SK-Manip 001
Picture information
This is one of the other manipulations that made it on my brother's hard drive. It was a PSP (Paint Shop Pro) file and it was half-done (that's why I didn't post it), so I downloaded a free trail of PSP and finished it. I think the manip would have turned out better if I had started again from scratch, but the snapshots I used for the manip weren't on my brother's harddrive... *Sighs* I'm not too happy with the way it turned out, but I'm never happy with anything I do (perfectionist, anyone?). Anyway, if you'd like to check out the other version of this, click on my name and it should be right beside it.^_^
Edit: I almost forgot to say that I'm so sorry about the pumpkin. I tried to edit it out but Kagome's arms looked kinda funny without it, so I had to leave it in there. I hope it isn't too much of an eyesore.>_>
Edit: I almost forgot to say that I'm so sorry about the pumpkin. I tried to edit it out but Kagome's arms looked kinda funny without it, so I had to leave it in there. I hope it isn't too much of an eyesore.>_>
11.05.2009 04:34:18
It looks perfeccct!:D ♥