Mutnodjmet Profile Page

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  A Blue Midnight Witch
  Momo Rei
  Rose Rogan
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Mutnodjmet has 0 stories

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midnight bribe moonlight bride cover 3
sesskag week 2023 submission - day 5
Fear/Nightmare (SKW2023 day2)
The Daiyoukai and Miko
Songstress Temptress pg. 2 (end)
Songstress Temptress pg. 1
Cute but deadly
first and last dance
A Strange Encounter in the Deep Woods Part 2
A Strange Encounter in the Deep Woods Part 1
Sess In All His Glory
Eros x Psyche (SessKag)
Eros x Psyche (SessKag)
V-Day 2022
Ares & Afrodita
Nice to Meet You Again
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Name Entry

Created On: 10/18/2020 19:11:15

Thank you for your review on A Jealous Betrayal!

You know that is the question that will be posed upon the ages: what Kikyo and Kagome saw in Inuyasha. Who knows whether he will redeem himself in the future or if he will continue to throw curveballs to keep Kagome and Sesshomaru apart.

So you will have to stay tuned!

Midnight Song

Created On: 03/01/2019 05:07:52

You always manage to ascertain exactly what I'm going to do next. xD Thank you for another kind review!

Midnight Song

Created On: 02/24/2019 12:15:17

Thanks for another great review on A Child Lost! I feel like the more I look at your username, the more familiar it is and you've maybe reviewed other stories of mine. Either way, I'm so happy you've stuck around with me even though I have such poor updating habits! Hope you enjoy the newest chapter! ^_^


Created On: 01/02/2019 00:47:54
Edited By Itsumademo On: 01/02/2019 00:56:43

thank you so much for your review!! this is the first fic i've finished for sesskag that was over 2k, so getting such a nice review on it was lovely! i don't know that i'd ever write a follow up, but i never rule anything out with the way my head likes to make up things. (it's finishing them that's the problem ;P)

thanks again! ^-^


Created On: 12/31/2018 16:21:25

Thank you so much for the kind review and warm welcome! It truly made me feel better about posting.

I confess that I have a bad habit of neglecting stories, but I really feel motivated and will do my best to complete A Walk in the Park.

Thank you, again!


Created On: 11/16/2018 16:08:49

Your review on "Weakness of the Mind" made my day! I can't even start to express how much your words means to me! I wanted this story to be as realistic as possible and often had the feeling that I kind of failed in this regard ... so, I was actually really nervous about posting it. Your review put me at ease.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

That you found my story to be a "fascinating tale" and my writing style "excellent" definitely pushed my ego!

Also, thank you very much for sharing a part of your personal history! I will not say that I feel sorry about what happened to you. Because honestly, I do not. What happened in the past to us plays a major role in who we are in the present. So, I will not belittle you. I'm proud of you!

That someone like you, who went through the situation I put Sesshoumau, found my characterization of him to be realistic was definitely the highest compliment I have received so far!

Thank you again!

A smile and a kiss for you!


Created On: 11/12/2018 13:42:45

Hey there!

Thank you for your review on Tear In The Sky. You most definitely do not to be apologetic about anything you say about the story ^^

It is always interesting to me how the reader sees/reads/imagines/is aware of situations, characters, and the story itself. It's quite helpful, actually. So again, thank you! Plus, you can't imagine how happy it makes me for people to read and/or review my story.

Take care

Midnight Song

Created On: 11/03/2018 05:41:02

Thank you for the kind review for A Child Lost, even though I haven't updated in so long! I appreciate the support, and I just wanted to let you know that I'm starting the next chapter tonight.
Feedback from Mutnodjmet: Awesome...I'll be looking forward to the new update and thanks for taking the time to respond to my review. I love this story. Have a nice weekend.


Created On: 10/27/2018 17:57:04

Thank you for your review on "Claimed". I liked how you give me your input as well. Thank you again.


Created On: 10/26/2018 06:08:43

Thank you so much for reviewing "Lullaby". I'm glad you enjoyed my one shot and found it heartwarming! But Kagome isn't going to follow his voice, she's sleeping like a rock.

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