Reviews for In Under Deep by Beautiful Silent Death
Megan Consoer- Thu 13 Mar 2008
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Anonymous- Tue 04 Mar 2008
i don't know if ur still active.... but i want u to know that this story has caught my interest since it came out.... and i was wondering when u would update it... or not... but still, please try to update this story as fast as u can... it's addicting :D
Mo- Mon 04 Feb 2008
I really do love your story and I miss reading it. When are you going to update next? I would hate to see such a beautiful story abandoned. :(
snowbird- Sat 18 Aug 2007
Why oh why has this oh so wonderful story been abandoned. I sent you an e-mail that I hope you answer. This story is way, way too delightful to ignore. I, of course, love Sess/Kag, but your new characters Nicole and Ty have found a place in my heart. And last, but not least, Tom and Shi. They are precious! Pleeeeese finish this story!!!!!!!!
SFP- Thu 02 Aug 2007
OK, i don't know why this is not showing up on the review board, but here we go again, this is the third time i have typed this, but i had to make sure you got it.
Dear Silent Death,
this is SFP again, I was so happy that you enjoyed my picture of your sharks. However, to be honest I did not feel that i had done my best work. So I have drawn you another picture that is so much better then the last.
Please go look at it when you have the time.
Sincerely SFP
Dear Silent Death,
this is SFP again, I was so happy that you enjoyed my picture of your sharks. However, to be honest I did not feel that i had done my best work. So I have drawn you another picture that is so much better then the last.
Please go look at it when you have the time.
Sincerely SFP
sfp- Thu 02 Aug 2007
Dear, Beautiful silent death
This is SFP again, I was so happy that you enjoyed my picture of your sharks. However, to be honest i did not feel as if that was my best work, so i have drawn you another picture that is so much better then the last.
please go look at it when you get the time.
Sincerely, SFP.
This is SFP again, I was so happy that you enjoyed my picture of your sharks. However, to be honest i did not feel as if that was my best work, so i have drawn you another picture that is so much better then the last.
please go look at it when you get the time.
Sincerely, SFP.
sfp- Thu 02 Aug 2007
Dear, Beautiful silent death
This is SFP again, I was so happy that you enjoyed my picture of your sharks. However, to be honest i did not feel that it was my best work, so I have drawn you another picture that is so much better then the last.
please go look at it when you get the time.
Sincerely, SFP.
This is SFP again, I was so happy that you enjoyed my picture of your sharks. However, to be honest i did not feel that it was my best work, so I have drawn you another picture that is so much better then the last.
please go look at it when you get the time.
Sincerely, SFP.
Raa- Tue 31 Jul 2007
Wow, I really like this story, can you please update soon??? THANKS!!!!!!
Dark Phoenix- Thu 26 Jul 2007
I love ALL your fics!!! you are a great author ^-^ I hope you plan on continuing this fic. i cant wait for the next chapter. if you wirte another chapter I'll give you a cookie...a brownie? some cake? o.o;;
marquishawright- Thu 26 Jul 2007
so luv the story i really luv the sharks too u are a really good writer i hope u update soon
Mo- Sat 23 Jun 2007
I love your story whole heartedly, but I have to say that I'm anxious for the next update.
Hopefully everything is going well. I hope you continue with the story. I would hate to see such wonderful work left unfinished.
Hopefully everything is going well. I hope you continue with the story. I would hate to see such wonderful work left unfinished.
The G- Sun 10 Jun 2007
Finish it!!!!
LOL alrite alrite
im gonna wait
just hurry will ya
LOL alrite alrite
im gonna wait
just hurry will ya
Megan Consoer- Sat 09 Jun 2007
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
sfp- Fri 08 Jun 2007
I liked your story so much that I answered your request, I have drawn a picture of your sharks. But don't get your hopes up to high, I an no professional when it comes to art. Thanks for a great story so far, Keep up the good work.
PS. The picture is posted under my profile on MediaMiner which is sfp.
PS. The picture is posted under my profile on MediaMiner which is sfp.
Sidhe- Sat 14 Apr 2007
Such a lovely story...I'm liking this as much as The Arrangement! ::claps and ponders waving a flag to spur you onwards::
Crys777- Tue 10 Apr 2007
Are you deid Or on hiadis because
I'v looked at just about all the dates on you other fan fics and you havent updated your stillin the 2005-2006 ?????????????????
