Reviews for What Happens After by XxMarkzxX
blue_ thunder_ dragon- Thu 17 May 2007
i love this it may have short chapters but nice update soon plz
DarkAngel495- Thu 28 Dec 2006
^^ I a Fanfic reader but a maker
Sesshoumaru: Markz why i am in love in the story?
Markz: i dunno...but you can ask Kagome..if she will answere u
Miroku: *seek to put a hand on Sango's butt but bieng caught*
Sango: Pervet!??(am i right?) you leech! put your hands away from me this instant! imbicile
Shipoo: Mama? wheres my Mother?
Sango: Oh come here Shipoo.. *Hugs Shipoo* Im sure Kgome will be back
----------With Kagome-----------------
Kagome: Sesshoumaru dont hide
Sesshoumaru: You alright? You have been out of the group for 2 days im woried now
Kagome:*Smile* Dont worry Sesshoumaru im fine i just want to be alone *Starts to cry*
Sesshoumaru: Shh..Dont cry because of the baka! Im always here for you..your cries never desrved for that hanyou...*Tries to make Kagome calm* Im always here if that baka hanyou cant love you i will do but please let me a place in your heart so i can wipe away the pain that the baka did..aishiteru koishi onegain dont cry
Kagome: *Wipes her tears away then smile* Arigatou Sesshoumaru-Koi your words melted my heart once again..your always there for me and you are always here to make me calm if Inuyasha makes me cry because of that clay pot..I love you too Seshoumaru...
Sesshoumaru: *Smile* Come now im sure the others are woried about you now..even that pup of yours...
(They went back to the camp)
Shipoo: Mommy! i though you leave me alone with Inuyasha!
Kagome: Oh Shipoo you know that would never hapen..*Looks at Sesshoumaru then smile*
-So what do you think? hmm..-
Well that is one of my fic--wel i cant say fic you know..hay i cant reister as a author thats why i cant write fanfiction.. your Lucky You Know!
Sesshoumaru: Markz why i am in love in the story?
Markz: i dunno...but you can ask Kagome..if she will answere u
Miroku: *seek to put a hand on Sango's butt but bieng caught*
Sango: Pervet!??(am i right?) you leech! put your hands away from me this instant! imbicile
Shipoo: Mama? wheres my Mother?
Sango: Oh come here Shipoo.. *Hugs Shipoo* Im sure Kgome will be back
----------With Kagome-----------------
Kagome: Sesshoumaru dont hide
Sesshoumaru: You alright? You have been out of the group for 2 days im woried now
Kagome:*Smile* Dont worry Sesshoumaru im fine i just want to be alone *Starts to cry*
Sesshoumaru: Shh..Dont cry because of the baka! Im always here for you..your cries never desrved for that hanyou...*Tries to make Kagome calm* Im always here if that baka hanyou cant love you i will do but please let me a place in your heart so i can wipe away the pain that the baka did..aishiteru koishi onegain dont cry
Kagome: *Wipes her tears away then smile* Arigatou Sesshoumaru-Koi your words melted my heart once again..your always there for me and you are always here to make me calm if Inuyasha makes me cry because of that clay pot..I love you too Seshoumaru...
Sesshoumaru: *Smile* Come now im sure the others are woried about you now..even that pup of yours...
(They went back to the camp)
Shipoo: Mommy! i though you leave me alone with Inuyasha!
Kagome: Oh Shipoo you know that would never hapen..*Looks at Sesshoumaru then smile*
-So what do you think? hmm..-
Well that is one of my fic--wel i cant say fic you know..hay i cant reister as a author thats why i cant write fanfiction.. your Lucky You Know!
anime_fan141- Wed 11 Oct 2006
this is a goood story i deffently hope to read more soon. sessshy's got a crush (cute)lol
i love the little side stories that you make those are kool. their good too but the story is better.lololololol. i will give you a 10 out of 10 and 8 dozen cookies of your hope to read more soon
i love the little side stories that you make those are kool. their good too but the story is better.lololololol. i will give you a 10 out of 10 and 8 dozen cookies of your hope to read more soon
ste- Wed 14 Jun 2006
me want more cha;pters. !!s