BrokenSoulDarkPriestess Profile Page

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  Moonlight Silk


BrokenSoulDarkPriestess has 0 stories


Name Entry
Moonlight Silk

Created On: 05/11/2013 11:08:53

Oh you just made my day! Thanks for the lovely review!
Feedback from BrokenSoulDarkPriestess: I am glad I could make your day Moonlight Silk. I love your name as well, makes me think of our sesshy's hair. My husband brought home a doggie one day he was so dirty and after I gave him a bath he was white and fluffy like sesshomaru so I named him that. Alas I could not keep him as he and my other pets at the time could not coexist.

I am now working on my first Fan fiction.
I hope you have a great day today.

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