Anyway please update sooon I love this fanfic the best!
I'v looked at just about all the dates on you other fan fics and you havent updated your stillin the 2005-2006 ?????????????????
Anyway please update sooon I love this fanfic the best!
Mlmonty- Sun 08 Apr 2007
good story hope you finish it one day
Maru-KunKun- Mon 26 Mar 2007
oh man, i love this story XDDD its awesome. but, i was wondering when you might be updating, or if you will be?
I was just re-reading this and i reallly hope you do decide to update this story again.
Anyway, its an awesome story. Ja-ne. Bye-byez.
I was just re-reading this and i reallly hope you do decide to update this story again.
Anyway, its an awesome story. Ja-ne. Bye-byez.
Dark- Mon 26 Mar 2007
this is perhaps one of my favorite stories and i find it very unfortunate that it hasn't been updated in just about five months, but believe me i understand being how hard it is to find insperation let alone time to write while dealing with college, i just hope you are able to find it sometime in the near future not just because of my enjoyment but because i know how relaxing and fulfilling it is to write.
Maru-KunKun- Mon 12 Mar 2007
hi, i totally love ur story, and i was just wondering if you're planning on updating it at all ??
anywho, ur a good writter. Ja-ne.
anywho, ur a good writter. Ja-ne.
Nellie- Sun 04 Mar 2007
ok, first of all..........erm.... there are no words. That was awesome!! I mean totally and uberly awesome. And the evil cliffie.... grrr.... I've always loved paranormal-sci-fi-ish stories like this and to have kagome and sesshomaru in it is just the icing on the cake. Good job and keep it up and for all the lovely fluffy-ness out there, please update it...
kagsbigfan- Thu 22 Feb 2007
You really should update after all ths time. You stopped when thei relationship was getting to the next level.
BigFan- Wed 31 Jan 2007
Please update soon! don't give up on this story! its really great! :)
Crys777- Mon 22 Jan 2007
It's been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo/ long like from 2006-10-01
and I really Really want to read more. I'm sure others want to read more to but can't find the fic because it's been so long! p.s. I think it would be a good twist if Naraku found out Kagome can purify the Shickon Effect. but thats just my opinin.
and I really Really want to read more. I'm sure others want to read more to but can't find the fic because it's been so long! p.s. I think it would be a good twist if Naraku found out Kagome can purify the Shickon Effect. but thats just my opinin.
SadReader- Thu 18 Jan 2007
Aww what happened to this story? :( I think I read an Author's Note on another story by you BSD that said you hadn't given up on this one. I REALLY hope you haven't given up on this story. It's great. It's different, and I love the characters. You've had my on the edge of my seat, hoping against hope for a new chapter since last October! How can you torture you're fans like this? :( I really hope you haven't abandoned this story for good.
shioriimaru- Thu 18 Jan 2007
Jeez, that's an awesome story, I just read all chapters and I had to laugh so much when I came to the part with Sesshoumaru having a hole in his pants for the tail or brushing his tail.
It's really great how you are describing the details in your story. I wish it's soon getting hot between Kagome and Sesshoumaru *dirty thoughts* haha.
Such a great story!
It's really great how you are describing the details in your story. I wish it's soon getting hot between Kagome and Sesshoumaru *dirty thoughts* haha.
Such a great story!
Megan Consoer- Tue 14 Nov 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Mabushii Keikoku- Thu 09 Nov 2006
Please send in the next chapter. ^_^
**begs on knees** It was just getting good. Bye.:D
**begs on knees** It was just getting good. Bye.:D
Kagami1601- Thu 19 Oct 2006
Do you have any idea how much I love you? This fic is absolutely amazing. You've combined my two loves, Sess/kag, and marine biology, and you are so awesome because of it. Besides wolves, sharks are my favorite animals and I absolutely adore sci-fi! The fact that you were able to combine all these elements is fabulous, keep writing please^^
Ezzy- Thu 12 Oct 2006
Oh wow...that was just so sweet! I loved the conversation between Sesshomaru and Nicole and the the little session between Kagome and Nicole. You're doing great with this and I cant wait to see more! I wanna see whats going to happen between Inu and Syren and the adorable sharkies!!
