Midnight Snack
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So, as can be read in this thread (http://dokuga.com/forum/4-fanart/45902-there-needs-to-be), there needs to be more humourous Sess-nudity art á la Austin Powers. Well, there you go.
This was drawn on the bus, while going over some bumpy roads, so plase forgive the crappy ness, but I had to get it out of my system.
We all know Sess sleeps naked, so it would only figure he would take his midnight snacks naked as well, right?
Rated to be safe. Don't want any banana-traumatized kiddies.
Dedicated to MoxyMikki, for putting the idea in my head.
This was drawn on the bus, while going over some bumpy roads, so plase forgive the crappy ness, but I had to get it out of my system.
We all know Sess sleeps naked, so it would only figure he would take his midnight snacks naked as well, right?
Rated to be safe. Don't want any banana-traumatized kiddies.
Dedicated to MoxyMikki, for putting the idea in my head.
15.07.2010 11:12:35
LMFAO XDD perfect!!