say 'Wow, stadium seating. Who would have thought the idea was so old?' and that is 500 years ago. The oldest stadium I can think of is the coliseum and that one was around about… 2000 years ago? So the idea IS that old
Dont get offended by anything I say. I’m just really bored and miss your updates a lot and I really need to start reading your I:MA story
Ne, see you around?
Kat Taisho- Mon 04 Sep 2006
I loved all three parts! I really do hope you do a sequel! I love all of your stories your a great writer! Keep Writing!
Someone-or-other- Wed 02 Aug 2006
Wow. I've read your entire 'Unexpected Allies' trilogy and have loved it. It was great. It was awesome. It had me hooked. I bow to your greatness.
Like every story of yours I have read, this story was fantastic. I hope you make a sequel to this. I really, really do. It would be great if you did...but we know you have a lot on your plate. Still...a gal can hope.
Please keep up your fabulous work on your stories. You are a great writer and very talented.
Like every story of yours I have read, this story was fantastic. I hope you make a sequel to this. I really, really do. It would be great if you did...but we know you have a lot on your plate. Still...a gal can hope.
Please keep up your fabulous work on your stories. You are a great writer and very talented.
Chelsea Fournet- Fri 12 May 2006
I love it I even cried when he threw her own the well and no fic had that effect on me. Just wanted to tell you good job and keep it up.