Reviews for No Where to run by Kags21
snowbird- Thu 13 Sep 2007
The story was good and thought provoking. But the ending was left unfinished because Sess's problem was never really delved into seriously. He still does not understand that love and abuse are not partners.
nesha- Wed 30 May 2007
sesshomaru is an ass
AnimeGoddess16- Wed 28 Mar 2007
I would have killed Sesshomaru in this fanfic or Torture him.I give it a 9/10
Artemis13- Sat 24 Feb 2007
omg...that was so.....damn...thats all i can say...damn
Inkasha Taisho- Sat 02 Sep 2006
Hey, do you read Dark books? I recognize a lot of lines from the lemon came from the Dark Prince, their first "mating." I just thought you wanted to know I recognized the work and thought it was pretty cool!!
demon13o- Fri 28 Jul 2006
sorry for not reviewing sooner i was busy keeping up with other things but hey nice fic and i'll be waiting for that final chapter *winks* now i'm gonna read enslaved to see if it's as good as this one lol i bet it's better ^^ ja ne
/ (/) my little kitty friend says hi lol
/ (/) my little kitty friend says hi lol
_Charlotte_Sometimes_- Mon 24 Jul 2006
this was very good.
morganh.- Fri 21 Jul 2006
Oh i love this, but you need an epilogue.
bluemoon_175- Fri 21 Jul 2006
This was a fantastic story, keep up the good work. I think it would be a really good idea to make a sequal th this story, I know it would be really good.
TheHellChild- Fri 21 Jul 2006
I loved it!!!
TheHellChild- Thu 20 Jul 2006
OMG! It was good it also made me cry...oh plz let him change! ;_; this story is good i love it. Plz update and don't take so long..i shouldn't be talking right? lol see ya!
Anonymous- Thu 20 Jul 2006
Every interesting in deed.
Although, wonder if all that stress/attention was good for the baby?
Will Sesshomaru be concerned at all, about losing Kagome. Especially now that Kagome knows that there's a way out, thanks to Yue.
How badly does Yue want to get back at Naraku/Sesshomaru?
Will he find out what Sesshomaru's been hiding from Kagome and Shoiri. They own a business.
I would think it would be interesting for everyone to know about it at the same time, including Sesshomaru's parents. Maybe like a big family party/gathering, or business party.
Somthing that would get everyone's attention, about Sesshomaru and what lengths he would go through to "trap" Kagome.
Or even Hitan could be the one to announce it. Something to get back at Seshomaru and maybe give Kagome some hope.
What kind of business does her father run?
If it could help their band, then they really don't need Sesshomaru's compnay anymore and I'm sure Sakura and her lawyers will find a way to break their contract.
Mention of contracts, will Sakura or the lawyers go over the contracts the "Queen of Hearts" signed.Or will Sakura trust her son on this, even though she found out what he did to Kagome?
How will everyone at school react when they see Kagome being followed by yue?
This is really great.
Please, please update ASAP
Can't wait to find out what the sequal will be.
Although, wonder if all that stress/attention was good for the baby?
Will Sesshomaru be concerned at all, about losing Kagome. Especially now that Kagome knows that there's a way out, thanks to Yue.
How badly does Yue want to get back at Naraku/Sesshomaru?
Will he find out what Sesshomaru's been hiding from Kagome and Shoiri. They own a business.
I would think it would be interesting for everyone to know about it at the same time, including Sesshomaru's parents. Maybe like a big family party/gathering, or business party.
Somthing that would get everyone's attention, about Sesshomaru and what lengths he would go through to "trap" Kagome.
Or even Hitan could be the one to announce it. Something to get back at Seshomaru and maybe give Kagome some hope.
What kind of business does her father run?
If it could help their band, then they really don't need Sesshomaru's compnay anymore and I'm sure Sakura and her lawyers will find a way to break their contract.
Mention of contracts, will Sakura or the lawyers go over the contracts the "Queen of Hearts" signed.Or will Sakura trust her son on this, even though she found out what he did to Kagome?
How will everyone at school react when they see Kagome being followed by yue?
This is really great.
Please, please update ASAP
Can't wait to find out what the sequal will be.
Steph- Thu 20 Jul 2006
Awesome, I never expected sess to get caught like that. I can wait to see if this change will truly help or not. I really hope so. But awesome story,
Sesshy-Sama- Wed 19 Jul 2006
I've read about half of this story and I don't really seem to get it. They fell in love after 3 months? And Kagome loved him after how he treats her? He controls her and Kagome doesn't like to be controlled, no women does.
This story doesn't really seem to flow...May I suggest a beta? They'll be able to work it out, I'm not being snoody or nothing, I'm just suggesting you know? About like the 3rd or 4th chapter I lost intrest. The characters didn't flow nore did the point.
Sorry to say, It's not really that good....
But it's my opinion, no one elses. Keep it going if you must, keep the betas in mind. K?
This story doesn't really seem to flow...May I suggest a beta? They'll be able to work it out, I'm not being snoody or nothing, I'm just suggesting you know? About like the 3rd or 4th chapter I lost intrest. The characters didn't flow nore did the point.
Sorry to say, It's not really that good....
But it's my opinion, no one elses. Keep it going if you must, keep the betas in mind. K?
bluemoon_175- Wed 19 Jul 2006
I can't beleave your ending to so soon, but all good things come to an end. Keep up the good work, this story is fantastic. I hope at the end of this story you make a sequal to this story, I know a lot of people would like that.
