Reviews for Inu Love by BlueAngel_InuMiko III
Scarlett- Fri 11 Jul 2008
No,no,no,no,no!!! i stayed up all night reading this plz, plz, update soon or i'lll die T-T
Scarlett- Fri 11 Jul 2008
No,no,no,no,no!!! i stayed up all night reading this plz, plz, update soon or i'lll die T-T
namirah- Sun 06 Jul 2008
i loved it 'jumping up and down'
SesshuLove- Wed 02 Jul 2008
please keep writing, I love your story
Megan Consoer- Tue 04 Mar 2008
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
SesshuLove- Sun 07 Oct 2007
this is the best story i have read so far you need to keep writing please
WelshTeen- Mon 24 Sep 2007
oh please finist this story it's got my hanging
Asian Tomboy- Tue 18 Sep 2007
Please update, its two years now!
Catherine- Mon 06 Aug 2007
Great. Update soon. Can't wait to read what Inu does to get to Kagome.
nofacejack- Fri 29 Jun 2007
I really love the fic. I like it when two youkais and a hanyou fight over a ningen :p. Good plot. Great story organization. Hope you continue and update really really really soon. I don't want a great piece of work to be left undone (too long). This story has made my day. Thank you
Tha. Realest .B .In . This. (Ghettogurl94'Llane2')- Tue 12 Jun 2007
HA! i found what you wrote about flamers to be very true...and the ps at the bottom, i posted a poem on FFN that begins nearly the same way. Fools are to be pitied, and its a shame how i make merry laughing at their stupidity...oh the joys of life...^-^
also, even though im really late, i wanted to express my regards for Jen (..i sound like a shrink...ugh)...this sounds so cliche...
life is short, live it to the fullest.
leave your mark everywhere you go, and live on in the hearts of your fellow beloved.
also, even though im really late, i wanted to express my regards for Jen (..i sound like a shrink...ugh)...this sounds so cliche...
life is short, live it to the fullest.
leave your mark everywhere you go, and live on in the hearts of your fellow beloved.
harryhollow1- Sat 12 May 2007
please update real soon! hehehe!! i love sess/kag...
FluffyFox- Mon 19 Feb 2007
Great job! I can't wait to
I love how you write, you have also done a good job of keeping everyone in character...
I hope that you update again soon!
I love how you write, you have also done a good job of keeping everyone in character...
I hope that you update again soon!
Renee- Sat 09 Dec 2006
Hey this story is awsome!! I know how you feel, a few weeks ago my dad died so I postponed my story. I plan to rewrite it over the winter holiday. Anywho, tell ur flamers to f#$@ themselves. I got some of those flamers too. I chewed them out in public though cause they never leave a return email Stinkin bastards.
Megan Consoer- Mon 13 Nov 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Kambri_Jade- Wed 08 Nov 2006
God, this fic rock's! I like all the aspects of how the characters act and all. I love fics that have to do with mating and this one is very well done! Please update as soon as possible! i need to read more!
Kumi- Wed 25 Oct 2006
^ ^ AWESOME...And, Update soon?
Kitsune Ryu- Sun 08 Oct 2006
I... Am impressed. Not only with the story- which is wonderfully written- but with your maturity with the situation of the flamers.
katie- Fri 06 Oct 2006
wow i like it please keep going
Faye- Wed 20 Sep 2006
I think I like your style better, no disrespect intended this an awesome story and it was awesome when I first read it, but I think it is easier for me to follow with the revison. Keep up the good work!
michelle- Wed 30 Aug 2006
just wanted to let you know that inu yasha's name actually translated to super dog being. there are some misspellings, but it's a great fic so far.
Jacques- Thu 03 Aug 2006
Very much like it.please continue.
Tea- Sun 30 Jul 2006
This InuMiko linage brings me a sad smile to fanfiction. In inuyasha fanfics, I have never seen such care towards stories, in both writing and plot, with such a history behind them. These fics on this one account have provided more heart then I have ever knew of possible to the seemingly cursed inuyasha fandom.
There are only two other authors that I enjoy reading and review for, you will now be my 3rd. Continue writing. I wait for all your fanfic updates.
There are only two other authors that I enjoy reading and review for, you will now be my 3rd. Continue writing. I wait for all your fanfic updates.
Kat- Sat 22 Jul 2006
Whoa you must be really busy you haven't updated in so long any way just thought I would try and see why your story is by far the best on this sight in my opinion. well hope everything is ok with you
Whoa you must be really busy you haven't updated in so long any way just thought I would try and see why your story is by far the best on this sight in my opinion. well hope everything is ok with you
animebook fan- Wed 21 Jun 2006
Please update asap! I am really liking your story!
Tori- Thu 08 Jun 2006
Very good, better than what I've read so far. I am very pleased where this Is going please keep up the good work.
Wating on the next chapters, I know it's gonna be good
Wating on the next chapters, I know it's gonna be good
mistress Butcher- Sun 04 Jun 2006
I enjoy the work, but I'm a little angry.
That thing has said chapter 13 welcome mate for a long time. Do you every plan on updating?
That thing has said chapter 13 welcome mate for a long time. Do you every plan on updating?
becca- Tue 30 May 2006
whoop whoop u go girl