Don't worry about the lack of reviews for garden. This is the first time for me coming to the site in a LONG time. I was just on my way to read it. I know how frustrating and discouraging it is not to have many reviews of views for a fic. I expeirienced that with my KagSessh (and a couple in other fandoms) as well and hell, its the only one I have on the site. I'm not going to let it stop me thought and you shouldn't either. Look at your successes and know that though you don't have much of a response now, with more chapters it may grow to overwhelming support.
Good luck with all of your stories!!
Don't worry about the lack of reviews for garden. This is the first time for me coming to the site in a LONG time. I was just on my way to read it. I know how frustrating and discouraging it is not to have many reviews of views for a fic. I expeirienced that with my KagSessh (and a couple in other fandoms) as well and hell, its the only one I have on the site. I'm not going to let it stop me thought and you shouldn't either. Look at your successes and know that though you don't have much of a response now, with more chapters it may grow to overwhelming support.
Good luck with all of your stories!!
UPDATE SOON! THANKS!- Wed 11 Oct 2006
Update soon please! I cant wait to see what happens next!
Crys777- Mon 09 Oct 2006
Its bine a will and I really REALLY want an other chap = (chapter) It is soooo good. More soon Please!
Samurai Girl- Sat 07 Oct 2006
Awww! That is so sweet! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Maru-kunkun- Wed 04 Oct 2006
ohh!! I so very much love this story !!! You NEED to update this story !!! (is there a way to notify when u do update though ... hmmm ... totally new to this site so yeah XD) but anyway, I LOVE UR STORY !!! much love, update soon.
sesshou's gurl- Tue 03 Oct 2006
Really good story. Up date really soon.
Charmaine- Tue 03 Oct 2006
I love that she got toys for the big sharks!!! I love ths story. I wait almost patiently too.
UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE!- Tue 03 Oct 2006
That was a great chapter! I cant wait to see how Sesshoumaru decides to court Kagome. I hope you update soon. When I mean UPDATE I hope UPDATE REALLY SOON!
babygirl- Tue 03 Oct 2006
well done chap. i can't wait for more. Untill next time. See ya
Siruka- Mon 02 Oct 2006
Your story interests me to no end, the plot you have picked is not usually picked. I don't mean to ask to much but if you have the time when you update the story would you please send me a message. I would like to keep up with this one I think you will make a very interesting story.
Rinseternalsoul- Mon 02 Oct 2006
New characters and Sesshomaru's plan of attack... what more could we ask for? Well... a lemon would be nice.... but that's just me. hehe! I laughed so hard when Sesshomaru held Inuyasha over the water! Funny stuff! This was a great chapter my dark friend. I look forward to the next!
AnimeFanime18- Mon 02 Oct 2006
You absolutely must/> continue on with this story! I'm becoming fidgety trying to figure out what happens next!
Laini- Mon 02 Oct 2006
YAY u updated! Wow and im a little late w/ that haha. Hmm hmmm! Juicyness u say? Juicyness is great,and love..and even more :D Loved the update, they are so attracted to each other, its not even funny haha. Update soon,cant wait to read more! ^_^
DJ- Mon 18 Sep 2006
Do another chapter it was just getting good!!!!
Wolf of Shadows- Thu 24 Aug 2006
I love this story! It's very creative and something new rather than cliches some authors give. Update soon.
trojan- Thu 03 Aug 2006
Love It..
Waiting 4 more
Waiting 4 more
I hope you update this story. It is so good andIm dying to see what happens to Kagome and Sesshoumaru when they are together OR when they are ALONE! HEHEHE! Thanks!
Cuddles 4 Sesshomaru- Mon 17 Jul 2006
OMFG i love this story and i hope you continue and that you get to feeling better
Flightoffancy- Mon 17 Jul 2006
I just really love this story. I think the interaction and gradual build up of a romance between Sess and Kagome is more than perfect. But my favorite characters have to be Nicole and Ty. They are the perfect catalysts in this story.
The shower scene was hilarious. Even Sesshomaru gave in. When they got caught at the beach in the ocean was delicious.
You make your characters warm, fallible, loving, sensual and caring. You love them for their strong and weak points.
You keep this up and you will be publishing soon.
Til next time, Deb.
