Reviews for One Shot by Striking Falcon
syaorangirl- Wed 18 Jun 2008
I Like, I Lust, I Love!!Please Update Soon!!
Lisa- Mon 02 Jun 2008
I know this story has been up for a while but I just read it for the first time. I don't know what you're talking about regarding that lemon, you know you have talent. I love your writing anyway. I think you could write me a story about learning A-B-Cs and I'd still be just as happy. Great job!
Lunasoleil- Tue 11 Mar 2008
this fic is great thought you could probably continue it cause there are a lot of un answered questions.
rowdysgirl- Sat 05 Jan 2008
this whole story was very good. i don't think your cousin could do better with the lemon. it was good enough to make ME blush.
Raeyne- Mon 31 Dec 2007
I can't remember if I've sent you a review about this story before, so I will send you one now! ^^ I really do love this story (despite what you think) and wish you would continue with it. I understand that life gets in the way and you have other projects you are working on, but if the mood strikes you to continue this fic, I say run with it! I have loved all your other stories and you are one of the few authors where I read the stories without really reading the summaries since I know you will do me no wrong and will continue to amaze me. ^^ Happy New Year's and may this next year bring you everything you wish for! (Along with some new ideas for stories! Just kidding! ^^)
Kimarya- Sat 10 Nov 2007
I think it's good... I think you should continue this...
sakurachan_1- Thu 11 Oct 2007
hey I like the fic ... so far it has a good story line... i would love for you to continue writing it... and if you do ... plz update soon n_n
Vixen12089- Fri 28 Sep 2007
This story is so awesome. I don't review often, but this story certainly deserved one. It's an absolutely wonderful story and you should really reconsider keeping it a one-shot. A great story like this truly deserved to become a full length story. Also, you idea of asking you cousin to do your lemons, please throw it out the window. Your lemons are so-well written that they don't need any refinement. I congradulate you on a spectacular story.
CarmMeldoll- Wed 26 Sep 2007
OMG this is such a great story, while I have been a fan since the days of "To Bare Witness", I gotta say this is another gold mine...I hope you come back to it!
moonrosesa- Tue 07 Aug 2007
I wish that you added more chapters to this one shot. I want to know if he succeeds. it was gret onte shot that turn into a great story so please think about it
ja ne
ja ne
Ami- Thu 02 Aug 2007
Noooo! *falls off cliff hanger* That was not an ending!! That was a horrible cliffy! You must continue!!!
It was so sweet and cute and I loved it. I have to agree with one of your oher reviewers, they made love NOT SEX and that was really good. Kissing part was cute too. Good job. Now write more....or else wuhahaha. *cough*
It was so sweet and cute and I loved it. I have to agree with one of your oher reviewers, they made love NOT SEX and that was really good. Kissing part was cute too. Good job. Now write more....or else wuhahaha. *cough*
sweetkijo- Mon 30 Jul 2007
Are you kidding me??You accually think that sucked?? Man, that was a fantastic little story. I wanted it to go on. I want to know if they get it all back. The lemon was absolutely fantastic. Ugg, you gotta write more..and then more....and then when your done, write more. lol. Oh and I will take seconds on more. lol. Thanks for sharing this..I really enjoyed it!!
Wolf-friend- Mon 16 Jul 2007
i thought it was a great story and you really should continue it even if just to complete what you left hanging. and it was a really good lemon i don't like explicet lemons yours was tender and it was NOT SEX it was making love . LIke i said it is a great story and you should continue so don't doubt yourself . P.S i like all of the fics of yours i have read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
tilayha- Mon 02 Jul 2007
i think, wow, what do I think.....sweet, endearing, touching, heart wrenching, sad. and i really liked the fact that sesshomaru didnt know what a kiss was. it almost seems fitting for demons not to kiss. they do rut like animals after all and though ive seen animals lick at eachothers mouths its usually begging of some type. very nice.
hahaha- Fri 29 Jun 2007
I was sad! *Crys hystarically* Sango and miroku died and then i looked at some of the reveiws and saw that someone used the abriviation for a single spark hahaha (A.S.S.) *giggles* but I think i would have been mor intrueged if there was some inuyasha ya know tall guy, looks like he's seventeen, white hair, red haiori, honey colored eyes, carries around a sword, usually has a girl hangin' off his back, arogant, oh and has dog ears on top of his head, can't miss em, but i would have been happier if i could laugh at him being sat by Kagome and then geting into a name calling match with sesshomaru. love always hahaha
sexiroyalti- Mon 28 May 2007
wow...that was really good, and it would make a really good story if you should choose to continue it....can't wait for one of those in Second Chance ^.^
LadySesshoumaru_1- Mon 23 Apr 2007
Is that all? You're just gonna leave it like that? Please write more to it, that was really good, but don't leave it like that. What happened afterwards? Did Sesshoumaru reclain his lands? Did Kagome escape her predicament? Will kagome and Sesshoumaru get back together? Please, please write more!!!!!!
Dawna Sama- Fri 19 Jan 2007
you should continue it, tell us what will happen once the new lord finds out about her one night thryst with sesshomaru, and will they go to war? and how will sesshomaru get his kingdom back? I think you should finish it. because i for one don't like half a story. Overall the one shot was good. but take my advice and continue it.