Vanessa- Wed 12 Jul 2006
This story is awesome. Plz write more. And can you make Sesshoumaru nicer?? I dont really agree with the idea of an abusive relationship but I do like this story a lot. I will be keeping an eye out for more of your stories to come in the future.
Ren Taisho- Wed 12 Jul 2006
I dont hate you and i would love for you to continue but screw the abuse kags21i cant stand abusive men no matter what. remember i dont hate you just sesshoumaru's dictating stuck up ass and his bitching dark magic mojo k i still love ya ok but no sesshy's additude and controlling thing
Ren Taisho- Wed 12 Jul 2006
damn ya why did you make sessy a big meanie i mean if he was me at first he could of change to a kind person but he had to become a big fat dictating BITCH god sessy must improve behavior!! i cant stand sesshy being so mean ok this is my opinion ok cause i am not all for the controll power theme and everybody practically acting like a bitch but not everyone
~So Sorry But This Is A Flame~
But Still A Good Story If You Like A Dictating Sesshy In Stead Of A Cold Hearted Turn Warm And Loving Sesshy ok bye
~So Sorry But This Is A Flame~
But Still A Good Story If You Like A Dictating Sesshy In Stead Of A Cold Hearted Turn Warm And Loving Sesshy ok bye
Kagome93- Fri 30 Jun 2006
I like this story alottt but it really makes me want to kick sessouhuro (sp) ass !!!!!!! i ahte aburse of men
inuprincess-AKA-Amanda- Wed 28 Jun 2006
The last chapter you posted was fantastic. I loved the little cliffy. And hiding the pregnacy from Sess was an excellent idea.
TheHellChild- Tue 27 Jun 2006
YAY!! u updated..I'm just working on ch 3 now!!! crap i gotta get going on it. Well anyways I loved it plz don't too long to update *give u the puppy eyes*
_Charlotte_Sometimes_- Tue 27 Jun 2006
Oh my gosh. This was just truly amazing. Keep up the good work and update soon
DarK Seduction101- Tue 27 Jun 2006
I liked this chapter.I was wondering will the kids ever realize what Sesshoumaru does to Kagome.
_Charlotte_Sometimes_- Wed 21 Jun 2006
I just love this. It is very well written. Update soon
Anonymous- Wed 21 Jun 2006
Wonder if any of Kagome's friends know about her headaches?
Would the headaches give them any reason to be suspecious?
What if there's some strange side effects that goes with the headache, that maybe even Sesshomaru didn't know or considered.
If/when Kagome finds out about what Sesshomaru has done, will she leave him?
Will she have doubts about his feelings for her.
Does Sesshomaru ever concider that he may lose Kagome, for the way he has been treating her or what he's been doing to her?
What will happen, when Kagome actually leaves him?
Please update ASAP
THanks for the e-mail.
Would the headaches give them any reason to be suspecious?
What if there's some strange side effects that goes with the headache, that maybe even Sesshomaru didn't know or considered.
If/when Kagome finds out about what Sesshomaru has done, will she leave him?
Will she have doubts about his feelings for her.
Does Sesshomaru ever concider that he may lose Kagome, for the way he has been treating her or what he's been doing to her?
What will happen, when Kagome actually leaves him?
Please update ASAP
THanks for the e-mail.
DarK Seduction101- Mon 19 Jun 2006
I like this chapter but, what's with Alean's parents.I think there very cruel.Well Kagome realize what Sesshoumaru did when she was sleep that dark magic he put on her.I wonder if Kagome leaves him taking her sister,shippo,and what if she was also preganet.But, before all that she have to do stuff wit her band.Oh I liked this chapter with all the tension and anger.Sorry for rambling it annoys me too.
DemonGirl14- Wed 31 May 2006
Hey Girl! Your fic is AWESOME!!!!!!!! Please update soon! and I read your chapter 11, I love the reference to Will Smith in there! I love him. Its good to see another fan of him out there! Love ya Lots!
KikyoHater101- Sat 13 May 2006
Oh my *blush* i read the one lemon w/ Koharu and wats his name uh Hiten...yeah that was interesting and i didn't read the lemom w/ Naraku and Kagura i hate them both sorry but i still love you a lot!!!This is staring to get better i like that his nasty attude is changing a lil!!*smile*
KikyoHater101- Sat 13 May 2006
It's me again and yeah it great keep it coming but josh could you at least make Kags slap the bastard at least once for being a stuck up ass!!! sorry but i just don't like his additude sometimes, ya baby keep up the good work sweety pie!!
(i'm female!)
(i'm female!)
KikyoHater101- Fri 12 May 2006
Me again and i think your starting to worry me I love this story i just get bad vivs from sessy he's hurtin her a lil i don't like it. BUt ilove you
KikyoHater101- Fri 12 May 2006
so far i've been reviewing every chapter i have read so do me a favor and mention me if i review every chapter okay plz!!!!This is really good!!! but hwy does he have to hurt kags its not right i say its just not right man
KikyoHater101- Fri 12 May 2006
Oh no why's he hurting the poor thing i thought they were in love and why so quick to make him the bad guy huh why??? wait i never read from the beinning
KikyoHater101- Fri 12 May 2006
It's coming on a lil fast man oH and check out my fan fic plz its the newest one well it is today * Boy in the rain* tell me what you think i put in the first 3 chapters while i waiited ofr my verifacation code...I loved yours just don't make it so short it makes me angry.