The shower scene was hilarious. Even Sesshomaru gave in. When they got caught at the beach in the ocean was delicious.
You make your characters warm, fallible, loving, sensual and caring. You love them for their strong and weak points.
You keep this up and you will be publishing soon.
Til next time, Deb.
Fox_Fairy_Maiden- Sun 16 Jul 2006
FUNNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kagome has legs!!!!!! Update soon...
Charmaine- Sun 09 Jul 2006
I loved this story when I found it on AFF - I'm so glad I found it again!
Do you have an update list that I can join?
Do you have an update list that I can join?
RainStorm- Fri 07 Jul 2006
BSD, chapter 9 was great. I hope you update real soon. Please keep up the good work. I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us.
Something-or-other- Mon 03 Jul 2006
That was a hilarious chapter. I laughed until my sides felt like they would explode. Really great chapter. Actually, it's a really great story, keep up the great work.
nickel- Sun 02 Jul 2006
I love "In Under Deep," and the wonderful author writing the darn thing - which just drives me nuts waiting for new chapters!!!(>_)/
Rinseternalsoul- Sat 01 Jul 2006
HAHAHA!!! That was so funny. The whole chapter had me laughing my ass off. I sooooo loved the store scene! Sess changing like that in public and looking at the mouse youkai as food was hilarious! Super great job. Definitely my favorite chapter so far! Keep up the great work SD!
_Charlotte_Sometimes_- Sat 01 Jul 2006
This chapter was just amazingly written. I loved it and the rest of the story. I can't wait until the next chapter. Please update soon.
sesshyssexymistress- Sat 01 Jul 2006
ahhh! wonderful Death, just wonderful....hehe! i feel sry for them all walkin up on ty and his sweet lover....and for sesshou and kags...i feel sry for them too. she will never walk into that store again thats for sure. anywho update soon k. this is a really cool and unique fic. i like it ^_~ till next chappi, mika luffs ya :D
Elisa- Sat 01 Jul 2006
Great chapter! Especially the end, that was hilarious. It's good to see the relationship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru starting to really pick up. I can't wait to read more.
swtdrm01- Sat 01 Jul 2006
I'm glad you updated the story. I was getting worried. I love the new chapter. I hope we get to see more soon.
Megan Consoer- Sat 01 Jul 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Brittany- Sat 01 Jul 2006
Good to see you are back! You were definately missed! I don't want to beg for another update but you have fantastic story lines and you are an amazing writer that I want to keep reading your story instead of just stop at the last chapter! I look forward to your next update!
Damn it has been awile since you have updated! and im glad that you did. I wass kind of wondering how they got it on in their dragon forms to. HeHe! yeah im a pervert. I cant wait to see what happens next!
Beckie- Fri 30 Jun 2006
Your the best! I am glad to see you back updating again. You were missed.
BrokenSouledPoetess- Fri 30 Jun 2006
I am so happy to see this fic with an update. I am a sci-fi nutter and I simply adore this story. Great update.
flying jade- Fri 30 Jun 2006
I've been wating for an update.... this was a good and fun chapter... hope you keep updating!
Laini- Fri 30 Jun 2006
YAY an update!! Wow,can u say sexual frustration for Sess and Kagome? lol.Loved the chapter especially then end where Inuyasha added in his two sense lmao.Update soon and i hope u feel better BSD! ^_^
UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE!- Fri 23 Jun 2006
PEASE UPDATE SOON!- Fri 16 Jun 2006
Okita1209- Thu 15 Jun 2006
flying jade- Wed 07 Jun 2006
I love this story. UPdate soon.
UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE!- Tue 06 Jun 2006
i love this fic! please you have to update this ASAP! im in total suspense! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nikie- Tue 06 Jun 2006
great story, keep Writing i can't wait to
Cuddles 4 Sesshomaru- Tue 06 Jun 2006
OMFG this story is GREAT i love Sci-Fi so this story is great i wish there wre more like it...plz continue
with it
with it
Ezriee- Thu 01 Jun 2006
*sighs happily* I really do love this fic. Just the whole plot is simply great to me. I especially love Ty and Nicole! I can just see them sprawled out on the beach...bacsically, all your oc's are great and I wish I had a tom and shi...they are adorable! I love how you're developing the relationship between Kags and Sesshy, its going at the perfect pace.
