Reviews for Above and Beyond the Rainbow by Heza-
Megan Consoer- Wed 30 Apr 2008
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
yamiyo tenshi- Sun 20 Jan 2008
the fuffly thing on sess incase no one told you is part of his fathers pelt. that what was said in a interveiw anyways.
tigerlilly- Fri 21 Dec 2007
Schmuck is a jewish cuss word for when you want to call someone a dick.
Chaos_Queen77- Tue 14 Aug 2007
Ok the last chapter i was so exspecting a war, but hey glad to know there is a sequel, can't wait for that. Question, what happened to Sango and Miroku?
WolfFriend- Thu 31 May 2007
some think Kagome's eyes are blue because in the manga they are while in the anime they are brown. Many don't know unless they have seen the conceptart in books.
mika chan- Wed 09 May 2007
YAY Kikyo *High Five* Very Nice by the way
megan- Sat 21 Apr 2007
chapter nine was hilarious. i thought that inny ws the one who was going to get drunk. i have a question not related to the story though.why is inny living with sessy? i thought that they hated each other so much that the sight of each other made the other's blood boil.well anyways, i told you that you weren't going to hear the last of me.
megan- Sat 21 Apr 2007
what does the wierd a word meen that you kep puiting at the end of your authore notes. i don't know japenese so please email me or something to let me know what it means. i'm very confused.other wise the story is going great, superb realy.i hope you keep writing until the story is finished so i don't have to keep guessing.i love the fact that inuyasha is going out with someone other than kikyo and kags.i don't like kikyo much either so don't fell bad.i hope the story get's juicier as i read. it sounds like it will.sorry if my reveiw is long. i was just kinda reviewing from that last chapters as well.hope you write'll hear from me in other reviews so don't think that this is the last you'll hear from me.
Shelliechell- Mon 26 Mar 2007
The "fluffy" that SesshouMaru wheres all the time is his mane. When he transforms in episode 8, I think, it moves from to the oppisite side. It also says what it is in the last few pages of the InuYahsa art book. It's in the notes of an illustration of SesshouMaru in demon form. Wasn't sure if you had this knowledge already or not, so I thought that I would share it with you.
sesshou's gurl- Wed 14 Mar 2007
That was a mean thing to do!!!! That was the biggest cliffy I have ever come to. Update ASAP OK???!!!!
Suzukii- Sat 03 Mar 2007
Hey pls email me back but are you gonna add more chapters??????????? I mean it can't just end like THAT!!!!!!
Sesshy's_true_love_1818- Wed 21 Feb 2007
Awww poor Kagome I hope she finds her son and Sesshomaru feels bad it wasnt her fault!! And who care about starting a war as long as she get they get their son back!!! Update soon please!!
Gly- Tue 13 Feb 2007
one of the best chapters ive read, it was great. hope u update soon
Never-Here-4-Me- Tue 13 Feb 2007
Wow...that was intense. Please update soon!!!
Trice- Mon 12 Feb 2007
It was a goo chapter it was just sad. I didn't expect Sess to respond in that way and I guess I was expecting him to go after the person who kidnapped their son since he was allies with her father. It should be interesting to see how this story unfolds. I gues it couldn't be all lovable and huggable all throughout the story.
Jen- Tue 09 Jan 2007
Great story. i hope you update soon it was such a bummer that it ended their. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!! lol ready good story. keep yo the good work!!
demon13o- Thu 04 Jan 2007
aww i'm sorry to hear about u'r dog but i'll tell u something u'r fic is pretty damn good i can't wait to read more when u update again!
ja ne
ja ne
aleka- Thu 04 Jan 2007
can you edit the spelling mistakes they keep stopping my reading of your amazing fic. i dont want distractions i wanna read smoothly. so update i love it!!!
The Black Crow- Thu 04 Jan 2007
This is getting interesting! ^_^
Sesshoumaru got himself in deep this time ne? Though I'm curious why did he leave the room so furious? o.O Aparently Kags lost an important part of the conversation. Guess I'll have to wait to find out ;D
Hope see you soon
Ja nE
Sesshoumaru got himself in deep this time ne? Though I'm curious why did he leave the room so furious? o.O Aparently Kags lost an important part of the conversation. Guess I'll have to wait to find out ;D
Hope see you soon
Ja nE
Unseen Watcher- Thu 04 Jan 2007
Looks like he has some serious kissing up to do. Go SESS! heh
Trice- Wed 03 Jan 2007
I am enjoying your story and I can't want to see what happens next.
Never-Here-4-Me- Mon 18 Dec 2006
Okay the last chapter was like totally screwed!!! Well please update as soon as you can!!!
Shyla- Thu 16 Nov 2006
I do think that the big fluffy thing on his shoulder is a tail. because think about it when he turns into his dog demon form or 'True form ' he has a tail and only one tail unlike his father who has two fluffy things on his shoulders and has two tails . I hope you know that I love your story
Yusumi Katsuki- Sat 14 Oct 2006
LOVE IT! write more! write more!!!!!
Catofhope- Wed 11 Oct 2006
=0o= what does that ideot Naraku wont Kags for ..... kill him fluffy *woop* i love this story PLEASE update soon
Aurora Potter- Tue 10 Oct 2006
Skye- Mon 11 Sep 2006
I love the story!!! Write more soon I'll be waiting. ^_^
Kyo-Chan-Lover- Sun 10 Sep 2006
Awesome story! I really enjoyed it. Well update soon!
swtdrm01- Sun 10 Sep 2006
I loved the chapter. When will you update again?
Unseen Watcher- Sun 27 Aug 2006
Agh! Poor Sess!
Unseen Watcher- Sun 27 Aug 2006
*blinks in bewilderment* Neko? I thought she was Inu! I Liked that she's inu. She has more of a dog personality anyway. Generally placid and friendly unless you poke her too much, and then she barks. Neko are way too too...smug, maybe. Sly, languid, and rarely have packs. Oh, and if you put this on, I would be happy to add it to my C2 archive. Please?
Unseen Watcher- Sun 27 Aug 2006
Bye Yasha. Hope you get an emotional backbone and meet a cute hanyou that can put you in a headlock. heh. Hmm. I was thinking. If Sess loves to soak his feet, how we he react to a foot massage? ^_^
Unseen Watcher- Sun 27 Aug 2006
Yay! Demoness! I like that Sess barked. It's too rare that he shows his definately inu heritage in his actions and vocalizations. Don't worry about Kag's eye color. The only one I care about is Sess. I read a fanfic a while back, and can you believe that he/she described them as sapphire?! @_@ Bizarre.
Hara and Tenka (Tenka)- Sat 26 Aug 2006
Yeah! Schmuck! That's my favorite word along with spork.
nanashiko- Sat 26 Aug 2006
ne- but i think the fluffy thing is s'posed to be a piece of sesshoumaru's armour...
i read somewhere that rumiko had said she got creative and liked the fluffy armour and simply left it like that...
well, i like the story so far, so keep up da great work!
yoi yume o.
i read somewhere that rumiko had said she got creative and liked the fluffy armour and simply left it like that...
well, i like the story so far, so keep up da great work!
yoi yume o.
sesshomarugirl3- Tue 06 Jun 2006
did'nt you say in the first chapter that kagome was an inu youkia and not a neko youkia