Across the Sea by Antalla

Chapter One

Some things in life cannot be explained. They just happen and even the best and brightest cannot unravel the mysteries behind its cause. Such an instance is what brings us together in this story.

Most who looked at the normally stoic male would never see the differences in him, never realize their implications. But to those who knew him, the changes were as clear as night and day. A extended pause, an almost daydreaming-like look; all unexplainable but there none the less.

Sesshoumaru, the killing perfection, was never one to be doubted, questioned or denied.

But it was not always so…


A cross look marred the tanned demoness’ face “Papa, why must we continue to live in fear? You are hiding away an entire population from the rest of the world for absolutely no reason!” 

“As I have stated before, one would not expect you to understand what it takes to keep this land safe” Emerald eyes never leaving the paperwork he was currently scrawling on.

“Remaining mute is not something that guarantees safety! It would be beneficial to our people to make ourselves known within the four corners! To trade and be recognized as a productive and powerful member of society it could open up new opportunities to us that would never before have been realized! You are – “

“ENOUGH!” slamming his hand down on the desk “I have heard enough of your foolishness for today!” glaring at his persistent daughter.

Turning to her mother, who had been silently perched on a pillow in a corner with threadwork “Mama, please”

“Kagome dear, perhaps its best if you go to the garden and clear your head from these thoughts” her mother, always the pacifist suggested.

With an exasperated huff she slid open the study door and angrily made her way down the halls of the palace she called home.

How could her parents not see that continuing to seclude themselves from the rest of the world would only lead to their destruction? It was not healthy to remain in the shadows, for you could not see and learn from those around you.

Their small but self-sustaining island laid just west toJapan. All her life there had only been one rule, never do anything to reveal themselves or to lead others here.

A thousand years ago there had been a great battle, the only time that her people had set foot inJapan. They aided the western and southern lands against some threat, whose name had been lost to time. The destruction and horrors of war lead the elders of her island to made a pact amongst themselves that as soon as their obligations to the western and southern lands had been fulfilled they would withdraw fromJapan. In the hope that their names would fade in time and that their small island would ultimately forgotten. They hoped to spare their children and grandchildren from such the savage things that they had been apart of.

They remained prepared, ever vigilant for a shift in the seas signaling trouble to come. Their army fine specimens of trained and disciplined warriors, and for a thousand years no one strained from the code.

Until her.


Kagome came to the gardens, breathing in the sweet fresh air and shielding her sensitive eyes from the sudden brightness of the sun. The stress from her morning confrontation with her father, the lord of this island, melting off her person as a smile tickled her lips. Walking around the floral laden bushes she allowed her hand to trail just above the new blooms. She loved this place, the peace that foliage surrounded solitude brought her could not be compared to anything. Never would she want anything to happen to her home nor its people.

There must be a way that she could see what was happening on the mainland and show her father that it was not something that they should fear? There was only one thing that she could think of that would be plausible but the consequences of doing so would be dire, did she dare to do it?

She continued around the palace grounds until she came to the gatehouse that protected and separated the main building from the rest of the village. She smiled as she passed Takuro, her fathers general and his oldest and most trusted friend. He was making his routine rounds.

Quickening her pace slightly she hurried through and detoured so that she was out of his line of sight. His ever watchful gaze seemed to burn a hole in her back. It was as if she had been found out already, before she had even done anything wrong.


Stepping out of the dense forest that surrounded the beach she breathed a sigh of relief. It took roughly thirty minutes to make it through the fishing trail in her kimono, she made a mental note to wear more appropriate clothing the next time she attempted such a feat. Walking to the shore she stopped just short of the where the water was breaching up on the shore. Looking out across the crystal blue expanse she could make out the line in the distance that was Japan.

A look of determination came across her face, she was certain what needed to be done. Yes she was satisfying her own curiosity about this new place but she would also be helping her people. Summoning a demonic cloud of mist around her feet she shot into the air, quicker than any mere mortals eyes would be able to follow and began the journey over the sea to the forbidden lands.