Reviews for Waga Nakiwameku Kokoro by SilentAngel
Anna- Mon 26 May 2008
Amazing fanfiction! The rating is off completely though.
It could be R at the MOST. I wouldn't even have rated it R [:
Just to let you know
It could be R at the MOST. I wouldn't even have rated it R [:
Just to let you know
Jay- Wed 06 Feb 2008
aristocratic_assassin- Sat 11 Aug 2007
OMG!!! It was super touching and I cried and cried and cried!!! My heart broke when Kagome died... I love you... although I don't really like this kind of fics but yours rocked!!!
Faye- Wed 20 Sep 2006
That was beautiful.
Megan Consoer- Sun 20 Aug 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters? Or can you write a sequel to this story please?
Cassial_Darkfox- Tue 01 Aug 2006
awww that was soooooo sad. I cried... But you did an excellent job!