Embrace by sheridan


a/n - Oh my. This is my first Fan fiction, but being asked about it I have decided to deliever. My art work related to this are Titled: Embrace and Snowfall, ya know for visual stimulus :) enjoy! (For warned I draw not write so it will be rough)

 It had been three years since Kagome crossed through the well to the past her final time, and in those three years she had enjoyed many days and savored so many memories. Though it had not turned out like she had imagined it would, she still enjoyed the life she now lived. Yes at first she regretted the fact that her and Inuyasha did not become the lovers she thought they would, but the friendship they shared was something she would never give up, and if he was happy, she was happy.

 She rejoiced for the union of her dear friends Miroku and and Sango and the beautiful babies they had. Kagome loved spending her days in the village, helping, and learning, from Kaede. Within the past year she had really grown into her own, though her powers seemed to die away with each passing day, slowly growing weaker and weaker, what powers she still retained she was now comfortable using them. She no longer feared missing her target when she aimed her arrow. Though there were things that she still had a hard time adjusting to, such as no indoor plumbing or a convenient shop located down the street, but she loved her life.

 As of late she was having a hard time adjusting to this particular cold and bitter winter and longed for a little electric heater to go in her hut, but she was just a couple hundred years off of having one. Things in the village where peaceful, easy, Sango was again pregnant and Miroku faithfully by her side at all times, especially in these last couple of months. It wouldn’t be long. Inuyasha kept busy by helping other villages with pesky demon problems here and there, although lately it seemed he was gone longer and longer, but Kagome put that thought to the back of her mind as she strolled along in the village.

 “Well hello Kagome!” Miroku greeted joyfully, “and where are we off to on such a cold day?” he asked leaning causally against the side of his hut, Sango mostly likely inside resting. They had made plans to soon go back to Sango's village to start re-building after the baby was born. Kagome would be sad to see them go but it gave her the excuse to travel and visit.

 “Oh you know, walking here and walking there, I figured it was such a beautiful day I might take a stroll towards the well.” Kagome grinned brightly at her old friend.

 “Ah missing home are we?”

 “This is my home.” Kagome replied. Miroku shook his head slightly with a small laugh as he waved a hand to her and walked into his warm home. Gripping the small wool shawl tighter around her self Kagome continued her steps towards the well. She wasn’t lying when she said this was her home, but she did miss her family on the other side often.

 It had taken Kagome months to get use to the everyday fashion of the past, but she was grateful for the heavy material of the miko garb she wore, her old tiny uniform would just not have sufficed in this cold winter and she was sure she would be missing many toes if she had stubbornly continued to wear it. Her friends commented often how gracefully she had taken to the transition of living in a different time, and honestly most of the time it wasn’t so difficult, perhaps if she didn't have the friends and support she had, then she would not have made it, but whether Kagome felt weak or stronger she was a survivor and her ability to adapt sometimes surprised even her self.

 On her peaceful walk Kagome let her thoughts wander to different things, she was curious how Shippo was, and missed him greatly, since he had taken to adventuring with Sango's younger brother Kohaku and didn’t visit much. Those two had formed a very good friend ship over these three years. She thought of Rin who was gone for the winter. Sesshomaru always seemed to place her somewhere else for the winter, Kaede told Kagome that Sesshomaru apparently worried about her health in the cold months of winter and would send her to the care of his people during those times but once spring breaks through Rin was always quick to return and stay with Kaede and those two simply adored each other. Rin had even taken to calling her granny Kaede now.

 So many different people Kagome had come in contact with, and so many following there own path and yet they some how all interconnected.

 “I think I lost my path, I need a map to find out where my life’s going.” Kagome joked to her self. She was always certain of her path in the days she spent searching for jewel shards, but now a days it's been stagnate and she wasn’t sure what she was suppose to be doing. 'I suppose its only natural for one to wonder, second guess and worry about the future' Kagome thought to her self.

 She had been so distracted by her inner thoughts she had not realized she was near the well already and that a new snow had started to fall around her. She focused her vision on the faint outline of the well just past the edge of the trees. As she entered the clearing her eyes spotted a figure against a tree on the far side. Kagome picked up her pace to get closer for a better inspection. The figures hair was a dark charcoal black with clumps of new snow laying atop of it. The closer she got the more she started to recognized the person. The gleam of his armor, the white kimono that practically blended in with the snow around him all except the red splash of color along the collar and about the hems of his sleeves with the six petal design in it.