Keep up the excellent work!
Keep up the excellent work!
Alone- Thu 01 Jun 2006
"The bottom of the ocean is as deep and dark as the imagination"- unknown
This story is awesome. The plot os so different and I love it!!! Write more!!
This story is awesome. The plot os so different and I love it!!! Write more!!
okita1209- Thu 01 Jun 2006
Yup, more porn, definately more porn > - '
Megan Consoer- Tue 30 May 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Cassie- Tue 30 May 2006
I really liked your story, it's very different and has a good story line, I like to read those sorts of stories. It's nice to have a change, I hope you write more! I can't wait to read it!
babygirl- Mon 29 May 2006
Great job. Hope to see your update soon.
rinseternalsoul- Mon 29 May 2006
Hey gal! Great chapter! I love Sesshomaru's character. You do him so well. Arrogant and still sexy as hell. You do a great Inuyasha too, by the way. He's always worth a good laugh. I wonder what shopping with Sesshomaru would be like? Maybe if I could take him to a leather shop. Yes. Black leather. Tight. That laces up the sides. Mmmm.... having mental image. What an ass! Yum! hahaha!
Love ya!!
Love ya!!
dah- Mon 29 May 2006
aww.. That was just so cute. I wish Sesshoumaru would change in his true from so that Kag would see it.. I bett it would be fun.. :P I can't wait until the next chappie. :P
Beckie- Mon 29 May 2006
Good to see you back. You were missed! Thanks for another great chapter.
Lamb_Chopz- Mon 29 May 2006
O_O!!!!! I have just book marked this fic and have decided to stalk you!!!! -this is how good your fic is.
Mystic Hanyou- Mon 29 May 2006
Yayy, an update. Can't wait to see what their day out is like. Hope you update soon. Later.
BrokenSouledPoetess- Mon 29 May 2006
Yeah...I am really liking this fic. Sci-fi and fantasy are my cup 'o tea so this suits me just wonderfully. :)
aninaig- Sun 28 May 2006
I like it so plz update soon!^_~
swtdrm01- Fri 26 May 2006
I love the story. Can't wait for the rest.
Megan Consoer- Thu 25 May 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
babygirl- Thu 25 May 2006
great job. I can't wait for more. i do hope that you update soon. Keep up the great work.
Ankoku-sama- Thu 25 May 2006
This is really good, I absolutely love it, it's so original!
I actually plan on being a marine biologist so I'm happy someone wrote a fic about it. This kinda reminds me of Deep Blue Sea haha only well .. the sharks aren't killing people haha.
Update soon!
I actually plan on being a marine biologist so I'm happy someone wrote a fic about it. This kinda reminds me of Deep Blue Sea haha only well .. the sharks aren't killing people haha.
Update soon!
Karen- Thu 25 May 2006
This is an awesome fic. After reading the first chapter I said, Hey, this is like SeaQuest! (Which I loved!) I kinda feel sorry for lonely Kagome but I really like how Sess is opening up to her. I cannot wait to see how the story plays out - I am sure you have a big plot twist in store for us somewhere, and I look forward to seeing it and saying, OMG, I never expected THAT! I really hope you don't have to kill off Tom or Shi as scapegoats for the recurring damage. Kagome would be crushed. Though she will have Sess to help comfort her ... lucky girl!
Laini- Thu 25 May 2006
YAY ur back BSD!! *hugs* I missed u and i cant wait for more updates from you! Keep up the good work! ^_^ P.S. I love this story..well..okay i love anything u write...HEHE :)
UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE!- Thu 25 May 2006
I hope you update soon! i am dying to know what happens next between kags and sess! so please hurry up and UPDATE SOON!
sesshys_jaded_samuri- Thu 25 May 2006
I'm glad that you updated, but damn it....I WANT THE NEXT CHAPTER! I love this story. Frankly, other than a really nasty lemon, there is nothing I like more than a well written, modern, AU fic, and this one certainly fits the bill so far. I definitely appreciate the sexual tension between Sess/Kag so far though.... yummy... can't wait for more.
jayson- Mon 15 May 2006
you really need to finish this fic it is amazing
jayson- Mon 15 May 2006
you really need to finish this fic it is amazing