Dawna Sama
Dawna Sama
K&K (Kagome&Kikyou)- Tue 02 Jan 2007
i think that was a good lemon. it wasnt too rough but not soft either. You should write more lemons and you should really write more of the story. i want to see how it all ends up
browneyes2yu- Tue 14 Nov 2006
That was awesome! And I actually like your lemons better than others, cause it's not so explicit, it's perfect! and honestly, I think you should continue this story, cause I wanna know if Sesshou reclaims his lands and comes back for Kagome! They'll make perfect allies and mates and can unite their lands!! Come on, I think you should continue! and I hope you'll update Second Chance soon, I love that story and I loved your To Bear Witness story. You are very good, SF.
brainshake- Tue 07 Nov 2006
That was a very well written lemon, and it truly described the magic of kissing... *sighs happily*
Ikaru- Wed 01 Nov 2006
This story was sooooo awsome, but like the others, i think you should at least write an epiloge so we can see what happens next. The lemon was also very well writen, it was soo cute how Sesshoumaru thought he was under a spell when she kissed him. You have a knack for this stuff. So i will make one last plee, i am not asking you to turn it into a long story or anything, just write an epiloge to tie up all those loose ends.
Sakura Samora- Wed 27 Sep 2006
.... oh man this would make such a great story. This request will probably go unfullfilled but please, pleeeeease continue this. Its to good to end like that. Youve given far to much detail to your readers that it can not be viewed as a one shot. Please continue this fantastic piece of work.
sesshoumaru's babe- Sun 17 Sep 2006
did it suck????!!!!! OF COURSE NOT I WISH YOU WOULD KEEP WRITTING FOR THE STORY. The plot was beutiful and i actually think that your lemons are a different kind since you keep this innocence to them that it seems like they are having love not sex. I think you shold write more. I mean its ot like you have done them for a while but i think that with a little practice and you will be the best. at innocent lemons. loved the one shot.
LynLin- Thu 14 Sep 2006
WOW. That was really sad at the end. But I loved it. =]
jestergirl- Tue 05 Sep 2006
i Think You should continue with at least on more chapter, i honestly don't think it sucked. I like it alot
jestergirl- Tue 05 Sep 2006
i Think You should continue with at least on more chapter, i honestly don't think it sucked. I like it alot
Sarah- Mon 04 Sep 2006
ok, i totally didn't think this sucked, in fact.... I LUVED IT!!!!! it was amazingly awesome!!!! but, the ending was a tad dissapointing, i mean, i wanna know, what happens next?????? *sobs* i wanna know!!!!! *runs around in circles*
Kat Taisho- Tue 29 Aug 2006
Hey I totally loved it! I really want you to continue with it. or, since it's complete I think you should write a sequel. Sorry if you already did could you send me the link or name and if it's on A.S.S. or not. I thought it was really cute and I want to know what the "gift" he gave her at the end is.
Thanks A Bunch! Keep Writing!!!
Thanks A Bunch! Keep Writing!!!
Tana-san- Wed 23 Aug 2006
This is a great one shot...but I tend to agree with the other reviewers, please continue. Your lemon scene was beautiful, especially the kiss being thought of as a spell. I'm glad she was able to teach him something he will remember her for. Don't we all remember that first passionate kiss. I do...I married him. So, my friend, when you find time...make this into a full story. I am a true fan of your work.
Akiko- Tue 08 Aug 2006
One more chapter, please! >. At least telling about Sesshoumaru when he finally regains his lands and title...And he's coming back for Kagome...? Lol. >. Still one more part would be much appreciated! And the ending was such a major cliffy!
genia- Fri 04 Aug 2006
suxs? wth? lol i think you should make a sequel, that was rather sad at the ending. i was hoping he would take her with him.
Diana- Thu 03 Aug 2006
LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT!!! is this the one shot that you are turning into a full fledged fic, i really hope so
RavenSilverKat- Mon 24 Jul 2006
You do lemons just fine. There are some of us who are fine with not reading the details and there will always be those of us who always wish for details. I loved the story. It was so kawaii. And it was beautiful as well. I enjoyed it greatly.
Animefreak242- Mon 17 Jul 2006
It wasn't that bad. A little drawn out, but the overall story was pretty good (if not a little corny at the end). Like they say, practice makes perfect.
Bunny- Fri 30 Jun 2006
The plot in this story is a good one. I find that it has great promise. I know that you have a lot on your hands right now, but I really think that you should consider continuing this story in the future. Maybe get them to find each other again after he regains power over his lands. You are a very talented writer and I am sure that you can come up with a decent amount of drama and angst to make it work.
Something-or-other- Tue 27 Jun 2006
Wow. That was one great story. I have to agree with your other reviewers, though. Can you please make a sequeal or something to this story? Leaving it off as it was, was indeed a good idea, leaves you craving more. It left ME craving for more. I'd understand if you didn't...but please? Oh yeah, and your lemon was pretty good. I didn't see anything wrong with it, so don't doubt yourself.
ally- Tue 13 Jun 2006
no no no no no... you can't just end this like that.. awww man! i was waiting for some action!!! gushhhhhh.. arhh.. u said that this was a preperation for a fic similar to this huh? is it coming out soon?
Megan Consoer- Thu 01 Jun 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters? Or can you write a sequel to this story please?
kagsess_fated- Sat 27 May 2006
if you do not change the name of this fanfic and change it from a one-shot, i shall be infuriated and slice your legs off, then tie you to a chair until you write more, and if you try to escape, i will put you into a vegitative state and pick at your brain for the rest of this story. Good day.
isina17- Thu 11 May 2006
OMG! I'm the first one to review here!
Any way, I wish you could continue's beautiful...and you' re a great writer..
Besitos Z.Z.
Any way, I wish you could continue's beautiful...and you' re a great writer..
Besitos Z.Z.