Chain of Memories by Lady Kirara

Something Wicked

Disclaimer: Inu and Co. belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I own nothing but the ideas and voices in my head. :3

Something Wicked

Miroku shuffled through the paperwork on his desk in irritation. Ever since Kagome left, things in the office were in total chaos. “Damnit! Where the hell is that letter!?”

The sound of shuffling feet drew closer and he paused to listen. No one except Kagome and himself were allowed in these quarters. It wasn’t safe for anyone else in the temple. “Who’s there!” He demanded.

A silky voice tut’d behind his right side. “What have we here? A visitor? For me?”

“Silence yourself Naraku.” Miroku spoke with disgust. He hated this wing. Only the most powerful of youkai were brought here; those youkai who would not submit to the law. Kagome was, by birthright, the sole guardian. Ever since she’d gone he’d been forced to watch over the wing. There was no one else more practiced.

His teachers had come to him, nearly a month earlier, congratulating him on his newest promotion. He did not understand at all until they explained that Kagome-sama was no longer working within the temple. In fact, hours earlier she had been seen leaving the sacred temple. Beyond the gate was a different world than he was used to. He’d been born and raised her inside the temple, and never ventured beyond its walls. He wondered why she wanted to.

When he questioned his teachers, they said she simply resigned. She wanted to see what else was out there in the world, and so they released her. Astute as he was, Miroku was sure there was more to the story, but he never questioned. It was forbidden.

And so he took up his newly appointed post, and guarded it with the utmost care. He still found himself sometimes wishing for his lesser post. Who knew there would be so much paperwork involved?

Two figures rounded the corner. “It’s just me Miroku-san.” A young woman with dark hair pulled back in a tight ponytail spoke through her slayer’s mask. In her hands she held a golden chain. Even those who did not possess holy powers could feel its power radiating. Attached to the chain was a small collar, designed to keep a youkai’s strength at bay until they could be trusted to be released. Currently, the collar was closed around a rather imposing youkai’s neck. His eyes were the color of garnet, and he was obviously angry, but there was nothing he could do to escape.


Prompt: Armed and Dangerous

Words: 400

Posted: 05.30.13

AN: I know I know! I should NOT be starting another serial, but I can't help it. I have deadlines to make, and I refuse to rush my other stories. This was originally intended to be a chapter story, but as I'm running out of time, drabbles will have to do.

Not limited to 100 words!!

Please do review and tell me what you think. :3