 “Sesshomaru?” she breathed. But it couldn’t be. His markings where gone, his hair was no longer the customary beautiful white that seemed to almost gleam a light blue, like the pure untouched snow. The closer she got to him the more she realized this was indeed Sesshomaru. His eyes were closed and his breath was shallow, she could barley make out the rise and fall of his chest. Kagome dashed the few remaining feet between them and knelt down to him. Her hand swept away the hair that fell in front of his pale face. She looked at the inky strands of his hair slowly took them in hand caressing her thumb against them before letting them fall back to place, she placed her hands on his shoulders in hopes to jostle him awake.

 “Sesshomaru!” she began as she lightly shook his shoulder. His body was so cold.

 “Sesshomaru! Please wake up!” She shook him harder. He started to stir lightly. His eyes fluttered before opening slowly. The golden hues of his eyes where missing in there place where warm honey brown eyes.

 “Oh thank you!! Sesshomaru can you stand? Can you tell me what happened?” Kagome asked. His silence was the only reply. As Kagome looked to him he started to close his eyes. 'He's so out of it.' Kagome thought to her self. She quickly shed the shawl around her shoulders and wrapped it about his exposed side. 'Between that and the large fur on his shoulder it should keep him warm till I can get him to the hut.'

 “No, don't shut your eye's come on I need to get you some where warm.” Kagome commanded as she lifted his arm over her shoulder to help support his weight and help him up. She lifted with all her strength but was barley able to lift him from the ground.

 “Sesshomaru I need your help. Come on you need to stand.”

 Kagome tried again to lift him and this time he seemed to understand, he strained and rested against her as he finally was able to stand with her help. Sesshomaru leaned heavily against her, his mouth hovered over her ear.

 “The urn...” His voice was broken and quiet. He did not have much strength left. Kagome looked around searching the area around them for an urn.

 “I don't see an urn?” Kagome said as she did a second glance just to make sure. His weight fell heavy on her as she tried to prop him up a bit better.

 “Ok look I have to get you back to the village, we can look for the urn when your strength is back. Now I need you to walk ok?” Kagome said as she slowly took easy steps. He followed in suite and slowly they started making their way back to the village. Kagome took weary glances as Sesshomaru with each step. 'He looks like he is gonna pass out at any moment, please Sesshomaru make it to the village.' Kagome thought to her self.

 When the village came into view Kagome let of a sigh of relief.

 “We are almost there ok? Just hold on a little longer.” Kagome begged. During the walk Sesshomaru's breaths had become ragged and what little energy he had left was diminishing quickly.

 “Miroku!” Kagome shouted as she came closer to his hut. At the sound of her panicked voice Miroku came dashing from his hut, followed by Sango who had her arms wrapped about her large belly, she called quickly back to the hut telling her little ones to stay inside.

 “Kagome?!” Sango called out startled “What happened?”

 “I found him like this by the well, Miroku can you get his other side? I need to get him inside?”

 “Of course!.” Miroku said as he rushed to Sesshomaru's other side to help alleviate all the weight from Kagome.

 “Kagome... is that Sesshomaru?” Sango asked

 “Yeah, I don’t know what happened or how long he was out there but he will be lucky if he has any toes left!” Kagome said as they walked Sesshomaru into her hut.

 “Can I help you with anything else?” Miroku asked

 “Umm yeah actually... Do you have something thick he could wear? We have to get him out of these snow covered clothes, Here walk him to the furs in the corner so we can lay him down.” Kagome directed. They eased the nearly unconscious Sesshomaru down and then Miroku left to bring something for him to wear back. Kagome hurried to get the fire pit in the middle of hut roaring to life. Sango neared the very human Sesshomaru.

 “What are you going to do with him Kagome?” Sango turned to look at the miko she called friend and sister.

 “I'm not really sure.” Kagome replied

 Once she had the fire started she returned to Sesshomaru. She lifted the large white fur from around him and her shawl. Her fingers nimbly undid the knot of his sash and she moved his swords over to the side of him. It was at the time Miroku returned with a gray thick kimono. Sango took this moment to excuse her self to check back on her children.

