A Summer Trial by Ame

Prologue; Meet the Girl and Chap. 1; A Lucky Call

Author's Note:

1- this story has been written previously for other sites, so you might have seen or read it before. I am, however editing it again as we speak and am going to try and pump it up a little more if I can.

2-PLEASE do not flame me. I have not had this happen and I hope it never will. You will reported and I will revoke anonymous revies. If you don't like it, fine....stop reading its that simple.

3- This is modern day, demons and humans exhist relatively peacefully. Plus, there are no character hates in here. Kikyo is not evil/soul stealing and she is actually a very good friend (in this particular story). Again, if you do no like it, then stop reading.

4- (and lastly) the names, obviously, are not mine, nor do I own anything Inuyasha related. However, the personalities that come out are created in my head, so they may seem VERY OOC to you. But it is an alternate universe so that is just how it is. Now, enough with the author notes....on to the prologue.

 Prologue: Meet the Girl

Once, not so long ago, there was a fairly intelligent, yet down to earth girl who lived a relatively quiet life in Okinawa at a shrine owned through the generations by her family. Like most, she had a few close friends, a loving mother and brother and, all together, a relatively average view of the world . An average view, with one exception; shortly after Graduating High School, instead of starting University she decided to join a program that would allow her to travel and experience what life might be like after college. The program was designed to help you get an idea of what you might like to do in the future and, in theory, help make choosing a major an easier task. While in this program, she met two of her closest friends, Sango and Kikyo, and together, they headed off to Tokyo for a year and a half, experiencing the big city life.

While there, they did many things, from helping and working part time in the community and temping at large business firms to simple things like hanging out, seeing the sites and catching the new movies. It was, fascinatingly enough, one of these simple things that would ultimately lead to an adventure she never would have thought possible. The girls saw a movie that featured an amazing band; Shards of a Demons Soul, though they first thought they were nothing but actors. In time, Sango and Kikyo discovered who the band was and developed quite a liking for their music, not to mention a liking for the good looking Youkai and Human males themselves, and it was only a matter of time before they drew the other girl into the musical web. Each girl had their own favorite guy, and they all imagined about what it would be like to meet him.

Soon enough, however, the program drew to a close and the girls had to return to their homes. It wasn't until a couple summers later that, through a stroke of luck, this young lady's life took a turn she never saw coming.

How do I know all this? Simple, I am that very same girl, the one who made friends, traveled, began to admire the works of a band (and one demon from that band in particular). My name is Kagome, and this…this is my story

Chapter One: A Lucky Call


"..."= talking

'...'= thinking

italics= phone conversation

Chapter 1:

It's early summer, and it seems to be hotter than I remember past Summers as being. It's been a little over 2 years since I last got to see and hang out with my two close friends Sango and Kikyo. As we had started college and busy getting a degree. I had decided to become a teacher myself and my school year had just come to a close. Therefor, I decided to host a little get together in the middle of May, which leaves just one week left. Unbeknownest to her friends, Shards of a Demons Soul were going to be in town during the same week. However, I knew that the tickets had long since been sold out so I didn't feel like sharing the information and disappointing them. But we're getting off topic; today was officially my last day working as a teachers aid thanks to summer break. I was climbing the steps up to our shrine when I heard something interesting on the radio. Stumbling on the next step, I take time to turn up the volume thinking I must have misunderstood.

"That's right folks, when this song finishes playing, the first caller with the correct answer will win not only one....not two.... but THREE backstage passes. Yes, three backstage passes to the ever popular, and not to mention sold out, concert for tthe gorgeous and talented Shards of a Demons Soul."

Standing was no longer an option, so I turn and sit down on the step, breathing in and out slowly, thinking to myself 'Okay, kagome, just calm it down. nothing has happened yet, and odds are that you will never get through the phone lines.' I listen and wait patiently for the song to finish play, my finger poised ready and waiting to key in the number for the radio. 'Finally! it's finished!' I take a deep breath, dial and wait as I hear the phone ring.

Suddenly the other end is picked up but it sounded wierd, distorted and echo-like. Suddenly, I realize that not only do I hear what is going on through my phone, but I am also hearing myself, on the radio....live. 'Oh My gods!!!!'

"This is your radio host, Toki Yuki! Congratulations, you are our lucky first caller. Are you ready for the question miss....?"

