artemise Profile Page

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i adore sesshomaru and kagome pairings.

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16 years ago


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Forum Posts
04/06/2011 20:55:27Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha StyleForum Games362913
04/06/2011 16:18:19Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha StyleForum Games362913
03/16/2011 22:44:51Re:help T.TSearching for a Fic...87813
03/14/2011 18:06:53help T.TSearching for a Fic...87813
08/26/2010 15:38:54Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games636752
04/22/2010 15:27:27Re:looking for a fic plz helpSearching for a Fic...3166
04/20/2010 13:34:56Re:looking for a fic plz helpSearching for a Fic...3166
04/11/2010 21:34:37Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games636752
04/11/2010 21:05:35looking for a fic plz helpSearching for a Fic...3166
01/12/2010 17:47:25Re:Association GameForum Games1910791
10/30/2009 05:00:45Re:100 Sesshomaru facts gameForum Games43300
10/26/2009 05:39:54Re:100 Sesshomaru facts gameForum Games43300
10/26/2009 05:35:39Re:100 Sesshomaru facts gameForum Games43300
10/19/2009 03:07:04plz helpSearching for a Fic...2446
10/18/2009 01:30:54Re:Association GameForum Games1910791
10/18/2009 00:43:41Re:Love, Like, Dislike, Hate, or Never Tried It...Forum Games269518
10/17/2009 14:30:25Re:plz help me find this fic T_TSearching for a Fic...4173
10/14/2009 04:04:51Re:Name That Character!Forum Games130786
10/14/2009 03:58:50Re:plz help me find this fic T_TSearching for a Fic...4173
10/11/2009 17:09:39Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games636752

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artemise has 1 stories

First 4 chapters REWRITTEN! kagome has seen inuyasha with kikyo. hurt she leaves for the well. on the other side she is cared for by two new people. who are these two people? kagome has a sister and a brother? and what's this? it seems lord sesshomaru has an intrest in her ? does he love.... pairs: miroku/Ayame, koga/sango, inuyasha/Adair, sesshomaru/kagome.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 10 Aug 2008  -  Updated: 12 Aug 2009
Genre: Action, Angst, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 9  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 12,046  -  Reads: 7,603


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