 “It may be a bit short but it should help keep him warm.” Miroku said as she handed the garment over to Kagome.

 “Miroku...do you mind if I let you remove his clothing and put this on him?” Kagome asked as her face flushed a light pink shade.

 “Of course, just help me prop him up.” Miroku snickered slightly. Kagome nodded as she watched Miroku quickly remove his armor while she sat behind him holding him up when needed. When Miroku went to start removing his clothes Kagome shut her eyes tightly and listened for Miroku's prompts on when to lift him or move him over.

 “Well that should do it, do you need anything else? Do you need some one to stay here with you?” Miroku asked worriedly

 “Oh, no. I will be fine thank you so much. Honestly in the state he is in right now even if he wanted to hurt me I don't think he could, but I don't see that being a problem. Thank you again though Miroku.” Kagome replied.

 “Strange situation. I wonder what happened.” Miroku said as he gestured towards the sleeping Sesshomaru, who had taken to sleep it seemed the minute they got him laying down.

 “I have no idea.” she said as she shrugged her shoulders. Miroku patted lightly on Kagome's shoulder and quietly walked out. Kagome looked towards Sesshomaru and for the next couple of hours she took to checking on him and pacing back and forth. Within those hours she had noticed his fever had started to spike, but his breathing had become stronger and color had returned to his face.

 As the sun began to sink her hut glowed with the light from the fire. Kagome was seated next to Sesshomaru dabbing lightly at his forehead with a damp cloth as his fever had risen and his skin had a light sheen of sweat upon it. She ran the cloth gently against his cheek, when her wrist was caught into his large grip.

 “Oh Sesshomaru! Are you awake?” Kagome asked. He opened his eyes and looked to her.

 “Where am I?” he asked. His voice was still strained from lack of strength

 “Your in the village, in my hut.”

 “Where is Inuyasha?” Sesshomaru voice weak as it was still carried a tone of disdain for his half brother.

 “He's not here.” Kagome cast her eyes down towards the floor.

 “Hn.” He released her hand but continued to watch her.

 “Are...are you hungry?” Kagome asked tentatively.


 “are you sure? I've made some broth, and you have a fever you might want to get something in you to help strengthen you back up.” Kagome practically pleaded with him

 “This Sesshomaru is not weak. Nor do I get sick.” he lashed out to her giving her a stern cold look. Kagome returned his icy stare, dropped the cloth she had been holding and quickly snatched a strand of his hair and held the lock in front of him. Sesshomaru's eyes zeroed in at his dark hair.

 “I'm not saying your weak, but at the moment you're not quite your self now are you.” Kagome stated.

 “Do you think I am unaware?” Sesshomaru retorted. Kagome dropped the lock of inky hair and cast her eyes to the floor.

 “No.” she replied tiredly, 'Just as stubborn.' she thought to herself. She picked up the damp cloth she had dropped and again brought it to his brow dabbing it lightly. For all his commotion and show of strength, all he had really accomplished was to bring about more sweat and using what little strength he had gained back.

 “You mentioned an Urn when I found you...” Kagome asked quietly, she glanced quickly at his eyes but the minute her eyes locked with his she skirted them somewhere else, but at least he didn't seem to look mad, just tired really. He stayed silent, not a word about the urn or even a protest for her to stop helping him.

 “Do you not want to talk about it?” She tried prodding again, but again she was met with silence. He watched her though, every move she made.

 “I have to find it.” He finally spoke. It was a quiet answer but an answer non the less.

 “Well, where did you lose it?” Kagome quipped back, she lightly ran the cloth across his cheek, her eyes followed the fine details of his face. 'Even as a human, he is still beautiful.' a light blush once again filled her cheeks as she thought to herself.

 “I did not lose it. The witch that did this too me has the urn.” He replied hotly

 “A witch?” Kagome thoughts raced with the idea of a green cackling witch, running around with an urn. 'Well at least he is telling me something.' she thought to her self. Kagome opened her mouth again to speak, but Sesshomaru pushed her hand with the cloth away from him, and with slight difficulty from his lack of strength rolled over. He spoke no more.

 a/n: And thats the first chapter. I hope to try and post at least once a week. Feel free to leave suggestions on my writing as like a said this is my first, so it's all a learning experiance for me and I hope to bring this story to life in a way that you will enjoy reading it :)