"Kagome," I reply, almost breathlessy as I nearly choke from shock. My first thought was 'gee Kags, you're going to sound like a complete idiot over the radio.' but after a moment ti transformed into 'what do I have to lose...with as much random information that Sango would bring up even if it barely involved the band at all, you probably have the answer somewhere in your head.' "Okay Toki, I am as ready for your question as I ever will be."

"Alrighty then. As you may know, the band Shards of a Demons Soul got their name from an infamous legend that revolved around a certain jewel. If you can tell me what that jewel was and the supposed creators name, the prize is yours. You have 30 seconds to think before I require your final answer."

'Okay Kagome, think hard, you know this. You've read about it in one of the first interviews that band did, not to mention you've grown up hearing about legends like that from gramps. Think...think....THINK!' Suddenly, it pops into my head. "Toki, I believe the answer is the Shikon no Tama, or Jewel of Four Souls and it was created by a powerful Priestess named Midoriko during a terrible battle with an evil demon who was bent on ruling the world."

There is silence for a few seconds, before he finally replies, "I am terribly sorry Kagome," I feel myself gasp, struggling to think of there was some other jewel I could have mixed it up with. "I'm sorry that you're going to have to change whatever plans you made for next Friday because you will be back stage with two of your friends listening to Shards of a Demons Soul. Please stay on the line so that I can get all your information.

After I give the radio staff my full name and gather the information on what I need to do next, I hang up the phone and then stare into space as it all slowly starts to sink in. 'No way....NO FREAKING WAY!!!!! Not only will I get to see my band, live, here in my hometown, for free....but I will also get to meet them, one on one, with my two best friends. Oh they are so going to flip out!'

It probably takes me a full 10 minutes before I realize that I am still sitting on the same step, half way up the stairs to the shrine. When I finally my thoughts back to the here and now, I turn and make a mad dash up the rest of the way and fly into the house, up the stairs and into my room. It only takes me a couple of seconds more to decide that I would rather keep the concert a last minute surprise from my friends. I know it might be a risky move, possibly entailing bodily harm once they find out, but the expressions on their faces will be too priceless to waste. I do, however, need to give them a call and create some sort of back story so they will pack appropriately for the fun.

I create a story in my head before I decide to call Sango first. I grab my phone and stretch out on my bed as I push send. The line seems to ring for forever before she finally answers, breathing heavily as if just finishing a marathon .

"Sango? Are you okay? What with the out of breath answering service?"

Sorry, my phone was up in my room and I was on the other side of the house. I didn't know how long you would continue to let it ring so I made a mad dash to get to it as quickly as possible. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing much. I was just calling to double check on what time you estimate that you will make it here next week. You're coming on Thursday right?"

"Yeah, I should be there late Thursday afternoon, probably around 5pm or so. Why?"

"Oh, no reason in particular. I just want to make sure I'm not out and away from the house when you get here. Oh, and I also wanted to let you know that we might go out to a fun club or something, so make sure to pack some clothing that will be perfect for that. It needs to be comfortable for a long night out as well. Okay?

"SWEET! Keeping awesome surprises till the last moment. That is just so like you Kags."

I smile into the phone, 'oh, poor Sango, you have no idea about the surprises I have in mind.' "Well, it was all very spur of the moment, but I do try to keep you on your toes. Actually, I need to let Kikyo know as well, so I'm going to have to let you go now Sango. Se you next week!

"Bye, see you later." The phone clicks. I stand and stretch with a huge smile on my face. 'One down and one to go' I think to myself as I start to dial Kikyos number.

"Kik? Is that you?" I ask once the phone stops ringing.

"Yeah, I'm just about to run off to work, so you'll have to talk quickly, okay?"

"Sure thing, I just wanted to make sure you were still planning on arriving Thursday afternoon and to also tell you to bring something nice yet comfortable as we might get a chance to go to this new club on Friday."

:Sounds great!" She says, "I should be in town at about 5:30 or six on Thursday, but I have really got to go now. By Kags, see you then."

"Great! See you when you get here" We both hang up and I just start laughing out loud in my room. I'm sure if my family can hear me, they will think I've gone crazy.

Now, all I have to do is continue to wait patiently until next week. It still hasn't sunk in yet that this is real, but perhaps after I pick up the passess at the radio station tomrrow it will seem less like a dream. Either way, I still just can't believe my luck.